Welcome to Incels.is - Involuntary Celibate Forum

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It's Over I am back here after a bit of break

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Nov 8, 2017
So I stopped coming here after my parents took me to curryland in an attempt to get arranged marriage.

The foid they lined up for me rejected me after it saw me irl for the first time. So the rest of the trip was just going around and all my relatives talking about how worried they are that I will never get a foid and desperately trying to find another one before my trip home, obviously no foids were found.

So I got home and my parents tried setting me up with another foid in Adelaide. They made me buy plane tickets and a hotel myself to go there and meet the foid. I met the foid and the foid engaged in conversation but when I got back home the foid ghosted me.

My parents then set me up with a foid in Melbourne. I had a work trip there so I didn’t have to pay for a flight and hotel. I got dinner for me and the foid with my work allowance. Foid ate my dinner and when I came back home it ghosted me.

A couple of days ago my parents and me met with a foid and it’s family at a park. We were all in the cafe at the park. They made me sit next to the foid to talk, it was an okay conversation. Foid’s dad came and asked us to exchange phone numbers. When I was putting my phone number on the foids phone, there were multiple notifications for Instagram dms from a guy called “Jake” saying things like “hi, pookie bear”. I texted the foid the next day and of course it didn’t respond. I’m going to tell the whores parents it is seeing someone called Jake.

In the meantime some local incels here about 10 years younger than me (and more) got me to join a couple of discord servers. They had incels, foids and soys. The foids and soys were bullying me and making me angry so I just left there and just decided to come here where I belong.
The foid they lined up for me rejected me after it saw me irl for the first time.
this was a fucking mistake its a shame how foids actually get to pull this shit off in curryland nowadays

they had no choice but to marry if her father said so just 10-15 years ago but now they want a choice even in fucking arranged marriages jfl
"Arranged marriage" doesn't exist in 2024
Good to see you, I actually did randomly think about you a couple days as I saw some curries walking around in chadstralia, I wondered where you had gone

In the meantime some local incels here
Elaborate, local? incels?

How do you even meet "local incels"?
Good to see you, I actually did randomly think about you a couple days as I saw some curries walking around in chadstralia, I wondered where you had gone

Elaborate, local? incels?

How do you even meet "local incels"?
There was a meet up here like a year ago. They are all zoomers still in high school, I met up with them again a couple of weeks ago and they really wanted me to join their discord servers so I did.

I still got mogged in those servers, many of those “incels” were in e-relationships with foids there. And everyone was laughing at how old I am
Hello, welcome. You sound experienced in life as traveling to all these places is no big deal to you
There was a meet up here like a year ago. They are all zoomers still in high school, I met up with them again a couple of weeks ago and they really wanted me to join their discord servers so I did.

I still got mogged in those servers, many of those “incels” were in e-relationships with foids there. And everyone was laughing at how old I am
What type of meetup how did you hear about it? From some fakecel discords?

I think discordmaxxing is an underrated way to attempt to meet foids, it probably beats tinder, but its still better and less cringe to have a proper incel space instead of these fake ones
What type of meetup how did you hear about it? From some fakecel discords?

I think discordmaxxing is an underrated way to attempt to meet foids, it probably beats tinder, but its still better and less cringe to have a proper incel space instead of these fake ones
The meetup last year, someone dm’d me here and that how I got in contact with some of these zoomers. A few saved my phone number.

Discord maxxing doesn’t work for me, I don’t get foids. I think I am too old and “creepy” now. A 15 year old foid from Poland messaged me but all it said was “meow” and it hasn’t responded to me in over a week now
"insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results"
The meetup last year, someone dm’d me here and that how I got in contact with some of these zoomers. A few saved my phone number.
Oh, sounds weird lol, I personally would not attend, even less so if it was just under 18 year old fakecels
Discord maxxing doesn’t work for me, I don’t get foids. I think I am too old and “creepy” now. A 15 year old foid from Poland messaged me but all it said was “meow” and it hasn’t responded to me in over a week now
I see yeah, you implied you are around 30 or something, I think the effectiveness of such an approach would diminish alot as you age, its kind of a youngcel thing

