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Serious Human life is overated

Stupid Clown

Stupid Clown

Everything burns
Nov 29, 2022
People act like human life holds such great sacred value when there's billions of humans on this planet. They act as if the death of a human is some major thing when really it's no more significant than the death of a fly. Look at all the videos of freak accidents in China to see how quick a human life disappears and in what crude ways it can do so in.

There is no good or evil. There is no right or wrong. The only point in existence is existence itself. We're animals. Nothing more. If millions died tomorrow it wouldn't matter. The human species would continue existing. The idea that everyone has an individual and unique personality is laughable.People aren't as special as they think they are.
Yep, unless someone is personally important to me, I couldn't give less of a shit if they dropped dead
Yep, unless someone is personally important to me, I couldn't give less of a shit if they dropped dead
Everyone thinks this except normies and foids who unironically cry when some random foid, celeb or Chad dies.
Please stop preaching male disposability, saar.
This is the ultimate bluepilled cope; I really fucking hate it when I hear it from boomers/old people especially. Most people, generally, hate their lives wether they realize it or not, especially in the modERn age: Any kind of meaning to friendships, community, brotherhood, nationhood, family, romance, etc. serves no actual intrinsic value, and only serves our materialistic needs as humans. Everything concerning this world simply is concerning that of the material, also known as money & the value it brings. Most of our lives are spent wageslaving, many men are struggling to find relationships & sex, with some such as us being outright deprived of it, the current state of the world is going to shit more faster than it was a decade ago, and we're all enslaved by Elites.

Like you said, most humans only have minor glimpses of happiness: Food, sex, entertainment, drugs, gaming, etc. which only constitutes about 10%, if even that, of their overall existence. Most if it is spent suffering in some way; Wageslaving, in a relationship they hate in some way, living in a shithole, etc. It's only a few who are fortunate enough to be born with the right genes, in the right environment, with the right people to raise them whom actually can say their life is a gift: Life is either Heaven or Hell on Earth, no in-between, no "Midgard," just either a life of suffering or a life of bliss.

The fact is, most humans live like cockroaches

My life has been a constant struggle, the last time I can say I genuinely felt really "happy" was when I was around 13 or so, I have struggled with being non-NT my whole life, which made everything so much worse, on top of my below-average looks & manlet height with shit frame. School for me was just a process of surviving the day, and then going home to eat dinner & cope on YouTube or my console. This is reflected by the lives of the "99%" which you, I, and all here are part of: Most humans live in their suburbs or apartments, which honestly somewhat feel like prisons at times, commuting to wagelsave away most of their day, only to return home & eat garbage food, engage in copes, and if they're lucky enough, have sex with an ugly used-up roastie.

And what is more depressing, is knowing the following things:
-Foids help uphold this system, since it benefits them the most
-Most males are too bluepilled, addicted to comfort, etc to bother with attempting to fight this.
-Therefore, any hope for change is at best a pipe-dream.

Effectively, we are not actually living, but just existing: Everyone here is living life on "borrowed time"

My entire existence currently, is just college & wageslaving, combined with my earthly copes & pleasures to distract myself: I have no actual purpose, nothing to work towards, and it feels as if I exist just to exist, with no real meaning ingrained into it.

I already wrote this in another thread, but I figured I might as well get its own thread.
Please stop preaching male disposability, saar.
How? He's explaining the truth

Humans, regardless of gender, race, or any other factor, generally live unfulfilling lives.
Everyone thinks this except normies and foids who unironically cry when some random foid, celeb or Chad dies.
Yeah the people who "care about all life" actually only care about certain lives. Does anyone actually believe a typical white liberal woman would really care if a subhuman manlet for curryworld died? of course not. The only lives they value are other foids and chads
Very Jokerpilled of you, I like this. Trillions, if not quadrillions, of humans/human-adjacent/humanoid life forms have lived on this planet for about 60 million years. And they all died---the majority without a proper burial. The universe is formless---which is to say it's about as value-laden as a spider crushed under the heel of my boot. And why should it be any other way? Whoever is out there in the great beyond, sometimes carelessly called "God," either hates us or doesn't care enough about us and absconded from his responsibilities to responsibly rule over his creation. So why not live life to its max? Why not enjoy yourself every waking minute? My philosophy is do only what you enjoy. Life is too short to experience intense hardship for no eternal, or even temporal, gain. Live, laugh, love, comrades.
humans are not much different in terms of what we perceive than a pig, cow, monkey etc

biggest difference is our advanced brain lets us use fancy words n shit
The only lives they value are other foids and chads
I was watching videos earlier about people dying in strange ways and every time it was a guy the comments were full of normies (lots of foids) making jokes about how they died. Meanwhile if it was an attractive guy or a woman all the comments were full of the typical condolences and "someone needs to pay for this!" All human life is not valued. You're only valued if you offer something others use.

