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How many times were you in a fight?



ded srs
Nov 8, 2017
I was only once in high school. Dude was 2x bigger than me ngl. He probs won.
Looking back at it, I was such a loser. He only did hooks with his left hand and I couldn't evade 'em. 0% skills. At least he didn't knock me out tbh
once, i slapped his face because he called me 'tomato' or something like that, i was 8 years old
Never been in an actual physical altercation, had plenty of opportunities though. Mainly due to race.
Too much of a social outcast to be in a physical fight
I've been in 3 fights in my life, but was also routinely physically bullied. I lost every fight because I refused to fight back. Cucked by Christian morality.
3 as far as i remember

some punk guy broke one of my tooth tbh
Frenchy91 said:
3 as far as i remember

some punk guy broke one of my tooth tbh

I wish someone could break my one crooked tooth so I could get a new one tbh tbh
I got into a lot of fights in middle school. Wrecked face in some, lost others to bigger guys.
Usually, got into fights while I was playing sports. Only lost one fight; it was only when I was in the 2nd grade and 3 4th grade kids pushed me down the hill and punched my guts. Anyways, i went through puberty at an earlier age, and I was seen as a manchild; also as I gotten big many people didn't want to mess with me, but had been in some wild arguements with Stacies over the years. I was a bit rebellious and I never wanted to get validation from the people I hate.

Well, this was through when I was 12 to 18. I'm 23 now...

1) One soccer game: where I took the ball from the striker, as I was walking behind he punched me, then I sent five punches, and he had to be hospitalized for two days.

2) A dodgeball game: I was having a bad day today, I was pretty pissed. A guy randomly came and squeeze my nipples; I tackled to him on the floor. He was left unconscious.

3) Rugby game: There was a guy that pushed me, but I sent a right hook to his face. A lot of his buddies wanted to fight me and gang up on me. One of his buddy told me, that he wants to meet up afterschool; I went there, but he wasn't there.

IMO, this is why I tell incels to pick up MMA or some Martial Arts for a few months then transition into lifting. What I've learnt over the years; is that no one will be strong for you; the only person that will be strong for you is yourself and no else. Like for fucks sake, don't lift for aesthetics (your face is fucked anyways), lift for strength.

Ciao, my incel bretherins.
Only in elementary school. I was WAAY to jacked and athletic in high school for someone to fight me. Athletic training and gymcelling ARE GREAT cope.
idkwattodowithlife said:
Usually, got into fights while I was playing sports. Only lost one fight; it was only when I was in the 2nd grade and 3 4th grade kids pushed me down the hill and punched my guts. Anyways, i went through puberty at an earlier age, and I was seen as a manchild; also as I gotten big many people didn't want to mess with me, but had been in some wild arguements with Stacies over the years. I was a bit rebellious and I never wanted to get validation from the people I hate.

Well, this was through when I was 12 to 18. I'm 23 now...

1) One soccer game: where I took the ball from the striker, as I was walking behind he punched me, then I sent five punches, and he had to be hospitalized for two days.

2) A dodgeball game: I was having a bad day today, I was pretty pissed. A guy randomly came and squeeze my nipples; I tackled to him on the floor. He was left unconscious.

3) Rugby game: There was a guy that pushed me, but I sent a right hook to his face. A lot of his buddies wanted to fight me and gang up on me. One of his buddy told me, that he wants to meet up afterschool; I went there, but he wasn't there.

IMO, this is why I tell incels to pick up MMA or some Martial Arts for a few months then transition into lifting. What I've learnt over the years; is that no one will be strong for you; the only person that will be strong for you is yourself and no else. Like for fucks sake, don't lift for aesthetics (your face is fucked anyways), lift for strength.

Ciao, my incel bretherins.

Very interesting post. Did you go to MMA yourself?
Weed said:
Very interesting post. Did you go to MMA yourself?

There was a free taekwondo clinic I went for six months (community center); it probably isn't the best for self-defence, but getting down of some strikes, kicks, and grappling is good enough. Also getting stronger in the weightroom helps too.

