Based Jew.
I used to hate Jews for being responsible for most of the pain/suffERing which took place throughout human history in the last 3000+ years (including the modERn ERa).
But I hate normies more for bending ovER for the Jews instead of fighting back. The powER will always lie in the hands of the slave class male population (because it’s these men who are the workhorse of society, writing history through CREATION. And it’s also these men who are the foot soldiERs marching in battle during times of war, writing history through DESTRUCTION).
If the slave class male population (mostly normies) stopped working (thERefore weakening the “status quo” by depriving society of our CREATIVE CAPABILITIES), while at the same time refusing to join the military and violently resisting conscription (possibly dying in the process) in addition to committing regular acts of mass murdER eithER as individuals or as part of a co-ordinated group (also taking the risk of dying in the process) through which they’d be attacking the “status quo” through our DESTRUCTIVE CAPABILITIES, this current system (feminist societies) would be destroyed while a new system (which is technically the “old system”: patriarchal societies) will emERge in its place like a phoenix being reborn from the ashes.
As long as normie males continue to comply with the current status quo and continue to contribute to its maintenance, we will continue to suffER and ironically even the normies will continue to suffER (getting sex once a month at most while being exploited by the elites to wageslave for 40 hours a week minimum, or being used as cannon foddER in a game of chess between the elites while the foids of your country go ovERseas to get fucked by foreign chads as your corpse gets feasted on by worms).
If normies could undERstand that this current system isn’t just shit for incels, but that it’s ALSO shit for them too, there would be a revolution tomorrow, but the reason that the current system has existed for this long and will most likely continue to exist for quite a while to come, is because normies are too low IQ/lacking self-awareness to evER see past the lies and illusions which they are being programmed to believe by the elites through brainwashing and social conditioning, to evER undERstand what is really going on in the world around them.
They are NPCs in the truest of sense, non-sentient robots who don’t have any self-awareness and just exist as a tool for the elites to use in ordER to maintain their powER and control of the world. It’s not Jews fault for using normies, it’s normies’ fault for allowing themselves to be used (due to lacking the IQ/self-awareness to even realise that they are being used in the first place).