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Just be handsome and tall, that is all
Apr 6, 2024
Im sure many of you (those who are truly incel) already pretty much gave up on life and are only waiting for the day you die but here I made a guide that could make ascension actually possible for some of you. This guide will teach you how you can actually ascend as an incel once and for all. And also, in case any of you want to commit suicide this is the better alternative(@lu.jones)

I made this guide to get an incel as attractive as possible and use strats that will definitely help a lot of users here including myself ascend

Moneymaxxing is the first step you should take when it comes to ascending as an incel and I won't go too much into detail with this one but here are some of the steps I would recommend you to take:
1. Saving
Simply avoid buying unnecessary items like bottled water, processed foods, decoration, videogames, pills and anything wrapped up in plastic. I know I know, it is a big sacrifice to make but always remember that you are doing this to ascend, as an incel you simply have no other options

2. Earning Money
To earn money I would recommend getting into investing(crypto, stocks) and getting some kind of small side job you truly enjoy doing with good enough wages. Now Im not very skilled with earning money so I would appreciate recommendations from the other more high IQ users here(for example @GeckoBus )

This is the main part of your journey where you will put 100% effort into looksmaxxing to reach your highest potential. And an important thing to remember here is that it is not only because of girls you are doing this, its also to get treated better by society in general. After all looks are what determines how easy your overall life will be and every point counts

1. Height:
It is well known that the ideal height is somewhere in 6'3''-6'7 range and that has been confirmed by studies in the past. Height is extremely important in male to female attraction aswell as being respected by people around you and a boost in a couple of inches can make a big difference believe it or not. You could get a LL surgery and Im sure there are also forums where you can inform yourself more about this topic. Now, the problem with LL surgeries however is that they can leave you permanently unable to walk so I wouldn't 100% recommend it but you can do it if you want to. As an alternative to a LL surgery you can wear shoelifts instead, just make sure they aren't too obvious. If you decide to get a LL surgery anyways this will definitely be the most expensive part of your journey towards ascension

2. Hair:
Hair is important to keep a good face framing and it also signalizes youth and health so this is an important part of your journey. In order to treat your balding you can use dutasteride to maintain and regrow hair accompanied with Minoxidil 5% twice a day and altough I wouldn't necessarily recommend it, it can be a good option for some of you. The other more natural option is to simply apply egg yolks or beef talg on your hair. Now, if you have a recessed hairline beyond Norwood 2 you can do either a FUE (recommended because of advantages) or a FUT hair transplant. This will cost you about 16 000$ together with all the drugs and subscriptions. If you are beyond Norwood 5, then you will just have to use a hair piece or maybe settle for a transplant to Norwood 3. In the end I would recommend dying your hair to a darker color if you are caucasian (always rember: Tall Dark and Handsome)

3. Teeth:
An often overlooked part when it comes to looksmaxxing. If you have an underbite, overbite or an uneven bite it affects the shape of your face and jaw negatively. Get that fixed but do not do any teeth extractions, you want to keep the fullness in your face for optimal looks so its very important to remember to keep all your teeth. Eat mostly meat, it is the best food for chewing and remember to breathe through your nose and hold the correct tongue posture at all times.
In the end don't forget to whiten your teeth and replace any metal fillings with white fillings so all teeth in your mouth look pretty much perfect

4. Face:
To attract women you will need a masculine face. Im sure you can find info about "sexual dimorphism" on Incel Wiki and see what it means. Strong brow ridge, narrow/hunter eyes, strong cheekbones and a strong jaw / chin is what you generally need. You will already improve the jaw to an extent in step 3. Now here I will cover all the parts of the face:
JAW - f you lack chin after braces and jaw surgery, you could get a chin implant and it will give you a visible improvement. If you still lack jaw width there is also a possibility of jaw implants
NOSE - if you are asian get a surgery to increase your nose bridge and make your nose more western so to speak(or don't, maybe that is not ways needed)
If your nose is too big, it shouldn't be that big of a deal unless it looks truly awful. The main thing to remember is that your nose should fit your face. Nose job costs range from about 5000 to 10000$ if Im correct.
EYES - eyes are often called a window to ones soul and that is because they are naturally the first thing an animal(humans are also animals) sees on you. If you have Asian eyes, you could get double eyelid surgery altough it might not always be necessary. As for the eye color, it is not that important but you can use colored lenses if you want to. Now, if you have droopy eyes it is not really the worst thing in a man, but what you ideally want is predator eyes (almond/hunter eyes). If it is possible in any way via surgery, you should definitely consider it. I think it is not though so I guess that will have to stay as it is. If possible, tint your eyebrows black, there is a reason foids like them thick and dark eyebrows. It simply frames the eyes better and always looks good. Your hair has to match with the eyebrows though, otherwise you will look uncanny.

