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I am a mid 30 yo oldcel, and here is what happened to the staceys and chads from high school



Apr 17, 2023
High school is 15 years behind me but I still follow a few of my former classmates and my high school crush, that never wanted me :feelscry:
We are all in our mid 30s now.

What happened to the staceys:
TBH it is pure lifefuel watching their demise!
- Let's start with the ultraaa stacey that even did modeling jobs. She hasn't posted on social media in the last 6 years. But she was on a downtrend and went from a 9/10 to a 7.5/10 so probably she is 6/10 right now.

- My crush was a 7/10 in high school, but now she has put on a lot of weight and just aged very poorly, now she is a 4/10 at best.

- A 6/10 in high school not a stacey but she once talked behind my back about how weird and disgusting I was and that she would never ever date a guy like me, Karma came to collect! And now she appears to have stage 3 Lipedema, you should google it :feelsokman: she is a 2/10 now!

- The last and the most BROOTAL one a 8/10 stacey when she was 14/15 years old, but started to rapidly deteriorate due to an eating disorder. By age 20 she already turned into a solid landwale, and by now she has reached the IT landwhale level :feelskek::feelskek:

What happened to the chads:

- One chadlite got completely destroyed by hair loss :feelskek:

- Second chadlite did not really lose or gain in attractiveness.

- But the three ultra chads of our high school, 8.5-9/10s, still post topless pictures and their sixpacks, jaw and muscle have become even more defined, no fucking sign of hair loss for the three of them and I would say that their attractiveness has even gone up in their 30s. They now pump and dump foids in their early/mid 20s.

Staceys deteriorate quickly once they reach their mid 20s, sometimes even before while ultra chads peak in their 30s and then slowly fade out in their 40s.

The MAIN cause for the deterioration of a chad and men in their 30s seems to be hair loss if it occurs. I did not see any chad gain weight, not even normies or incels, the fat ones stayed fat, and the slim ones stayed slim.
Overall men did not lose much attractiveness, (except for the hair loss cases). The hair reaper also came for me, but as I was already incel with hair, being without it did not change much for me.

The MAIN reason for deterioration in staceys was weight gain, but also sagging and wrinkling of the face and the body in general. Not a single foid from high school gained in attractiveness, they all lost on varying degrees.
My crush eventually settled for a 3/10 fatcel betabucks :feelsUnreal: Am I jaleous? At the beginning I was furiously jealous as I told myself thatit could have been me, but since I swallowed the blackpill I wish this brocel good luck betabuxing, I rather spend that money on hot bar girls in SEA.
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Not really. If they haven't reproduced and have nothing more going in their lives, losing your looks must be devastating. Just look at Connor Murphy and his hairloss video.
GigaStasy from my school was still very beautiful and relatively fit after giving birth to a few children. But it was 9-10 years ago ( I'm also in my 30s ).
But she wasn't mean or abusive towards me so I don't hold grudges against her.
She even probably was my first attraction.
So if im 30 and have full hair i still can ascend? Oh no wait im a shortcel
Is it cope? Maybe that is fucking based Even though I’m a incel loser the highlight of my life will be watching foids who rejected me get fat and pumped and dumped by chad
jaw and muscle have become even more defined, no fucking sign of hair loss for the three of them and I would say that their attractiveness has even gone up in their 30s.
Chads age like fine wine. Only subhumans with shit genes age badly (and foids).
26 years old here, and basically all the low inhbit party girls ended up destroying their looks due to weed and alcohol, aren't in any long term relationship.

Basically women peak in looks in their teens. Very rare when a 20 years old looks better than a 17 years old version of herself.
26 years old here, and basically all the low inhbit party girls ended up destroying their looks due to weed and alcohol, aren't in any long term relationship.

