I used to be pretty active on r9k 5+ years ago.
I was in r9k skype groups and knew some guys from there pretty well. Even met up with one who was like 20 minutes from where I lived.
One of the guys I got to know pretty well from r9k was easily a 8.5/10 maybe even a 9/10. Mega pretty boy, but a little autistic and really shy. For a while, he constantly complained about being a virgin and said he was going to die alone. He also said I had a much better chance of getting a girlfriend because I'm extroverted, have a deep high T ogre voice (compared to his feminine voice) and I'm 6'1 and he's 5'10. We'd always argue about this and he said I was a "normie", lol.
He ended up getting a girlfriend that he met from 4chan. She was obese and like 3/10, but he at least had someone. But even after that he refused to admit I was right, saying that he just got really lucky.
Meanwhile years later i'm 30 and still a KHV. The pretty boy once again mogs the tall high T ogre, big surprise there huh?
Back to my original point though, while most r9kers (aka "robots") are ugly, there is a minority of them who is like that guy. Autistic hikikomori pretty boys.