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I can't compreend why God did everything so easy for women



WOMEN OWE ME SEX - Discord: personapimp
Feb 3, 2020
Sexual inequality is one of the things that makes me distrust God
He didn't, society did
they are demiurge heralds. their only job is creating more entropy and chaos.
There is no God.
God is dead.
Because of two reasons:

1) We're the naturally dominant gender. The rules are totally different for us.

2) We've also managed to lose control of this society, hence things are all warped and life is even more difficult for us than it would be normally (men always have to shoulder a fair amount of burden).
He didn't, cumskins/simps/cucks did.
What a retarded projection. Black communities in western world were first to have poligamy, single moms, ratchet hoes and cheating extremely prevelant, where men had to thugmaxx to get a woman and thus put everything on the line. MGTOW also comes from black communities. All this shit just got adopted by all the other communities by negroidation of nations by (((THEM))). Niggers destroy everything. Whites were the last ones to have their women in check in the western world. Only Islamic countries kept their norms for longer but even they are losing to the jews now.
At least he gave them painfull periods and childbirth :feelsaww:
What a retarded projection. Black communities in western world were first to have poligamy, single moms, ratchet hoes and cheating extremely prevelant, where men had to thugmaxx to get a woman and thus put everything on the line. MGTOW also comes from black communities. All this shit just got adopted by all the other communities by negroidation of nations by (((THEM))). Niggers destroy everything. Whites were the last ones to have their women in check in the western world. Only Islamic countries kept their norms for longer but even they are losing to the jews now.
This. Niggers are incredibly cucked and their culture is matriarchical.

All the thug shit is nothing but larp. Niggers get beaten and neglected by their moms more than any other race, yet fiercly love them.
At least he gave them painfull periods and childbirth :feelsaww:
Cope, the pain of 100000 periods combined doesn't even come close to the pain and suffering that the average trucel goes through.
blame the simp mindset :feelsdevil: for every entitled foid stand behind a dozen white knights and cucks.
More like a thousand simps and cucks.
The average landwhale foid has an army of simps waiting in line for a chance to betabuxx her and give her their entire net worth and everything they own :feelsclown:
This. Niggers are incredibly cucked and their culture is matriarchical.

All the thug shit is nothing but larp. Niggers get beaten and neglected by their moms more than any other race, yet fiercly love them.
Thug shit also comes from single motherhood prevelant in their communities which was a norm for decades before whites. Their whores fucked Tyrones. They literally had those problems before anyone else in the west. All the bad comes from them.
blacks are just more primitive, lower IQ, lower impulse. so they are more similar to animals. thats why they revert to animal behavior most easily.

but blacks are this way coz cumskins have too much empathy.

if it were up for low empathy race like the yellow race, the blacks would be supressed like hell. see what yellow did to Ainus, Hmong, muslims in china, Uighurs, Tibetans etc.
Chinks don't have jewish overlords cucking them though. This is what helps them to be more uncucked.

I don't disagree completely though but what you said has nothing to do with the topic and my initial post. Blacks were creators of their own misery.
God didn't make things so easy for women, men did :blackpill::blackpill::blackpill:
They were supposed to stay in their place and submit to their husband, but they disobeyed.
Hopefully they will all burn in hell for this.
He didn't, cumskins/simps/cucks did.
He give young fertile females huge biological power. For example , virgin girl can sell her virginity for 500000 € or infuence people's opinion by partaking in some activity. Some women influenced policy of the whole nations. While I'm low IQ retarded loser who works in low paid job and no one listens to me or respects me.
Your first mistake is believing god is real. He supposedly punished women by making childbirth painful after deceiving adam. Some punishment that was for leading to the damnation of men.
Good question to ask
In re-rolling religion the creator(an unimaginably power computer server farm in another dimension/higher level/universe) running this universe simulator.. it left the future and present to be decided by spirits and NPC's in the game world.

The problem if the creator made it a certain way like say equality and made it unchangeable is then spirits wouldn't have agency. Spirits wouldn't be able to work on long term projects spanning many lifetimes to change the reality.

Potentially the computer can guide the game world through the actions of NPC's. That is something I am not sure on. The problem with that is if it was too guided then spirits wouldn't be able to make an impact.
He give young fertile females huge biological power. For example , virgin girl can sell her virginity for 500000 € or infuence people's opinion by partaking in some activity. Some women influenced policy of the whole nations. While I'm low IQ retarded loser who works in low paid job and no one listens to me or respects me.

Ya spirits playing females they have that huge power that one man can make many women pregnant. But a woman can only get pregnant from one man at a time.

The flip side is a woman can't make like 10 babies at once, whereas men can.

This is what led us into this whole 95/5 issue.
What a retarded projection. Black communities in western world were first to have poligamy, single moms, ratchet hoes and cheating extremely prevelant, where men had to thugmaxx to get a woman and thus put everything on the line. MGTOW also comes from black communities. All this shit just got adopted by all the other communities by negroidation of nations by (((THEM))). Niggers destroy everything. Whites were the last ones to have their women in check in the western world. Only Islamic countries kept their norms for longer but even they are losing to the jews now.

Ya the Jews really broke the back of Islam.. by telling through the tv/media that Islamcels could be 'players' sleeping with a bunch of women if only they give women freedom.

Eg.. a Jew can make a show that is fictional but tell them it is a 'reality' tv show, and have some ugly Islamcel who gymmaxxes and looksmaxxes he becomes a slayer on the tv show. Then millions of Islamcels they want that too, so the Jews say sure, but we have to make it so women can sleep around because right now they can't.. and Muslims say sure ok no problem.
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The idea that there isn't a creator is bizarre. That everything was created from nothing on accident.

You could take the world's greatest scientists and give them endless resources and they wouldn't even be able to create a single-cell organism. Then look at how complicated human beings are and all of the cycles in nature and the solar system and everything that work so well together.

19 Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them.

20 For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse: (Romans 1:19 - 20)

The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. (Psalm 14:1)
God doesn't exist, there is only natural selection and instincts :blackpill:
They were supposed to stay in their place and submit to their husband, but they disobeyed.
Hopefully they will all burn in hell for this.
God IQ post

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