I still think its an underrated approach if you are NT enough for it, I've had people shit on me for suggesting it but I feel like even LTN can have consistent success if they are NT so it looks promising if you can statusmaxx in a certain server
It’s my parents forcing these.
I think that after so many failed attempts, you have the right to tell them that you don't want to be apart of their humiliation ritual anymore. It seems that you have wasted a fair amount of money as well.
I don't think any actual truecel here would come up with an idea of something like a convention. Other PSL forums like sluthate had meetups but they were also heavily populated by looksmaxxers that would probably browse fagsmax.org today. None of the introverted autists would go outside for a social gathering with strangers on the internet anyways.
welcome back, bro. brutal story

I would just refuse all those trips if my parents made me do that, I already know it's over for me
I still think its an underrated approach if you are NT enough for it, I've had people shit on me for suggesting it but I feel like even LTN can have consistent success if they are NT so it looks promising if you can statusmaxx in a certain server
Yeah the foids on discord are a bit more damaged than normal foids but a lot of the fundamentals still apply. They are still foids and will be disgusted by you after they first see your face
Surgery + skin lightening time?
Did you see what happen in bondi? The stabbing? You got any thoughts or comments?
In the meantime some local incels here about 10 years younger than me (and more) got me to join a couple of discord servers. They had incels, foids and soys. The foids and soys were bullying me and making me angry so I just left there and just decided to come here where I belong.
Welcome home buddy. I hope for your sake your parents won't force such futility upon you anymore.
Did you see what happen in bondi? The stabbing? You got any thoughts or comments?
Yeah, that was all over the news. It was based af, I was cheering when I saw all those foids killed
You Are Welcome GIF by Lucas and Friends by RV AppStudios
Yeah, that was all over the news. It was based af, I was cheering when I saw all those foids killed
Yeah, the monent I saw it I knew it was an incel attack straight away :feelshaha: he even got a blonde gigarich stacy victim
So I stopped coming here after my parents took me to curryland in an attempt to get arranged marriage.

The foid they lined up for me rejected me after it saw me irl for the first time. So the rest of the trip was just going around and all my relatives talking about how worried they are that I will never get a foid and desperately trying to find another one before my trip home, obviously no foids were found.

So I got home and my parents tried setting me up with another foid in Adelaide. They made me buy plane tickets and a hotel myself to go there and meet the foid. I met the foid and the foid engaged in conversation but when I got back home the foid ghosted me.

My parents then set me up with a foid in Melbourne. I had a work trip there so I didn’t have to pay for a flight and hotel. I got dinner for me and the foid with my work allowance. Foid ate my dinner and when I came back home it ghosted me.

A couple of days ago my parents and me met with a foid and it’s family at a park. We were all in the cafe at the park. They made me sit next to the foid to talk, it was an okay conversation. Foid’s dad came and asked us to exchange phone numbers. When I was putting my phone number on the foids phone, there were multiple notifications for Instagram dms from a guy called “Jake” saying things like “hi, pookie bear”. I texted the foid the next day and of course it didn’t respond. I’m going to tell the whores parents it is seeing someone called Jake.

In the meantime some local incels here about 10 years younger than me (and more) got me to join a couple of discord servers. They had incels, foids and soys. The foids and soys were bullying me and making me angry so I just left there and just decided to come here where I belong.
Not related to your post. I'm new here, I was wondering where you went(I lurked before joining) you're one of few active users from 2017-2018
Not related to your post. I'm new here, I was wondering where you went(I lurked before joining) you're one of few active users from 2017-2018
I just took a break from this forum
Hello, welcome. You sound experienced in life as traveling to all these places is no big deal to you
You just pay money and you get plane tickets and accommodation, not much to it. They were domestic flights so there are no issues with passports and whatnot
So I stopped coming here after my parents took me to curryland in an attempt to get arranged marriage.

