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Blackpill How the fuck is spain so poor



Jan 2, 2018
being close ot europe and shit
My brother went there and he said the streets were really dirty
because of shitskins, foids, fags, troons and kikes
Why are Southern Italy and the Balkans so poor?
Spain used to be one of the wealthiest territories of Rome and now it's a shithole. Wow.
Late developement, a civil war, and commies giving almost all their gold to commies.

Spain has better quality of life than most European countries, despite not being as rich as Germany or France. Cool place to live, not gonna lie.
Late developement, a civil war, and commies giving almost all their gold to commies.

Spain has better quality of life than most European countries, despite not being as rich as Germany or France. Cool place to live, not gonna lie.
the thing with spain is that they embraced the globohomo in its earliest stages. I read somewhere that most people are tolerant of faggots, trannies etc.

Corrupt leftists are ruling them and obvious turn their country into a shithole.
Have you heard of a siesta? Latins are the laziest people in the world.
Everywhere in the world, even much of europe is poor compared to the US. And spain has been on a decline for fucking centuries.
British tourists leaving their trash everywhere
Spain needs Franco+Falange back
because of shitskins, foids, fags, troons and kikes
Spain has been invaded by tons of North African niggers, look how close they are to start with.

Moors demographically shifting the region is a meme/myth though, Spaniards are only 3-5% MENA on average.
Why are Southern Italy and the Balkans so poor?
Spain mogs Balkans & a lot of EE iirc.
Late developement, a civil war, and commies giving almost all their gold to commies.

Spain has better quality of life than most European countries, despite not being as rich as Germany or France. Cool place to live, not gonna lie.
Everywhere in the world, even much of europe is poor compared to the US. And spain has been on a decline for fucking centuries.
Ye I think their late-colonial empire collapsing is partly responsible.
Tumblr oy5cu7x06V1rasnq9o1 1280


Not too bad, but still not too great especially for the South.
spain used to be the most powerful country in the world in the 16th century
Spain mogs Balkans & a lot of EE iirc.
They mog pretty much every single EE nation. I'd say that if you were to be born european the best place would be central or north europe. The rest are shitholes. If it's northern europe then iceland and finland is a good choice. I would love if i was born in either of those countries unfortunately I am forced to rot in balkahell.

Iceland is pretty much an ethnostate and there are barely any muslim shitskins there and the average age for losing your virgnity there is like 15 meaning that most of them are moggers and have no issues getting laid. Iceland is the heaven on earth.
spain used to be the most powerful country in the world in the 16th century
Ye they had a very strong colonial Empire & even challenged England.
They mog pretty much every single EE nation. I'd say that if you were to be born european the best place would be central or north europe. The rest are shitholes. If it's northern europe then iceland and finland is a good choice. I would love if i was born in either of those countries unfortunately I am forced to rot in balkahell.
Yeah I agree, I'd also like the British isles since many of my ancestors are from there but it's a shithole nowadays filled with Bamalians & is a surveillance-state.
Yeah I agree, I'd also like the British isles since many of my ancestors are from there but it's a shithole nowadays filled with Bamalians & is a surveillance-state.
Iceland > Luxemborg > Finland > Slovakia > Hungary > Poland. Best European countries in my honest opinion.

The rest are either shitholes or filled with brown rapists.

The answer is always niggers.
I mean, while it's true Spain isn't as rich as let's say Netherlands, Belgium or Germany, but being POOR??? Spain mogs the shit out of other countries in the EU such as mine (Bulgaria), Romania and Slovakia lmao. Also, Spanish girls seem really attractive and sympathethic to me tbh.
Idk man, all i know is that in all my reading about the spanish civil war, every author always made a big deal about the country having been super poor for decades at that point and the standard of living being awful. I never looked into that claim any deeper than that, i just took it at face value since i saw so many different sources saying it
Idk man, all i know is that in all my reading about the spanish civil war, every author always made a big deal about the country having been super poor for decades at that point and the standard of living being awful. I never looked into that claim any deeper than that, i just took it at face value since i saw so many different sources saying it
Fair enough.
The ZOGNato would rather give money to jewkraine.
I just did a quick google search and found this, hopefully it adds a little bit of substance to what i was saying. It summarizes it a lot better than i could

Economic and Social Problems in Spain (pre-1931)
The Second Republic was formed at a time of global economic hardship and Spain was no exception. There were also major social problems for the new provisional government to contend with ranging from the quality of education to widespread poverty, particularly in rural areas.

Economic Problems:

Spain was much less industrialised than other nations. Spain had not undergone an industrial revolution to the extent that countries such as Britain and Germany had, thus 46% of the Spanish workforce stilled worked in agriculture.

Peasants working the land on vast estates known as 'latifundia' were paid starvation wages by landowners. This meant that poverty and malnutrition were widespread. Low pay also meant that there was not enough demand for the emergence of a consumer economy. Consequently, living standards remained very low for the majority of Spaniards.

The failed economic policies of Primo de Rivera left the new government with a huge budget deficit. This made it very hard to finance vital state investment to stimulate the economy.

Industrial production was hit by the Great Depression, causing a rise in unemployment.

