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How many of you are running beard game?



Gambler fan account
Feb 7, 2018
I'm running beard game right now, trying to decide how best to go about it. I can grow a mondo beard and am wondering would it be better to go full wizard level beard? Goatee? Close trimmed beard? Is Beard Theory successful? I think mine looks pretty decent. If I start norwooding I may shave my head and go all out on the beard.
My beard is good but never attracted any women
>being able to grow a beard.

bruh im so low T
TheVman said:
>being able to grow a beard.

bruh im so low T

No beard is better than shitty, whispy, neckbeard tho.
I have thick stubble but shave the neck. In a vain attempt to hide my baby face.
yes, it hides some stuff
It helps out with jawline IMO
My beard is ugly and curly, but I can't be bothered to shave.
i cope with my chinceldom and high bf% by growing a beard

@jewsel has an insane neckbeard tho
Neckbeards are far worse than Nobeard
TheVman said:
>being able to grow a beard.

bruh im so low T

dont think body hair and T levels are directly related
hehe xd said:
TheVman said:
>being able to grow a beard.
bruh im so low T
dont think body hair and T levels are directly related
they are. androgenics are the number one promoters of facial hair
TheVman said:
they are. androgenics are the number one promoters of facial hair

i know that on average a hairy person is higher t than a twink, but im PRETTY sure they are not directly related, e.g a twink can Tmog walking chewbaccas

if u are sure theyre directly related i would love to see source because i couldnt find one
I can't even grow a beard, which sucks because it'd really help in hiding my facial flaws.
hehe xd said:
TheVman said:
they are. androgenics are the number one promoters of facial hair
i know that on average a hairy person is higher t than a twink, but im PRETTY sure they are not directly related, e.g a twink can Tmog walking chewbaccas
if u are sure theyre directly related i would love to see source because i couldnt find one
Twinks are usually waxxed.

here is a source


buts its weird because my legs are extremely hairy. and my balls too
Inshallah I will try to grow a beard since it's the sunnah our nabi peace and blessings be upon him
i cant even grow one, just a pedo stache
TheVman said:
Twinks are usually waxxed.

here is a source


buts its weird because my legs are extremely hairy. and my balls too

ah, i researched body hair correlation with T rather than facial hair

i have legit curls in my legs and ass, my asshole is prob invisible if i spread my cheeks from all the hair, stomatch line and chest are somewhat hairy, hands are really hairy, thankfully minimal to little back hair

i think my T is high because i havent trained seriously in half a year and still have pretty much all my muscle mass tho idk
hehe xd said:
TheVman said:
Twinks are usually waxxed.
here is a source

buts its weird because my legs are extremely hairy. and my balls too

ah, i researched body hair correlation with T rather than facial hair
i have legit curls in my legs and ass, my asshole is prob invisible if i spread my cheeks from all the hair, stomatch line and chest are somewhat hairy, hands are really hairy, thankfully minimal to little back hair
i think my T is high because i havent trained seriously in half a year and still have pretty much all my muscle mass tho idk

Intersting. I've always been skinny no matter how much i ate. my lower body is all hair, from my hips down. my upper body has no hair except for my arms and hands. plus im a type 2 norwood.
TheVman said:
Intersting. I've always been skinny no matter how much i ate. my lower body is all hair, from my hips down. my upper body has no hair except for my arms and hands. plus im a type 2 norwood.

>I've always been skinny no matter how much i ate

lol this triggers me so hard

u are skinny cuz u didnt eat enough

end of story

u get full from 4 pizza slices, im capable of eating an entire box a few hours after dinner because i get bored, then snack after

ive seen so many self proclaimed pigs but skinny guys in my life, ALL just say that shit because it gives them attention from the 88% of the population who doesnt have the gene that lets them enjoy food less therefore eat less, "omg i wish i were like u!! eat a lot never fat!!"
TBH I personally don't like maintaining a beard because it gets very itchy and annoying at times. But there's been lots of actual studies done that say femoids nowadays love beards (its the latest fad, I guess).

So for that reason, I'm trying out beard game. Luckily my hair-hormones are fucking raging and I can grow a beard very fast. Downside is I'm a hairycel with arm hair, back hair, chest hair, and nasty-ass hair all over. I'm a fucking gorilla.
hehe xd said:
TheVman said:
Intersting. I've always been skinny no matter how much i ate. my lower body is all hair, from my hips down. my upper body has no hair except for my arms and hands. plus im a type 2 norwood.
>I've always been skinny no matter how much i ate
lol this triggers me so hard
u are skinny cuz u didnt eat enough
end of story
u get full from 4 pizza slices, im capable of eating an entire box a few hours after dinner because i get bored, then snack after
ive seen so many self proclaimed pigs but skinny guys in my life, ALL just say that shit because it gives them attention from the 88% of the population who doesnt have the gene that lets them enjoy food less therefore eat less, "omg i wish i were like u!! eat a lot never fat!!"
LOL i always finished a full large pizza box on my own. when i was a teen my dad would make me eat 3000 claories a day to try and gain weight. i still maintained a 150 pounds and couldn't go higher than that.
I was always a big eater.
Now where i barely eat im 135 pounds
TheVman said:
LOL i always finished a full large pizza box on my own. when i was a teen my dad would make me eat 3000 claories a day to try and gain weight. i still maintained a 150 pounds and couldn't go higher than that.
I was always a big eater.
Now where i barely eat im 135 pounds

