Welcome to Incels.is - Involuntary Celibate Forum

Welcome! This is a forum for involuntary celibates: people who lack a significant other. Are you lonely and wish you had someone in your life? You're not alone! Join our forum and talk to people just like you.

I belong in the paleolithic era.



Nov 7, 2017
Naturally high T (not anymore due to T blockers).


Primitive face.

Extremely low IQ.



People like me are not meant for a civilized society. We're too stupid to contribute in any meaningful way and our aggressiveness makes us far more likely to be destructive. Most of my ilk end up in prison and end up costing tax payers a lot of money.
Why are you on T blockers? I thought they are only for trannies?
Wtf, dude? You shouldn't be an incel.
Red Shambhala said:
Why are you on T blockers? I thought they are only for trannies?

I'm on spironolactone for hair loss.
Anon said:
Wtf, dude? You shouldn't be an incel.

Why do you think that?

Being a primitive high T ogre is worse than being a harmless looking incel like blackops2cel.

Guys like me are the true untouchables of society.
You literally just described chad for the most part however, i have no doubt that if you have subhuman looks/mentalcel you are still destined to be incel.
Ryo_Hazuki said:
Why do you think that?  

Being a primitive high T ogre is worse than being a harmless looking incel like blackops2cel.

Guys like me are the true untouchables of society.

But girls like getting fucked by primitive males
How do you look primitive? Do you have a long philtrum? Comically strong browridge? Big nose?
Most of us here seem to believe that one only needs what we personally are lacking in order to score. Manlets believe you just need to be tall, the ones with ugly faces believe that you just need a good face, the non-whites believe you just need to be white, those lacking in masculinity believe that you just need to be high-T, high-T ogres believe that being a pretty boy can work and so on.
I still don't believe that you are dumb though. You are always well articulated and not close and simple minded like all the low IQ guys I know IRL. You always hold a well balanced and fairly reflected position on topics.
Ryo_Hazuki said:
Naturally high T (not anymore due to T blockers).
Primitive face.
Extremely low IQ.
People like me are not meant for a civilized society. We're too stupid to contribute in any meaningful way and our aggressiveness makes us far more likely to be destructive. Most of my ilk end up in prison and end up costing tax payers a lot of money.

>play team sport
You sound like a fucking jock who slay all the JBs,mate.
Have you ever approach or ask chicks out?
At least you have bro-friends and respect from guys.

Just lol@at a DOM sportman who wasting his life on weak virgin forums.
Anon said:
But girls like getting fucked by primitive males

Lol. Some women might like good looking masculine chads but they HATE primitive looking ogres.
>play team sport

I only played basketball my freshman year of HS. It's been many years since I played any sports.

Have you ever approach or ask chicks out?

I approached a lot of women when I was younger.

Just lol@at a DOM sportman who wasting his life on weak virgin forums.

What makes you think everyone here is "weak"? I'm sure there's a lot of high T ogres on here.

Also, like I said, I'm on T blockers now so I'm extremely weak these days.
Ryo_Hazuki said:
>play team sport
I only played basketball my freshman year of HS. It's been many years since I played any sports.
Have you ever approach or ask chicks out?
I approached a lot of women when I was younger.
Just lol@at a DOM sportman who wasting his life on weak virgin forums.
What makes you think everyone here is "weak"? I'm sure there's a lot of high T ogres on here.
Also, like I said, I'm on T blockers now so I'm extremely weak these days.

First,I dont mean "every users here is weak" ,I mean "the most of user here".

Sorry,but it just a stereotype that most of users here are unathletic lowT basement dwelling virgins.
Because if you play team sports you wont waste your precious training time on a forums.
it also indicates that you have a decent social life with your friends which women find it attractive.
But I won't deny the fact that L is the most important factor in a dating world.
Octopusgun2 said:
How do you look primitive? Do you have a long philtrum? Comically strong browridge? Big nose?

I had all of those problems before surgery.

Now I only have 1 out of 3 (my nose is still big even after two rhinoplasties).
Ryo_Hazuki said:
Lol.  Some women might like good looking masculine chads but they HATE primitive looking ogres.

Some women like ogres too. Some of them. You are a threat though to the majority
I bet you dont get bullied unlikes many incels here.
I bet you dont get bullied unlikes many incels here.

I got called ugly a lot in high school.

I'll admit though, most people knew not to mess with me because I had a reputation for being violent and "psycho".
Ryo_Hazuki said:
I bet you dont get bullied unlikes many incels here.
I got called ugly a lot in high school.
I'll admit though, most people knew not to mess with me because I had a reputation for being violent and "psycho".
Same, people would call me ugly behind my back but never dared to say it in my face. I was quick to react to whoever insulted me. Although I never really bullied anyone (only bullied those who make fun of my face).
Waitso you had plasticsurgeries but youre still incel?
Ryo_Hazuki said:
I bet you dont get bullied unlikes many incels here.
I got called ugly a lot in high school.
I'll admit though, most people knew not to mess with me because I had a reputation for being violent and "psycho".
Kind of verbal attacks,they can only attack you verbally not physically because if they do they will have their asses kicked.LOL
What type of people that verbally attacked you,tho?
A pretty boy,i guess...
Ryo_Hazuki said:
I got called ugly a lot in high school.  

I'll admit though, most people knew not to mess with me because I had a reputation for being violent and "psycho".

I've never met before a weeb who has a reputation of being violent and badass. All anime freaks in my HS where the same kind of pale skinny high inhib escapists.
Being a bald high T > being a twink with hair.
Kind of verbal attacks,they can only attack you verbally not physically because if they do they will have their asses kicked.LOL
What type of people that verbally attacked you,tho?
A pretty boy,i guess...

Some were. Some were girls. Some where incel themselves.
Being a bald high T > being a twink with hair.


Bald high T ogre: incel

Twink with hair: gets girls
I belong in 1200's so i could be a viking pirate. AAAAAARGH!!!!
Ryo_Hazuki said:
Kind of verbal attacks,they can only attack you verbally not physically because if they do they will have their asses kicked.LOL
What type of people that verbally attacked you,tho?
A pretty boy,i guess...
Some were. Some were girls. Some where incel themselves.
Did the DOMS were too?
modus_coperandi said:
I've never met before a weeb who has a reputation of being violent and badass. All anime freaks in my HS where the same kind of pale skinny high inhib escapists.

The thing is, when youre ugly, you're not "badass"

Good looking + aggressive and violent = badass alpha

Ugly + aggressive and violent = mentally unstable psycho
You would have been ripped apart in that era.
I do believe perhaps it's why this guy went ER:

Note however, that guy actually was a slayer however reportedly he had to force himself on and rape girls

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