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How to shorten your life span and die young.

  • Thread starter Deleted member 1269
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Deleted member 1269

Deleted member 1269

Nov 9, 2017
I'm sure most of us want to die at the moment, but we can't rope, so our only hope is to die as sooner as possible and i'll tell you how.

  1. Smoke like a chimney
    If you’re a smoker, great! You’re driving yourself to an early grave already. And if you’re not a smoker, why not get started now? Remember, you’ll not just be putting yourself at risk of lung cancer … you’ll also be in danger of heart disease, stomach cancer and even vision problems. Smoking is a fast and easy way to ruin your health. 
  • Experiment with drugs
    Tobacco and nicotine just not killing you fast enough? Start “experimenting” with drugs. Kid yourself that you’re not a drug “user”, you’re just “trying new things”. Depending on what illegal substances you’re poisoning yourself with, you could be at risk of imminent death. Psychiatric disorders, serious physical illnesses and, of course, addiction, all await you too. 
  • Binge-drink alcohol
    One drug is easily and legally available – alcohol. Make sure you treat it lightly and irresponsibly, for maximum ill-health. Get completely wasted on a regular basis, and enjoy the immediate effects of vomiting, memory loss, hangover (which is a form of food poisoning) and brain-shrinkage (that’s what causes the headache). Long-term, you’re heading for serious liver damage, vision problems and eventually early death. Oh, and if you’re a bloke, add erectile dysfunction to that list. 
  • Eat fast food regularly
    When you’re drunk, you’ll probably get the “munchies”. Swing by a fast food joint to fill your stomach with saturated fat: great for clogging up your arteries and causing heart disease. Fast food is designed to be scoffed in a hurry, so has none of those tedious nutritional goodies that require actual chewing (like fiber and fruit and vegetables). It’s packed with calories and easy to eat a lot of – perfect for gaining weight. 
  • Avoid fruit and vegetables
    And on that note of fruit and veggies – avoid them as much as possible. Pull the lettuce and tomato out of that burger, drink coke not fresh fruit juice, and use the salad drawer in your fridge as a place to stash cans of beer. You’ll be increasing your risk of cancer, obesity, heart disease and more. Bonus points if you manage to give yourself scurvy. 
  • Never walk when you can drive
    Getting exercise will diminish your risk of some of those health disasters you’re working up to. Never take an unnecessary step. Spend ten minutes driving round the car park to get a spot as near to the store as possible. Always take the lift, not the stairs. Go out of your way to avoid letting any exercise creep into your life. You’ll end up obese, at greater risk of catching illnesses, and probably depressed too. 
  • Have a fat waist
    Measure your waist: if it’s under 32 inches (female) or 37 inches (male), then head back to the fast food joint and make sure you drive there: you’ve got a lot of work to do. Stuffing in extra food without burning any off is an easy way to gain weight. If you’re feeling too full to eat more, add in a binge drinking session for some empty alcohol and sugar calories. 
  • Refuse to visit your doctor
    To make sure that the health problems you’ve developed go undiagnosed and untreated for as long as possible, never visit your doctor when worrying symptoms arise. The longer you leave it before getting advice and treatment, the more likely you are to develop something so serious that it kills you. 
  • Sleep is for tortoises
    One sometimes overlooked facet of ill health is getting as little sleep as possible. Make sure you go to bed too late (ideally after a binge-drinking session, to ensure you sleep badly and wake up feeling awful). Stagger around in a zombie-like daze of exhaustion: you’ll be all the more encouraged to scoff refined sugar and fatty snacks to artificially boost your energy levels. 
  • Make life stressful
    Finally, taking all the above ill health measures should make you feel stressed, miserable and in despair about your life. Make sure you’re overworked, under appreciated and on the verge of snapping at any given moment. Stress helps you to store extra weight on your waist, and it puts you at risk of ulcers, depression and a nervous breakdown.
Twisted said:
MK-677+cjc will probably shorten my life span.

Or a good old fashioned rope.
Twisted said:
MK-677+cjc will probably shorten my life span.