pls dont delude urself like bluepilled incels delude themselves* there is science and science says that 'high metabolism' is usually 300 calories difference MAX to ur rmr

u arent lowIQcel research this if u want

u are either 0.0000001% genetic freak (which is possible considering ur eye area) or just cope with being skinny by saying how much u eat (like how fit girls cope by saying they are so fat)
Some bitches love beards. I'm rocking a van dyke, I get complemented on it almost daily. My beard is like 8 PSL, Chad level.
Can't grow a good beard it looks shitty
I've been running beard game since I was 15.
hehe xd said:
TheVman said:
LOL i always finished a full large pizza box on my own. when i was a teen my dad would make me eat 3000 claories a day to try and gain weight. i still maintained a 150 pounds and couldn't go higher than that.
I was always a big eater.
Now where i barely eat im 135 pounds
pls dont delude urself like bluepilled incels delude themselves* there is science and science says that 'high metabolism' is usually 300 calories difference MAX to ur rmr
u arent lowIQcel research this if u want
u are either 0.0000001% genetic freak (which is possible considering ur eye area) or just cope with being skinny by saying how much u eat (like how fit girls cope by saying they are so fat)
well i don't eat a lot now. I barely have money to feed myself. that's why im 135 pounds.
But i did weigh 150 pounds when i was eating 3000 calories. That's as much as i could gain. also eating A LOT of junk food. almost 3 times a week.
I'm 5'7 btw
TheVman said:
well i don't eat a lot now. I barely have money to feed myself. that's why im 135 pounds.
But i did weigh 150 pounds when i was eating 3000 calories.  That's as much as i could gain. also eating A LOT of junk food. almost 3 times a week.
I'm 5'7 btw

im dissapointed, why didnt u research the subject and instead feed on inaccurate (factually speaking) past memories

I am pretty much forced to require a beard forever now, seeing as I have a jawcel perma-babyface and a NW5A horseshoecel head (I gave up head shaving a couple of years ago, because it's over for me). I look even sillier clean shaven and I think the beard gets me a little more respect (for a manlet anyway). I don't really bother shaping it.

I started beardceling in 2011, a year after I had started Norwooding. I have only shaved my face a handful of times since then, often going two years or more between shaves. The last time I shaved was before my 30th, when I realized the beard just has to stay now. It was back in two weeks.

My advice to youngcels is if you cannot beardcel inside four weeks, don't bother. A shit beard is worse than no beard. If you can, Godspeed.
TheVman said:
they are. androgenics are the number one promoters of facial hair

You sound low IQ. Turks, Armenians, Kurds have dense body hair mostly, but we don't have other traits related to high testosterone levels like wide shoulders, slim waist, strong jawline, tall height etc.
ironcrusher38 said:
TheVman said:
they are. androgenics are the number one promoters of facial hair
You sound low IQ. Turks, Armenians, Kurds have dense body hair mostly, but we don't have other traits related to high testosterone levels like wide shoulders, slim waist, strong jawline, tall height etc.
I wasn't talking about body hair, I was talking about beards
TheVman said:
I wasn't talking about body hair, I was talking about beards

It's same, Arabs and Persians have really dense facial hair than whites. But their shoulder/waist ratio is closer 1.
ironcrusher38 said:
TheVman said:
I wasn't talking about body hair, I was talking about beards
It's same, Arabs and Persians have really dense facial hair than whites. But their shoulder/waist ratio is closer 1.
That's genetically composition and not necessarily just testosterone. read the link above. facial hair is 100% related to androgenics. i researched this a lot when i was trying to grow a beard
Beard cope is best cope for me. I will become a Viking or Monk.
I can't handle the fucking itch.
My beard is too patchy when grown out, i have to shave it, it looks like shit. It should be good in 2 years though with continuous minoxidil application.
I cant even grow one wtf
Cant, not enough t atm
19 and haven't grown a full beard yet.
I got so unlucky with the beard genetics. My bros and my dad can all grow full beards, cheeks covered an all. I can only grow a little mustache and goatee. The beard gods jewed me.
Can't grow one. I basically look like a special needs child.
Weirdcel said:
I got so unlucky with the beard genetics. My bros and my dad can all grow full beards, cheeks covered an all. I can only grow a little mustache and goatee. The beard gods jewed me.

Buy minoxidil 5% and apply it for a year or two
Nautica1983 said:
Buy minoxidil 5% and apply it for a year or two

I've thought about it, but I'm kinda paranoid about the side effects.
I have some hair near my chin area, but the cheeks are patchy af
Weirdcel said:
I've thought about it, but I'm kinda paranoid about the side effects.

Doubt you'll get any major side effects. I only had slight chest pain for three 2 weeks after every application and that was it
Nautica1983 said:
Doubt you'll get any major side effects. I only had slight chest pain for three 2 weeks after every application and that was it

>I only had slight chest pain
You make it sound like it's not a big deal.
I can only grow neckbeard. Shitty chin stubble and moustache. I'm 19 so things might improve though I doubt
Women love that light stubble

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