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Discussion Humans are the only agecuck species on Earth

Nowhere in my post did I say I only want a teen foid gf. Ideally I would get a gf anywhere between 16-23. My post is more of an intellectual excersise than anything else. I was making a point you fucking retard. Also, if under 18s are 1/4 of the population, why would I want to remove them from my options? Why would you advocate for having less options? You realise you are literally inflating the SMV of foids by limiting guys from dating younger, right? No, that's probably too intellectual for you to understand.

Why the fuck do I care about younger guys ascending? What the fuck has that got to do with me? Also if I am such a failure, you acknowledge that I am no threat to younger guys ascending anyway, yeah? And if I am a threat, that just makes those guys as much of a loser as me, which is their problem, not mine.

Also you still haven't given any logical argument as to why I should be considered a pedophile. You're just sperging out for no reason.
@novarem is just projecting his cuck fetishes lmao its beyond over for him autist is brainwashed by jews/west no saving for him he worships used up roast beefs and muh queens.
they can only count the amount of cotton they pick to impress their enslaver
already at 2 pages
@novarem is just projecting his cuck fetishes lmao its beyond over for him autist is brainwashed by jews/west no saving for him he worships used up roast beefs and muh queens.

He really is a cuck. Let's expand on his logic.
Absolutely no incels here should even try to ascend with any foid because that provides competition with other men trying to ascend. How fucking dumb. I swear agecucks are the lowest IQ posters on the entire site.
youre gonna be in a nonce video pretty soon
agecuck this, pedophile that. i just want to grill for god's sake
based ritalincel

Pedoposting does nothing for the forum except drawing bad attention towards us and making incels look like degenerates. Maybe it's better to ban this topic.
I used to be pro free speech, but the pedophiles on this forum have nothing meaningful to say, every pedo post is basically just there to trigger "agecucks" and IT. It's a wortless topic. Nothing will be lost if we ban it.
the only one people makes incels look bad are niggers like him

Liking only virgin lolis is based and is morally right
He really is a cuck. Let's expand on his logic.
Absolutely no incels here should even try to ascend with any foid because that provides competition with other men trying to ascend. How fucking dumb. I swear agecucks are the lowest IQ posters on the entire site.
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Freaking otakuz, man :feelsugh:
fEeAkInG oTaKuZ, mAn

that's all you say same sentence everytime literally no one cares about your opinion crackhead
My point is that youre like a foid who has tons of potential options but only want top 20 percent of men.
Why are agecucks like this.
Bruh you can admit teenagers are more attractive than post-wall roasties while still being attracted to both.
You will never have a loli gf.
Your waifu/tulpa will never be real.
Cope and seethe
alone forever with dignity > worshiping used goods and being pathetic cuck

i will take being alone forever every time nothing i can do about soyciety being degenerate rather go down with dignity unlike you.
based ritalincel

Pedoposting does nothing for the forum except drawing bad attention towards us and making incels look like degenerates. Maybe it's better to ban this topic.
I used to be pro free speech, but the pedophiles on this forum have nothing meaningful to say, every pedo post is basically just there to trigger "agecucks" and IT. It's a wortless topic. Nothing will be lost if we ban it.
you agecucks keep spamming "it makes us look bad"

yet incels will never look good.

You can't have it both ways.
you agecucks keep spamming "it makes us look bad"

yet incels will never look good.

You can't have it both ways.
Retards that think incels can have good optics are not blackpilled. They are infact as bluepilled as any normalfag :bluepill::bluepill::bluepill:
Even if we completely banned agecuck discussion, it would not stop IT losers from posting about us. It would not stop the media from villifying us. One minecraft shooting and we get sent back to square one anyway. We need to embrace our terrible optics, it's part of the package.

Also if we improve our optics we get more normalfag/reddit-minded incels coming here and they will just find other things to be offended about. Bad optics is good for gatekeeping.
there is not one logic there are many logics

a logic is a set of rules and their derived statements
you agecucks keep spamming "it makes us look bad"

yet incels will never look good.

You can't have it both ways.
It's not about looking good. Nobody said that.
It's about not looking like degenerate criminals who should be monitored.
It's not about looking good. Nobody said that.
It's about not looking like degenerate criminals who should be monitored.
Yeah, you do realize that ship has long sailed?
Based. Why do age cucks care about some random underage foid that views them as subhuman and would never do anything for them?
It's not about looking good. Nobody said that.
It's about not looking like degenerate criminals who should be monitored.
"degenerate" hahahahaha so you are saying cuckoldry faggotry and west degeneracy in general is worse than wanting to have pure untainted wife. Sorry but u have brain damage
It's not about looking good. Nobody said that.
It's about not looking like degenerate criminals who should be monitored.
You are splitting hairs.
Also, we are monitered because the three letter agencies think that users here will minecraft, not because of agecuck discussion. You can ban agecuck stuff and we will still be monitered. You must realise this?
This. The only reason to ban the pedo stuff is to make sure the site doesn't get legally shut down. But then again, there's plenty of other stuff in here that could warrant getting the site shut down.
jewish reasoning
You're pretty aggressive over nothing.
Just be aware, you won't ever have a cute 9yo gf just as you won't have a 30yo gf, so maybe chill the fuck out.
ur completely missing the point lmao i cba at this point
You're pretty aggressive over nothing.
Just be aware, you won't ever have a cute 9yo gf just as you won't have a 30yo gf, so maybe chill the fuck out.
you're going on a tangent in a desperate attempt to make your cucked stance seem more reasonable

there is zero reason this site should cuck to feminist standards.
Real pedos have underlying homosexuality:feelsugh:

if you like 14 year olds that’s fine and normal but if you talk about 8 year olds:feelswhat:
Yes, faggots are a real pedos. Notice, that soyciety usually don't care if some faggot molests a boy, they only care about girls.
Depends on what the 12 year old looks like:feelshehe:
why would that matter what she looks like?

