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Serious How to cope with knowing that women will never find me desirable?



May 26, 2024
Basically the title. I keep trying to run away from my declining mental health but nothing works anymore. Video games don’t work, anime no longer has any effect. I feel miserable all the time. All the copes are starting to fail me. Is this the end brothers?

As much as I hate those creatures masquerading as humans, a part of me that I cannot control, still wants them. I want to be in a relationship with the very women I hate. Why!? Why can’t my brain just move on? This is hell. I can’t take it anymore. I wish it was different but whenever I even imagine myself being in any way proactive and assertive toward a woman… I feel wrong. It feels wrong to me to be in any way sexual with a woman. Wrong. I’m too ugly to be someone who can blow a girls back out, or kiss her on the lips. Imagine a disfigured midget freak kissing you on the lips. Imagine, you foid infiltrators. A disfigured man kissing you on the neck or the collarbone and whispering to your ear. You’d throw up. You’d lynch me. That’s how I feel like every day. If any of you IncelTears fucks see this thread, feel free to screenshot it and post it on your cucked subreddit for karma. Let them all see how bad of a person I am, suffering from loneliness and trying to fight back against my suicidal ideation every day. Look how bad of a person I am! All I ever wanted from life was to be normal, to fit in, to be enough for someone on this god-forsaken planet. But I’ll never be enough. I’m not a man. I don’t feel like male. I don’t classify as male; I cannot make women feel arousal in my presence. It means I’m genetically inferior toward other men. It’s emasculating. I feel wrong. I feel like I shouldn’t exist; my existence is a cruel joke that the universe is playing on me. Why!? What the fuck did I do to deserve being born into this short, midget, deformed body??? Why do my hips have to be bigger than my fucking shoulder width?! WHY!! You will never understand what it’s like to be a fucking miserable subhuman piece of shit who is not allowed to interact with other humans. To all you normie fucks, all you fucking infiltrators browsing this board right now; get the fuck out.


Anyway. I feel sick. My body is wrong. I hate myself, I hate everyone else, I wish I were dead but im too much of a pussy to actually off myself and be done with this shit life. I wish so badly I actually had the balls to do it. At least this way you’d be spared my shitty mediocre posts, fellow brocels. Anyway im going back to rotting now. Cheers. And fuck you females.
Gave up on women a while ago, there's no ascension unless you pay for it or are given one by the friendly Marxist-Rodgerist state
Gave up on women a while ago, there's no ascension unless you pay for it or are given one by the friendly Marxist-Rodgerist state
I know it and my brain knows it but it still decides to fuck me over. It takes so little to make me feel like shit nowadays. I hear some dude talking outside my window with some girl, how they are laughing together and I can fucking imagine the gun in my hand and how much I want to shoot myself with it. But I can’t. I can’t buy a firearm to just kill myself and im too scared to use a noose or slit my wrists. Anyway, I know I cannot ascend. I’m going to be shat on by normal people for even appearing in public. I know it. Those people, in the back of their heads, they hate me. They all hate me because I’m a fucking subhuman. They find my attempts at being normal amusing. It’s a sadistic pleasure to those more gifted than us to sneer at our attempts at normalcy. It’s like you see a fellow incel genetic abomination trying to jestermaxx in front of some stacylite and you just feel the physical need to walk up to him, put your hand on his shoulder and just tell him that it’s okay and that he should just hang out with us subhumans already. At least he won’t spend his time doing something so fruitless as trying to ascend as an ugly man.
I'd actually suggest cutting yourself. Not to kill yourself but for the huge adrenaline rush you'll get afterwards. It'll make you feel alive. I always either do that or burn myself when I feel down for the same reason.
I'd actually suggest cutting yourself. Not to kill yourself but for the huge adrenaline rush you'll get afterwards. It'll make you feel alive. I always either do that or burn myself when I feel down for the same reason.
I already cut myself. It doesn’t work anymore.
Brutal. Well, I don't know what to tell you. You know the old proverbs.
I won’t off myself. I tried to already, twice. I almost made it but I started feeling physically sick at the thought of jumping over the ledge. I couldn’t do it, man. That shit is too scary. My mind hates me too much to let me die and feel relief.
I won’t off myself. I tried to already, twice. I almost made it but I started feeling physically sick at the thought of jumping over the ledge. I couldn’t do it, man. That shit is too scary. My mind hates me too much to let me die and feel relief.
I hope you find something. Maybe geomaxxing? Maybe getting surgery in a third world country?
I hope you find something. Maybe geomaxxing? Maybe getting surgery in a third world country?
It’s all cope man. You know it, I know it, they know it. A genetic dead end will never stop being genetic dead end, no matter how many surgeries he takes and how hard he tries to fool anyone. If it doesn’t show on me, it’ll show on my kids. I don’t want to be someone who brings another human into this world who will suffer just as much as I do. Fuck no. I already hate my parents for giving birth to me. I don’t want to make the mistake they have made and condemn some poor, innocent kid into a life of inceldom.
It’s all cope man. You know it, I know it, they know it. A genetic dead end will never stop being genetic dead end, no matter how many surgeries he takes and how hard he tries to fool anyone. If it doesn’t show on me, it’ll show on my kids. I don’t want to be someone who brings another human into this world who will suffer just as much as I do. Fuck no. I already hate my parents for giving birth to me. I don’t want to make the mistake they have made and condemn some poor, innocent kid into a life of inceldom.
Just get as much dope releases as possible then. Do whatever makes you feel alive. That's about all you can do.
Just get as much dope releases as possible then. Do whatever makes you feel alive. That's about all you can do.
I just wish some of those people would understand how it’s like to be me, or you, or any other incel. Those people will never understand. They never fucking will. They’d rather call us all rapists or terrorists or whatever else they can throw than admit that we are just miserable people…