The foid they lined up for me rejected me after it saw me irl for the first time. So the rest of the trip was just going around and all my relatives talking about how worried they are that I will never get a foid and desperately trying to find another one before my trip home, obviously no foids were found.

So I got home and my parents tried setting me up with another foid in Adelaide. They made me buy plane tickets and a hotel myself to go there and meet the foid. I met the foid and the foid engaged in conversation but when I got back home the foid ghosted me.

My parents then set me up with a foid in Melbourne. I had a work trip there so I didn’t have to pay for a flight and hotel. I got dinner for me and the foid with my work allowance. Foid ate my dinner and when I came back home it ghosted me.

A couple of days ago my parents and me met with a foid and it’s family at a park. We were all in the cafe at the park. They made me sit next to the foid to talk, it was an okay conversation. Foid’s dad came and asked us to exchange phone numbers. When I was putting my phone number on the foids phone, there were multiple notifications for Instagram dms from a guy called “Jake” saying things like “hi, pookie bear”. I texted the foid the next day and of course it didn’t respond. I’m going to tell the whores parents it is seeing someone called Jake.

In the meantime some local incels here about 10 years younger than me (and more) got me to join a couple of discord servers. They had incels, foids and soys. The foids and soys were bullying me and making me angry so I just left there and just decided to come here where I belong.
Welcome back brother
Arranged marriage copers on suicide watch
So I stopped coming here after my parents took me to curryland in an attempt to get arranged marriage.

The foid they lined up for me rejected me after it saw me irl for the first time. So the rest of the trip was just going around and all my relatives talking about how worried they are that I will never get a foid and desperately trying to find another one before my trip home, obviously no foids were found.

So I got home and my parents tried setting me up with another foid in Adelaide. They made me buy plane tickets and a hotel myself to go there and meet the foid. I met the foid and the foid engaged in conversation but when I got back home the foid ghosted me.

My parents then set me up with a foid in Melbourne. I had a work trip there so I didn’t have to pay for a flight and hotel. I got dinner for me and the foid with my work allowance. Foid ate my dinner and when I came back home it ghosted me.

A couple of days ago my parents and me met with a foid and it’s family at a park. We were all in the cafe at the park. They made me sit next to the foid to talk, it was an okay conversation. Foid’s dad came and asked us to exchange phone numbers. When I was putting my phone number on the foids phone, there were multiple notifications for Instagram dms from a guy called “Jake” saying things like “hi, pookie bear”. I texted the foid the next day and of course it didn’t respond. I’m going to tell the whores parents it is seeing someone called Jake.

In the meantime some local incels here about 10 years younger than me (and more) got me to join a couple of discord servers. They had incels, foids and soys. The foids and soys were bullying me and making me angry so I just left there and just decided to come here where I belong.
Welcome back boyo. I honestly wondered where you had dissappeared to.
I've kind of neglected chadfish and this forum, to focus on other pursuits (aks Islamaxxing). There has been talk with some Muslim brothers of an arranged marriage too, but like you nothing has come of it yet.
I'm not sure if you're Muslim or Hindu or Buddhist, but whatever....
I've got some stories about Muslim women in Aus...
I know a Muslim student who is doing his PHD here in Australia. He originally bought his wife and kids over. Then told me that he was sending his wife back home to Bangladesh to live with his parents because she was becoming a recalcitrant whore, coming under influence of globhomo shit.
Then there is a Muslim elder from Pakistan, who I pray with in private prayer groups at his home (because the mosques are full of ASIO informants). And his daughter was dating a non-Muslim white guy. When he found out, he gave her a beating, and put her on the next flight back to Pakistan :feelshaha:
And there is an Indian brother who drives uber/doordash as a job. He told me how he rejects rides from female names. I was laughing when he told me why. The women will go out on a friday/saturday night, get drunk, stumble around into the uber and make a fucking mess with vomit and stuff, then they would contest the cleaning charge for uber.
Great thing about the religion is the separation of women. Here I am in a bedroom with 15 Muslim guys, waiting for the Muslim women to finish cooking in the kitchen. When they finished cooking, the women went and sat in a what I would call a fucking broom closet while the men ate in the kitchen. When the men were finished eating, the leftover dishes were pushed through the broom closet for the women to finish their share. And the greatest thing is the guy is showing his 5th kid to the group. I've been instructing him how to get his entire family on centrelink.
Exif purged haha

