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Soy Hubby of 20 years has sex withdrawn by wife

Rotting since 09

Rotting since 09

Mar 22, 2018
Some rage-inducing comments in this one. However this guy is a pure textbook beta cuck yes man judging from his replies to the comments so i have zero sympathy for him

"I slept on the couch due to my neck hurting and being a bit pissed about how the events of the night ended. We talk a bit by text and feel a bit like a douche trying to justify my emotions. I don't want to be on the wrong side of the #me-too movement.

That evening when I get home, we do talk. The long and short of it is,she still loves me and can't see her future without me, however sex just isn't her thing anymore"

Oh, I can be an A-hole. Selfish and self absorbed. I typically change jobs every few years due to working retail and when management shifts happen things get weird.

My wife is awesome!

She has worked for the same company for 20 years and it steals a little more of her soul on a daily basis. She feels locked in because of her benefits and that it gives us an "in" for our 18 year old son with aspergers to get the counseling he needs.

We do a very good job of splitting house hold stuff. But having these things done falls under her love language, so I try to do them as much as possible, because, I do dig her.

The worst part of the whole thing is, I knew she was right and she didn't owe me anything. I have been beating myself mercilessly for being a "guy" and instead of a man.

I would just be like, "Ok i still love you too but seeing as I need sex I'm just going to start seeing other girls on the side but I guess you don't have a problem with that because we'll still be besties"

see what happens

worst that happens is you get divorced but its not like shes your wife anymore anyway
>reads title
>clicks on thread
>sees post from Reddit
C6FC91DA 3BD5 494C 8023 19BBF08B21D5
>reads title
>clicks on thread
>sees post from Reddit
View attachment 56615

I saw this thread's title like 10 minutes ago and scrolled by it, thinking "Oh another reddit post." This shit is so common that I didn't even realize that I was subconsciously associating cuckoldry with reddit.
I agree when the comments say “sex isn’t a reward for being a good husband” yes sex isn’t a reward it’s a right. If I married your ugly ass then I expect sex everyday all day whenever I want.
lol marital rape is a societal spook
I agree when the comments say “sex isn’t a reward for being a good husband” yes sex isn’t a reward it’s a right. If I married your ugly ass then I expect sex everyday all day whenever I want.

"just rape your wife theory"
Reality :

Wife knows that her children can make their life by themselves
They don't need any parental control anymore
Wife is disgusted by her husband
She refuses sex to get a divorce and win
Then she suddently finds another man 1 week after divorce
She has sex 3 times a day with her new BBC
Ex husband ropes and dies

If it was me, l would have said "take your clothes and leave my house" or "l will date other women since tomorrow, l love you my new friend"
Last edited:
Some rage-inducing comments in this one. However this guy is a pure textbook beta cuck yes man judging from his replies to the comments so i have zero sympathy for him

"I slept on the couch due to my neck hurting and being a bit pissed about how the events of the night ended. We talk a bit by text and feel a bit like a douche trying to justify my emotions. I don't want to be on the wrong side of the #me-too movement.

That evening when I get home, we do talk. The long and short of it is,she still loves me and can't see her future without me, however sex just isn't her thing anymore"

Oh, I can be an A-hole. Selfish and self absorbed. I typically change jobs every few years due to working retail and when management shifts happen things get weird.

My wife is awesome!

She has worked for the same company for 20 years and it steals a little more of her soul on a daily basis. She feels locked in because of her benefits and that it gives us an "in" for our 18 year old son with aspergers to get the counseling he needs.

We do a very good job of splitting house hold stuff. But having these things done falls under her love language, so I try to do them as much as possible, because, I do dig her.

The worst part of the whole thing is, I knew she was right and she didn't owe me anything. I have been beating myself mercilessly for being a "guy" and instead of a man.

@Rotting since 09 , the word hubby sounds like a name you would give to a small male dog. Disgusting.
>be sub7
>get cucked
"Ok i still love you too but seeing as I need sex I'm just going to start seeing other girls on the side but I guess you don't have a problem with that because we'll still be besties"
You are dreaming if you think the wife cant play that game 1000x better than you. Also she has the upper hand in any divorcecase
women can just "retire early" nowadays and get preventive mastectomies and hysterectomies at 35.
You are dreaming if you think the wife cant play that game 1000x better than you. Also she has the upper hand in any divorcecase


the wife isn't his wife anymore. she has reneged on the agreement. I'm not suggesting the above as a threat.

I'm suggesting the guy literally bangs whores and becomes an adulterer.

He has two choices:

1. have a "marriage" on her terms forever. no more sex, basic slave
2. force the divorce by checking out and getting what he wants elsewhere

he works retail. he is better off divorcing her if she won't change her mind. it's not like he's a millionaire
@Rotting since 09 , the word hubby sounds like a name you would give to a small male dog. Disgusting.

She's just not that into him. But that's the reality of being a betabuxx. Right out of the gate, you're at a disadvantage because you have unconditional love for her, yet she would prefer to be with Chad were it not for the money you bring in. If she can find a way to get the money without putting out, and also sleep with Chad when you're not looking, then she wins. Marriage and kids give her a lot of leverage for creating that situation.