as for being alive, I wish it was possible. I just sleep nowadays. At least in the dreams I can cope with having a girlfriend. Last week I had three dreams where I was going out with a girl. I felt so happy. I felt like a normal person for once. God.
I just wish some of those people would understand how it’s like to be me, or you, or any other incel. Those people will never understand. They never fucking will. They’d rather call us all rapists or terrorists or whatever else they can throw than admit that we are just miserable people…

as for being alive, I wish it was possible. I just sleep nowadays. At least in the dreams I can cope with having a girlfriend. Last week I had three dreams where I was going out with a girl. I felt so happy. I felt like a normal person for once. God.
Normies genuinely aren't capable of empathy. Nice your subconscious isn't blackpilled. That's something.
Normies genuinely aren't capable of empathy. Nice your subconscious isn't blackpilled. That's something.
That’s bad. I suffer because something in me still fights back. I don’t want to be a loser but the only alternative is either suicide or going so off the rails I might as well submit myself to a psych ward. I will never buy into PUA or blue pill horseshit, I tried it already in the past and got burned by it. Never again. I wish I wasn’t a person who valued romance so much. It’s ingrained in us since we are little kids that love is the greatest pleasure a human being can experience, yet there is a constantly growing demographic of men who will never experience it; even worse; said love is a falsehood to begin with. But it’s too sweet of a lie to just reject either. I think all of us somewhere deep down want to be with someone who will just love them. None of the chad stacy or feminist bullshit. Just a modest girl who didn’t spread her legs to every other man and now is trying to groom us into the role of a sexless beta provider. Just someone who looks for a connection just as much as I do. But as we all know feelings mean nothing in this world. It’s about genetics and I am sorely on the bad end of the bargain.

I want love and it’s cruel that it’ll never happen. The only thing I can do is accept it but something in me has a visceral reaction whenever I try to do that.
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That’s bad. I suffer because something in me still fights back. I don’t want to be a loser but the only alternative is either suicide or going so off the rails I might as well submit myself to a psych ward. I will never buy into PUA or blue pill horseshit, I tried it already in the past and got burned by it. Never again. I wish I wasn’t a person who valued romance so much. It’s ingrained in us since we are little kids that love is the greatest pleasure a human being can experience, yet there is a constantly growing demographic of men who will never experience it; even worse; said love is a falsehood to begin with. But it’s too sweet of a lie to just reject either. I think all of us somewhere deep down want to be with someone who will just love them. None of the chad stacy or feminist bullshit. Just a modest girl who didn’t spread her legs to every other man and now is trying to groom us into the role of a sexless beta provider. Just someone who looks for a connection just as much as I do. But as we all know feelings mean nothing in this world. It’s about genetics and I am sorely on the bad end of the bargain.