However, when I was in my late teens to early twenties. Usually, now I talk myself, and others out of fighting; first I restrain them; if they resist then I have no option, but to defend myself.
Was in a few fights. Got my ribs broken once as well.
Yeah I've been in some. Mostly small tussles, nothing too too serious. I'm too high inhib for fighting.
In my entire life?  About a couple dozen.
Handful of times in elementary/middle school, none after that because I went to a good high school.
I worked as a bouncer a couple of months, I don't know if that counts. If so, maybe in like 20-25. If not, then 3 proper fights. I came out on top in all three. Martialartscel.
does getting my ass kicked without fighting back count
-Punched some douchebag twice

-Headbutted and punched a fat guy throwing shit at me

Maybe there's a third one but i can't remember
In middle school I was a huge motherfucker and a football lineman, and people still picked on me. I made one kid's nose bleed and slammed another's head in between a locker door. Never lost a single fight.
Couple of times really, nobody ended up badly hurt so I guess meh.
Some school shit, not serious. after that not a single fight. My nightmare is the road rages that why I drive carefully and avoid angering other drivers even if they are the ones at fault. I'm little frame girly man, 12years kid with good mass would beat the fuck out of me, I want to go LADRing in my home without black eyes or broken bones
Oh fuck me. I can't even remember how many fights i was in. I must have been in 8 or 9 in junior school. I probably won 4 of them. One of them i lost the rematch. One of them i burst a blood vessel in the side of my head really badly. Had a bad concussion and a hairline fracture of the eye socket and a small tear in my left retina. I got my nose busted in the rematch and lost a tooth. I had a massive fight with this half breed white/black bitch who had 100lbs and 10-12 inches on me. I fucked her up. I needed stitches in my scalp and staples in my neck and shoulder. I won that one though. Both my knuckles were skinned and I slapped her so hard so many times i couldn't feel my hands properly. She never came back to school. She picked on me all the time because my family was poor and my clothes were shit and even about what was in my lunch box and hit me numerous times. She started stabbing me in the head and neck with a pencil, i went mad and i fucked her up.

In secondary school... I was probably in 40-50 fights a year until year 10-11 when it was down to a few. My win/loose was probably around 50/50 in year 7. 60/40 in year 8. 70/30 in year 9. Although i had some really bad beatings in year 9. I got beat up by a bunch of black guys. I basically got knocked unconscious and I had blood all over my face because they split my eyebrow open and my lip. They actually ran off when i went down because they thought they killed me. Another time i got beat up by the school chads. They kicked me in the head. They were going to put cigarettes out on me. I learned what punch drunk was. A few weeks later the same guys attacked me on the field. They bust a big wine bottle over the back of my head (which didn't break) and stamped on me and kicked me. I kicked one of them in the ankle and bust it like a twig before they could burn me and i managed to run off and crossed the railway tracks to get away. A few weeks later on sports day while me and my crew were hiding in the bushes they attacked the fat tramp i hung with who didn't wash. They fly kicked him in the back and fucked him up. Then they videoed on their camera phones while they pulled his trousers down and tried to put a bottle up his arse. Another time i almost got battered. I called this big thug ass black guys white girlfriend a cheap whore and a mud shark and she went mad. He chased me out the school gates at home time along with a guy i used to hang with. He had an asthma attack after a quarter of a mile or so and got taken away in an ambulance. We ran the mile and a bit to the shop. Got an ice cream and chilled out and then went to his house and played halo. A few weeks later he tried to get me. I was outside at lunch time by the swimming pool and all of a sudden a firework wizzes within a few inches of my head and blows up on the wall 5ft away. The retard who used to follow me around plays to many computer games and shouted "RPG" like it was Black hawk Down or some shit. I dived on the floor and all of 3 seconds later another one wizzes above us and hits the trees. Then he threw a cathrine wheel at me and it zipped back at him and burnt his arm and neck. He got kicked out of school.

In year 7 i got choked out i bumped into a huge year 11 in the corridor. He sucker punched me, i vomited all over his shoes he hit me that hard so he got me in a choke hold and lifted me up 2 feet off the ground from behind and choked me out. I woke up on the floor with paramedics looking at me.