I was recently doing a dawah stall at the uni, and me and another Muslim guy were hurling abuse at the left wing pro-palestine protester sluts (there wasn't a single Muslim there, they were all left wing sluts and limp wristed socialist alliance faggots) that we were told to get off campus by uni security lmao. The pro-palestine protest had abo and LGBTQASDSFSTSCHSFSGHYVJOICJHSNIUKGBKUDSUBNIKSWIAUGASHUDSUGDS+ faggot flags flying beside the Palestine flag. They're literal globhomo shit, only worthy of a free flying lesson from the tallest building .
I'm in northern rivers NSW helping with the construction of a friend's house, but send me a PM if you're in Sydney in the next few weeks, I'll pop down if you want to meet or do some camping shit.
I went back to curryland in January for a month and couldn't find a single foid
Welcome back boyo. I honestly wondered where you had dissappeared to.
I've kind of neglected chadfish and this forum, to focus on other pursuits (aks Islamaxxing). There has been talk with some Muslim brothers of an arranged marriage too, but like you nothing has come of it yet.
I'm not sure if you're Muslim or Hindu or Buddhist, but whatever....
I've got some stories about Muslim women in Aus...
I know a Muslim student who is doing his PHD here in Australia. He originally bought his wife and kids over. Then told me that he was sending his wife back home to Bangladesh to live with his parents because she was becoming a recalcitrant whore, coming under influence of globhomo shit.
Then there is a Muslim elder from Pakistan, who I pray with in private prayer groups at his home (because the mosques are full of ASIO informants). And his daughter was dating a non-Muslim white guy. When he found out, he gave her a beating, and put her on the next flight back to Pakistan :feelshaha:
And there is an Indian brother who drives uber/doordash as a job. He told me how he rejects rides from female names. I was laughing when he told me why. The women will go out on a friday/saturday night, get drunk, stumble around into the uber and make a fucking mess with vomit and stuff, then they would contest the cleaning charge for uber.
Great thing about the religion is the separation of women. Here I am in a bedroom with 15 Muslim guys, waiting for the Muslim women to finish cooking in the kitchen. When they finished cooking, the women went and sat in a what I would call a fucking broom closet while the men ate in the kitchen. When the men were finished eating, the leftover dishes were pushed through the broom closet for the women to finish their share. And the greatest thing is the guy is showing his 5th kid to the group. I've been instructing him how to get his entire family on centrelink.
View attachment 1163468
I was recently doing a dawah stall at the uni, and me and another Muslim guy were hurling abuse at the left wing pro-palestine protester sluts (there wasn't a single Muslim there, they were all left wing sluts and limp wristed socialist alliance faggots) that we were told to get off campus by uni security lmao. The pro-palestine protest had abo and LGBTQASDSFSTSCHSFSGHYVJOICJHSNIUKGBKUDSUBNIKSWIAUGASHUDSUGDS+ faggot flags flying beside the Palestine flag. They're literal globhomo shit, only worthy of a free flying lesson from the tallest building .
I'm in northern rivers NSW helping with the construction of a friend's house, but send me a PM if you're in Sydney in the next few weeks, I'll pop down if you want to meet or do some camping shit.
Yeah, I’m a Muslim in Sydney and I am aware of the foid seperation and globohomo support of Palestine
Welcome back, I randomly thought of you when I was thinking about users who haven't been seen in some time.

Condolences as usual, that sounds pretty shitty: I tried talking to this Slutina foid at my college, only to get rejected & blocked ofc. :feelsbadman:

How was it in Curryland? I hear of a heatwave, which makes me for once grateful to live in the heat-ridden shithole I live in.