I want love and it’s cruel that it’ll never happen. The only thing I can do is accept it but something in me has a visceral reaction whenever I try to do that.
The only guys who get true love are chads. Women leach off all non chads like a parasite.
The only guys who get true love are chads. Women leach off all non chads like a parasite.
Love is just physical attraction. It’s been bred into us by nature and evolution. The gentetically fit reproduce while the misfits die off. It’s all perfectly logical, except for the fact that human mind goes above evolution. We are too self-aware for our own good. Does a chimp go through emotional and existential crisis when he lives his whole life as a beta provider harvesting bananas for some alpha chimp? No. He doesn’t care, he’s not even capable of forming that thought since he’s just a chimp. It makes perfect sense and the chimp doesn’t rebel. It just exists like the stupid chimp it is. We humans obtained consciousness and the awareness of our own suffering that’s causing our suffering. Human mind isn’t some sacred entity. I’m just electrical signal going through that pink glob of meat in my head. I’m not needed. I wish I could just stop caring but I can’t.

Chad gets laid because he’s attractive. He’s the kind of man a woman fantasizes about. Tall, hung, deep voice, broad shoulders, masculine. Not in this fake PUA bullshit sense. That’s not masculinity. Masculinity is genetical. It’s your physical attributes. Do you think a 5’1 man can be ‘masculine’? No. He lacks the height to be seen as a fantasy. He’ll never be listed over by women. Does a woman; ever; fantasize about an oofy doofy manlet? Does she get aroused by the idea of a balding Indian janitor hooking up with her? Fuck no. Incel tears will never admit it, but we are genetically inferior. We are the misfits and they just ignore that fact. They see reality staring them dead in the eyes and they just choose to ignore it. It’s ridiculous. Are they actual fucking bugs? Cockroach people? How can they be so fucking dense? They see black pills everywhere - and what - they just don’t fucking see them?

Does a foid fantasize about a kind agreeable man who is average looking? No. She fantasizes about a huge, dominant guy who will fuck her silly with his huge penis.

Do men fantasize that a girl will coddle them and be very kind and friendly? No. He fantasizes about a threesome with three Stacy sluts who are worshipping his dick. He might fantasize about the former until he learns of the latter. It’s the same with women. It’s genetical. We are animals, not people, for gods sake. Our biological purpose is to reproduce whether those people like it or not, and not being able to do the very thing nature made you to do would be distressing to anyone.
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Basically the title. I keep trying to run away from my declining mental health but nothing works anymore. Video games don’t work, anime no longer has any effect. I feel miserable all the time. All the copes are starting to fail me. Is this the end brothers?

As much as I hate those creatures masquerading as humans, a part of me that I cannot control, still wants them. I want to be in a relationship with the very women I hate. Why!? Why can’t my brain just move on? This is hell. I can’t take it anymore. I wish it was different but whenever I even imagine myself being in any way proactive and assertive toward a woman… I feel wrong. It feels wrong to me to be in any way sexual with a woman. Wrong. I’m too ugly to be someone who can blow a girls back out, or kiss her on the lips. Imagine a disfigured midget freak kissing you on the lips. Imagine, you foid infiltrators. A disfigured man kissing you on the neck or the collarbone and whispering to your ear. You’d throw up. You’d lynch me. That’s how I feel like every day. If any of you IncelTears fucks see this thread, feel free to screenshot it and post it on your cucked subreddit for karma. Let them all see how bad of a person I am, suffering from loneliness and trying to fight back against my suicidal ideation every day. Look how bad of a person I am! All I ever wanted from life was to be normal, to fit in, to be enough for someone on this god-forsaken planet. But I’ll never be enough. I’m not a man. I don’t feel like male. I don’t classify as male; I cannot make women feel arousal in my presence. It means I’m genetically inferior toward other men. It’s emasculating. I feel wrong. I feel like I shouldn’t exist; my existence is a cruel joke that the universe is playing on me. Why!? What the fuck did I do to deserve being born into this short, midget, deformed body??? Why do my hips have to be bigger than my fucking shoulder width?! WHY!! You will never understand what it’s like to be a fucking miserable subhuman piece of shit who is not allowed to interact with other humans. To all you normie fucks, all you fucking infiltrators browsing this board right now; get the fuck out.