In year 8 this disgusting black hood rat threw fresh boiling hot coffee in my face because i accidentally bumped into her in the canteen. In the ensuring brawl I threw her into a wall putting a massive dent in it, destroyed the front of a vending machine. Broke her nose and knocked two of her teeth out. She put huge scratch wounds in my neck and arms. A massive Indian guy called Haj dragged me off her and held me down and another guy poured cold water over my face. I got questioned by the police who wanted to do me for GBH but everyone said she attacked me and i was defending myself. Then not 2 weeks later she got kicked out of school for attacking a teacher and breaking her hip. I was let back on "special measures" for a few weeks.

We also had a huge brawl on the green with a rival secondary school nearby in year 9 (whites and Asians only). The police came down in a riot van. We legged it and hopped a wall into some gardens before they could arrest us, a whole bunch of other kids did though. Some people got done. A few weeks later kids from that school smashed up our school bus. A few weeks after that some guys from our year below threw eggs and condoms full of piss on them while they waited for the bus from 125cc dirt bikes. Then the police caught two of them and they got sent to young offenders.

In year 9 i got pushed off a roof. It was the leader of the chads. A real pyscho. Got off in court for all sorts of stuff like rape, assault and GBH by the time i knew him. He was going to batter me and the guy who followed me around so we climbed on the roof of the sports hall. We couldn't cross the roof to the rear block because his mates were waiting for us where you could see. We waited for him to go but instead he climbs up and finds us and he pushed me off and i fell most of the way through a tree. Luckily I only had cuts and bruises and some twig stuck in my arm and I ran off. Told my parents and the hospital I fell out the tree.

The worst incident i was ever in was when me and some other lads were going to get battered by the blacks in year 10. We were hiding at the bottom of the field after school. One of us who was the dirty tramp lived by a gypsie camp and had brought a load of fireworks off them for £10 so we loosed the lot off at them. It scared most of them off and we ran away through the smoke they couldn't see us. We crossed the derelict industrial estate and the train tracks and they thought we went through the farmers field. They used to carry knives and those CO2 replica 4.5mm BB guns. I carried a baton and one of those powerful catapults that fired big metal bb's. We used to take out pigeons with them.

Last fight i had this fucking prick who liked to play hard and he used to come with some guys and attack me at the bus stop. So ran home, tooled up and went back to where he hung with his bros in the park and i whacked him in the legs with a stick i pulled out a tree. Snapped the stick in to several pieces and he howled like I've never heard before. Threw him in the road and kicked him a bunch of times. Then got on my bike and got out of there before his bros got me. He brought his crew down on the last day of school to get us and they had eggs and flour as well but we got out of class early and hopped the fence while they were still waiting at the gates.

Me and this weird Mormon guy I hung with used to hang out at his cousins yard after school. His side of the family was dodgy as hell, his dad was some born again LDS lunatic and this guy was always going on about the holy temple and was 1 of 9 children. I used to fix computers and motorbikes for his cousin. He had a pirate games and dvd operation, we built the rig for him. After i hung with him a lot of people wouldn't say shit to me any more because everyone on the estate knew he was serious news and he was a dealer. By this point i used to scare a lot of people. I had people convinced because some of the stuff i did. I carried weapons and wore makeshift body armour under my clothes. So years 10 and 11 weren't so bad. We were careful to stay out of the mix at lunch time and break time. After the whole thing with the fire works and getting pushed off the roof i was really paranoid.
Quite a few times in school. I was vicious.

Then some fuckhead broke my nose and I was taken out of school at 14. I've avoided fights ever since, but have tried to look as imposing as a manlet could be; stocky, bearded, dead look in the face, etc.
commander_zoidberg said:
Oh fuck me. I can't even remember how many fights i was in. I must have been in 8 or 9 in junior school. I probably won 4 of them. One of them i lost the rematch. One of them i burst a blood vessel in the side of my head really badly. Had a bad concussion and a hairline fracture of the eye socket and a small tear in my left retina. I got my nose busted in the rematch and lost a tooth. I had a massive fight with this half breed white/black bitch who had 100lbs and 10-12 inches on me. I fucked her up. I needed stitches in my scalp and staples in my neck and shoulder. I won that one though. Both my knuckles were skinned and I slapped her so hard so many times i couldn't feel my hands properly. She never came back to school. She picked on me all the time because my family was poor and my clothes were shit and even about what was in my lunch box and hit me numerous times. She started stabbing me in the head and neck with a pencil, i went mad and i fucked her up.

