Welcome to Incels.is - Involuntary Celibate Forum

Welcome! This is a forum for involuntary celibates: people who lack a significant other. Are you lonely and wish you had someone in your life? You're not alone! Join our forum and talk to people just like you.

JFL How you guys like being terrorists?

I'm a currycell.
We get mistaken for terrorists because of you sandnigger.
yeah i do 9/11 on daily basis :cool::cool::cool:
its pretty cozy tbh
yeah I blew up a couple buildings this morning
I will bomb my local church tomorrow
I mean. Gotta be quite something when being unable to find a partner while harming nobody is now considered terrorism. Let's hear it for diminishing the meaning of the term. Oh society and their labels. Ironic given they commit more terroristic acts, domestic or otherwise than incels do

IncelTear users always slip in lies about people they are mocking.
Here they just casually remarked how they hope the FBI is watching incels on their sites because the incels that post on incel sites are terrorists according to them.
It's all passive remarks to reinforce their own narrative. The funny thing is they accuse us of the same things they do. They're hypocrites. And also do not understand context, cannot take a joke, and can't recognise when they're being baited. And ontop of that, make their own content sometimes. Just to name a few tbh.

Pretty much, although there is a portion of them that genuinely believes all incels or people that criticize women are violent and abuse women.
The rest are people knowingly lying about posts they feature on their shit sub in order to try to turn people against incels and groups that say unflattering things about women to try and get those people's sites and groups shut down.
Cool label they gave us. I support it
They're incapable of noticing this tbh. And deny/ignore it when anything like this is bought up. Let's not forget. Her accounts deleted now, but IT welcomed back koneko. A woman who openly admitted to posting CP to false flag. They even made her a moderator on the new sub. So many of them were happy to see her back... Makes you think doesn't it.

Not only do they deny/ignore it they try to report it and get it taken down.

They're really invested in their narrative that they are the good guys despite bullying people.
See example of this person from the IT sub going to bully a user on r/celmates.
It's fine, it is one of my favourite hobbies.
If I did 9/11 I would've at LEAST had done something in my life. Rip inside job pilot.
I'm a currycell.
We get mistaken for terrorists because of you sandnigger.
You get mistaken because we look nearly identical. We are essentially the same, brother. no point in denying it.
Tbh water is wet sort of stuff. You seem to keep up with that more than I do lately so do remember. If you ever see anything on that sub that's a clear violation, hypocrisy etc etc. PM me or goff. We'll archive the page, and add it to the list. Over time compiling archive lists of their bullshit to be published in future.

Unfortunately a lot will be missed..so if you see anything. Send it through and a permanent copy will be recorded. Just to highlight Thier utter bullshit. Easier to just record their infractions than bother with talking to them. Make an example of them

Tbh a post showing a screenshot of an IncelTear user called Indians street shitters got marked as spam by Reddit anti-evil mods and removed so it is good to keep backups of the evidence.
The usernames on the screenshots are blocked out though as per reddit rules.

If you don't mind receiving PMs of the more clear violations and hypocrisy of Inceltear I can PM you them when I find them.
I don't know what counts as more severe examples of their hypocrisy or violation of reddit rules but I'll try my best.
ISIS stands for incel secret intelligence service
Damn that guy is probably the biggest normie prick ive seen yet. To put it into perspective how much reading this guys comment pissed me off - I usually cringe at Gore, but if I ever saw that guy in a video getting stabbed in the neck multiple times (in mc) I'd enjoy the fuck out of it.

On r/ForLonelyMen a day or so before it was banned, some IT user commented on a thread about a single mother starter pack asking why virgins hate weed. When confronted on this and how IncelTear supposedly doesn't make fun of virgins, the user said something like "lol no one says that" and then proceeded to insult everyone that challenged him.

That guy in the thread I linked is the kind of people that IncelTear attracts.
Id have to check, because I do remember that one. But I think I have that archived. But it was bought up. The irony of their hypocrisy.

