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Venting I am thinking about quitting lifting should I do it?



Ex JBW believer
Sep 14, 2023
I have been lifting for 7 years now and yet I still look like the average guy who doesn't workout all because of my absolutely horseshit genetics and I have to severely damage my mental health just to make small progress or I won't make any progress at all but while my friends who go to the gym only eat one meal a day and put on muscle easily.
7 years??? Has the weight you've lifted gone up? How's your diet?
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Gymcelling is a waste of time. Leanmaxxing makes you look better with less effort.
what do you even eat to compensate for calorie losses
Breakfast:Oat meal and 6-10 raw eggs

Lunch 1:2 Chicken breasts (1 lb) which makes 139g of protein

Lunch 2:Chicken breasts again (1 lb) with chicken and rice, protein shake, 3 cheese sticks, greek yogurt, cupcake and oats

Dinner:High calorie protein powder and steak
I think some people say gym is a waste of time and in some cases it is.
Eventually gym is diminishing returns and I think you have hit that point, I would drop workout frequency to just maintain what you have and dont eat like shit/not enough that you slowly lose all your gains over time.
wtf you should have gains already
Its my horseshit genetics, my friends would gain 10-20 lbs of muscle in a month and I barely made it to 160 while they broke 160 in 4-6 months

Edit:Not to mention I would even sometimes chug a gallon of milk
im the same way, if i ever get fat it's just skinny-fat physique
I started skinny fat, and speaking of fat, me barely being able to gain weight makes me wonder how tf do people get obese??

my genetics are so fucking shit I CANT EVEN GAIN FAT I could eat McDonalds everyday for 3 years and not even gain 1 pound
Breakfast:Oat meal and 6-10 raw eggs

Lunch 1:2 Chicken breasts (1 lb) which makes 139g of protein

Lunch 2:Chicken breasts again (1 lb) with chicken and rice, protein shake, 3 cheese sticks, greek yogurt, cupcake and oats

Dinner:High calorie protein powder and steak

How many calories are you actually getting a day, though? And how much do you weigh?
How many calories are you actually getting a day, though? And how much do you weigh?
I am 160 lbs

I get at least 3000-4000 calories a day and I try to get 6000+ in one day at least twice a week
I am 160 lbs

I get at least 3000-4000 calories a day and I try to get 6000+ in one day at least twice a week

What's your lifting routine?
If you aren’t gaining fat, you aren’t gaining muscle, which means you aren’t eating enough.

If you have to eat 5,000 calories so be it.

Did you fall for maingaining? You have to be in a caloric surplus for protein synthesis (muscle building)
I train with a personal trainer

Sat & sun-rest

I mean what actual exercises are you doing? Sets and reps as well.
Keep this in mind.
If you stop going It can be difficult to see a reason to start going again. I stopped going for almost a year now mostly because I stopped seeing gains and I realized I was stretching myself thin since the Job I do is quite physically demanding making it so I need all the rest I can get.
Breakfast:Oat meal and 6-10 raw eggs

Lunch 1:2 Chicken breasts (1 lb) which makes 139g of protein

Lunch 2:Chicken breasts again (1 lb) with chicken and rice, protein shake, 3 cheese sticks, greek yogurt, cupcake and oats

Dinner:High calorie protein powder and steak
Nigga either you're lying or you have the worst genetics on earth. Even a estrogenmaxxed Indian would make significant gains working out and eating a diet like that for SEVEN YEARS. What excercises do you do? Probably shit workouts then.