In secondary school... I was probably in 40-50 fights a year until year 10-11 when it was down to a few. My win/loose was probably around 50/50 in year 7. 60/40 in year 8. 70/30 in year 9. Although i had some really bad beatings in year 9. I got beat up by a bunch of black guys. I basically got knocked unconscious and I had blood all over my face because they split my eyebrow open and my lip. They actually ran off when i went down because they thought they killed me. Another time i got beat up by the school chads. They kicked me in the head. They were going to put cigarettes out on me. I learned what punch drunk was. A few weeks later the same guys attacked me on the field. They bust a big wine bottle over the back of my head (which didn't break) and stamped on me and kicked me. I kicked one of them in the ankle and bust it like a twig before they could burn me and i managed to run off and crossed the railway tracks to get away. A few weeks later on sports day while me and my crew were hiding in the bushes they attacked the fat tramp i hung with who didn't wash. They fly kicked him in the back and fucked him up. Then they videoed on their camera phones while they pulled his trousers down and tried to put a bottle up his arse. Another time i almost got battered. I called this big thug ass black guys white girlfriend a cheap whore and a mud shark and she went mad. He chased me out the school gates at home time along with a guy i used to hang with. He had an asthma attack after a quarter of a mile or so and got taken away in an ambulance. We ran the mile and a bit to the shop. Got an ice cream and chilled out and then went to his house and played halo. A few weeks later he tried to get me. I was outside at lunch time by the swimming pool and all of a sudden a firework wizzes within a few inches of my head and blows up on the wall 5ft away. The retard who used to follow me around plays to many computer games and shouted "RPG" like it was Black hawk Down or some shit. I dived on the floor and all of 3 seconds later another one wizzes above us and hits the trees. Then he threw a cathrine wheel at me and it zipped back at him and burnt his arm and neck. He got kicked out of school.  

In year 7 i got choked out i bumped into a huge year 11 in the corridor. He sucker punched me, i vomited all over his shoes he hit me that hard so he got me in a choke hold and lifted me up 2 feet off the ground from behind and choked me out. I woke up on the floor with paramedics looking at me.

In year 8 this disgusting black hood rat threw fresh boiling hot coffee in my face because i accidentally bumped into her in the canteen. In the ensuring brawl I threw her into a wall putting a massive dent in it, destroyed the front of a vending machine. Broke her nose and knocked two of her teeth out. She put huge scratch wounds in my neck and arms. A massive Indian guy called Haj dragged me off her and held me down and another guy poured cold water over my face. I got questioned by the police who wanted to do me for GBH but everyone said she attacked me and i was defending myself. Then not 2 weeks later she got kicked out of school for attacking a teacher and breaking her hip. I was let back on "special measures" for a few weeks.

We also had a huge brawl on the green with a rival secondary school nearby in year 9 (whites and Asians only). The police came down in a riot van. We legged it and hopped a wall into some gardens before they could arrest us, a whole bunch of other kids did though. Some people got done. A few weeks later kids from that school smashed up our school bus. A few weeks after that some guys from our year below threw eggs and condoms full of piss on them while they waited for the bus from 125cc dirt bikes. Then the police caught two of them and they got sent to young offenders.

In year 9 i got pushed off a roof. It was the leader of the chads. A real pyscho. Got off in court for all sorts of stuff like rape, assault and GBH by the time i knew him. He was going to batter me and the guy who followed me around so we climbed on the roof of the sports hall. We couldn't cross the roof to the rear block because his mates were waiting for us where you could see. We waited for him to go but instead he climbs up and finds us and he pushed me off and i fell most of the way through a tree. Luckily I only had cuts and bruises and some twig stuck in my arm and I ran off. Told my parents and the hospital I fell out the tree.