Very Jokerpilled of you, I like this. Trillions, if not quadrillions, of humans/human-adjacent/humanoid life forms have lived on this planet for about 60 million years. And they all died---the majority without a proper burial. The universe is formless---which is to say it's about as value-laden as a spider crushed under the heel of my boot. And why should it be any other way? Whoever is out there in the great beyond, sometimes carelessly called "God," either hates us or doesn't care enough about us and absconded from his responsibilities to responsibly rule over his creation. So why not live life to its max? Why not enjoy yourself every waking minute? My philosophy is do only what you enjoy. Life is too short to experience intense hardship for no eternal, or even temporal, gain. Live, laugh, love, comrades.
Easier said than done when you're stuck in a biological prison and bound by the biological chains known as instincts. No matter what I do I can't escape the misery I feel from social and sexual rejection. Similar to how one can't escape their hunger. Everything else is only a distraction a cope that will inevitably fade. It's too bad we weren't born in different times.
humans are not much different in terms of what we perceive than a pig, cow, monkey etc

biggest difference is our advanced brain lets us use fancy words n shit
Humans do the same things chimps do in a more complex fashion. The method in which we satisfy instincts might be different but they're still the same primitive instincts.
Yep pretty much. But evil is definitely real, and these normies bathe in it.
How is evil real?
Look at hollywood being involved in these child sex rings, and all the human sacrifices that go down for their leader. The world is stained with the blood from those who didn't wish to be here in the first place.
Look at hollywood being involved in these child sex rings, and all the human sacrifices that go down for their leader. The world is stained with the blood from those who didn't wish to be here in the first place.
Idc. Objective evil doesn't exist
Easier said than done when you're stuck in a biological prison and bound by the biological chains known as instincts. No matter what I do I can't escape the misery I feel from social and sexual rejection. Similar to how one can't escape their hunger. Everything else is only a distraction a cope that will inevitably fade. It's too bad we weren't born in different times.
It really is; it really is.
Idc. Objective evil doesn't exist
Drunk Weed GIF by Bruno Lisboa
humans are not much different in terms of what we perceive than a pig, cow, monkey etc

biggest difference is our advanced brain lets us use fancy words n shit
The fact that animal incels exist is what always fascinated me.
it seems this way but remember we don't know what life even is or what the universe is or even reality. also our subjectivity is the most valuable thing.
Life is a curse and the worst part about it is that we're wired to wanting to keep it.
I disagree, because if that were true, it would be a phase where the foid could do whatever they wanted, they wouldn't be punished, the killers could live freely and if good and evil were relative (which they aren't, because choices are choices, and good and evil are essential concepts).Essence precedes existence.
Very Jokerpilled of you, I like this. Trillions, if not quadrillions, of humans/human-adjacent/humanoid life forms have lived on this planet for about 60 million years. And they all died---the majority without a proper burial. The universe is formless---which is to say it's about as value-laden as a spider crushed under the heel of my boot. And why should it be any other way? Whoever is out there in the great beyond, sometimes carelessly called "God," either hates us or doesn't care enough about us and absconded from his responsibilities to responsibly rule over his creation. So why not live life to its max? Why not enjoy yourself every waking minute? My philosophy is do only what you enjoy. Life is too short to experience intense hardship for no eternal, or even temporal, gain. Live, laugh, love, comrades.
Humans will go extinct one day
Yep, unless someone is personally important to me, I couldn't give less of a shit if they dropped dead
I don't cry but if I see someone drop dead I do feel some sadness for the person who died ofc not as much as if it was someone important
I don't cry but if I see someone drop dead I do feel some sadness for the person who died ofc not as much as if it was someone important
well, directly seeing someone die is pretty messed up but If I just read about it on the news I won't feel much
Life is a curse and the worst part about it is that we're wired to wanting to keep it.

that's cope, because you're omega. You are a truecel of 20 thousand posts here, on the contrary, we are programmed to self-destruct, whether collectively or individually.
well, directly seeing someone die is pretty messed up but If I just read about it on the news I won't feel much
I don't give a shit if it's in a movie because it's fake but seeing someone get killed in real life like witness a murder or someone died of a strock or heart attack even if I don't know them then yeah you might feel something but yeah reading about celebrities dying I don't feel much or if I don't personally know the person
Don't underestimate the ego of humans!
This is the ultimate bluepilled cope; I really fucking hate it when I hear it from boomers/old people especially. Most people, generally, hate their lives wether they realize it or not, especially in the modERn age: Any kind of meaning to friendships, community, brotherhood, nationhood, family, romance, etc. serves no actual intrinsic value, and only serves our materialistic needs as humans. Everything concerning this world simply is concerning that of the material, also known as money & the value it brings. Most of our lives are spent wageslaving, many men are struggling to find relationships & sex, with some such as us being outright deprived of it, the current state of the world is going to shit more faster than it was a decade ago, and we're all enslaved by Elites.

