Nothing is enough to women, even the Garden of Eden wasn't enough. The garbage media of my country emphasizes women with miniscule and made up problems all the time, while men here are the most childless in the world and the suicide rates are high. They fucking blame incels for low birth rates. Women have unlimited sex with attractive men, parties, drugs, nice vacations abroad, gigantic malls, easy well paid jobs, fancy BMW's and they are handled with silk gloves and love, still they whine all the time, seek drama, eat meds and cut themselves.
That's why women have to be disciplined and adultery should be illegal again, they take their abundance for granted, are ungrateful and only cause destruction, still they're not happier than in the past. When cucked laws let women to do anything they want and put everyone who dares to touch them, in prison for decades to be stabbed by white knights, they seek their keeping in order from thugmaxxers and violent chads who don't ask for consents and will beat them up if they act annoying.