The worst incident i was ever  in was when me and some other lads were going to get battered by the blacks in year 10. We were hiding at the bottom of the field after school. One of us who was the dirty tramp lived by a gypsie camp and had brought a load of fireworks off them for £10 so we loosed the lot off at them. It scared most of them off and we ran away through the smoke they couldn't see us. We crossed the derelict industrial estate and the train tracks and they thought we went through the farmers field. They used to carry knives and those CO2 replica 4.5mm BB guns. I carried a baton and one of those powerful catapults that fired big metal bb's. We used to take out pigeons with them.

Last fight i had this fucking prick who liked to play hard and he used to come with some guys and attack me at the bus stop. So ran home, tooled up and went back to where he hung with his bros in the park and  i whacked him in the legs with a stick i pulled out a tree. Snapped the stick in to several pieces and he howled like I've never heard before. Threw him in the road and kicked him a bunch of times. Then got on my bike and got out of there before his bros got me. He brought his crew down on the last day of school to get us and they had eggs and flour as well but we got out of class early and hopped the fence while they were still waiting at the gates.

Me and this weird Mormon guy I hung with used to hang out at his cousins yard after school. His side of the family was dodgy as hell, his dad was some born again LDS lunatic and this guy was always going on about the holy temple and was 1 of 9 children. I used to fix computers and motorbikes for his cousin. He had a pirate games and dvd operation, we built the rig for him. After i hung with him a lot of people wouldn't say shit to me any more because everyone on the estate knew he was serious news and he was a dealer. By this point i used to scare a lot of people. I had people convinced because some of the stuff i did. I carried weapons and wore makeshift body armour under my clothes. So years 10 and 11 weren't so bad. We were careful to stay out of the mix at lunch time and break time. After the whole thing with the fire works and getting pushed off the roof i was really paranoid.

Beautiful post my dude, glad you fucked that bitch up that put some shit in ur lunch box. Also what kind of retards gang up on a defensless homeless man? But also fuck you for killing animals.
i don't even remember, must be around 40+ (srs), i was born in georgia, moved to russia and fought there a lot, then i moved to the jew york ghetto. since i was white some (not all) blacks thought i was an easy target. put a kid in the ER (headbutted him multiple times while he was on the ground and then stomped all his shit, broke his teeth) and they put me in juvie.

im making it sound way too serious though, most of the time it was just some faggot nigger running up to me, throwing the weakest punch (literally felt like a mosquito flying at you in full speed) and saying YO I FUKED DAT NIGGA UP BOI DEADASS I FUCKED DAT NIGGA UP SON
whogivesafucc said:
i don't even remember, must be around 40+ (srs), i was born in georgia, moved to russia and fought there a lot, then i moved to the jew york ghetto. since i was white some (not all) blacks thought i was an easy target. put a kid in the ER (headbutted him multiple times while he was on the ground and then stomped all his shit, broke his teeth) and they put me in juvie.

im making it sound way too serious though, most of the time it was just some faggot nigger running up to me, throwing the weakest punch (literally felt like a mosquito flying at you in full speed) and saying YO I FUKED DAT NIGGA UP BOI DEADASS I FUCKED DAT NIGGA UP SON
so u r in NYC now? how come u r white if born in georgia? u shud be ethnic
Weed said:
Beautiful post my dude, glad you fucked that bitch up that put some shit in ur lunch box. Also what kind of retards gang up on a defensless homeless man? But also fuck you for killing animals.

Ah. He wasn't a defenseless homeless man. He was a kid in my year. We used to hang out but he was kind of a tramp. He talked shit all the time, thought he was really edgy and clever but was an idiot and he also never used to wash. He stank, bad. I tried to help him but often times he didn't listen to me.

Pigeons are vermin. Their shit spreads some really nasty diseases. Feral pigeons and rats need to be shot because nothing really eats them. haha
commander_zoidberg said:
Ah. He wasn't a defenseless homeless man. He was a kid in my year. We used to hang out but he was kind of a tramp. He talked shit all the time, thought he was really edgy and clever but was an idiot and he also never used to wash. He stank, bad. I tried to help him but often times he didn't listen to me.

