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Serious i called the police on drug dealer chad who was fucking my oneitis



Apr 8, 2018
i took the advice of you all and decided call the police station directly, using a online phone (google voice). they were happy to take the tip - i told them where the guy lives, what drugs he sells, and exactly what he looks like.and what car he drives.

im glad now that he will probably go to jail, but what if he ends up in court and im forced to testify? if he knows it is me he will end my incel life so quick i would be dead before i hit the ground. on the other hand, if he does get in legal trouble maybe my oneitis will talk to me (shes been ignoring my texts, and i only got her number because we were in a class together for a project)

i think i made a mistake listening to the people here becasue i know its natural law that the chad will always destory the incel who pipes up against them. i think i just signed my death warrant listening to you people
Snitches get stitches.
you did the right thing
You wont have to testify against him, he will ony get arrested if the cops find his drugs or evidence of him selling and at that point nobody will be needed to testify.
Atta boy. Don't bitch out in court, though.
Just get a gun and a concealed carry permit, get firearms training, and you'll probably be all right.
if he does get in legal trouble maybe my oneitis will talk to me (shes been ignoring my texts, and i only got her number because we were in a class together for a project

I really fucking hate guys like you, if I met you in real life and could identify you, I'd fucking kill you.

You have a great chance at sweet revenge, and instead of getting this bitch implicated in his crimes by planting evidence in her house and leaving another tip to the police, you literally are doing all this shit just for "a chance" at her noticing you, you have the perfect fucking chance for revenge, one none of use ever get and you are wasting it smh, fucking shame on you, you pathetic fuck, kill yourself.

Perfect chance to punish a roastie for being "chad chaser", a drug dealer on top of that, and you waste it for the sake of "notice me senpai, did you get my text?".

Also idiot you should have bought a burner cell and made a call to make the tip or made the call from a payphone in another area miles away, why the fuck would you use an "online phone" that would likely keep record of shit like an IP address, how do you know he isn't selling drugs with the blessing of cops in his area and they can now inform him that somebody ratted him out. You deserve to die, not only for being fucking stupid, but for being so pathetic that all of this wasn't even for a "true revenge", it was under the hopes that your fucking enemy would not fall for you.

If I was a mod you'd be banned after this post.
I really fucking hate guys like you, if I met you in real life and could identify you, I'd fucking kill you.

You have a great chance at sweet revenge, and instead of getting this bitch implicated in his crimes by planting evidence in her house and leaving another tip to the police, you literally are doing all this shit just for "a chance" at her noticing you, you have the perfect fucking chance for revenge, one none of use ever get and you are wasting it smh, fucking shame on you, you pathetic fuck, kill yourself.

Perfect chance to punish a roastie for being "chad chaser", a drug dealer on top of that, and you waste it for the sake of "notice me senpai, did you get my text?".

Also idiot you should have bought a burner cell and made a call to make the tip or made the call from a payphone in another area miles away, why the fuck would you use an "online phone" that would likely keep record of shit like an IP address, how do you know he isn't selling drugs with the blessing of cops in his area and they can now inform him that somebody ratted him out. You deserve to die, not only for being fucking stupid, but for being so pathetic that all of this wasn't even for a "true revenge", it was under the hopes that your fucking enemy would not fall for you.

If I was a mod you'd be banned after this post.

well good thing ur not a mod faggot. keep coping, inhibcel
Good job OP
I'm sure they can't force you to testify...just say that you fear for your safety or some BS
You'll hopefully be rid of this POS soon
i applaud you, OP.

You did the right thing. Not just for yourself but for society as a whole.
Good job, I was thinking of calling them on a stacy I know who drives home drunk every weekend when she goes clubbing .
Ah, sweet revenge. Deserves a life-fuel tag.
Does anyone know that you tipped off the police?
You don't have to testify shit if you're not comfortable with it, it's an anonymous :feelsbaton: tip and if they want for tell the pigs to get fucked
It's called an anonymous tip for a reason, you'll be fine. Fuck that drug dealer, sob.
Would you kiss your oneitis after drug dealer Chad cummed on her face?
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So all this in the hope that a foid that doesn't give a shit about you will notice you? She will just move onto the next druggy chad. Also not a fan of police, they are the ones who often go after incels for looking 'suspicious'.
So all this in the hope that a foid that doesn't give a shit about you will notice you? She will just move onto the next druggy chad. Also not a fan of police, they are the ones who often go after incels for looking 'suspicious'.
I agree with all that, especially about the police. But if you can make it harder for chad and stacy, go for it.
I really fucking hate guys like you, if I met you in real life and could identify you, I'd fucking kill you.

You have a great chance at sweet revenge, and instead of getting this bitch implicated in his crimes by planting evidence in her house and leaving another tip to the police, you literally are doing all this shit just for "a chance" at her noticing you, you have the perfect fucking chance for revenge, one none of use ever get and you are wasting it smh, fucking shame on you, you pathetic fuck, kill yourself.

Perfect chance to punish a roastie for being "chad chaser", a drug dealer on top of that, and you waste it for the sake of "notice me senpai, did you get my text?".

Also idiot you should have bought a burner cell and made a call to make the tip or made the call from a payphone in another area miles away, why the fuck would you use an "online phone" that would likely keep record of shit like an IP address, how do you know he isn't selling drugs with the blessing of cops in his area and they can now inform him that somebody ratted him out. You deserve to die, not only for being fucking stupid, but for being so pathetic that all of this wasn't even for a "true revenge", it was under the hopes that your fucking enemy would not fall for you.

If I was a mod you'd be banned after this post.

