When I was younger, I thought India was some mythical place based on mysticism and philosophy. Their architecture, art style, and culture seemed to be ethereal, and I would even say epic.
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But it turns out India is one of the poorest and most polluted countries on earth. People from India are unhygienic, primitive, and very rapey.
@wereq @anandkonda @Retardfuel @curryboy420 @IncelKing @NeverEvenBegan @ChudTheCheeseBALL
India was home to advanced civilizations, until the British came and plundERed the land of its valuable resources (gold, diamonds etc). Research “East India Company”, it was a company owned and opERated by the British Empire, a company which (as you can guess from the name) set up base in EastERn India which was particularly rich in natural resources.
The “company” had a military, which it used to take control of Indian lands, its people and othER resources on the land BY FORCE. It was basically one of the factions of the British Empire’s military, taking ordERs from and being in loyal sERvitude to the British Royal Family.
By the time they left India in 1947, India was left with barely any natural resources and with an evER growing population, this led to the country turning into a povERty-stricken third world country. EvERyone knows India is a shithole, doesn’t take a genius to figure that out, but vERy few are smart and inquisitive enough to discovER “HOW” and “WHY” this is the case.
Despite India being robbed so badly throughout its’ British colonial history, India is progressing significantly in tERms of scientific and technological advancement, and although it currently remains a third world country and will take hundreds of years to “undo” even half of the damage done by the British Empire during India’s colonial ERa, the quality of life of the avERage Indian citizen is noticeably improving and the avERage Indian is becoming more and more educated (millions of Indians being given Student visas to study in westERn countries, lot of intellectual professions in the west: doctor, lawyER, engineER, architect, accountant, bankERs etc. have a high pERcentage of Indian participation etc).
vERy easy to laugh at an individual/group of individuals in an infERior position to yourself when the only reason you AREN’T the vERy pERson(s) you are laughing at, is because you wERe “simply lucky enough” to not be born as that pERson(s)
it’s out of evERyone’s control when it comes to being born as who we r born as, evERyone is the product of a metaphorical “lottERy” at birth which detERmines the circumstances we are born into (in tERms of the variables of
Genetics and
Environment which detERmine evERything that happens in your life from beginning to end) and thERefore nobody’s value was detERmined by “how hard” they worked” or “how much of a morally good/righteous pERson they’ve been throughout their lives”, so it makes no sense for people to judge each othER.
If you wERe “unlucky enough” to be born as a curry, you’d know how much it hurts when people judge you negatively based on the race you wERE born into (which you had no control of whatsoevER) no diffERent to how bad it hurts you (assuming you AREN’T a fakecel) when you are negatively judged for being born ugly (something you ALSO had no control of whatsoevER).
That’s why it amazes me when cERtain incels complain about being discriminated for being ugly (something out of their control) and expect sympathy for their plight, yet they nevER hesitate to make fun of curries for being born as a curry (something also out of their control), these incels are so low IQ and lack the self-awareness necessary for them to realise the hypocrisy in their beliefs and actions and yet they will call themselves “blackpilled” lol, it’s an absolute joke (makes no sense).