5. Skin:
Very important, you want to ideally have tanned and smooth skin(as I mentioned in another thread) Not too pale nor yellowish(Asian).
If you are black you are already set and good to go since you can't really change much about your skin color without looking uncanny. Otherwise I would recommend putting animal fat on your skin and sunbathing in the sun during the day until your body tells you to stop(you will know when)

6. Body:
Not much you can do here honestly, but I would recommend increasing animal products and getting rid of grains, seeds and of course alcoholic bewerages or energy drinks in your diet (this is for you @Ron.Belgrade Remember: no alcohol and energy drinks)

And that pretty much concludes it, you will first moneymaxx and then you will put a 100% focus on improving your looks. After all of that the next additional 3rd step will be either geomaxxing or escorts(in the worst case scenario) if you are willing to do it.
Good luck brocels, I hope you found the guide useful
Yk ur cooked when you get @ed in a post like this .
Not much you can do here honestly, but I would recommend increasing animal products and getting rid of grains, seeds and of course alcoholic bewerages or energy drinks in your diet (this is for you @
@Ron.Belgrade Remember: no alcohol and energy drinks)
Ask @DarkStarDown, i gymmaxxed succesfully, no worries dawg
just go on .org nigga all of the shit u mentioned are cope
just go on .org nigga all of the shit u mentioned are cope
Bro, you have to try this. If you are close to being a normie lookswise you can ascend. The only tricky part is money tbh but since we have nothing to lose we might aswell try the guide and see how it works out
Bro, you have to try this. If you are close to being a normie lookswise you can ascend. The only tricky part is money tbh but since we have nothing to lose we might aswell try the guide and see how it works out
like i said i can just go on looksmax.org if i really want to try to ascend lol
Not cope, it can work unless you are very ugly. As I like to say, ascend or die trying. Surgerymaxx, moneymaxx, geomaxx and profit. Its not easy but it is worth it if it works out at the end. This is exactly what you should do before you rope
Aleredy had a nosejob, Not reccomended.
Aleredy had a nosejob, Not reccomended.
You don't really need a nosejob as long as your nose isn't too ugly and big. You do need a good brow ridge, that is the surgery Im planning to get
Hardmaxxing doesn't always work and more often than not results in uncanny faces
sub5s don't become le chad mogger, it's some who is already a 7-8 on the normie looks scale
you can improve looks but you won't be le chad that's why you're a sub5
I don't like reading but I'll bookmark this for later.
Based fellow ascender. We'll both ascend bhai
Yk ur cooked when you get @ed in a post like this .
Haha, yep I @ed you because you said you will rope, so here is your daily dose of lifefuel. We might be able to ascend this way :dab:
Some failos cannot even be fixed, if you have a recessed maxilla, over, if you have a long or too wide midface, over, nothing much you can do to change eye placement or shape surgery wise, if you have too big a nose, over, if you have too narrow of a jaw, over
Mfs on .org act like surgery is the end all be all answer to their problems when it'll just give you an uncanny look and not change anything at all dating wise or BDD personal mentality wise
surgeries work when you're an 8 but wanna be a chad and even then sometimes you can still be uncanny, but anyone with a brain can see that pre surgery you already had good looks and good genes
jfl at sub5s saving up and dreaming of becoming le chad one day
you'll have better chances reincarnating as one
i will try this and get back to you in a year
Some failos cannot even be fixed, if you have a recessed maxilla, over, if you have a long or too wide midface, over, nothing much you can do to change eye placement or shape surgery wise, if you have too big a nose, over, if you have too narrow of a jaw, over
Mfs on .org act like surgery is the end all be all answer to their problems when it'll just give you an uncanny look and not change anything at all dating wise or BDD personal mentality wise
surgeries work when you're an 8 but wanna be a chad and even then sometimes you can still be uncanny, but anyone with a brain can see that pre surgery you already had good looks and good genes
jfl at sub5s saving up and dreaming of becoming le chad one day
you'll have better chances reincarnating as one
Its not really about becoming a chad, it is about leveling up to normie level which can still get you laid and you will also get treated much better if you go up a point. Surgery can be extremery useful if you just don't overdo it. Sure you will never be a chad but you can potentially ascend and it is definitely worth giving a try
Its not really about becoming a chad, it is about leveling up to normie level which can still get you laid and you will also get treated much better if you go up a point. Surgery can be extremery useful if you just don't overdo it. Sure you will never be a chad but you can potentially ascend and it is definitely worth giving a try
I think you put too much hope on it
No point to save up for surgery just spend the money on a better life plus getting more money
You could just betabuxx or escortcel because your post surgery normie face won't ever get a woman attracted or in love with you anyway
So you're prolonging and trying etc to get the same result you would've in the first place
i will try this and get back to you in a year
Good, you are 6'1(or atleast you claim so) so you are already have a huge advantage when it comes to going through this guide
I'd rather die and hope to reincarnated as a good looking guy. No way am I going to do surgery which is a form of self harm just to get an entitled vile 2024 Western hoe
Good, you are 6'1(or atleast you claim so) so you are already have a huge advantage when it comes to going through this guide
yeah thats the only thing going for me or at least not making it harder
i will try this and get back to you in a year
increase your postcount to 500 first, GrAY