Basically women peak in looks in their teens. Very rare when a 20 years old looks better than a 17 years old version of herself.
Well said. This is one of the most saddening reality hitters. Females that smoke is gross asf that leave early deterioration stains on them. I swear to God weed culture is destroying these females left and right.
Based. I'm glad you got some satisfaction from seeing these changes, and thanks for sharing it here as well. Always nice to see people who have it so undeservedly good, get what's coming to them.
Yeah this is pretty normal from what I hear. Your lifestyle eventually catches up to you. Lots of people who were once good looking get fat and old. Tons of girls from my highschool who were hot have already joined the heavyweight division from what I hear.
My 6'5 friend who always hooks up with girls on tinder and has hot girlfriends constantly is starting to lose his hair. He is 28 years old. I think it might be over for him
People who bullied me as a teen are losers now, but they still mog the absolute shit out of me.
Most of the chads and stacies live in big nice houses on big properties far away from the troubles of the world, have a bunch of healthy good looking kids. Chad earns a lot and works at a bank or something like that. They have atleast 2 nice cars. They also have a little cabin at a lake with a small boat, where they spend their summers. Their kids go to elitist shools and are generally taught from a young age on that looks are everything and that they are above common folk. They are like early nobility in the middle ages.
Well said. This is one of the most saddening reality hitters. Females that smoke is gross asf that leave early deterioration stains on them. I swear to God weed culture is destroying these females left and right.
Don't forget vapes.
Post Big Flood humans have such a quick and feable life cycle it’s pathetic. Noah lived up to 600-700 years and our stem cells in spine still are very young at 90 meaning they were made to last much longer but for some reason they stop communicating to and renovating the cells of the body so early.

There are people in my class in trade school who are already starting to bald or have grey hair in their early 20’s it’s over
At least many of them had a chance to ascend before it was too late ...
Don’t know in your early 20’s you basically don’t even had the time to realize you grown up and you already aging? Brutal. I hope another reset comes soon
Don’t know in your early 20’s you basically don’t even had the time to realize you grown up and you already aging? Brutal. I hope another reset comes soon
My teens and 20s were full of suffering :feelsrope: .
I had planned to unborn myself using the rope as I was about to turn 30.
4 events saved my ass:
- A coworker foid had watched a documentary on incels and kept making fun about them at the office, this let me to find out about the incel community, and the blackpill
- I inherited a little but of money
- I used that money to try the SEAmaxx
- I was able to set up an "online scheme" to support myself financially in SEA :feelsEhh:

Now my 30s are infinitely better thanks to the blackpill and SEAmaxxing.
But the scars of the past, the bullying, the rejections, and the humiliations are still present and will never go away.
My recommendation is to SEAmaxx before it is too late, everyday that passes it becomes harder and the expectations of the foids over here increase!
My teens and 20s were full of suffering :feelsrope: .
I had planned to unborn myself using the rope as I was about to turn 30.
4 events saved my ass:
- A coworker foid had watched a documentary on incels and kept making fun about them at the office, this let me to find out about the incel community, and the blackpill
- I inherited a little but of money
- I used that money to try the SEAmaxx
- I was able to set up an "online scheme" to support myself financially in SEA :feelsEhh:

Now my 30s are infinitely better thanks to the blackpill and SEAmaxxing.
But the scars of the past, the bullying, the rejections, and the humiliations are still present and will never go away.
My recommendation is to SEAmaxx before it is too late, everyday that passes it becomes harder and the expectations of the foids over here increase!
Lol i would have brutalized your coworker. Thanks God i never had a real long term job. I hate foids fucking animals.

Currently i went back to school. I am in my late 20’s and soon i will be in my early 30’s (school with people in their late teens and early 20’s now JFL) I have been planning to seamaxx for years problem is i don’t know how i can have a stable income in thailand or indonesia
Lol i would have brutalized your coworker. Thanks God i never had a real long term job. I hate foids fucking animals.

