Usually, got into fights while I was playing sports. Only lost one fight; it was only when I was in the 2nd grade and 3 4th grade kids pushed me down the hill and punched my guts. Anyways, i went through puberty at an earlier age, and I was seen as a manchild; also as I gotten big many people didn't want to mess with me, but had been in some wild arguements with Stacies over the years. I was a bit rebellious and I never wanted to get validation from the people I hate.
Well, this was through when I was 12 to 18. I'm 23 now...
1) One soccer game: where I took the ball from the striker, as I was walking behind he punched me, then I sent five punches, and he had to be hospitalized for two days.
2) A dodgeball game: I was having a bad day today, I was pretty pissed. A guy randomly came and squeeze my nipples; I tackled to him on the floor. He was left unconscious.
3) Rugby game: There was a guy that pushed me, but I sent a right hook to his face. A lot of his buddies wanted to fight me and gang up on me. One of his buddy told me, that he wants to meet up afterschool; I went there, but he wasn't there.
IMO, this is why I tell incels to pick up MMA or some Martial Arts for a few months then transition into lifting. What I've learnt over the years; is that no one will be strong for you; the only person that will be strong for you is yourself and no else. Like for fucks sake, don't lift for aesthetics (your face is fucked anyways), lift for strength.
Ciao, my incel bretherins.