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Cope How to cope with the "cope" cope --- a cope or a meta-cope? (inception-cope?)



PTSD ADD NW4 5'8½" 4/10 sperg
Mar 21, 2022
I've recently come across this YouTube shorts:

View: Http://youtube.com/shorts/tEgQA18SFio

"Coping keeps you stuck in life"

tl;dw: having great copes to cope with your shitty life will likely lead you to not putting enough effort to improve your life.

I haven't read the original study, but it seems to imply that improving one's condition is a function of how intolerable you find your condition to be.

A typical case of the wageslave who just grabs a beer and doze off on the couch after a long day getting shit from his boss. And then on and on for an entire lifetime.

Not having these copes would lead to self improvement out of wageslavery and into a more fulfilling life.... or, would it?

Or is it maybe, just maybe, the case that people who are stuck in the first place then develop sophisticated coping mechanisms in order to endure?

As a good Rodgerist-Marxist, it behooves me to conduct a historical-materialistic analysis starting with the hunter-gatherer --- his life is hard, painful, and brutal. His copes are rather unsophisticated: dancing around a fire and sometimes imbibing mind-altering drugs.

Now let's look at the bronze age or iron age peasant. His life is also brutal by our contemporary standards, but substantially less so than the life of the hunter-gatherer. His copes are likewise more sophisticated: at his town's square there are fairs, music, spectacles from time to time. His church promises him an afterlife to keep his spirits high. He also has beer and feast days. He visits prostitutes and lives in a comfy house. All is good. In decadent civilizations, the spectacles, parades, games, amusements, and holy feasts multiply.

Babylon, in it's heyday, was a land of austere warriors and great builders. Men of stout character, who would fight myriad battles, make exquisite artifacts and build impressive stoneworks. A far cry are the last days of Babylon... its name has become synonymous with debauchery, depravity, immoderation and decadent customs. A land wherein otherwise upright men are corrupted and dragged down to a life of sensuous pleasure.

Likewise Rome, once was a civilization wherein every man was required to serve in it's legions, which were at once combat units and engineering units that would build the roads, outposts, and cities of stone all through Europe, where there were once only barbarian huts. In it's decadent century, Roman citizens would not bother to leave the comfort of the arena games, the free housing, free bread, and free wine (on certain occasions) that would be provided by their rulers as testament to Rome's infinite generosity... to the point Rome was defended by mercenaries paid for by a debased currency... the many engineering works were left abandoned. At the end of the empire, the richest persons were arena celebrities, fighters, racers, and prostitutes.

Now, the western man, the men who have fought among themselves two of the greatest wars ever, and gave the world 99% of it's technical and scientific accomplishments now finds himself rotting between an office chair and his beloved couch where he is anesthetized by TV, vidya, beer, pills etc.

In conclusion, comrades, what we see historically, is that as a civilization progresses its ruling class will invest an ever growing share of their wealth to provide the public with ever more and better copes in the vain attempt to maintain the status quo and stave off the inevitable REVOLUTION. This investment eventually results in the transfer of capital from the productive class to the cope-selling class.

In the 19th century, the largest companies were factories, industries, transportation etc. Now, in the 21st century, a rising share of the largest companies in the world (Google, meta, Apple, tsmc, Netflix etc, ) are either direct cope-sellers such as Netflix, or have copes as the main driver of it's sales (the smartphone industry).

The proletarian, incelitarian or betabuxtarian class male finds himself pushed (by the ruling class) under an ever growing pressure to cope ever harder with ever better copes as a society marches into its ruin, led by a decadent sexhaver elite who will hold onto its privileges until the last minute.

Too bad for them.

We, Marxist-Rodgerists, know revolution is nigh.

The cunt-capitalist exploitation of men will be put to a halt once we UNITE and SEIZE THE MEANS OF REPRODUCTION once and for all, banish all foids to underground breeding barns for good and build a FOIDLESS SOCIETY here on the surface of the Earth, where men can be finally free to pursue greatness without having 95% of our resources wasted on impressing foids or directly transferred to foids.

The "cope" cope is not an individual issue (hurr you cope too much, take cold showers, bro), but a historical-materialistic phenomenon (we, as a class are pressured to cope with the dying pains of late-stage cunt-capitalism).

This "cope" cope is a historical phenomenon that repeats itself... once as a tragedy but now as a farce.
"Coping keeps you stuck in life"

tl;dw: having great copes to cope with your shitty life will likely lead you to not putting enough effort to improve your life.

I haven't read the original study, but it seems to imply that improving one's condition is a function of how intolerable you find your condition to be.
I actually agree with this, but it's only true for normies. They have actual fulfilling lives with gfs, dating, wives. Copes keep them complacent.

This isn't true for incels. We use copes to escape our lives, but then our copes lose effect over time. This should make us more prone to improving our lives, right? Wrong, we are broken, oppressed men. If we could improve ourselves and our lives to tolerable standards we already would have. This is the self-improvement fallacy all over again.

Therefore I don't see this revolution happening anytime soon, as necessary as it is. Normies won't do it and blackpilled incels haven't reached critical mass yet.

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