Anyway. I feel sick. My body is wrong. I hate myself, I hate everyone else, I wish I were dead but im too much of a pussy to actually off myself and be done with this shit life. I wish so badly I actually had the balls to do it. At least this way you’d be spared my shitty mediocre posts, fellow brocels. Anyway im going back to rotting now. Cheers. And fuck you females.
I'm sorry to hear about your personal and very obviously deep-rooted struggles, friend. I can too very much so relate to the deep, internalized self hatred. Some traumatic memories of what others have said and done to hurt me during childhood still replay in my subconscious almost everyday, ripping through my mind to remind me of how worthless I truly am in the eyes of reality. It hurts a lot. It's a terrible feeling to hate every bit of yourself, down to your appearance and very personality/ character. Feeling unloved is akin to feeling as if you are alone in this world, only existing in a lifeless but "alive" body. My condolences :feelscry::feelscry::feelsrope:
I'm sorry to hear about your personal and very obviously deep-rooted struggles, friend. I can too very much so relate to the deep, internalized self hatred. Some traumatic memories of what others have said and done to hurt me during childhood still replay in my subconscious almost everyday, ripping through my mind to remind me of how worthless I truly am in the eyes of reality. It hurts a lot. It's a terrible feeling to hate every bit of yourself, down to your appearance and very personality/ character. Feeling unloved is akin to feeling as if you are alone in this world, only existing in a lifeless but "alive" body. My condolences :feelscry::feelscry::feelsrope:
There is nothing that can be done… I just wish I wasn’t a genetic disaster, bros. I wish so much I could make it but at the end of the day I’ll still be an ugly manlet with a recessed chin and a child bearing hips. Whether im bitter about it or not won’t make any substantial difference. That’s the worst thing. Personality and my attitude matters so little to those people. They say it because it’s the only thing in our control. We can keep smiling like idiots and we can make jokes and be circus performers and master stand up comedy, at the end of the day nothing will compensate for mine or yours genetical undesirability. I won’t grow taller and I won’t make my voice sound any less squeaky than it already is. I can’t even be a pretty boy. I’m just a disaster to look at. Whether I act like a disaster or not, I’ll always look like one. I’ll never elicit that biological response in a woman. If anything, im only capable of making them feel disgust. It’s like seeing a 0/10 cow who has a huge, bulbous, porous nose. You imagine her and you feel like throwing up and ripping your eyeballs out. That’s the reaction ugly men cause in women. It’s so ridiculous to think that any amount of behavioristic changes in me will make her not have that response upon seeing my face. It’s just not going to happen because the issue is, as it always was, my face, not my attitude. Even if you are the equivalent of a child sacrificing bathing-in-virgin-blood paedophile, if you look like a supermodel bitches will throw themselves at you. I think everyone here saw the infamous child rapist Chadfish tinder experiment. When I watched it I genuinely didn’t want to live on this shit planet anymore. How can those bitches feel any sort of attraction to a god damned child rapist???! It’s insane. It’s fucking insane, it’s disgusting, yet those fucking people have the audacity to claim that it’s our personality that’s the issue. I dare you, you IncelTears fucks lurking on this forum. Try to disprove it. Go ahead. Try to prove me wrong.
You have to accept it one way or another. The only way forward really is getting bank and buying escorts. Having a goal/hobby or something to work to really helps at distracting you from reality so that can help. The tough part is you will be reminded by you loneliness randomly, but accepting you had no choice in the matter helps alleviate it abit.
I guess with money you can save up for cosmetic surgeries, but they can only do so much. I'm just as clueless about the love stuff, not sure if any AI stuff is any good.
Basically the title. I keep trying to run away from my declining mental health but nothing works anymore. Video games don’t work, anime no longer has any effect. I feel miserable all the time. All the copes are starting to fail me. Is this the end brothers?