Like you said, most humans only have minor glimpses of happiness: Food, sex, entertainment, drugs, gaming, etc. which only constitutes about 10%, if even that, of their overall existence. Most if it is spent suffering in some way; Wageslaving, in a relationship they hate in some way, living in a shithole, etc. It's only a few who are fortunate enough to be born with the right genes, in the right environment, with the right people to raise them whom actually can say their life is a gift: Life is either Heaven or Hell on Earth, no in-between, no "Midgard," just either a life of suffering or a life of bliss.

The fact is, most humans live like cockroaches

My life has been a constant struggle, the last time I can say I genuinely felt really "happy" was when I was around 13 or so, I have struggled with being non-NT my whole life, which made everything so much worse, on top of my below-average looks & manlet height with shit frame. School for me was just a process of surviving the day, and then going home to eat dinner & cope on YouTube or my console. This is reflected by the lives of the "99%" which you, I, and all here are part of: Most humans live in their suburbs or apartments, which honestly somewhat feel like prisons at times, commuting to wagelsave away most of their day, only to return home & eat garbage food, engage in copes, and if they're lucky enough, have sex with an ugly used-up roastie.

And what is more depressing, is knowing the following things:
-Foids help uphold this system, since it benefits them the most
-Most males are too bluepilled, addicted to comfort, etc to bother with attempting to fight this.
-Therefore, any hope for change is at best a pipe-dream.

Effectively, we are not actually living, but just existing: Everyone here is living life on "borrowed time"

My entire existence currently, is just college & wageslaving, combined with my earthly copes & pleasures to distract myself: I have no actual purpose, nothing to work towards, and it feels as if I exist just to exist, with no real meaning ingrained into it.

I already wrote this in another thread, but I figured I might as well get its own thread.
People act like human life holds such great sacred value when there's billions of humans on this planet. They act as if the death of a human is some major thing when really it's no more significant than the death of a fly. Look at all the videos of freak accidents in China to see how quick a human life disappears and in what crude ways it can do so in.

There is no good or evil. There is no right or wrong. The only point in existence is existence itself. We're animals. Nothing more. If millions died tomorrow it wouldn't matter. The human species would continue existing. The idea that everyone has an individual and unique personality is laughable.People aren't as special as they think they are.
Agreed, I have the exact same sentiment. Humans are animals. They live and die, like animals. The only noticeable difference between behavior of human and other animal, is that humans are somewhat more intelligent and more capable of abstraction. But besides those things, they are mere animals. They serve the biological ecosystem through birth, reproduction and death. It’s a perpetual cycle of animals serving their natural programming

I agree that most humans do what they do as a consequence of their instinct to survive, which includes socializing, attempting to reproduce, wageslavery, developing means of communication, resource farming, hunting etc. They are all subjects of the biological program by which they function. Some of them may see it as a “special gift” by some divine being or whatever, but I see it a merely a compatibility function within the human biological framework. I think like a rationalist. I think humans are capable of what they achieve due to their biological configuration, not because of supposed metaphysical substances like “soul” or “spirit”. All human capabilities are already prewired into the brain and the body, including their ability to conjecture the existence of these supposed metaphysical substances
Agreed, but we do have a purpose in life and its procreation
Agreed, I have the exact same sentiment. Humans are animals. They live and die, like animals. The only noticeable difference between behavior of human and other animal, is that humans are somewhat more intelligent and more capable of abstraction. But besides those things, they are mere animals. They serve the biological ecosystem through birth, reproduction and death. It’s a perpetual cycle of animals serving their natural programming

I agree that most humans do what they do as a consequence of their instinct to survive, which includes socializing, attempting to reproduce, wageslavery, developing means of communication, resource farming, hunting etc. They are all subjects of the biological program by which they function. Some of them may see it as a “special gift” by some divine being or whatever, but I see it a merely a compatibility function within the human biological framework. I think like a rationalist. I think humans are capable of what they achieve due to their biological configuration, not because of supposed metaphysical substances like “soul” or “spirit”. All human capabilities are already prewired into the brain and the body, including their ability to conjecture the existence of these supposed metaphysical substances
Finely put
People act like human life holds such great sacred value when there's billions of humans on this planet. They act as if the death of a human is some major thing when really it's no more significant than the death of a fly. Look at all the videos of freak accidents in China to see how quick a human life disappears and in what crude ways it can do so in.

There is no good or evil. There is no right or wrong. The only point in existence is existence itself. We're animals. Nothing more. If millions died tomorrow it wouldn't matter. The human species would continue existing. The idea that everyone has an individual and unique personality is laughable.People aren't as special as they think they are.
It only holds value if you're NT. If you're not then you're considered public enemy #1.

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