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How were you bullied in high school?



Judge Holden Pilled
Apr 13, 2023
I was usually shoved around, made fun of for having 0 friends, called retarded or autistic, and approached by normies and baited into humiliating myself for their own amusement.

I’m sure many of you have had far worse experiences
I’m sure many of you have had far worse experiences
I was the most retarded(academically speaking, I flunked high school) in my class and that was the bane of my existence.
I was usually shoved around, made fun of for having 0 friends, called retarded or autistic, and approached by normies and baited into humiliating myself for their own amusement.
x2 ngl
if you're a sandnigger like me and you live in a shtihole like libya then there's no way you're going to pass your whole childhood without getting molested by fags and degenerates in the street.
Called retarded/autistic like you said, called a school shooter and normies do that thing were they say that a foid likes me to mess with me.
Told me to kill myself
Belittled my existence
Social exclusion
Physically bullying me
Threatening my life
Avg unfair treatment due to being on the wrong side of the blackpill.
I’ve been bullied everywhere all my life. I’m still getting bullied at work too.
I was usually shoved around, made fun of for having 0 friends, called retarded or autistic, and approached by normies and baited into humiliating myself for their own amusement.

I’m sure many of you have had far worse experiences
Middle school = made fun of because I was fat
Some faggot made fun of my name and teeth in high school
the boys and especially the girls made fun of me for being short, big nose and my race as well. Even my former oneitis called me a midget to my face unprovoked. I was frequently beaten up by peeople I knew from primary school who I thought were my 'friends'. I recieved no support from the school or my parents. When I tried to go in the gate one time since I was late, the security thought I was suspicious and tackled me in front of everybody after telling me to stop. The teachers got involved and tried to restrain me thinking I was starting a fight. I got a gash on my foot that left a scar and nearly suffocated while the kids behind the gate who bullied me took the oppurtunity to record me and laugh.

The whole time I was dealing with my mental health. I kept having to do repeated patterns and be afraid of coughs and sneezes and hand movements from others thinking they would 'infect' me. My mom kept forcing me to go to school and told me it was in my head. She took all my copes and videogames away and held them as leverage over me. I was too afraid to take the bus due to bullying and my mental health making me think they would 'attack' and 'steal' something from me. So everyday I walk ran massive distances to school in order to avoid this, looking away from peoples hands and closing my ears. Once I arrived, I would always be late. I was scared of going in late in the classroom because they would all get quiet, deathstare me as I walk in and begin gossiping. So I hid in the bathrooms until I could go home, in order to feign to my mother that I went to school. She would get messages anyway.

I got beat up again in the bathroom by 5 kids in the older year who began throwing water in the stall i was hiding in in order to draw me out. Then when I got out they kicked me back inside while stomping me all together. I was pulled out then punched multiple times in the nose and kicked in my groin. They knocked my head backwards into the urinal and left me there as my nose bled out on the floor in a pool. This was the last straw. After this, I stayed home since I was 14. They made multiple efforts to drag me back but nothing was done about those boys. They sent mental health workers from CAHMS to my home everyday and attempted to gaslight me for everything and mock me. That's all they did just use this as an oppurtunity to mock me and tell me its my fault im not getting better.. I failed my gcses because of this and now I'm in a shitty community college where I get bullied all over again. It never ends. I'll probably get beaten up again before long. I was already called weird and ostracized by the whole classroom.
wow are you gay cause you look gay

you look like you got raped by a catholic priest

why is your skin so pale do you have a skin condition

i dont want him in my group he is kind of dumb

he has sex with cats
Schizoprenic fuck
I was mostly ignored by the other kids by the time of high school. No one would work with me during group assignments and I had no one to sit with at lunch 90% of the time. (I would occasionally see a then friend of mine from elementary school when he had a chance to come to my lunch block and in 9th grade I sat next to a few people from my old middle school) By 11th and 12th grade, I was completely alone.

People would sometimes heckle me and taunt me for a cheap laugh, but it wasn't from the same person, just random passerbys. However there was some fat spic kid in my physical education class who would keep pretending to high five me as a joke. He would taunt me as well. Inevitably, I got sick of his shit and I managed to shove him into a wall. This was my first time fighting back against a bully and it was successful - he backed off for the remainder of the year. I would later see that fat taconigger in my accounting class, the following year. He was mostly too baked to pay attention in class or even sit upright. The druggie didn't seem to remember me, which was nice. He would later drop out of the class a few months into the school year and I would never see him again. Would be nice to find out if he died or not, and if he did I hope he died in the most excruciatingly painful way possible.

There was also some Indian kid who purposefully would call me the wrong name on purpose to get a rise out of me. I ignored him to in an effort give him any more satisfaction but this didn't really work. He still picked on me. Guess he knew I was seething inside. Sadly, I cucked myself out from getting revenge on him due to fears of retaliation from the staff. I wanted to get around this by ambushing him in the bathroom by sneaking up behind him and smashing his head into the bathroom mirrors and rubbing his face all over the broken glass. He wasn't a very strong kid so I would've been able to overpower him. Sadly, this never occurred.
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One stupid normie with rich kid syndrome came up to me and asked me if I'm soaping my dick so he can get some laughs from normfag hivemind.
if you're a sandnigger like me and you live in a shtihole like libya then there's no way you're going to pass your whole childhood without getting molested by fags and degenerates in the street.
Bruh, I never told anyone how I almost got raped by junke street faggot in 2nd grade.
I was ignored mostly. However I got burdening looks from females.

Also the constant dread that I was being made fun.
- Called a arab terrorist everyday, because I had a beard. No one at school did, and everyone looked at me like I was a freak. Literally everyone.
Sorry for being depressed and not having money for a razor you cunts.

- Constantly and loudly humiliated for being ugly.

- Made fun of for wearing baggy clothes, cuz I was insecure.

- Got beat up on multiple occasions. Even got rocks thrown at me once by one dude.

- Guys used to grab my man boobs constantly.

I can go on...

It got so bad I brought a knife to school, with the intent to "hurt" at least 3 of the guys that used to bully me.
But It didn't go far beyond me taking out of my bag, putting it in my pocket, and looking for them.

I found them, but didn't do anything.

called ugly, school shooter, faggot, girls pretend to like you as a joke, the usual

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