It's a sad day in hell when I agree with this guy. Be surprised if this guy doesn't spill the beans somehow on himself just from how pathetic he sounds.
i took the advice of you all and decided call the police station directly, using a online phone (google voice). they were happy to take the tip - i told them where the guy lives, what drugs he sells, and exactly what he looks like.and what car he drives.

im glad now that he will probably go to jail, but what if he ends up in court and im forced to testify? if he knows it is me he will end my incel life so quick i would be dead before i hit the ground. on the other hand, if he does get in legal trouble maybe my oneitis will talk to me (shes been ignoring my texts, and i only got her number because we were in a class together for a project)

i think i made a mistake listening to the people here becasue i know its natural law that the chad will always destory the incel who pipes up against them. i think i just signed my death warrant listening to you people
How old are you?
snitches deserve to be beheaded
I really fucking hate guys like you, if I met you in real life and could identify you, I'd fucking kill you.

You have a great chance at sweet revenge, and instead of getting this bitch implicated in his crimes by planting evidence in her house and leaving another tip to the police, you literally are doing all this shit just for "a chance" at her noticing you, you have the perfect fucking chance for revenge, one none of use ever get and you are wasting it smh, fucking shame on you, you pathetic fuck, kill yourself.

Perfect chance to punish a roastie for being "chad chaser", a drug dealer on top of that, and you waste it for the sake of "notice me senpai, did you get my text?".

Also idiot you should have bought a burner cell and made a call to make the tip or made the call from a payphone in another area miles away, why the fuck would you use an "online phone" that would likely keep record of shit like an IP address, how do you know he isn't selling drugs with the blessing of cops in his area and they can now inform him that somebody ratted him out. You deserve to die, not only for being fucking stupid, but for being so pathetic that all of this wasn't even for a "true revenge", it was under the hopes that your fucking enemy would not fall for you.

If I was a mod you'd be banned after this post.
OP is a cuck
Excellent. I agree with some people here, you DID the right thing. You thinking that your oneitis will talk to you is completely wrong. It will use you as a shoulder while CHAD is gone, or will be angry at you for snitching on chad.
Is the drug dealer brack?
what are you afraid of lmao? dying? KEK. tell that motherfucker to eat rocks.
I really fucking hate guys like you, if I met you in real life and could identify you, I'd fucking kill you.

You have a great chance at sweet revenge, and instead of getting this bitch implicated in his crimes by planting evidence in her house and leaving another tip to the police, you literally are doing all this shit just for "a chance" at her noticing you, you have the perfect fucking chance for revenge, one none of use ever get and you are wasting it smh, fucking shame on you, you pathetic fuck, kill yourself.

Perfect chance to punish a roastie for being "chad chaser", a drug dealer on top of that, and you waste it for the sake of "notice me senpai, did you get my text?".

Also idiot you should have bought a burner cell and made a call to make the tip or made the call from a payphone in another area miles away, why the fuck would you use an "online phone" that would likely keep record of shit like an IP address, how do you know he isn't selling drugs with the blessing of cops in his area and they can now inform him that somebody ratted him out. You deserve to die, not only for being fucking stupid, but for being so pathetic that all of this wasn't even for a "true revenge", it was under the hopes that your fucking enemy would not fall for you.

If I was a mod you'd be banned after this post.
Even though planting evidence on the roastie would have got her in trouble she would have easily gotten out of it. In the US at least it isn't common for woman to get lighter sentences or even no real sentence just probation.

But yeah OP is stupid for not being better at concealing his fucking tracks, like there is so many ways to be anonymous about it yet he goes aspie and uses google (the jews favorite site).
For real tho, if he weren't a chad I would have wished you got what you deserved since snitching is for bitches.
Yeah, the gloves come off when it comes to chad.
what are you afraid of lmao? dying? KEK. tell that motherfucker to eat rocks.
yeah its not like op is living in luxury with a chad vessel. Tell him to LDAR in prison op
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Lifefuel. But time to home security and firearm max.
OP you sound like a huge bitch. Your username is 69 but you a pussy ass dude hiding behind the cops

just LOL @ chasing a bitch go back to reddit. you will never get a girl with this cuck mentality. if you were a man she would fuck you not that dude. shes just gonna jump on another dick and you will stay incel unless you change yourself drastically. the drug dealer is the guy you need in your life
Honestly pathetic. It’s not like you making chads life a bit more difficult is going to somehow get you laid. Chad will get out and continue fucking your oneitis, while all you can do is get off on the noises of them fucking
Honestly pathetic. It’s not like you making chads life a bit more difficult is going to somehow get you laid. Chad will get out and continue fucking your oneitis, while all you can do is get off on the noises of them fucking
It won't but seeing chad suffer for once is lifefuel in itself
i have a hard time believing this but assuming it's true, good job.
Any updates op? Did he get arrested? For once I want to see us have a victory over the chads who cuck us no matter how small.
Also don't care about what anyone says op, I'm on your side.
i took the advice of you all and decided call the police station directly, using a online phone (google voice). they were happy to take the tip - i told them where the guy lives, what drugs he sells, and exactly what he looks like.and what car he drives.

im glad now that he will probably go to jail, but what if he ends up in court and im forced to testify? if he knows it is me he will end my incel life so quick i would be dead before i hit the ground. on the other hand, if he does get in legal trouble maybe my oneitis will talk to me (shes been ignoring my texts, and i only got her number because we were in a class together for a project)

i think i made a mistake listening to the people here becasue i know its natural law that the chad will always destory the incel who pipes up against them. i think i just signed my death warrant listening to you people
You're just a fucking snitch. How can you even think that she will start to like a rat like you after hanging around bad boy drug dealers ? pathetic....

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