Pigeons are vermin. Their shit spreads some really nasty diseases. Feral pigeons and rats need to be shot because nothing really eats them. haha

There are cats for it. My cat used to kill rats and mouses in my old house as well as bringing birds and putting near my feet because that was his "present". But I don't think he kills anymore since he didn't bring anything for past 4 years. Maybe he just learned that food is always in the house and no need to kill :))
dr-problematic said:
so u r in NYC now? how come u r white if born in georgia? u shud be ethnic

my family stayed there for a short time lol, in tbilisi, im not ethnic at ALL, that's part of the reason my family left georgia (literally everyone looked like an ethnic turk and had the same names too)

entire family comes from all of europe (poland, germany, france, russia) had relatives who fought in the napoleonic wars, ww1, ww2
ive been in 3 fights kinda. i punched two kids by surprise and once i walked away from a fight cause he was bigger
weservenomsg said:
ive been in 3 fights kinda. i punched two kids by surprise and once i walked away from a fight cause he was bigger

By surprise? Sucker punched? bruuuh need a backstory
commander_zoidberg said:
Oh fuck me. I can't even remember how many fights i was in. I must have been in 8 or 9 in junior school. I probably won 4 of them. One of them i lost the rematch. One of them i burst a blood vessel in the side of my head really badly. Had a bad concussion and a hairline fracture of the eye socket and a small tear in my left retina. I got my nose busted in the rematch and lost a tooth. I had a massive fight with this half breed white/black bitch who had 100lbs and 10-12 inches on me. I fucked her up. I needed stitches in my scalp and staples in my neck and shoulder. I won that one though. Both my knuckles were skinned and I slapped her so hard so many times i couldn't feel my hands properly. She never came back to school. She picked on me all the time because my family was poor and my clothes were shit and even about what was in my lunch box and hit me numerous times. She started stabbing me in the head and neck with a pencil, i went mad and i fucked her up.

In secondary school... I was probably in 40-50 fights a year until year 10-11 when it was down to a few. My win/loose was probably around 50/50 in year 7. 60/40 in year 8. 70/30 in year 9. Although i had some really bad beatings in year 9. I got beat up by a bunch of black guys. I basically got knocked unconscious and I had blood all over my face because they split my eyebrow open and my lip. They actually ran off when i went down because they thought they killed me. Another time i got beat up by the school chads. They kicked me in the head. They were going to put cigarettes out on me. I learned what punch drunk was. A few weeks later the same guys attacked me on the field. They bust a big wine bottle over the back of my head (which didn't break) and stamped on me and kicked me. I kicked one of them in the ankle and bust it like a twig before they could burn me and i managed to run off and crossed the railway tracks to get away. A few weeks later on sports day while me and my crew were hiding in the bushes they attacked the fat tramp i hung with who didn't wash. They fly kicked him in the back and fucked him up. Then they videoed on their camera phones while they pulled his trousers down and tried to put a bottle up his arse. Another time i almost got battered. I called this big thug ass black guys white girlfriend a cheap whore and a mud shark and she went mad. He chased me out the school gates at home time along with a guy i used to hang with. He had an asthma attack after a quarter of a mile or so and got taken away in an ambulance. We ran the mile and a bit to the shop. Got an ice cream and chilled out and then went to his house and played halo. A few weeks later he tried to get me. I was outside at lunch time by the swimming pool and all of a sudden a firework wizzes within a few inches of my head and blows up on the wall 5ft away. The retard who used to follow me around plays to many computer games and shouted "RPG" like it was Black hawk Down or some shit. I dived on the floor and all of 3 seconds later another one wizzes above us and hits the trees. Then he threw a cathrine wheel at me and it zipped back at him and burnt his arm and neck. He got kicked out of school.  

In year 7 i got choked out i bumped into a huge year 11 in the corridor. He sucker punched me, i vomited all over his shoes he hit me that hard so he got me in a choke hold and lifted me up 2 feet off the ground from behind and choked me out. I woke up on the floor with paramedics looking at me.

