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Blackpill "I believe in white nationalism/libertarianism" = "I am ugly"



Nov 15, 2017


Militant Nazi Libertarian Neo-Confederate? Wtf ideology is this

The ideology of a 40-years old unemployed virgin.
Ok I guess. I am fairly ugly, that's one of the reason's I'm here. Also a WN.
Ok I guess. I am fairly ugly, that's one of the reason's I'm here. Also a WN.
I used to be (and still am to an extent) a libertarian and neo-nazi. But one should face the truth with courage: these are ideologies tailored for lonely virgin men.
I used to be (and still am to an extent) a libertarian and neo-nazi. But one should face the truth with courage: these are ideologies tailored for lonely virgin men.
I'm neither a nazi nor a libertarian, but isn't that a bit harsh?
I used to be (and still am to an extent) a libertarian and neo-nazi. But one should face the truth with courage: these are ideologies tailored for lonely virgin men.
Sure I guess. Just like anime is tailored for these men as well. It is what it is.
Hating incels because of their race is divisive and just fucking ugly. It's one thing to hate their looks and be race-realistic, doesn't mean
you have to treat them like shit for their race.
I'm neither a nazi nor a libertarian, but isn't that a bit harsh?
Both libertarianism and neo-nazism are antisocial, selfish ideologies. Libertarianism is self-evidently selfish (that is the whole point of the philosophy) while neo-nazism, beyond its shock value and refusal of modern structures like human rights and international law, wants to restrict altruism to your genetic kin.

Happy people who never had any reason to hate society don't go into these ideologies.
Both libertarianism and neo-nazism are antisocial, selfish ideologies. Libertarianism is self-evidently selfish (that is the whole point of the philosophy) while neo-nazism, beyond its shock value and refusal of modern structures like human rights and international law, wants to restrict altruism to your genetic kin.

Happy people who never had any reason to hate society don't go into these ideologies.
That's actually a pretty good point, there does seem to be a correlation there. Maybe I'm just biased, as I used to find myself agreeing with Hitler, and to a much greater extent, Otto Strasser on a lot of things.

Nice profile picture.
Thanks, Clare is great.
Libertarianism has nothing to do with white nationalism.
Why then do most American WNs support Ron Paul?

Because they’re confused.

For the most part it’s because they like guns and think the libertarians are the only party to uphold the right to bear arms. Their knowledge of political ideologies is pretty limited.

Incidentally, I’m not a libertarian, but I at least understand it. I’m also definitely not a WN.
If you care about politics in anyway=i am ugly.
Why then do most American WNs support Ron Paul?
Because true libertarians are for freedom of association. Allowing that, WN can at least separated themselves legally. Which is fine, tbh.
It's a bit paradoxal, because being ugly/unsuccessful with girls increases your chances of becoming a white nationalist/libertarian/any other fringe anti-left ideology, but at the same time, low testosterone definitely had a correlation with leftism/liberalism. But high T is common to both stereotypical Chad and fringe-movement adherents.

We pretty much get that:

Ugly and high T= fringe ideologies most likely (I'm here tbh)
Ugly and low T= leftist cuck
Handsome and high T= Chad who's too busy enjoying life to even stop and think deeply about such things
Handsome and low T= pretty boy leftist liberal/typical hipster
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Ugly and high T= fringe ideologies most likely (I'm here tbh)
Ugly and low T= leftist cuck
Handsome and high T= Chad who's too busy enjoying life to even stop and think deeply about such things
Handsome and low T= pretty boy leftist liberal/typical hipster
High IQ
I think WNs flock to Libertarianism because it's the only mainstream political ideology that won't actively kick them out. Ron Paul is a meme and those it's happening posts in the early 2010s annoyed the fuck out of me. Libertarians are pretty much only good for a protest vote, especially if you live in a heavily leaning red or blue state. I'd bet everyone would like to see some third party challenge, but that'll never happen. I find it ironic how the precursors to the modern day Libertarians were seen as champions of minority rights before the 1960s. There are still some notable black libertarians like Sowell and Thomas right now, but those guys are much older so I think they come from a time when they minorities had a distaste for reliance on the government. I think the ideology is wide ranging which is probably why it's so disjointed. Apparently Rothbard and Chomsky are both considered Libertarians. Despite the tangent, I agree with your points in general though. I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of MSTOW copers are libertarians. They think they've left society behind when it's the opposite.
The thing about the alt right is actually very interesting. It attracts people on polar opposite ends of the looks spectrum. On one hand there are incels who desperately seek a movement to fight against a society and restructure the social hierarchy so they arent at the bottom (may still be low class but better than being a minority). On the other hand there is the model nazi. A superior genetics aryan Chad that, his whole life, was validated as superior and placed upon a pedastal, and consequently developed the belief that he indeed WAS objectively superior. Both sides support the alt right but for drastically different reasons.
I haven't seen a Chad that was overly political.
Every single male I've ever seen at a political rally is a subhuman numale.
There are some gl foids virtue signalling about ethnics they would never touch tho.
I used to be (and still am to an extent) a libertarian and neo-nazi. But one should face the truth with courage: these are ideologies tailored for lonely virgin men.
Damn, that's the ugly truth, I wish there were at least some neo-nazi females, but I have never met one
Hilarious cope. Look at "the golden one" on YouTube. He is an extreme white nationalist who's a literal giga Chad.
Hilarious cope. Look at "the golden one" on YouTube. He is an extreme white nationalist who's a literal giga Chad.
I'm sure OP didn't mean that 100% of everyone in any political group is a complete loser. There are exceptions to everything.
Eccentricities and ugliness are both negative qualities which are often associated.
what kind of foid logic is this?
tying politcal beliefs to appearance is almost the same as foids tying looks to personality.

supporting communism / nazism = low iq, not bad looks.
I advice you to buy some witness report books of people who suffered in gulags / concentration&pow-camps.
Losers tend to gravitate towards extremists groups. Then they can blame jews, the government, space-men, etc for their shitty lives; as well as finding a way to collectively channel their impotent rage.

I could swear I saw some statistics on this - it might have been referenced in a Sam Harris lecture... Meh.
Just vote republican for damage control.
Also we dont need an ideology, just kill the cunts and let them figure it out.
Libertarianism has nothing to do with white nationalism.
If I earned a penny for each time I've seen the two overlapping I'd be betabuxximg like the king of the curries.
Incels are more likely to be attracted to more fringe ideologies.

This includes, but is not limited to:

Anarchism (ancaps and ancomms)

Look at pics from a meetup or rally for any one of those and you'll see they're at least 80 percent male, and mostly ugly.

Young chads on the other hand are mostly apolitical. Some are casual democrats or republicans, but most of them don't even vote. Hell, most young people in general don't vote.. Less than half of 18-29 year olds vote even in presidential elections. But Chads especially, have way too much going on in their lives to care about this shit.
Don't badboys tend to be racist and fascist, by the way? It seems like most good-looking sociopaths I've known regarded whites as superior to other races, and basically looked at non-whites as subhuman. Also, Mel Gibson went into an antisemitic tirade.
How is a political ideology that literarily believe in eugenics benefitial to incels.
This is not necesarily an economic problem this is a cunt problem.

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