But should you quit lifting? Honestly, being lean and healthy is more important than having huge muscles. Foids don't even like huge muscles. It shows insecurity, that you put too much effort into your appearance which they see as gay/feminine, and the muscles hide your bones, which foids want to see as much of as possible without you looking anorexic.
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PM a pic of your physique bro. 7 years? Lmao there's no fucking way. :feelskek:
How old are you brocel? I started lifting when I was a senior in high school and despite my very diligent and strenuous efforts in the gym, I could barely gain any mass for the first four or five years of working own. I too have shit genetics as my natural body morphology is that of a lanky, emaciated jew. I eventually modified my routine and increased the weight while decreasing the sets and reps and this enabled massive gains. I went from 155 lbs to about 315 lbs in a matter of three years. Also, do you take any supplements and how many grams of protein are you consuming on a daily basis? I always tell young gymcels that the holy trinity of making gainz consists of lifting, proper diet and adequate sleep; if you are missing any one of these components then you may want to reassess the efficacy of your routine.
I am 160 lbs

I get at least 3000-4000 calories a day and I try to get 6000+ in one day at least twice a week
You have parasites. That's the only way you can eat this much and not gain any muscle or fat. You should have considered this possibility before you'd been doing the same thing for 7 years and getting no result. Go see a doctor about getting checked for parasites.
Brutal. Is your bone-structure good? If you have low bone density than no amount of lifting and diet gonna increase your gains naturally.

I am a giga-framelet. I've been gymmaxxing for more than a year and I still can't get my weight in normal bmi. Am currently 127lb.
Nigga either you're lying or you have the worst genetics on earth. Even a estrogenmaxxed Indian would make significant gains working out and eating a diet like that for SEVEN YEARS. What excercises do you do? Probably shit workouts then.

But should you quit lifting? Honestly, being lean and healthy is more important than having huge muscles. Foids don't even like huge muscles. It shows insecurity, that you put too much effort into your appearance which they see as gay/feminine, and the muscles hide your bones, which foids want to see as much of as possible without you looking anorexic.
My trainer plans out my workouts

(He has 3 different certifications and one of them is a conjugate certification)
How old are you brocel? I started lifting when I was a senior in high school and despite my very diligent and strenuous efforts in the gym, I could barely gain any mass for the first four or five years of working own. I too have shit genetics as my natural body morphology is that of a lanky, emaciated jew. I eventually modified my routine and increased the weight while decreasing the sets and reps and this enabled massive gains. I went from 155 lbs to about 315 lbs in a matter of three years. Also, do you take any supplements and how many grams of protein are you consuming on a daily basis? I always tell young gymcels that the holy trinity of making gainz consists of lifting, proper diet and adequate sleep; if you are missing any one of these components then you may want to reassess the efficacy of your routine.
19 finna turn 20 in 6 months
You have parasites. That's the only way you can eat this much and not gain any muscle or fat. You should have considered this possibility before you'd been doing the same thing for 7 years and getting no result. Go see a doctor about getting checked for parasites.
nah it aint parasites I should have died by now
19 finna turn 20 in 6 months
Just 19? You still have lots of time. hormones stability increases in 20s. Maybe you can reach 180+lb with different exercises and sets.
Just 19? You still have lots of time. hormones stability increases in 20s. Maybe you can reach 180+lb with different exercises and sets.
Idk man my coach has me do the best and I know it since he has a conjugate certification which is one of the hardest to get
If you see no difference you might stop
I just had another protein shake and I already feel like puking.
Relatable as fuck.
My appetite is awfully low. If try to eat more, i also feel like puking. I take creatine+protein supplement. That's the only reason am 127. I was 108lb before gymmaxxing
I think lifting is prob good for your mental health. Maybe take up something new like rock climbing also. And if you are at 7 years with no progress its probably time to stop for a while and go back to the drawing board. Learn your body and how it responds to different food and training.
Idk man my coach has me do the best and I know it since he has a conjugate certification which is one of the hardest to get
Have you tried going to gym only 3-4 times a week? Giving lots of rest to muscles. Give yourself a year. maybe you might see some improvement. If you don't see any than do what you want. I want too want stop but i don't want to be my old pathetic wimpy self again.
Goblet squats, squats, bench, hammer curls, pull ups and other crazy conjugate shit

No, I mean your exact routine. Which of these exercises do you do first? How many reps? How many sets?
No, I mean your exact routine. Which of these exercises do you do first? How many reps? How many sets?
For very intense sessions I would go 5-30 reps and 3-5 sets and I would even sometimes go 8 sets on certain times.
Have you tried going to gym only 3-4 times a week? Giving lots of rest to muscles. Give yourself a year. maybe you might see some improvement. If you don't see any than do what you want. I want too want stop but i don't want to be my old pathetic wimpy self again.
My coach has me do 4 times a week as he says lower/upper is best
You have parasites. That's the only way you can eat this much and not gain any muscle or fat. You should have considered this possibility before you'd been doing the same thing for 7 years and getting no result. Go see a doctor about getting checked for parasites.

