'Jeets' characteristic weirdness is a mix of three factors I'd say. Low IQs from tropical evolution (research the Cold Winter Theory), sexlessness to the extreme (curry "culture" is incredibly K-selected and tradcucked, even married 'jeets only ever touch pussy when it's time to make a kid), and a genetic predisposition to maximum delusion that they developed to cope with their awful material conditions over milennia (you'll notice nigs possess this ability as well, hence "we wuz kangz"). These factors combined to result in "people" stupid enough to headbutt trains for fun, perverted and deprived enough to rape monitor lizards, and so deeply out of touch with reality as to believe they're all ultra-Chads who can migrate to the West and be pussy slayers (despite being poop-skinned manlets with inferior craniofacial morphology and famine-adapted body types)