Currently i went back to school. I am in my late 20’s and soon i will be in my early 30’s (school with people in their late teens and early 20’s now JFL) I have been planning to seamaxx for years problem is i don’t know how i can have a stable income in thailand or indonesia
I think you should skip Thailand, it is too late for the Thaimaxx.
Southern Vietnam, Philippines and Indonesia are better options.
I think you should skip Thailand, it is too late for the Thaimaxx.
Southern Vietnam, Philippines and Indonesia are better options.
Yes but how do i earn money
Staceys mostly get hired for company director assistants and other jobs because the
manager himself wants to date her. If you look on Linkedin women regularly get promoted
every year, so i don't believe anything they say about the wage gap. Actually the gap
is affecting men more.
My crush eventually settled for a 3/10 fatcel betabucks :feelsUnreal: Am I jaleous? At the beginning I was furiously jealous as I told myself thatit could have been me, but since I swallowed the blackpill I wish this brocel good luck betabuxing, I rather spend that money on hot bar girls in SEA.

Based as fuck
time heals all wounds. honestly I'd rather be incel then a chadlite that loses their looks it would be too devastating for me.
Are you fucking kidding me? You did not think much about it, did you? It does not fucking matter if they did not reproduce, their hair got lost, or whatever "devastating" shit is happening to them. Do you know what is devastating? I have lived for almost 30 years without a single touch from the female gender, without a single kiss or sign of affection. It scares you beyond belief. So sorry that I am not viewing some stacys and chads losing something I never had as nothing else than a cope. They lived their lives to the fullest, compared to us. We can never ever be normal after this. They have memories, their brains developed normally, and their childhood, teenage years, 20s, and 30s were absolute enjoyment compared to ours. Sorry, but I simply don´t see any karma shit in this. They had it; we never even smelled it. Even if all of them get the worst type of cancer tomorow, their lives were 1000% more meaningful, and the happiness factor was much higher than ours.

If all you ever wanted was to reproduce, then buy some eggs or shit. I wanted a normal life. It is not that simple for me.
If they aren't suffering constantly it's not really karma. Everyone gets older and uglier, that's normal and most people can cope with it. They had a good life when it mattered. Now they're just vegetating like most oldcels.
same experience even though i'm not 30 yet but really close.
most chads in my high school have beer bellies and most have diabetes.
the stacys are all fat and/or gaining weight steadily except for one
but only because she works as a fitness instructor.
It's a similar story for the females I used to fap to from school. People who think the wall doesn't exist are utterly deluded. There's a reason most females stop taking selfies and posting them online in their late 20s. Females peak at 17 and gradually lose their shiny, youthful glow after that. The wall can easily come from 17-25, at any point, unless they take care of themselves. And even if they do, the wall almost always comes at 25-30.

I can think of so many examples. My best friend at school had a younger sister who became very bangable once puberty hit. I wasn't the only one who thought so, other guys at school commented on it. After school, I saw her again when she must have been about 18-19, and she'd already hit the wall. I don't know how, but she'd started looking like her Mum, who was a hog. Her whole body and facial shape had changed.

This other girl was a stage 3 Stacey at school, not great face but great body. And she still was for a few years after school, I'd occasionally see her out and about and stalked her Myspace (lolz) and Facebook. She was a gym goer and tanned. By her mid-20s she'd started to spoil and by ~28 she was utterly ghastly, looked like a witch, all bony and had lost any subcutaneous fat or semblance of curves. She'd post pics of herself with her younger nieces and my eye started wandering to them when looking her up to fap to lol, even though they were ugly as shit. It transpired she was an alcoholic, there was an article about her in the local news, her confessing how she'd stolen to feed her habit and shit lolz.

I don't know any girl who I fancied from school or 17-22 age who was still particularly bedable at 30. It's hard to judge precisely because almost all girls stop uploading pictures of themselves to their social media in their late 20s. At least the girls of my generation. Even this 10/10 gigastacey I remember from online did this, and she'd aged well and still seemed to look good at 30 (but hard to be sure as she used filters, fillers and fakeup).

You're definitely overstating the durability of male looks though. Males absolutely don't peak in their 30s, not chads anyway. They peak in their mid-20s. But they can sustain through their 30s if they gym and/or money/status max. Or just take care of themselves.

The agepill is undefeated.
My 6'5 friend who always hooks up with girls on tinder and has hot girlfriends constantly is starting to lose his hair. He is 28 years old. I think it might be over for him
Hair loss is easy to fix with a hair transplant or fake hair.