This could be it, maybe get a parasite cleanse off Amazon or something and do it. You will shit out a couple at least.

Also, I had a similar problem when putting on weight, I used Eric Bugenhagen's 'one lift' plan, essentially I focused only one lift (for me bench I had very weak arms/chest) along with some minor accessory work/cardio and took that from 95lbs-225 until I plateaued. Then I did the same thing for squat while keeping my bench at 225. I noticed far more changes in my chest/arm muscles by getting my bench as heavy as possible than by doing sets of lighter bench/curls/rows/etc.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rjRdRUr-1G0

This guy Eric Bugenhagen went on to become a WWE wrestler and is roided out so his advice now isn't as good for non-steroid users, but his old techniques from when he was a college athlete are helpful for normies.
For very intense sessions I would go 5-30 reps and 3-5 sets and I would even sometimes go 8 sets on certain times.

5-30 reps? That is a very wide range, if you're hitting 30 reps odds are the weight is too light to do anything.

Also, again, I'm asking for your exact routine. This is kinda strange, normally a lifter who lifts on a fixed plan can tell people exactly what they do on a specific day. You're telling me "Oh, y'know, I do bench, goblet squats... anywhere between 5 to 30 reps..." No, I'm asking for the EXACT routine, the thing you do each day every week.
I quit one and a half year ago makes no difference

how tall are you? Did you take any supplements?
I'm only telling you this as it would be indecorous for me to ignore your very legitimate question, I'm 6'3 and before you go insinuating that my height is some sort of golden ticket to accessing foids, I am on the spectrum and debilitating situational social anxiety (mostly in the contexts where foids are present) and have never been able to engage in a constructive interpersonal dynamic with women for these reasons as well as for the fact that they tend to either fear or hate me and often, both.
19 finna turn 20 in 6 months
OK well your youth and hyper metabolism may very well be a constructive impediment to making gains, it was for me anyways. My metabolic rate in conjunction with my naturally tall and lanky, gaunt physique conspired to relegate me to an emaciated physical form until I was in my mid-20's and was finally able to consume enough calories on a daily basis to make some tangible progress.
I have been lifting for 7 years now and yet I still look like the average guy who doesn't workout all because of my absolutely horseshit genetics and I have to severely damage my mental health just to make small progress or I won't make any progress at all but while my friends who go to the gym only eat one meal a day and put on muscle easily.
the fact you’re asking this means you prob should quit tbh, if u loved lifting this wouldn’t be a question
Tbh lifting while being natty is a joke.
I started skinny fat, and speaking of fat, me barely being able to gain weight makes me wonder how tf do people get obese??

my genetics are so fucking shit I CANT EVEN GAIN FAT I could eat McDonalds everyday for 3 years and not even gain 1 pound
Same. Which is why I'm honestly really hesitant to even go to the gym: even if my main goal isn't to become ripped or whatever the fuck, will I even get stronger????? Why put so much time and effort into something that's only going to be there to fill up my schedule/force me to get out of bed, and MAYBE give me some extra serotonin here and there?
You need to go on eroids and order some steriods. Lifting as a natty is a waste of time. Trust me get on some test and you’ll actually see results
You need to go on eroids and order some steriods. Lifting as a natty is a waste of time. Trust me get on some test and you’ll actually see results
I'm considering a rad 140 cycle honestly.
Up to you. Maybe gym won't help you get foids but it's still good for your muscles and regular tranining can prevent your muscles from regressing when you get older

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