Social Problems:

Poverty persisted in rural areas due to low wages and high levels of unemployment due to the fact that much of the work the peasants did was only seasonal. This caused many Spaniards to relocate to urban areas where pay was slightly higher and job security was stronger. 'Shanty towns' thus emerged in Spain's big cities.
Huge inequalities of income and wealth both in urban and rural areas led to the radicalisation of the working class. Many joined the anarchist CNT or the socialist UGT unions to demand better pay and conditions. Much of the working class population also became fiercely anti-clerical as they viewed the Catholic Church as a guardian of the interests of the traditional Spanish elite. Such anti-clericalism was displayed in May 1931 when the proclamation of the Second Republic was met with a series of Church burnings.
Only 55% of 5-14 year olds were enrolled in schools and literacy rates were just 70%. The new republican government therefore made education a priority, building 7,000 schools in its first year.
Their women are too pretty, it's distracting.
Paz Vega 02
Istockphoto 1034352722 612x612
Young caucasian woman white wall 1368 96051
20231013 160108
Spanish girl world cup 2010 12 440x412
Because mediterraneans are proto sand niggers IMO. They love their siestas and they're never on time, just like niggers

Spain needs Franco+Falange back

Spain has been invaded by tons of North African niggers, look how close they are to start with.

Moors demographically shifting the region is a meme/myth though, Spaniards are only 3-5% MENA on average.

Spain mogs Balkans & a lot of EE iirc.

Ye I think their late-colonial empire collapsing is partly responsible.
Are u spanish?
The rain in Spain
Falls mainly on the plains
Are u spanish?
Sand nigger and pajeet racemixing did that.
Most Balkans aren't mixed with Turks or Gypsies lol, I dont know where this came from.

When I mentioned how part of the reason ancient Egypt declined was due to racemixing with Blacks & it's a shithole due to Black DNA,

And for South Italy, I think they're more genetically affiliated with Greece, Balkans, & even the Caucuses due to Greeks in antiquity. So basically, South Italy & Greece are more similar.

Southern Italians are closest to the modern Greeks,[10] while the Northern Italians are closest to the Spaniards and Southern French.[11][12][13][14] There is also Bronze/Iron Age West Asian and Middle Eastern admixture in Italy, with a much lower incidence in Northern Italy compared with Central Italy and Southern Italy.



This chart kinda matches up with the data/studies I shared.

Some say it possibly came from the Etruscans, who some suspect to have Greek origins.
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Because mediterraneans are proto sand niggers IMO. They love their siestas and they're never on time, just like niggers

-Gypsy saying all this
Why are Southern Italy and the Balkans so poor?
Sand nigger and pajeet racemixing did that.

Most Balkans aren't mixed with Turks or Gypsies lol, I dont know where this came from.

When I mentioned how part of the reason ancient Egypt declined was due to racemixing with Blacks & it's a shithole due to Black DNA,

And for South Italy, I think they're more genetically affiliated with Greece, Balkans, & even the Caucuses due to Greeks in antiquity. So basically, South Italy & Greece are more similar.

View attachment 1229738

View attachment 1229741
This chart kinda matches up with the data/studies I shared.

Some say it possibly came from the Etruscans, who some suspect to have Greek origins.


They're Curries
Anything that comes from Currycels bloodlines are a taint on this planet. The devil must be real, because who else could create Currycels but him.
you'd almost think there are some "cultural" factors at play...
Well according to the graphs I shared, North Spain has slightly more Steppe DNA
Turks (like actual turks) don't even have sandnigger Dna in them, they come from Mongolia. Turks with caucasoid phenotype are not real Turks because they have european ancestry in them due to their ancestors being kidnapped and forced to serve as Jannisaries. Jfl at this historical illiteracy :feelskek:
Turks (like actual turks) don't even have sandnigger Dna in them, they come from Mongolia. Turks with caucasoid phenotype are not real Turks because they have european ancestry in them due to their ancestors being kidnapped and forced to serve as Jannisaries. Jfl at this historical illiteracy :feelskek:
Nah I think Turks do have some MENA in them. as hinted by the graphs I shared.
Actual turks are mongoloid rices that are mudlims. People think of them as sandniggers cause of their religion. Normies immediately associate islam with sandniggers. :feelsjuice:

Most Balkans aren't mixed with Turks or Gypsies lol, I dont know where this came from.

When I mentioned how part of the reason ancient Egypt declined was due to racemixing with Blacks & it's a shithole due to Black DNA,

And for South Italy, I think they're more genetically affiliated with Greece, Balkans, & even the Caucuses due to Greeks in antiquity. So basically, South Italy & Greece are more similar.

View attachment 1229738

View attachment 1229741
This chart kinda matches up with the data/studies I shared.

Some say it possibly came from the Etruscans, who some suspect to have Greek origins.
It was a joke lmao
Nah I think Turks do have some MENA in them. as hinted by the graphs I shared.
Some due to again, the whole kidnapping campaign Turks were doing. Actual Turks have rice ancestry, when I say actual Turks I am reffering to the original Turks. The rest are just racial mutts.

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