no foid is going to respect someone with such a low postcount
increase your postcount to 500 first, GrAY

no foid is going to respect someone with such a low postcount
i am trying to nigga, i need some time and some interesting posts to comment on
Im sure many of you (those who are truly incel) already pretty much gave up on life and are only waiting for the day you die but here I made a guide that could make ascension actually possible for some of you. This guide will teach you how you can actually ascend as an incel once and for all. And also, in case any of you want to commit suicide this is the better alternative(@lu.jones)

I made this guide to get an incel as attractive as possible and use strats that will definitely help a lot of users here including myself ascend

Moneymaxxing is the first step you should take when it comes to ascending as an incel and I won't go too much into detail with this one but here are some of the steps I would recommend you to take:
1. Saving
Simply avoid buying unnecessary items like bottled water, processed foods, decoration, videogames, pills and anything wrapped up in plastic. I know I know, it is a big sacrifice to make but always remember that you are doing this to ascend, as an incel you simply have no other options

2. Earning Money
To earn money I would recommend getting into investing(crypto, stocks) and getting some kind of small side job you truly enjoy doing with good enough wages. Now Im not very skilled with earning money so I would appreciate recommendations from the other more high IQ users here(for example @GeckoBus )

This is the main part of your journey where you will put 100% effort into looksmaxxing to reach your highest potential. And an important thing to remember here is that it is not only because of girls you are doing this, its also to get treated better by society in general. After all looks are what determines how easy your overall life will be and every point counts

1. Height:
It is well known that the ideal height is somewhere in 6'3''-6'7 range and that has been confirmed by studies in the past. Height is extremely important in male to female attraction aswell as being respected by people around you and a boost in a couple of inches can make a big difference believe it or not. You could get a LL surgery and Im sure there are also forums where you can inform yourself more about this topic. Now, the problem with LL surgeries however is that they can leave you permanently unable to walk so I wouldn't 100% recommend it but you can do it if you want to. As an alternative to a LL surgery you can wear shoelifts instead, just make sure they aren't too obvious. If you decide to get a LL surgery anyways this will definitely be the most expensive part of your journey towards ascension