what if she is at an early tanner stage but has hit puberty?
Who gives a fuck. Plus, an underaged girl wouldn't want you either
I like lol**s, but using non-humans to justify things isn't a nice argument.
if you like 14 year olds that’s fine and normal but if you talk about 8 year olds:feelswhat:
What's wrong with 8 year olds? I don't like them, but if someone here wants to fuck 8 year old girls then I couldn't give any less of a fuck. I hate all foids regardless of their age.
Let's be honest if it weren't for feminism 90% of people on this forum would not be here. Feminism has stunted men's ability to seduce women in countless ways.
I’m gonna bang a 17 yr old:feelsthink::feelsthink::feelsthink::feelsthink::feelsthink:
12-14 y.o. cannot have a developed body because I said so :soy:.

Let's be honest if it weren't for feminism 90% of people on this forum would not be here. Feminism has stunted men's ability to seduce women in countless ways.
Cope. But feminism has stunted dude's pick up game, it's true
We're also the only species that has created civilization. I don't get your point.

Animals have sex with their parents, eat their siblings, eat their own shit, and have sex with same-sex partners.

Are you for all those things too?
Civilization has existed before agecuckery. Agecuckery is new and only causes females to be sluts instead of good virgin wives.

Also, humans do all those things, but not on a wide scale.
kill yourself u rotten pedophile. I hope you bleed out
????? I literally could not care less about the "moral high ground" you fucking worthless agecuck.
I am an animal and the only thing that matters are my instincts, my primal drives that have been instilled in me by nature, developed since the dawn of time. You are the one that bows to moralfaggotry and sucks sweaty feminist roastie toes.

There is literally nothing worse an incel can be than an agecuck, because you are literally bowing to feminist rhetoric. Don't know how you can live with yourself tbh.

Btw, the roasties that you defend would call you a pedo just for having an anime girl as your pfp, just saying.

go kill yourself u rotten pedophile
High IQ and extremely based.
Ironically, being the only species on Earth that has the ability to have an abstract concept of logic has made us the mode illogical species on Earth. Every animal will begin trying to fuck as soon as they reach puberty, and they will fuck any of their fellow species of the opposite sex as soon as they are releasing signals that they are fertile, such as pheromones. Meanwhile, humans, both male and female, are fertile from about 12 onwards, and yet we say that it is morally wrong to engage in sex with that age group if you are an arbitrary number of years above it. Hell, it's morally wrong to even be attracted to them (which is literally thoughtcrime, by the way). Even 14-16 year olds, who are essentially fully physically developed and having sex with each other, are off limits if you are 18ish and up.

There is no logic to this morality, and agecuck soys and roasties will inevitably move to group shaming tactics and herd mentality if they are challenged. Literally all of the science available shows that most men are at the very least ephebophilic and arguably the majority are also hebephilic, and yet soys/roasties will still call them pedophiles. What other animal has the ability to shame it's peers for it's own natural, primal instincts? Only humans.

The fact is that, as dictated by nature, as soon as a girl has her first period, and as soon as a boy can cum white, they can consent to sex. Yes, they are mature enough to consent, and there is literally no reason that this should mean that they can only consent with those close in age to them. There is no logic to that.

:soy: "But they are not mentally mature yet"
:dab:No one is ever fully mentally mature. The mind continues to change and develop until death.
:soy: "But they are too young to have kids, so it is too risky for them to have sex!"
:feelsthink: Well then they shouldn't be allowed to have sex with each other, since adolescents can get each other pregnant. Since soys believe that adolescents can have sex with each other, this risk is the same for if they have sex with an 18+ adult. Arguably the latter is better because if there is at least one more mature adult, the risk of pregnancy can be more effectively managed. Also if soys truly cared about the risk of pregnancy, they would not promote fornication or sex outside of wedlock, but they do.
:soy: "But if there is an agegap it means it is coercive/manipulation"
:feelswhat: Why though? Why would that mean that it is necessarily manipulative? Indoctrinating kids in school is far more manipulative and immoral but soys love that.

At the end of the day, agecucking stems from roastie jealousy, and they exercise their power through feminism. It really is that simple. Roastoids do not care about morality, logic or 'children', they care about artificially inflating their SMVs. Mark my words, it will soon be socially unacceptable for a man to date a few years below his own age. My friend's gf thinks it is creepy for us to be attracted to 18/19 because :foidSoy:"They are just le teenagers!" You will see this attitude grow because of hysterical zoomer girls hitting the wall in the coming years. Of course, this will not apply to "sex workers" because err, that's somehow different (you can't date an 18 year old if you are too old but hiring an 18yo escort is le empowering!). Don't ask questions! Oh, and it is also perfectly fine for 14yo girls to dance in skimpy clothing on tiktok because that is "empowering" but you'd better not get aroused by them if you are over 18!

tl;dr don't underestimate how much of our society has been created purely on the basis of roastie jealousy and desire to maintain SMV into their post-wall years. We have moved on from basing societal morals on either logic or religion and now base it on the estrogenised brain farts of washed up roastie feminists :feelswhat: Animals are better than us because they are unable to have a concept of feminism and thus humans will always be the most cucked species.
This should be pinned

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