Usernames on screenshots only apply to posting to Reddit though. If you're posting elsewhere. No need to censor. But screenshots are very poor tbh. Archives are much better to use. They can't accuse it of being "muh doctored image" like they've been caught doing a few times.

And I'm open to PM's from anyone. This though is more than fine by me. Send all and any through if you think theyre worth keeping. They'll go into the compilation.

Idk how to upload a screenshot into an archive. I usually leave enough info in the title so that people can see the thread on IncelTear or IncelsinAction or a radical feminist sub is legit.
On r/ForLonelyMen a day or so before it was banned, some IT user commented on a thread about a single mother starter pack asking why virgins hate weed. When confronted on this and how IncelTear supposedly doesn't make fun of virgins, the user said something like "lol no one says that" and then proceeded to insult everyone that challenged him.

That guy in the thread I linked is the kind of people that IncelTear attracts.

Idk how to upload a screenshot into an archive. I usually leave enough info in the title so that people can see the thread on IncelTear or IncelsinAction or a radical feminist sub is legit.
Every time IT is disproven with science or any kind of reasoning (for that matter) they resort to mockery. Its like cornering a wild animal. Serge should make it so that the forums cant be seen unless you login. I mean whats the point? People who are on other incel circles already know what this site is about. It doesnt make sense for the public to see this. likely similar numbers of rates of users would join anyway
Every time IT is disproven with science or any kind of reasoning (for that matter) they resort to mockery. Its like cornering a wild animal. Serge should make it so that the forums cant be seen unless you login. I mean whats the point? People who are on other incel circles already know what this site is about. It doesnt make sense for the public to see this. likely similar numbers of rates of users would join anyway

The Inceldom Discussion section at the very least should be member access login only imo.

I agree with you, a lot of people here still think spreading the blackpill to normies will get the message out and make things better for incels. It couldn't be more the opposite, normies will take from blackpill knowledge what benefits them and makes it easier for them to bully unattractive males. The redpill going mainstream didn't do anything for men accept making mogging more socially acceptable so what good is the blackpill going mainstream going to do?

But others have different ideas and want to reach as wide an audience as possible. It doesn't come without undue attention from people that are looking for controversial content to karma farm. A thing that divides a lot of people on this site is on hand they say it is for venting, coping and shitposting, but on the other hand threads aggregating news in the manosphere and talking about current events are routinely pinned and a lot of members advocate taking action IRL like restricting social media and restricting women's right to vote.
There watching all of us, compiling their naughty list just waiting for the right time to take us away
I might drop some Willy Pete (White phosphorus) over a city today. Who's joining me?
dicking down 72 virgins is really tiring .
It's my fault, that was my comment.
Just a weird feeling. Just sitting in my room and posting here while being a terrorist.
Don’t arrest the anime
You get mistaken because we look nearly identical. We are essentially the same, brother. no point in denying it.
Arabs have more European blood.
And curries have more Iranian blood.

But that's just Chadpreet and Chaddam.
Ngl I don't even mind.
no offense, but your ancestors got cucked by them.
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Luckily I'm white so the media won't refer to me as a terrorist. :feelzez:
9/11 is based, I'm glad so many rich fucks died in those towers. Good work, the hijackers were hERoes. Until facial surgery is covered by healthcare, I raise my glass to toast in celebration of every terrorist attack in The West and every US soldier who is killed overseas. Spit on the graves of soldiers. They don't fight for me. Death to America.
Meanwhile, BLM activists can kill a woman who said "All lives matter" and reddit will remove posts about it.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GI_t15tIJec

Quite "funny".

Those social medias are the terrorist.
Only if you're a skinny white volcel around Dylan Roof's lookslevel

2020 04 30 21 10 40 The Fandom in LOVE with SCHOOL SHOOTERS   YouTube
Incels are like d soup du jour. There have been dozen of articles written about the members of this board. One day multi racial terrorists, next day far right white supremacists cuckboys, next day half mentally derange/half it infiltrators, next day misogynist, pedo neckbeards, next day anime weeb autists, and so on...

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