People question me "Why are you so depressed?" "Why you are such a Doomer?"
Problem is Work is pointless.
Especially for a lot of guys.
Might as well rope.
Most Gen Z guys cant have or afford:
- A house
- An Apartment
- Land
- Rare Metals
- Crypto
- Education
- Women
- Healthcare
- Children
Even just a regular car will be a luxury. So, essentially you took away most of the things that can be presented as "Lifegoals" and then throw it all together with a World that loses its natural resources, sees a decrease in biomass, plants and wild animals are dying, global warming is increasing, micro plastic is everywhere, Inflation is skyrocketing, immigration is rampand and so is still the growth of global population that is now well over 8 billion, dating experiences of women worsen, expectations of family and employers are rising while there is no apparent value to quality of life.
And if that wasnt enough - now you have AI and Robotics and Corporation are going for full automation, jobs are being outsourced, while each and everyday teens on Social Media make millions of dollars for idiotic behavior or some random girl becoming famous over night for posting a picture of her asshole on a Pornsite after she said something cringe on the Newsfeats. But wait - thats still not all!
As we live in a polarising world that is going for a total Gamefication were the "Subscription" based model overpowers all and forced microtransactions for just entering a website are now the norm. Advertisments and Product Placements are brainwashing people to such an extent that "Idiocracy" is soon a real life docu. Feminism has reached absurd levels of high were the Modern women things of himself as an untouchable, unreachable princess and Girls cheating on their partners is becoming a trend. The world sees a Global Mental Health crisis and people are less cooperative then ever, mean, lustful, greedy, envy and hateful. While Gen Z and Alpha knows that they will never retire, they spend their days wasting away at a 9-6 job and while the world is burning and shoving uncanny entertainment up your throad you are not allowed to complain.
Western politics is dominated by corruption and led by Boomers that are puppeteered by billionaires and big corps, the average New generation guy sees their rights disappearing as they are presented by "Freedom of Choice" that is only a delusion.The American dream is dead and China is dominating the World. Bullshitting is the new motivational talk and time is flowing away.
No hopes, no dreams, no archivements as you are told to 'Quite Quit' or 'Looksmaxx' a prisoner called Jeremy Meeks is pulled out of prison to become a Supermodel and impregnate a billionairs heiress - Young People have HAD ENOUGH!!!