Also, this guy can end up on the wrong side of the #MeToo movement any time she decides to claim, with or without evidence, that he raped her; the whole point of #MeToo is for femoids to say to each other, "Omigosh, you ALSO got raped 20 years ago and don't have any evidence that it ever happened?! This is an epidemic; we better pressure society into acting like they believe all these uncorroborated rape accusations."

This talk of love languages shows he's been reading books on how to save his marriage and rekindle their sex life. All of those books are going to have a blue pill bias, because that's necessary to get the approval of the femoids who will be reviewing them. If the author were to be redpilled, then they would call him a rape apologist.

Marriage involves femoids putting out when they don't feel like putting out. That's why there was the concept of the wife as sexual property. Otherwise, only marriages to Chad would work.

This guy doesn't really have a lot of good options, when you think about it. All of society is going to be on his wife's side, in saying he needs to be a good little betabuxx for the good of the kid and accept whatever scraps, if any, she wants to give him.

As a married beta, he's also not in a position to cheat, unless he's going to escortcel. Chad would be in a better position to cheat, which is why Chad has an advantage in keeping control over his femoids (not that they would want to refuse sex with him anyway, except as a way of getting him to rape them).

He can try cutting off the supply of betabuxx for luxuries she wants, but he's probably not even making a lot of money, since he works in retail. He's probably just going to have to go caveman on her.

truth. marital rape is not real.
women can just "retire early" nowadays and get preventive mastectomies and hysterectomies at 35.

what if we make that illegal? look, either the government stays out of your womb or stays in. you can't have both.
This is the future of every sub-8 man who gets married.
Kek acting like a spineless worm and surprised your wife doesn't want to fuck you? Quel surprise.

Cavemen definitely spent all day hunting and all evening doing chores in anticipation of reward sex at the end of it.
Friendzoned by your own wife, you can't make this shit up :forcedsmile::forcedsmile::feelsohh:
Also, this guy can end up on the wrong side of the #MeToo movement any time she decides to claim, with or without evidence, that he raped her;
It should be impossible to rape your wife tbh. She’s your property at that point.
Im honestly getting tired of these oldfags giving their kids autism because they didn't want to have kids when they were young.
I bet she wouldn't mind having sex with chad how can cucks not see the obvious
People are advising him to read a book,

if you're married, you're a complete fucking retard anyway, so all of this is moot
But marriage is how you prove to a femoid that your love for her is serious, so she knows you're not like those Chads who just used her for sex and then dumped her.

marriage = i have shitty genetics and can't make you wet so here's all my money


women respect rapists more than married men
43 guests wouwwww, FBI is reading us
So let me say some things from a medical standpoint
Women like men can lose sexual desire. They have a female Viagra out now for that.
Then there is perimenopause that women can take replacement hormone therapy for.
If I can't get my dick up, I am going to the doctor. If (hopefully when) I get married and if my wife has no sexual desire all of a sudden, I am going to suggest, schedule and drive her ass to the doctor.

As someone who works with children and teens with disabilities, I notice that more of the parents go to marriage counseling. Raising a child with special needs can take a toll on a marriage. I reas where he said they have a child with Asperger's.

NOW WITH ALL THAT BEING SAID, "IF SHE DOESN'T TRY TO MAKE FIXING THAT PROBLEM A PRIORITY, SHE IS A SELFISH BITCH!" He has needs that she should be trying to fulfill. And if he isn't pushing for her to go to the doctor, he is a dumb betafuck.
But what about the kiddo?! He'll get depressed and feel like a bad dad if he can't be there for his kid every day when he comes home from work. He's just gonna have to get used to waiting till his wife starts snoring, and then quietly jacking off.

The kid is 18 and an autismcel.

I would just say "sup kid time to stop being incel. You can either stay with your mom or we can stop being incels together"

Then just divorce his wife and go with his son to Philippines where they can both run jbw game with half the divorce money
I saw this thread's title like 10 minutes ago and scrolled by it, thinking "Oh another reddit post." This shit is so common that I didn't even realize that I was subconsciously associating cuckoldry with reddit.

Reddit btfo
Sleeping on the couch is cucked. He should have made that bitch sleep on the couch.
put a chad infront of her old hag ass and watch her muster up those few drops of pussy juice for him.
Seriously should secretly wipe out all equity out of everything...

And just escape to some third world... where no cuckvorce lawyer can touch you or cuckourt
i love how women never take responsibility for anything, they always force the man to believe he’s the one in the wrong
In particular, when they don't feel like having sex with their beta hubby, they say, "You're obsessed with sex," "All you want me for is sex," "You have a sex addiction," etc. to make it seem like he's the one with the problem.

The reality is that a typical betabuxx marriage is about trading money for sex, so unless they made it sound like his sexual desires are out of control, there's no way they could win an argument about whether it's appropriate to deny him sex, given that he's still providing money but not getting his reward.

And yeah, sex sort of is his reward for supplying the money, just like money is her reward for putting out. To tie the knot is to say, "This is going to be a long-term arrangement of trading money for sex, so we can have a stable household for the good of the kids." If one of them can say, "I don't feel like being a part of this contract anymore" then it defeats the point; they might as well have just stayed boyfriend and girlfriend. It would have eliminated a lot of drama when it came time to break up.
extreme IQ

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