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Serious How much do you blame your parents for your inceldom?

  • Thread starter Deleted member 21908
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Deleted member 21908

Deleted member 21908

Oct 18, 2019
After some thinking, I've come to realize I can't blame them as much as I used to. Think about it, if you were born before 1998, online dating wasn't an issue and women couldn't become as hypergamous as they are right now. They couldn't comprehend you being a virgin at 20-30 since a man just needed some sort of job and common interest to attract a female back in their days. Sure, looks have always played a part in attracting a partner, but you didn't have to be literal a male model which you basically need to be in nowadays.

But I do agree that the genes you receive from your parents either make or break you. They know they're passing down their genes and since looks didn't play such a huge role back then, their child could possibly inherit bad genes from them and find his looks match, but they didn't know that in 2020 you had literally had to be a certain height 6ft+, have an above-average face 6-7/10, and have a huge dick to get laid or get a girlfriend. It's not like they can see the future, your father wanted to pass his DNA just like some of you want to do. We are just unlucky to be born in this time were being an ugly male is frowned upon and society treats you like a subhuman. I don't blame my parents, both aren't even ugly, I'd say in their prime both were 5/10 and looksmatched. Just like being average is enough to be incel, they couldn't foresee this.

I still don't like the fact that I was born without my consent though :feelsclown:
I blame them to a degree because my dad was a drunk and I was fed too much bluepill BS. But it's not like I had Chad genes either so genetics are also a major factor as well.
I'd say a good 50-80%
My parents were average looking and I still ended up as a 3/10 subhuman.

Its over
They were trash that never should have reproduced
This thread is a D+C trap because if you blame your rearing you are basically saying you're a mentalcel due to bad parenting and will be accused of being a fakecel not a trucel
I blame them for making me blue pilled during my early stages in life, I see no reason to blame them for my inceldom, it has to do with factors outside of their control
Ultimately inceldom is genetic so your parents are responsible. But blaming someone for genetics is lame since one has no control over one's genes. (except for epigenetics which is another subject altogether)
Ultimately inceldom is genetic so your parents are responsible. But blaming someone for genetics is lame since one has no control over one's genes. (except for epigenetics which is another subject altogether)
If you have shit genes don't reproduce. Simple
If you have shit genes don't reproduce. Simple

Thats no different from foids selecting us out of the genepool. If you believe ugly men dont deserve to live normal lives, youre no better than normalscum.
This thread is a D+C trap because if you blame your rearing you are basically saying you're a mentalcel due to bad parenting and will be accused of being a fakecel not a trucel
wut. Genes are the ONLY reason you are any type of cel
Ofte blaming them wrong upbringing, sedentary, unadventurous, dowt to earh people they are, this is no help in cultured SEAmaxxings, with what they wanted for me, could just betabuxx
If you have shit genes don't reproduce. Simple
Thing is ugly people have sad meaningless lives, they need children otherwise theres really no reason to wake up especially after 30.
Gl people can still live meaningful life even without children, life is unfair.
Thats no different from foids selecting us out of the genepool. If you believe ugly men dont deserve to live normal lives, youre no better than normalscum.
Plenty of foids with shit genes fuck. That's probably why there are so many crazies, retards, incels, and general miscreants like us out there
Plenty of foids with shit genes fuck. That's probably why there are so many crazies, retards, incels, and general miscreants like us out there

I get it. But it shouldn't be one sided. Either ugly people get to procreate or not. If fat fkin whores can spread their shitty genes ( being fat affects genetics, look it up), ugly men should too.
100%. They are the ones who passed on their subhuman genes and because of them I'm a genetic trash
I get it. But it shouldn't be one sided. Either ugly people get to procreate or not. If fat fkin whores can spread their shitty genes ( being fat affects genetics, look it up), ugly men should too.
So we have twice as many useless sacks of shit like me out there. I'm for legal prostitution don't get me wrong but I know the world is better off without my shit seed. Safe sex = I don't reproduce
I was a premature-born baby because my mom had a panic attack when she saw a dog and shit me out too early as a result. she's terreified of animals, even cats.

I was a premature-born baby because my mom had a panic attack when she saw a dog and shit me out too early as a result. she's terreified of animals, even cats.

Dogpill is intense
Why do we keep these wolf descendants around again? All they do is bark at me. They get more hooman pussy than I do
idk tbh they were both kinda above average but I ended up being a failure
I don’t blame them tbh, they tried to get me girls, give advice, and helped me a lot. They just can’t really understand that I’m too ugly to ever enjoy those fruits of life. I’m not going to hate them for giving birth to me, it’s not like they knew I’d be so ugly and have such a shitty time.
my parents always have a bad relationship an talk bad of each other,they shame me in front of other people an allow older family members to bully me.

i never talked to a girl,i never had close friends, an i distrust even family members,i am 21.
my parents always have a bad relationship an talk bad of each other,they shame me in front of other people an allow older family members to bully me.

i never talked to a girl,i never had close friends, an i distrust even family members,i am 21.

also my mom always say that my croked nose was nothing and never pay for my brackets(they pay mi sister ones),also my dad is tall an my mom give me is height.

so i am genetic trash.
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I blame them tbh.
They brought me to this world
I blame my parents for raising me to be a bluepill simp.. It took years for me to break out of that social conditioning.
I blame them for the way they raised me.
I wish my mom would have fucking breast fed me like a normal person >: ^(

Srs tho, most of my flaws are mental and genetic, so I guess I kind of do and don’t blame them
I blame my parents for being short and my dad not dating a hot woman because he had access to them in rural morocco
I was 16 in 2012, don't underestimate the power of OLD. Anyway I couldn't have got laid at HS because I'm autistic and was bullied for it.

Regarding the original topic: 50% because I blame it all on my father. If he had picked a foid of his own race the child could have led a happy life. Alas, he had to have jungle fever and have me born to ruin everything for himself and his wife.
They couldn't have fixed my face. They aren't ugly, so they had no reason to think that I would be. It's not their fault I'm failing.

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