From where do you get that shit? I'm about 5'7" as well.
All of that would lead to a painful and slow death from disease. I want to die instantly but I don’t want to rope.
Drink a shit ton of energy drinks. Will fuck up your heart.
I can't do the drugs stuff because it's haram but I eat like shit and still am skinny af. I do everything else. I'd prefer just LDARing for the rest of my existence.
That is one possibility. The othER possibiilty is to go full Rich Piana, abuse drugs and get huge untiil your heart pops
You wanna shorten your life span OK if you're white go in a really bad part of the ghetto and yell nigger you'll die a lot quicker alternatively if you're black go into some redneck bar and say something along the lines of "slavery is wrong".
Cam The Angel said:
You wanna shorten your life span OK if you're white go in a really bad part of the ghetto and yell nigger you'll die a lot quicker alternatively if you're black go into some redneck bar and say something along the lines of "slavery is wrong".

I think the first scenario will have more success.
you should re label this to how to be a degenerate.

I aint doing any of this shit.
fuck that imma be healthy as shit and cope till the end
Virginp0wers said:
you should re label this to how to be a degenerate.

I  aint doing any of this shit.

I can't drink alcohol or do drugs anyways because it's haram. I can only smoke a lot and eat tons of fast food with no exercises and be depressed and isolated for some years. I know i won't make it past 40 at best.
Virginp0wers said:
you should re label this to how to be a degenerate.
I aint doing any of this shit.

LOL, idont even see why you would shorten your lifespan, just rope if you really hate it that much.
Stanx22 said:
I can't drink alcohol or do drugs anyways because it's haram. I can only smoke a lot and eat tons of fast food with no exercises and be depressed and isolated for some years. I know i won't make it past 40 at best.

smoking is degenerate and makes ur teeth like shit, i know this because my mother and brother smoke.

also i dont wanna eat fast food then i would become fat again like when i was younger ( which i dont want)
Stanx22 said:
I can't drink alcohol or do drugs anyways because it's haram. I can only smoke a lot and eat tons of fast food with no exercises and be depressed and isolated for some years. I know i won't make it past 40 at best.

if you really want to die don't toy with it kill yourself that's what i'm gonna do
Remember to smoke around chads, stacies and normies  when you get the chance and spread the cancer around.

I would also add drinking caffeine beverages (preferably with tons of sugar and other garbage) like it's water, increasing your stress/cortisol levels and the risk of panic/heart attacks.
People talk about it like it's that easy to rope.
Stanx22 said:
People talk about it like it's that easy to rope.
It'll be easier to rope when I can't cope anymore and get no pleasure off LDAR
Stanx22 said:
People talk about it like it's that easy to rope.

It's easier than prolonged suffering honestly.
Cynistic said:
LOL, idont even see why you would shorten your lifespan, just rope if you really hate it that much.
Twisted said:
MK-677+cjc will probably shorten my life span.

u have no idea what you are talking about
Twisted said:
My plates are confirmed open by the doctor so check your plates are open

Getting the mk-677 from nootropicsource 

Will start the cjc 1295 a bit later just to see how I adjust to the mk-677

Will get the exemestane (Aromasin) from purplepandalabs

How much will is cost,? Is this height increasing stuff and how many inches(or cm) will you get?
Twisted said:
My plates are confirmed open by the doctor so check your plates are open

Getting the mk-677 from nootropicsource 

Will start the cjc 1295 a bit later just to see how I adjust to the mk-677

Will get the exemestane (Aromasin) from purplepandalabs

Let me know how it went
Stanx22 said:
I can't drink alcohol or do drugs anyways because it's haram. I can only smoke a lot and eat tons of fast food with no exercises and be depressed and isolated for some years. I know i won't make it past 40 at best.

Smoking is also haraam. Posting and browsing this kind of forum is also haraam. Leaving a muslim country migrating to western kuffar land is also haraam. Enjoying the kufffar economy and all it's benefit is also haraam.

Muslims are all hypocritical piece of shit (except the ISIS).
chudur-budur said:
Smoking is also haraam. Posting and browsing this kind of forum is also haraam. Leaving a muslim country migrating to western kuffar land is also haraam. Enjoying the kufffar economy and all it's benefit is also haraam.

Muslims are all hypocritical piece of shit (except the ISIS).

I want to fast food rope when I turn 60
Why was he banned?

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