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Serious how the fuck do I even try to get a girlfriend. im serious.

That's the only way you could ascend. At your age every girl has a lot of relationships and sexual experience, there is no way they would date a KHHV 32 years old guy. Even it you get a relationship it just wouldn't be the same because that foid have experience that thousands of times. You are welcome here.
i know :feelsrope: i agree
My dad started a family with my mom when he was 46. But maybe that's why I turned out non-NT, mentally messed up, and socially retarded.
Brutal :feelsrope:
Please respond seriously to this

My entire life has been garbage. I was bullied at school and most importantly at home by my own parents. I'm deeply traumatized by this.

I recently realized that any time I've made irl friends I've subconsciously pushed them away by not trusting anyone.

I haven't socialized for most of my life despite being fucking 32. My teen years were utterly horrible, my 20s were wasted too but not as bad, I didn't live with my parents anymore and was slowly getting better and less traumatized, but was still too anxious to go out most of the time. I'm serious about it now and trying to make a comeback and ascend.

I'm ugly but I see ugly guys with gfs. How the fuck do I even try though? I'm not going to do fucking cold approach like the retarded redpillers :feelshaha: that's so fucking stupid. Normie lurkers will think "you can't comment on what they do because you have no experience and no success" ok but I have a brain and I know that's a terrible idea. Tinder is chad only (I'll make a post about that btw, I have an atomic blackpill to share) and basically just humiliation for avg guys. How tf do you go from socializing to getting a gf? How did those ugly guys with gfs even do it? :feelswhere:
Just shower, be confident and have a good personality
i'm all three at same time plus have NW3 hairline and small dick, it's like faith laughs at me and my misery and want me to die alone

damn so brutal how you still alive
I've been trying but I can't get a girlfriend out of it.

This is so fucking horrible because this kind of thing is what normies worry about when they're 14 and they have time to figure it out. I'm fucking 32.

very true sadly. we are like 10 years behind normies in social development, your best bet is to find a girl with low self-esteem
I think you might have your answer. I'm 5'11 and get shot down for being short pretty often. Anything under 6' and you may as well be a child.
Greycel ★
JoinedJan 12, 2025
Today at 12:17 AM
Please respond seriously to this

My entire life has been garbage. I was bullied at school and most importantly at home by my own parents. I'm deeply traumatized by this.

I recently realized that any time I've made irl friends I've subconsciously pushed them away by not trusting anyone.

I haven't socialized for most of my life despite being fucking 32. My teen years were utterly horrible, my 20s were wasted too but not as bad, I didn't live with my parents anymore and was slowly getting better and less traumatized, but was still too anxious to go out most of the time. I'm serious about it now and trying to make a comeback and ascend.

I'm ugly but I see ugly guys with gfs. How the fuck do I even try though? I'm not going to do fucking cold approach like the retarded redpillers :feelshaha: that's so fucking stupid. Normie lurkers will think "you can't comment on what they do because you have no experience and no success" ok but I have a brain and I know that's a terrible idea. Tinder is chad only (I'll make a post about that btw, I have an atomic blackpill to share) and basically just humiliation for avg guys. How tf do you go from socializing to getting a gf? How did those ugly guys with gfs even do it? :feelswhere:
try to get yourself in more social situations if u can
If you're "trying" to get a girlfriend it is over. Foids select men not the other way around.
you see some ugly guys with gfs cause they are extroverted and social-circle maxxed.

at 32 its very tough to find a circle
Or they have a shit ton of money and the gf knows this. Foids are attracted to wealth like flies to cow dung.
You don't try, if you got it—you got it. If you have to try, it means it's over.
This. Chad never had to try. He just appears somewhere and bitches approach him.

I am sure many here have witnessed this.

I too have seen this too many times.

And if that isn't the case for you, then remember that you will be a betabuxxer and you will have to work hard.

The sex, if any, will be miserable, and so will you be.

I will not say "don't".
Do try. Make that experience, if you can. Ascend, if you can.
Learn and then make up your mind.
In all seriousness if you want practical answers - you may have to search the entire fucking
world. Get on dating apps round the globe and tell the women you live close. I started off
with a 5 mile radius, then 20, then 50, then 100, and now im realising this is going to be
a global endeavour.

