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Venting How society taught me to hate my own body

  • Thread starter Divergent_Integral
  • Start date


Spastic ricecel, heightmogged by 99.74% of men
Jul 3, 2020
Me being a pretty severe disabledcel, it may come as a surprise to you all that growing up as a child I wasn't much bothered by my disability at all. And when I'm alone in the privacy of my home, I still don't give a flying fuck about having cerebral palsy. Subtracting the social aspect, I view it as a minor inconvenience, if anything. Sure, I take a bit longer than usual to do the dishes and shit. But who fucking cares if you have all the time in the world?

But wait, that's against society's rules, isn't it, someone with such an unusual body actually being content with it? How dare he? Who does he think he is? Let's teach that dirty chink gimp a lesson! So, in puberty, when I start venturing into the streets on my own, it begins with people assuming I'm a retard. (No offence to actual retards.) That's annoying and somewhat humiliating, but I wasn't phased by it or anything. I must have had the patience (or naiveté) of an angel back then, explaining to all and sundry, over and over again, that no, I hadn't lost sight of my parents. That, yes, I knew I had to have cash to buy a sweet. (Some were even so stupid to take that condescending tone with me when I wanted to buy a foreign-language astronomy book from them. )

The real fun started when I became interested in girls, and later foids. Rejection after rejection. "You're such a nice person, but..." It took some time before I realized that it wasn't my personality or any other non-physical attributes that they rejected (except possibly my sperg tendencies), but my body plain and simple. I simply wasn't chad enough to make their pussies moist. In fact, looking back, I was the absolute bottom-of-the-barrel in high school's sexual hierarchy. The über-omega, so to speak, whom everyone made fun of behind my back.

Moving to the big city, in order to attend university, made things infinitely worse. Going anywhere outside my dorm became running a gauntlet of racist slurs, barely concealed snickering, and worst of all, that hypocritical-to-the-bone faux-acceptance of minorities that liberal white people like to bandy about. I can now see that for what it is: profound disgust, with a thin veneer of sanctimonious virtue signalling about how everyone is equal and deserves respect. All the while completely ignoring my perspective and input in their "conversations" (actually monologues) with me.

So now here I am, a chronic malcontent, who regularly has a barely controllable urge to rip every inch of his body to shreds, just to be rid of it. Sometimes I weep for the little boy that I once was, almost perfectly at ease within his own skin, blissfully unaware of how cruel (intentionally or unintentionally) most people are to those with non-standard bodies.

At the same time, let's end this story on a somewhat positive note. I'm not gonna rope anytime soon. Before I leave this vale of tears, I'm gonna taunt every cruel asshole and self-righteous cunt that I meet by proudly displaying the broken gimp body that they find so disgusting. My every cell will stand as a living insult to the corrupt, vain, superficial, decadent values that our dying western civilization has willingly embraced. Amen.
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Have you read The Temple of the Golden Pavilion?
There's a character like you in the book: Kashiwagi.
Have you read The Temple of the Golden Pavilion?
There's a character like you in the book: Kashiwagi.

It's on my to-read list, but I will definitely move it to the top now. Thanks!
Society is fucking cruel
I didn't even mind having acne covering my entire face when I first got it because acne doesn't affect your health. I mean you have girls putting random guys dicks in their mouth they met at the club, drug addicts, and most normies that drink alcohol and eat fast food have flawless skin. It was society/people that told me you must suffer tell the day you die for being born with a skin disease that was out of your control. The best part is that people actually know with you that you can't control it, but they don't care because you're ugly and it's human nature to hate ugly things.
If you are truecel you probably have no business moving to go to a university town. Just commute - it's not like you'll be part of the whole college experience anyway. You'll likely just be alone, rot in the library or in your room.
If you are truecel you probably have no business moving to go to a university town. Just commute - it's not like you'll be part of the whole college experience anyway. You'll likely just be alone, rot in the library or in your room.

Yeah, wish I'd realized that earlier. But I and all the adults around me were absolutely clueless at the time, apparently. Now that I've moved back to a more rural area, life is somewhat better again.
Somebody should have told you that body acceptance was only for fat women
So does this mean you are in a wheelchair or something? What exactly about your body is it that would be considered "odd"?
So does this mean you are in a wheelchair or something? What exactly about your body is it that would be considered "odd"?

No, not in a wheelchair. But my upper body does all kinds of weird movements, which affects my speech also. See this guy:

By the way, Jeff sounds like quite a bluepill simp, tbh
Me being a pretty severe disabledcel, it may come as a surprise to you all that growing up as a child I wasn't much bothered by my disability at all. And when I'm alone in the privacy of my home, I still don't give a flying fuck about having cerebral palsy.
I suffered from it when I was 1 Year Old. I could have died and I should have.
By the way, Jeff sounds like quite a bluepill simp, tbh
Little experience and filled with lies about how the world works. Simps are a cancerous tumour that stunt societal growth. Feminism created this.
At the same time, let's end this story on a somewhat positive note. I'm not gonna rope anytime soon. Before I leave this vale of tears, I'm gonna taunt every cruel asshole and self-righteous cunt that I meet by proudly displaying the broken gimp body that they find so disgusting. My every cell will stand as a living insult to the corrupt, vain, superficial, decadent values that our dying western civilization has willingly embraced. Amen.
Based and Richard the III pilled.
No, not in a wheelchair. But my upper body does all kinds of weird movements, which affects my speech also. See this guy:

By the way, Jeff sounds like quite a bluepill simp, tbh

Damn, that's brutal. That chadlite is virtue signaling hard.
Never waste a good virtue signal. The ladies love it (if you're chad).
Brutal for jewnosed curry truecels like me. Ach wat maakt het uit, we zien elkaar toch wel na deze COVID-19 onzin.
I've had it where ppl think I'm disabled too just cuz I have a fucked up face they suspect I have autism or something. Tbh one of the things I got bullied for was looking like I have down syndrome when I don't, I'm just ugly, so that must be it.
Have you read The Temple of the Golden Pavilion?
There's a character like you in the book: Kashiwagi.
Do you have epilepsy ? How often do you have attacks ?
Do you have epilepsy ? How often do you have attacks ?
I don't actually have epilepsy, hence why I accidentally spelled it wrong. I just like the sound of the word.
I don't actually have epilepsy, hence why I accidentally spelled it wrong. I just like the sound of the word.
Good, epilepsy is a big disaster, my friend has epilepsy, he had attack right in my room recently, he cant work or study anything
Good, epilepsy is a big disaster, my friend has epilepsy, he had attack right in my room recently, he cant work or study anything
I imagine that it's a very debilitating condition to have. I watch a YouTuber who has a mild form of epilepsy. He plays Mega Man games for his channel, and when flashing lights come on, he has to turn his head away from the screen.
strong greycel post

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