2. Hair:
Hair is important to keep a good face framing and it also signalizes youth and health so this is an important part of your journey. In order to treat your balding you can use dutasteride to maintain and regrow hair accompanied with Minoxidil 5% twice a day and altough I wouldn't necessarily recommend it, it can be a good option for some of you. The other more natural option is to simply apply egg yolks or beef talg on your hair. Now, if you have a recessed hairline beyond Norwood 2 you can do either a FUE (recommended because of advantages) or a FUT hair transplant. This will cost you about 16 000$ together with all the drugs and subscriptions. If you are beyond Norwood 5, then you will just have to use a hair piece or maybe settle for a transplant to Norwood 3. In the end I would recommend dying your hair to a darker color if you are caucasian (always rember: Tall Dark and Handsome)

3. Teeth:
An often overlooked part when it comes to looksmaxxing. If you have an underbite, overbite or an uneven bite it affects the shape of your face and jaw negatively. Get that fixed but do not do any teeth extractions, you want to keep the fullness in your face for optimal looks so its very important to remember to keep all your teeth. Eat mostly meat, it is the best food for chewing and remember to breathe through your nose and hold the correct tongue posture at all times.
In the end don't forget to whiten your teeth and replace any metal fillings with white fillings so all teeth in your mouth look pretty much perfect

4. Face:
To attract women you will need a masculine face. Im sure you can find info about "sexual dimorphism" on Incel Wiki and see what it means. Strong brow ridge, narrow/hunter eyes, strong cheekbones and a strong jaw / chin is what you generally need. You will already improve the jaw to an extent in step 3. Now here I will cover all the parts of the face:
JAW - f you lack chin after braces and jaw surgery, you could get a chin implant and it will give you a visible improvement. If you still lack jaw width there is also a possibility of jaw implants
NOSE - if you are asian get a surgery to increase your nose bridge and make your nose more western so to speak(or don't, maybe that is not ways needed)
If your nose is too big, it shouldn't be that big of a deal unless it looks truly awful. The main thing to remember is that your nose should fit your face. Nose job costs range from about 5000 to 10000$ if Im correct.
EYES - eyes are often called a window to ones soul and that is because they are naturally the first thing an animal(humans are also animals) sees on you. If you have Asian eyes, you could get double eyelid surgery altough it might not always be necessary. As for the eye color, it is not that important but you can use colored lenses if you want to. Now, if you have droopy eyes it is not really the worst thing in a man, but what you ideally want is predator eyes (almond/hunter eyes). If it is possible in any way via surgery, you should definitely consider it. I think it is not though so I guess that will have to stay as it is. If possible, tint your eyebrows black, there is a reason foids like them thick and dark eyebrows. It simply frames the eyes better and always looks good. Your hair has to match with the eyebrows though, otherwise you will look uncanny.

5. Skin:
Very important, you want to ideally have tanned and smooth skin(as I mentioned in another thread) Not too pale nor yellowish(Asian).
If you are black you are already set and good to go since you can't really change much about your skin color without looking uncanny. Otherwise I would recommend putting animal fat on your skin and sunbathing in the sun during the day until your body tells you to stop(you will know when)

6. Body:
Not much you can do here honestly, but I would recommend increasing animal products and getting rid of grains, seeds and of course alcoholic bewerages or energy drinks in your diet (this is for you @Ron.Belgrade Remember: no alcohol and energy drinks)

And that pretty much concludes it, you will first moneymaxx and then you will put a 100% focus on improving your looks. After all of that the next additional 3rd step will be either geomaxxing or escorts(in the worst case scenario) if you are willing to do it.
Good luck brocels, I hope you found the guide useful
fuck all that nigga

geomaxxing is the real solution and @Incline will ascend when he seamaxxes
fuck all that nigga

geomaxxing is the real solution and @Incline will ascend when he seamaxxes
Geomaxxing is the 3rd step. You gotta surgerymaxx just to make sure your SMV is a little higher
I'd rather die and hope to reincarnated as a good looking guy. No way am I going to do surgery which is a form of self harm just to get an entitled vile 2024 Western hoe
You will not be able to reincarnate as an ugly man. Literally the only chance you habe is to go 100% in on surgerymaxxing and after that you can rope. There are of course also othER solutions but I won't go further with that...
70 IQ thread stopped reading after "just get rich on crypto bro" tbh
yo big dawg I can't find the steps to become NT in your guide ?

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