I believe its illogical to say no woman in the world would go on a date with me, but as an incel
you'll have to bash down every door you can find. Ask out every woman you meet. This is what
we had to do in a job recession, and probably the only thing thats going to solve a dating recession

The method

NO PUA shit. No street approaching. No day game.

1. Get to know them at work, in hobby groups, on online dating,

2. Ask them out. If she says no keep asking her out again 2 months later.

3. Keep moving on to new girls - try to build connections.

This is the only true method.

You may want to start breaking the rules that PUAS gave you, because they don't work.
Last edited:
My dad started a family with my mom when he was 46. But maybe that's why I turned out non-NT, mentally messed up, and socially retarded.
Depends on the age of your mother, not your father.

Men, as long as healthy and well fed, can father healthy children at any age.

The problem are the female reproductive organs.
Unlike any other cells in the female body, the cells of the ovaries are never regenerated / replaced with healthy new cells.
So the DNA in those is corrupted more and more, with age, through polution, bad habbits, bad food, bad sleep, pills etc. .

This is why I encourage all incels to ONLY aim for young foids.
Never settle for a hag.
And nowadays the top age should be 27 years old for a foids.
That already is very risky.
It will usually take three years for the man to committ. Statistics show this.
Then she has a window of five more years to birth relatively healthy children.

But imo you should aim for as young as legally possible.
Never settle for less. Want to give your offspring the chance to become Chads? Get them young.
Fuck you too. There areany here, who are on the spectrum.
im sorry brocel

i just had this idea that autistic people are basically like a typical redditor

i guess there's many different kinds
Get addicted to a videogame
Be more confident, bro! A 5'2" balding Indian janitor with rotting teeth, rotting gums, rotting jaw, rotting tongue, rotting skin, rotting hair, rotting nails, rotting ears, rotting eyes, rotting neck, rotting shoulders, rotting arms, rotting hands, rotting fingers, rotting chest, rotting stomach, rotting legs, rotting knees, rotting feet, and rotting toes is more attractive than Sean O'Pry if that janitor is confident, friendly, and funny!
Be more confident, bro! A 5'2" balding Indian janitor with rotting teeth, rotting gums, rotting jaw, rotting tongue, rotting skin, rotting hair, rotting nails, rotting ears, rotting eyes, rotting neck, rotting shoulders, rotting arms, rotting hands, rotting fingers, rotting chest, rotting stomach, rotting legs, rotting knees, rotting feet, and rotting toes is more attractive than Sean O'Pry if that janitor is confident, friendly, and funny!
you forgot also that he believes in himself and is alpha and goes for it by cold approaching. otherwise he'd only be HTN. if he does that and holds frame too then he's chad

Sorry man, at 32 and without experience the hill you have to climb just to get a chance will be massive, borderline impossible.

What some dudes don't mention here is that getting a gf is the easy part, keeping her in this era is another world of agony (look at normies and they constant bad relationships)

I be honest with you, just throw in the towel and bitch out on that, nothing wrong with it

Look, your only options if you got REALLY ""lucky"" would be dating a single mom and becoming a walking atm, at those age ranges they just want your resources and use you, its one part of the agepill that truly stings and why most users here are obsessed with young love, nobody denies this, not even normies, aging sucks and destroys everything.
Look, your only options if you got REALLY ""lucky"" would be dating a single mom and becoming a walking atm, at those age ranges they just want your resources and use you, its one part of the agepill that truly stings and why most users here are obsessed with young love, nobody denies this, not even normies, aging sucks and destroys everything.

what's your age
If people with an account here knew, they wouldn't be online to answer your question.
Then you can't get a girlfriend.
I see ugly guys with gfs
It depends on what you mean by ugly, but truly ugly guys will never get girlfriends. Society also tends to underrate men a lot. If you are rich you can try betabuxxing.

If not, escortmaxxing is the only way for ugly men not to die virgin.
If you’re a Chad - just exist.
I'm deeply traumatized by this.
Get therapy dumbass, if youre broke make money and then get into therapy. If that doesnt work just get a sex doll with your now awesome career. Win win eitherway
If your normie tier and below, girls aren't going to approach you first, so YOU need to be the one approaching them. Nothing stupid about cold approaching, + your building up your social skills
The blind leading the blind

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