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How to check if you are not volcel?



Dec 25, 2017
Check r/butterface


If you want to fuck AND LTR the females here(but they probably reject you) congratulations, you are a truecel,

If you are one of those faggots "muh stacy or bust" you are proving inceltears right and you should kill yourself.
No, most of them are ugly as sin idc
Would smash some of them ngl
I'd smash all those girls, unless they were airheaded feminists (I can't listen to a feminist's drivel for more than a minute before I'd feel like choking her half to death lol).
I only saw ten posts but I would ascend with most of them.
Female worship thread?
Truecel checking thread

No, most of them are ugly as sin idc
Checked the first volcel/fakecel
These chicks are hot af
The trick is going for average to most and see if you still can smash, currently the ones that have the face of an boy but the body of an prime female is the worst and i still will fuck and LTR tbh, i like to think she will look better with long hair.
Truecel checking thread

Checked the first volcel/fakecel

The trick is going for average to most and see if you still can smash, currently the ones that have the face of an boy but the body of an prime female is the worst and i still will fuck and LTR tbh, i like to think she will look better with long hair.
Nah I just not into any of them they are all the same looking . Volcel because I have different tastes.
Looks like we got ourselves a volcel here boys
Nah, I just got different taste than milk colored tities.
Nah I just not into any of them they are all the same looking . Volcel because I have different tastes.

Nah, I just got different taste than milk colored tities.
If you are an ugly male with not money/social Status you are not allowed to have "tastes"
If you are an ugly male with not money/social Status you are not allowed to have "tastes"

Nah bitch I can have whatever taste I want.
I'd smash all those girls, unless they were airheaded feminists (I can't listen to a feminist's drivel for more than a minute before I'd feel like choking her half to death lol).
I know what you mean.
ngl I find a lot of foids revolting
in fact I generally find human bodies revolting
With that logic just have sex with a corpse. Fuck a skeletal remains then

>Comparing fucking a willing woman that is not even deformed or morbily obese(the only requirements an true incel should have) with putting your dick in an non-living object

Well lad you just reached full retarded.
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The one flashing in the garage looks promising
>Comparing fucking a willing woman that is not even deformed or morbily obese(the only requirements an true incel should have) with putting your dick in an non-living object

Well lad you just reached full retarded.

>Comparing fucking a willing woman that is not even deformed or morbily obese(the only requirements an true incel should have) with putting your dick in an non-living object

Well lad you just reached full retarded.

I’m a volcel because I wouldn’t fuck everything that moves?
I’m a volcel because I wouldn’t fuck everything that moves?

If you have say this in old good PUAhate, sluthate or incels people will have insulted you out of the forum, so yes. basically you are volcel.
I’m a volcel because I wouldn’t fuck everything that moves?
jfl if you wouldn’t fuck anything that moves smh strong bait thread checks out
They only want Chad anyway. Better to say I wouldn't and accept that it's sour grapes
Most of them have 6+ bodies with ~4 faces. Of course I'd bang.
Most of them have 6+ bodies with ~4 faces. Of course I'd bang.
There's some 3/10 here and even a 2/10 there, imagine the reverse, a 40.000 sub where females come to get got horny seeing pictures of 2-4/10 muscular men.

They only want Chad anyway. Better to say I wouldn't and accept that it's sour grapes

At least you are honest, i will never be with them in a thousand of years, ugly woman were actually crueller in average to me compared to others, they have basically have 200% more SMV.
Most of them are normie foids.
Beggars can't be choosers

Who said I’m begging? I rather stand then die on my knees. Begging for loose whores is not my thing . Fuck all of those hoes.
id fuck and ltr if she was nice and we liked each other :feelsbadman:
If you woudn't fuck them, you are volcel.
They porbable can get chad dick too, they don't need us.
What the fuck is wrong with them? I don't understand. I would kill people to shag each and everyone of them.
I don't know if I'd want to do the ones that look like little boys tbh, but the others :feelsohh:
They want Chad ugly foids have much high standards tbh

They reject me instantly.:incel:
I've been thinking about that question of what is a truecel, what is an incel, etc.

I think your definition of truecel is accurate, but it's not like you're a "stacy or nothing" or this, there's a middle ground as well.

I think a good universal definition of inceldom would be, can you have sex and relationships with your looks/race/statusmatch if you put SOME (normal amounts of) effort into it? If not, you're an incel.

Edit: I just browsed that page a bit and wtf, the vast majority of the females there are attractive. I was expecting much worse.

I would fuck, date and introduce that "boy-faced" woman to my parents.
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I don't get it OP...
Those are all dudes posting some pictures of naked girls with an ok body and an ugly face.

Where exactly do I "fuck and LTR"?
Most of them are normie foids.
Edit: I just browsed that page a bit and wtf, the vast majority of the females there are attractive. I was expecting much worse.

I would fuck, date and introduce that "boy-faced" woman to my parents.

I suggest to browse top to see the real butterfaces, i ended fapping with a 3/10 curry shaking her big ass, ufff.

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