In year 8 this disgusting black hood rat threw fresh boiling hot coffee in my face because i accidentally bumped into her in the canteen. In the ensuring brawl I threw her into a wall putting a massive dent in it, destroyed the front of a vending machine. Broke her nose and knocked two of her teeth out. She put huge scratch wounds in my neck and arms. A massive Indian guy called Haj dragged me off her and held me down and another guy poured cold water over my face. I got questioned by the police who wanted to do me for GBH but everyone said she attacked me and i was defending myself. Then not 2 weeks later she got kicked out of school for attacking a teacher and breaking her hip. I was let back on "special measures" for a few weeks.

We also had a huge brawl on the green with a rival secondary school nearby in year 9 (whites and Asians only). The police came down in a riot van. We legged it and hopped a wall into some gardens before they could arrest us, a whole bunch of other kids did though. Some people got done. A few weeks later kids from that school smashed up our school bus. A few weeks after that some guys from our year below threw eggs and condoms full of piss on them while they waited for the bus from 125cc dirt bikes. Then the police caught two of them and they got sent to young offenders.

In year 9 i got pushed off a roof. It was the leader of the chads. A real pyscho. Got off in court for all sorts of stuff like rape, assault and GBH by the time i knew him. He was going to batter me and the guy who followed me around so we climbed on the roof of the sports hall. We couldn't cross the roof to the rear block because his mates were waiting for us where you could see. We waited for him to go but instead he climbs up and finds us and he pushed me off and i fell most of the way through a tree. Luckily I only had cuts and bruises and some twig stuck in my arm and I ran off. Told my parents and the hospital I fell out the tree.

The worst incident i was ever  in was when me and some other lads were going to get battered by the blacks in year 10. We were hiding at the bottom of the field after school. One of us who was the dirty tramp lived by a gypsie camp and had brought a load of fireworks off them for £10 so we loosed the lot off at them. It scared most of them off and we ran away through the smoke they couldn't see us. We crossed the derelict industrial estate and the train tracks and they thought we went through the farmers field. They used to carry knives and those CO2 replica 4.5mm BB guns. I carried a baton and one of those powerful catapults that fired big metal bb's. We used to take out pigeons with them.

Last fight i had this fucking prick who liked to play hard and he used to come with some guys and attack me at the bus stop. So ran home, tooled up and went back to where he hung with his bros in the park and  i whacked him in the legs with a stick i pulled out a tree. Snapped the stick in to several pieces and he howled like I've never heard before. Threw him in the road and kicked him a bunch of times. Then got on my bike and got out of there before his bros got me. He brought his crew down on the last day of school to get us and they had eggs and flour as well but we got out of class early and hopped the fence while they were still waiting at the gates.

Me and this weird Mormon guy I hung with used to hang out at his cousins yard after school. His side of the family was dodgy as hell, his dad was some born again LDS lunatic and this guy was always going on about the holy temple and was 1 of 9 children. I used to fix computers and motorbikes for his cousin. He had a pirate games and dvd operation, we built the rig for him. After i hung with him a lot of people wouldn't say shit to me any more because everyone on the estate knew he was serious news and he was a dealer. By this point i used to scare a lot of people. I had people convinced because some of the stuff i did. I carried weapons and wore makeshift body armour under my clothes. So years 10 and 11 weren't so bad. We were careful to stay out of the mix at lunch time and break time. After the whole thing with the fire works and getting pushed off the roof i was really paranoid.

HOLY SHIT TOP KEK, 10/10 would read again 
Harvey_Weinstein_Hero said:
HOLY SHIT TOP KEK, 10/10 would read again 

I could write a novel about crazy fucked up shit I did in school mate. I got questioned by the police 5 separate times in relation to stuff I was involved in. If the police were half as good as they should be I probably would have done time in young offenders for some of what I did. Praise kek. For he is good.
Weed said:
By surprise? Sucker punched? bruuuh need a backstory

so one time i was getting made fun of my my cousins neighbors cause i sucked at baseball and it pissed me off so i told a kid to get on the trampoline with me when my parents were waiting to take me home in the driveway and i sucker punch him and ran away. never saw him again.

second time was on the bus in middle school. some bitch and 4 others were making fun of my glasses so i said hey kid, punched him square in the face. he cried and i got in trouble

3rd time was in middle school i was caged by a bunch of chads and forced to fight some faggot but i pussied out and went to the bus instead. i could have fought but i would have lost

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