As much as I hate those creatures masquerading as humans, a part of me that I cannot control, still wants them. I want to be in a relationship with the very women I hate. Why!? Why can’t my brain just move on? This is hell. I can’t take it anymore. I wish it was different but whenever I even imagine myself being in any way proactive and assertive toward a woman… I feel wrong. It feels wrong to me to be in any way sexual with a woman. Wrong. I’m too ugly to be someone who can blow a girls back out, or kiss her on the lips. Imagine a disfigured midget freak kissing you on the lips. Imagine, you foid infiltrators. A disfigured man kissing you on the neck or the collarbone and whispering to your ear. You’d throw up. You’d lynch me. That’s how I feel like every day. If any of you IncelTears fucks see this thread, feel free to screenshot it and post it on your cucked subreddit for karma. Let them all see how bad of a person I am, suffering from loneliness and trying to fight back against my suicidal ideation every day. Look how bad of a person I am! All I ever wanted from life was to be normal, to fit in, to be enough for someone on this god-forsaken planet. But I’ll never be enough. I’m not a man. I don’t feel like male. I don’t classify as male; I cannot make women feel arousal in my presence. It means I’m genetically inferior toward other men. It’s emasculating. I feel wrong. I feel like I shouldn’t exist; my existence is a cruel joke that the universe is playing on me. Why!? What the fuck did I do to deserve being born into this short, midget, deformed body??? Why do my hips have to be bigger than my fucking shoulder width?! WHY!! You will never understand what it’s like to be a fucking miserable subhuman piece of shit who is not allowed to interact with other humans. To all you normie fucks, all you fucking infiltrators browsing this board right now; get the fuck out.


Anyway. I feel sick. My body is wrong. I hate myself, I hate everyone else, I wish I were dead but im too much of a pussy to actually off myself and be done with this shit life. I wish so badly I actually had the balls to do it. At least this way you’d be spared my shitty mediocre posts, fellow brocels. Anyway im going back to rotting now. Cheers. And fuck you females.
Super relatable post, at the end of the day, life as a incel is a race where your will to stay alive despite the obvious condition youre in, continues as long as your copes last, as long as how long your avenues to escape your reality last, when those run out, you either rope or genuinely go insane.
You have to accept it one way or another. The only way forward really is getting bank and buying escorts. Having a goal/hobby or something to work to really helps at distracting you from reality so that can help. The tough part is you will be reminded by you loneliness randomly, but accepting you had no choice in the matter helps alleviate it abit.
I guess with money you can save up for cosmetic surgeries, but they can only do so much. I'm just as clueless about the love stuff, not sure if any AI stuff is any good.
Basically cope until the day we are dead, find a cope that wont run out to keep ourselves sane until we end up in a early grave (loneliness shortens your life as much as a pack of cigs a day.)
Basically the title. I keep trying to run away from my declining mental health but nothing works anymore. Video games don’t work, anime no longer has any effect. I feel miserable all the time. All the copes are starting to fail me. Is this the end brothers?

As much as I hate those creatures masquerading as humans, a part of me that I cannot control, still wants them. I want to be in a relationship with the very women I hate. Why!? Why can’t my brain just move on? This is hell. I can’t take it anymore. I wish it was different but whenever I even imagine myself being in any way proactive and assertive toward a woman… I feel wrong. It feels wrong to me to be in any way sexual with a woman. Wrong. I’m too ugly to be someone who can blow a girls back out, or kiss her on the lips. Imagine a disfigured midget freak kissing you on the lips. Imagine, you foid infiltrators. A disfigured man kissing you on the neck or the collarbone and whispering to your ear. You’d throw up. You’d lynch me. That’s how I feel like every day. If any of you IncelTears fucks see this thread, feel free to screenshot it and post it on your cucked subreddit for karma. Let them all see how bad of a person I am, suffering from loneliness and trying to fight back against my suicidal ideation every day. Look how bad of a person I am! All I ever wanted from life was to be normal, to fit in, to be enough for someone on this god-forsaken planet. But I’ll never be enough. I’m not a man. I don’t feel like male. I don’t classify as male; I cannot make women feel arousal in my presence. It means I’m genetically inferior toward other men. It’s emasculating. I feel wrong. I feel like I shouldn’t exist; my existence is a cruel joke that the universe is playing on me. Why!? What the fuck did I do to deserve being born into this short, midget, deformed body??? Why do my hips have to be bigger than my fucking shoulder width?! WHY!! You will never understand what it’s like to be a fucking miserable subhuman piece of shit who is not allowed to interact with other humans. To all you normie fucks, all you fucking infiltrators browsing this board right now; get the fuck out.