But don't tell him. :feelsEhh:
Meanwhile I am in my mid 30s and bang 20 year old SEA escorts with tight pussies :ahegao:
Sometimes Karma comes to collect.
Good for you.

SEAmaxxing is the solution to inceldom. As well as gym and money maxxing through your 20s.
Yeah this is pretty normal from what I hear. Your lifestyle eventually catches up to you. Lots of people who were once good looking get fat and old. Tons of girls from my highschool who were hot have already joined the heavyweight division from what I hear.
If a thread is 'dnr' in length but has content like this...all good, bro.
Good post.
High school is 15 years behind me but I still follow a few of my former classmates and my high school crush, that never wanted me :feelscry:
We are all in our mid 30s now.

What happened to the staceys:
TBH it is pure lifefuel watching their demise!
- Let's start with the ultraaa stacey that even did modeling jobs. She hasn't posted on social media in the last 6 years. But she was on a downtrend and went from a 9/10 to a 7.5/10 so probably she is 6/10 right now.

- My crush was a 7/10 in high school, but now she has put on a lot of weight and just aged very poorly, now she is a 4/10 at best.

- A 6/10 in high school not a stacey but she once talked behind my back about how weird and disgusting I was and that she would never ever date a guy like me, Karma came to collect! And now she appears to have stage 3 Lipedema, you should google it :feelsokman: she is a 2/10 now!

- The last and the most BROOTAL one a 8/10 stacey when she was 14/15 years old, but started to rapidly deteriorate due to an eating disorder. By age 20 she already turned into a solid landwale, and by now she has reached the IT landwhale level :feelskek::feelskek:

What happened to the chads:

- One chadlite got completely destroyed by hair loss :feelskek:

- Second chadlite did not really lose or gain in attractiveness.

- But the three ultra chads of our high school, 8.5-9/10s, still post topless pictures and their sixpacks, jaw and muscle have become even more defined, no fucking sign of hair loss for the three of them and I would say that their attractiveness has even gone up in their 30s. They now pump and dump foids in their early/mid 20s.

Staceys deteriorate quickly once they reach their mid 20s, sometimes even before while ultra chads peak in their 30s and then slowly fade out in their 40s.

The MAIN cause for the deterioration of a chad and men in their 30s seems to be hair loss if it occurs. I did not see any chad gain weight, not even normies or incels, the fat ones stayed fat, and the slim ones stayed slim.
Overall men did not lose much attractiveness, (except for the hair loss cases). The hair reaper also came for me, but as I was already incel with hair, being without it did not change much for me.

The MAIN reason for deterioration in staceys was weight gain, but also sagging and wrinkling of the face and the body in general. Not a single foid from high school gained in attractiveness, they all lost on varying degrees.
My crush eventually settled for a 3/10 fatcel betabucks :feelsUnreal: Am I jaleous? At the beginning I was furiously jealous as I told myself thatit could have been me, but since I swallowed the blackpill I wish this brocel good luck betabuxing, I rather spend that money on hot bar girls in SEA.
I am 38 in march, you've Gyatt this.
Are you fucking kidding me? You did not think much about it, did you? It does not fucking matter if they did not reproduce, their hair got lost, or whatever "devastating" shit is happening to them. Do you know what is devastating? I have lived for almost 30 years without a single touch from the female gender, without a single kiss or sign of affection. It scares you beyond belief. So sorry that I am not viewing some stacys and chads losing something I never had as nothing else than a cope. They lived their lives to the fullest, compared to us. We can never ever be normal after this. They have memories, their brains developed normally, and their childhood, teenage years, 20s, and 30s were absolute enjoyment compared to ours. Sorry, but I simply don´t see any karma shit in this. They had it; we never even smelled it. Even if all of them get the worst type of cancer tomorow, their lives were 1000% more meaningful, and the happiness factor was much higher than ours.

If all you ever wanted was to reproduce, then buy some eggs or shit. I wanted a normal life. It is not that simple for me.

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