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I accidentally stepped into a gym and IM STILL SHOCKED at what I saw there .



Nov 8, 2017
Went to a local gym to pick up a friend and I accidentally stepped into a weightlifting room and HOLY SHIT it was literally incelcon . Nothing but a bunch of manlets and midgets ( not a SINGLE + 6 ft guy there despite the weightroom being packed ) , 90 % of them were balding and/or fat , bloated faces , HORRIBLE skins ( acne , redness , pimples , oily as fuck ) due to following their autistic bodybuilding high carb diets and consuming the trash known as protein powder and weight gainers . What caught my attention the most were these 2 fat bloated balding midgets ( around 5'6 ) , doing low bar squats with 4 plates and being obnoxious as fuck while high fiving each other and walking around with their lat spread acting like olympic gold medalist chads lol .

CHADS get fit by playing sports , INCELs compensate by lifting , no amount of muscles in the world will make you a chad , and no you will not start slaying once you have 16 inch arms , and IRL , no one gives a single shit how much you can squat  .

If you lift as an incel only do it for yourself. Especially if you'r eoverweight and want to lose it in order to not get out of breath by a few stairs or wake up everyday with back pain.
Lifting by itself will get you no female attention whatsoever.
my gym is 110% chads. literally. and they all workout together in groups.
Only gymcels go to gyms 100% truth
Damn. All that is completely true.
My gym is the opposite. Bunch of male model looking motherfuckers. I get mogged so hard facially every time I walk in.
I stopped going to the gym becuase I WAS LITERALLY like those pathetic manlets you described. Chad gets buff just by eating a bit more while I, despite powerlifting my fat ass off, I did not have the mass I should have. There was a Chad who got swollen biceps by doing an ab workout while my biceps we smaller than his despite having a perfect barbell curl of 61.5kg of 6 reps. It's all about GENETICS. If you can't get laid without muscles then you won't get laid with them either because your genetic structure is fundamentally FLAWED.
You have to go to the gyms for rich people and celebrities, I never felt so out of place facially speaking.
The most brutal thing is, most of those extremely hot Instagram fitness chicks are dating skinny, non-lifting male models. Or guys with Great faces and a physique that looks as if they do just pusups and situps.
The most brutal thing is, most of those extremely hot Instagram fitness chicks are dating skinny, non-lifting male models. Or guys with Great faces and a physique that looks as if they do just pusups and situps.

And then you get these guys. No matter how much muscle they put on, no matter how much they slave away in the gym, it will never hide their subhuman skeletal structure and ugly face.


I don't understand your statement that chad's get fit my playing sports. At my high-school you had to lift weights if you played a sport.
Not only that but incels have a harder time putting on muscle. I lifted weight for several years and got stronger but hardly added any muscle you couldn't even tell I was workout out.
Pouuop said:
Went to a local gym to pick up a friend and I accidentally stepped into a weightlifting room and HOLY SHIT it was literally incelcon . Nothing but a bunch of manlets and midgets ( not a SINGLE + 6 ft guy there despite the weightroom being packed ) , 90 % of them were balding and/or fat , bloated faces , HORRIBLE skins ( acne , redness , pimples , oily as fuck ) due to following their autistic bodybuilding high carb diets and consuming the trash known as protein powder and weight gainers . What caught my attention the most were these 2 fat bloated balding midgets ( around 5'6 ) , doing low bar squats with 4 plates and being obnoxious as fuck while high fiving each other and walking around with their lat spread acting like olympic gold medalist chads lol .

CHADS get fit by playing sports , INCELs compensate by lifting , no amount of muscles in the world will make you a chad , and no you will not start slaying once you have 16 inch arms , and IRL , no one gives a single shit how much you can squat  .


Those incels will one day wake up and shallow the pill; the only thing you can do is give a gentle push in the right direction for our brothers.

uglyguy12 said:
I don't understand your statement that chad's get fit my playing sports. At my high-school you had to lift weights if you played a sport.

He's saying it's effortless for Chads to put on muscle because of their godly genetics, us Incels have to put in 10x the effort to achieve 10% of what these godly creatures can do. What's worse is that because of our shitstain bone structure we won't even look nearly as good in our lifetimes.

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