Anyway. I feel sick. My body is wrong. I hate myself, I hate everyone else, I wish I were dead but im too much of a pussy to actually off myself and be done with this shit life. I wish so badly I actually had the balls to do it. At least this way you’d be spared my shitty mediocre posts, fellow brocels. Anyway im going back to rotting now. Cheers. And fuck you females.
That's the issue, you can't fully cope.

Just try to forget about it with hedonism and dopamine releasing experienced
The only guys who get true love are chads. Women leach off all non chads like a parasite.
Love is simply a masqueraded form of natural selection, True love does not exist for the vast majority of males in this shitty planet.
Love is just physical attraction. It’s been bred into us by nature and evolution. The gentetically fit reproduce while the misfits die off. It’s all perfectly logical, except for the fact that human mind goes above evolution. We are too self-aware for our own good. Does a chimp go through emotional and existential crisis when he lives his whole life as a beta provider harvesting bananas for some alpha chimp? No. He doesn’t care, he’s not even capable of forming that thought since he’s just a chimp. It makes perfect sense and the chimp doesn’t rebel. It just exists like the stupid chimp it is. We humans obtained consciousness and the awareness of our own suffering that’s causing our suffering. Human mind isn’t some sacred entity. I’m just electrical signal going through that pink glob of meat in my head. I’m not needed. I wish I could just stop caring but I can’t.

Chad gets laid because he’s attractive. He’s the kind of man a woman fantasizes about. Tall, hung, deep voice, broad shoulders, masculine. Not in this fake PUA bullshit sense. That’s not masculinity. Masculinity is genetical. It’s your physical attributes. Do you think a 5’1 man can be ‘masculine’? No. He lacks the height to be seen as a fantasy. He’ll never be listed over by women. Does a woman; ever; fantasize about an oofy doofy manlet? Does she get aroused by the idea of a balding Indian janitor hooking up with her? Fuck no. Incel tears will never admit it, but we are genetically inferior. We are the misfits and they just ignore that fact. They see reality staring them dead in the eyes and they just choose to ignore it. It’s ridiculous. Are they actual fucking bugs? Cockroach people? How can they be so fucking dense? They see black pills everywhere - and what - they just don’t fucking see them?

Does a foid fantasize about a kind agreeable man who is average looking? No. She fantasizes about a huge, dominant guy who will fuck her silly with his huge penis.

Do men fantasize that a girl will coddle them and be very kind and friendly? No. He fantasizes about a threesome with three Stacy sluts who are worshipping his dick. He might fantasize about the former until he learns of the latter. It’s the same with women. It’s genetical. We are animals, not people, for gods sake. Our biological purpose is to reproduce whether those people like it or not, and not being able to do the very thing nature made you to do would be distressing to anyone.
The worst part in my experience is, I dont even fantasize about sexual shit anymore, its the true point of no return, now its romance, doing mundane shit with a loving foid, a hug, a kiss, holding her hand, watching a movie, playing videogames.

Fuck this world man, fuck this world.
I'd actually suggest cutting yourself. Not to kill yourself but for the huge adrenaline rush you'll get afterwards. It'll make you feel alive. I always either do that or burn myself when I feel down for the same reason.
Cutting yourself is a foids trait
Basically the title. I keep trying to run away from my declining mental health but nothing works anymore. Video games don’t work, anime no longer has any effect. I feel miserable all the time. All the copes are starting to fail me. Is this the end brothers?

