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Experiment how would you treat your gf?

would you treat you gf:

  • like an angel

    Votes: 26 26.8%
  • like a piece of shit

    Votes: 30 30.9%
  • as an equal

    Votes: 41 42.3%

  • Total voters


Feb 10, 2018
if you had a gf? would you treat her like shit or would you treat her like royalty?
i would treat her like a princess, so that she would never leave me. i would never stop loving her and would always treat her.
I don't know since I never had a gf.
I would
I'd treat then like an angel because i'd be terrified of being forced to go back to inceldom without actually being an incel anymore, so I wouldn't be able to even cope with other incels.
That would be the worst timeline.
I'd treat then like an angel because i'd be terrified of being forced to go back to inceldom without actually being an incel anymore, so I wouldn't be able to even cope with other incels.
That would be the worst timeline.
You would get cucked and dominated and that's worse than inceldom.
You would get cucked and dominated and that's worse than inceldom.
I don't mind being dominated, I wouldn't dare ever let myself get cucked.
I'd probably be abusive, unless she's a virgin with morals.
if she listens to me, as an equal.
Friendzone her before she wants to become my gf. I don't want a gf.
Only use her for sex
how would you stop her from cucking you?
By not letting her cuck me, shits easy. If she hits on other guys and shit i'm obviously gonna have a problem.
I dunno why we're all even entertaining this idea, we're not getting into a relationship anyways.
Fuck her no less than 4 times a day, cuddle with her, hug her, kiss her, eat her out till she cums, etc. etc
Like a piece of crap. I'd ignore her, curse her, spit at her if she misbehaved.

Inb4 cucktears : "that's why you don't have a girlfriend"

Also JFL @ incels treating a famoid like an angle, what fucking cucks you're.
By not letting her cuck me, shits easy. If she hits on other guys and shit i'm obviously gonna have a problem.
I dunno why we're all even entertaining this idea, we're not getting into a relationship anyways.
its just intresting to see what we think we would do
If she was a stacy i would treat her like a princess and fuck her 4/5 times a day. If she was a roastie i would just use her for sex and be indifferent about her, i probz wouldn't ever text or ring her.

If I somehow ascended to a chad i would still treat her like a princess but fuck her stacy friends on the side and start treating her a bit like a whore since I know she wouldn't think about leaving me.
User was banned for trolling.
Like an angel. I am an entitled nice guy and proud of it :)
I'd treat her well, rule over her and assess her for marriage and if she was fit, marry her. If I was in a position to do any of this.
Make her suck my dick, slap her when she doesn't. Femoids can't be equals
I'd treat her well, rule over her and assess her for marriage and if she was fit, marry her. If I was in a position to do any of this.
So you'd cuck yourself with your own hands?

God people here aren't blackpilled at all.
I believe I would make a real good bf, i am unironically a decent person.

ive never had a gf so I would prolly be clingy as fuck tho..

There's nothing wrong with being clingy, idk why the fuck normies think this is bad.
And you can't trust a female either. I'd not mind having a gf but i'd only use her for my benefit and treat her like shit to satisfy my hatred.
Yep. My biggest fear of being in a relationship is being cheated on. Also getting dumped, I strive for the relationship to last forever, but it probably won't because of the woman's hypergamous nature. A lot of modern day relationships are bound to fail anyway, it's pointless to want to be in one now.
I can see why it's bad. You can understand if you are the otherside. We are emotionally and sexually deprived so it's normal for us to be clingy. But a normie doesnt lust for relationships as much as we do.
It's not about being a normie or not, i'm khhv but i'd never be clingy. Clinginess and niceness are signs of weaknesses and famoids are inhuman monsters, you can't trust them. As soon as you show any kind of weaknesses they won't hesitate to fuck you over and cuck you.
It's not about being a normie or not, i'm khhv but i'd never be clingy. Clinginess and niceness are signs of weaknesses and famoids are inhuman monsters, you can't trust them. As soon as you show any kind of weaknesses they won't hesitate to fuck you over and cuck you.

Pretty true, it hurts very much that this is reality
Yep. My biggest fear of being in a relationship is being cheated on. Also getting dumped, I strive for the relationship to last forever, but it probably won't because of the woman's hypergamous nature. A lot of modern day relationships are bound to fail anyway, it's pointless to want to be in one now.
Yea famoids are like lions, they would eat you as soon as you fall in front of them even if you raised them since their birth.
I'd like to say I'd treat her like my queen, but in reality I would be distant and uncaring.
Pretty true, it hurts very much that this is reality
If you ever get into a relationship never be clingey or show the famoid that you need her or any shit like that. Just bang her and then ghost, ignore her and punish her if she misbehaves. I'd even beat a famoid if she tried to cuck me or did any shit whores nowadays do.
It's legitimately hard for me to imagine loving anyone at this point. I just have no faith or trust in "relationships" and view them as rentals. There's no such thing as true exclusivity or "relationship" longevity in 2018.
I already treat my oneitis like an angel. I love her so much.
True, the moment foids realize you are too dependent on them it's over. this was a good post from lookism;

"Women are much more primitive than men and are slaves to their hindbrains. They can have a great personality and a very advanced prefrontal cortex (funny, intelligent, loves poetry, into art and classical music, etc) but when it comes to social and relationship dynamics you have to treat them like you are dealing with a reptile. At most a primate."

I dunno if i would be able to stop it tho.
Women are wired and programmed to be dominated and to serve men like slaves. They like it when you consider them less than you and treat them according to that because it's in their nature.
I don't get you abusecels. Did y'all grow up with angry dads who taught you hitting women was OK?
But hitting women IS OK if she misbehaves. Even in Islam you could hit a woman if she refused sex or misbehaved and you could kill her if she cheated.

That's why i love Islam and i believe it's the true religion.
I would treat her well, but if she cucks me I will chop her into pieces.
Honestly, if you're a truecel then the last thing you'd think about is abusing your partner. Only a truecel knows what it feels like being alone, you wouldn't wish it upon your enemies nor would you ever want to go back to it.

People talking about abuse are likely the good looking 'mentalcel' crowd who get off from the edgy posts here
I would treat her like shit since Women actually enjoy being treated shit.
Honestly, if you're a truecel then the last thing you'd think about is abusing your partner. Only a truecel knows what it feels like being alone, you wouldn't wish it upon your enemies nor would you ever want to go back to it.

People talking about abuse are likely the good looking 'mentalcel' crowd who get off from the edgy posts here
thats true
You should treat your gilr the way she treats you if you want to keep her
Never knew there are so many bluepilled fags here who are blind to the true nature of women.
But hitting women IS OK if she misbehaves. Even in Islam you could hit a woman if she refused sex or misbehaved and you could kill her if she cheated.

That's why i love Islam and i believe it's the true religion.
You talk things through and reason with people, you don't hit them. Caveman religion.
You talk things through and reason with people, you don't hit them. Caveman religion.
Reason and logic with a female? Is this your first on the forum or what?

Also caveman religion is better than being a pathetic faggot cuck.

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