There was a meet up here like a year ago. They are all zoomers still in high school, I met up with them again a couple of weeks ago and they really wanted me to join their discord servers so I did.
I think I know what you are speaking of & who you may have met, was one of them a Sicilian-Greek with Green eyes?

Yeah the foids on discord are a bit more damaged than normal foids but a lot of the fundamentals still apply. They are still foids and will be disgusted by you after they first see your face
Foids online are much more damaged in general, just like anyone who spends a large amount of time online: They're just for normies to rizz-up to make themselves feel better about not being able to get irl foids.

A few years back, I showed some Neo-Nazi chick I knew online my face, and she immediately blocked me afterwards. :feelsrope:
Brutal. Absolutely brutal, mang :feelsrope:

Welcome back :feelsYall:
How was it in Curryland? I hear of a heatwave, which makes me for once grateful to live in the heat-ridden shithole I live in.
I went there during the winter, so it was okay.

I think I know what you are speaking of & who you may have met, was one of them a Sicilian-Greek with Green eyes?
I met with him last year but I didn’t see him this time. He has a confirmed noodlewhore pining after him though and he is rich, went to a high school where the tuition is 30k a year.
I’ve tried to leave many times
I went there during the winter, so it was okay.
What was the climate like?

I always prefer the winter tbh, it's in my blood.
I met with him last year but I didn’t see him this time.
He told me you got him a hooker. :feelshaha:
He has a confirmed noodlewhore pining after him though and he is rich, went to a high school where the tuition is 30k a year.
Yeah I'm aware of that- I also like how he effectively disproved the "Meds aren't white" cope in just about every way, despite the fact he is a fakecel. :feelsbadman:
What was the climate like?
It was okay, winter is the best time in curryland as it isn’t humid and it isn’t raining all the time.
He told me you got him a hooker. :feelshaha:
I offered to pay for one but he pussied out and so did everyone else. I also offered this time a few weeks ago and everyone pussied out.
Lol what are your parents thoughts on you constantly being rejected. You would think they would get a hint.
Lol what are your parents thoughts on you constantly being rejected. You would think they would get a hint.
My dad bullies me and my mum is frustrated and can tell is deeply hurt. I blame all this on foids. I want them all to die
So I stopped coming here after my parents took me to curryland in an attempt to get arranged marriage.

The foid they lined up for me rejected me after it saw me irl for the first time. So the rest of the trip was just going around and all my relatives talking about how worried they are that I will never get a foid and desperately trying to find another one before my trip home, obviously no foids were found.

So I got home and my parents tried setting me up with another foid in Adelaide. They made me buy plane tickets and a hotel myself to go there and meet the foid. I met the foid and the foid engaged in conversation but when I got back home the foid ghosted me.

My parents then set me up with a foid in Melbourne. I had a work trip there so I didn’t have to pay for a flight and hotel. I got dinner for me and the foid with my work allowance. Foid ate my dinner and when I came back home it ghosted me.

A couple of days ago my parents and me met with a foid and it’s family at a park. We were all in the cafe at the park. They made me sit next to the foid to talk, it was an okay conversation. Foid’s dad came and asked us to exchange phone numbers. When I was putting my phone number on the foids phone, there were multiple notifications for Instagram dms from a guy called “Jake” saying things like “hi, pookie bear”. I texted the foid the next day and of course it didn’t respond. I’m going to tell the whores parents it is seeing someone called Jake.

In the meantime some local incels here about 10 years younger than me (and more) got me to join a couple of discord servers. They had incels, foids and soys. The foids and soys were bullying me and making me angry so I just left there and just decided to come here where I belong.
Tell your parents to try looking for semi educated foids in rural villages of northern India, Pakistan, the fact that you have Australian citizenship would make it pretty easy to get a wife
Tell your parents to try looking for semi educated foids in rural villages of northern India, Pakistan, the fact that you have Australian citizenship would make it pretty easy to get a wife
It’s too expensive to get a foid from curryland now given my high failure rate

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