As much as I hate those creatures masquerading as humans, a part of me that I cannot control, still wants them. I want to be in a relationship with the very women I hate. Why!? Why can’t my brain just move on? This is hell. I can’t take it anymore. I wish it was different but whenever I even imagine myself being in any way proactive and assertive toward a woman… I feel wrong. It feels wrong to me to be in any way sexual with a woman. Wrong. I’m too ugly to be someone who can blow a girls back out, or kiss her on the lips. Imagine a disfigured midget freak kissing you on the lips. Imagine, you foid infiltrators. A disfigured man kissing you on the neck or the collarbone and whispering to your ear. You’d throw up. You’d lynch me. That’s how I feel like every day. If any of you IncelTears fucks see this thread, feel free to screenshot it and post it on your cucked subreddit for karma. Let them all see how bad of a person I am, suffering from loneliness and trying to fight back against my suicidal ideation every day. Look how bad of a person I am! All I ever wanted from life was to be normal, to fit in, to be enough for someone on this god-forsaken planet. But I’ll never be enough. I’m not a man. I don’t feel like male. I don’t classify as male; I cannot make women feel arousal in my presence. It means I’m genetically inferior toward other men. It’s emasculating. I feel wrong. I feel like I shouldn’t exist; my existence is a cruel joke that the universe is playing on me. Why!? What the fuck did I do to deserve being born into this short, midget, deformed body??? Why do my hips have to be bigger than my fucking shoulder width?! WHY!! You will never understand what it’s like to be a fucking miserable subhuman piece of shit who is not allowed to interact with other humans. To all you normie fucks, all you fucking infiltrators browsing this board right now; get the fuck out.


Anyway. I feel sick. My body is wrong. I hate myself, I hate everyone else, I wish I were dead but im too much of a pussy to actually off myself and be done with this shit life. I wish so badly I actually had the balls to do it. At least this way you’d be spared my shitty mediocre posts, fellow brocels. Anyway im going back to rotting now. Cheers. And fuck you females.
My whole life has been conflictive, my home has not been the best place and at school not to mention all my life I have felt sad but now that I am older I realize many things one of those is that I am a failure people He hates me, especially women. Every day that passes I lose more interest in doing things. Every year that passes I question whether I should continue. Every day that passes. It becomes more difficult. Every day that passes. I wonder if I should continue.
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Basically the title. I keep trying to run away from my declining mental health but nothing works anymore. Video games don’t work, anime no longer has any effect. I feel miserable all the time. All the copes are starting to fail me. Is this the end brothers?

As much as I hate those creatures masquerading as humans, a part of me that I cannot control, still wants them. I want to be in a relationship with the very women I hate. Why!? Why can’t my brain just move on? This is hell. I can’t take it anymore. I wish it was different but whenever I even imagine myself being in any way proactive and assertive toward a woman… I feel wrong. It feels wrong to me to be in any way sexual with a woman. Wrong. I’m too ugly to be someone who can blow a girls back out, or kiss her on the lips. Imagine a disfigured midget freak kissing you on the lips. Imagine, you foid infiltrators. A disfigured man kissing you on the neck or the collarbone and whispering to your ear. You’d throw up. You’d lynch me. That’s how I feel like every day. If any of you IncelTears fucks see this thread, feel free to screenshot it and post it on your cucked subreddit for karma. Let them all see how bad of a person I am, suffering from loneliness and trying to fight back against my suicidal ideation every day. Look how bad of a person I am! All I ever wanted from life was to be normal, to fit in, to be enough for someone on this god-forsaken planet. But I’ll never be enough. I’m not a man. I don’t feel like male. I don’t classify as male; I cannot make women feel arousal in my presence. It means I’m genetically inferior toward other men. It’s emasculating. I feel wrong. I feel like I shouldn’t exist; my existence is a cruel joke that the universe is playing on me. Why!? What the fuck did I do to deserve being born into this short, midget, deformed body??? Why do my hips have to be bigger than my fucking shoulder width?! WHY!! You will never understand what it’s like to be a fucking miserable subhuman piece of shit who is not allowed to interact with other humans. To all you normie fucks, all you fucking infiltrators browsing this board right now; get the fuck out.


Anyway. I feel sick. My body is wrong. I hate myself, I hate everyone else, I wish I were dead but im too much of a pussy to actually off myself and be done with this shit life. I wish so badly I actually had the balls to do it. At least this way you’d be spared my shitty mediocre posts, fellow brocels. Anyway im going back to rotting now. Cheers. And fuck you females.
This one cut deep IT just can't stop beating a dead horse this forum is the only form of socialization for many

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