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How many of you are actually not that bad-looking?

  • Thread starter Deleted member 2299
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Deleted member 2299

Deleted member 2299

Dec 21, 2017
But a series of highly unfortunate events led you to present circumstances and Inceldom? 
Bonus points for mental illness 
I've been told multiple times BY femoids that if I 'went out more' I'd land a girl and my appearance isn't what holds me back 
My social skills are absolutely gutted from 5 years of isolation so there's that too 
It's funny cause it only gets worse the longer you go alone the hole digs itself deeper and is harder to climb out of
I think I'm okay, but I'm fucking crazy
I'm not a bad looking guy I realized that recently I always thought I was a good looking guy before last few years
Fakecels, females have always gave me repulsive looks. I know my place, to die by my own hand a virgin loser.
Virginp0wers said:
Fakecels, females have always gave me repulsive looks. I know my place, to die by my own hand a virgin loser.

Hey man if I can't get into a romantic or sexual relationship I still classify as Incel
ill admit that ppl think im gl but height holds me back more than anything. 5'4 is shit no matter if you look like Barrett
Rahmawn said:
Hey man if I can't get into a romantic or sexual relationship I still classify as Incel

A fakecel incel yes, i wish i at-least had average looks and didnt look so subhuman and withered.
Femoids lie when they say you're not ugly,the amount of ugly fucks I've seen girls say are average or above is ridiculous.
Virginp0wers said:
A fakecel incel yes, i wish i at-least had average looks and didnt look so subhuman and withered.

Sex bots won't judge you
Neither will video games 
Neither will I
Rahmawn said:
Sex bots won't judge you
Neither will video games 
Neither will I

I feel like incels would be cucked out of using sex bots based on the way society is heading and muh female objectification.
Rahmawn said:
But a series of highly unfortunate events led you to present circumstances and Inceldom? 
Bonus points for mental illness 
I've been told multiple times BY femoids that if I 'went out more' I'd land a girl and my appearance isn't what holds me back 
My social skills are absolutely gutted from 5 years of isolation so there's that too 
It's funny cause it only gets worse the longer you go alone the hole digs itself deeper and is harder to climb out of

Femoids love saying bullshit like this.
Virginp0wers said:
A fakecel incel yes, i wish i at-least had average looks and didnt look so subhuman and withered.
Average looks aint nothing in 2018 you will be invisible to women
NeverSubmit said:
Average looks aint nothing in 2018 you will be invisible to women

Please dont tell me you buy into the 80/20 meme bullshit. Most guys have sex and relationships. We are most definitely the minority and lost the genetic lottery. Sorry if that blackpill is too potent.
Virginp0wers said:
Please dont tell me you buy into the 80/20 meme bullshit. Most guys have sex and relationships. We are most definitely the minority and lost the genetic lottery. Sorry if that blackpill is too potent.
They are paying for pussy! It only counts if you get laid for free. Most people on here aint prepared to do anything to get pussy.
NeverSubmit said:
They are paying for pussy! It only counts if you get laid for free. Most people on here aint prepared to do anything to get pussy.

No they're not lol but yes this forum has a defeatist mentality
NeverSubmit said:
They are paying for pussy! It only counts if you get laid for free. Most people on here aint prepared to do anything to get pussy.

are you implying most males pay escorts? Or do you mean beta buxxing. Also most incels dont have the financial means / ability to improve their situation. You cant change genetics, the only incels who can ascend are mentalcels.
Rahmawn said:
Hey man if I can't get into a romantic or sexual relationship I still classify as Incel

If you can escape this incel hellhole to normiedom, do it. you'll be lucky one
Virginp0wers said:
are you implying most males pay escorts? Or do you mean beta buxxing. Also most incels dont have the financial means / ability to improve their situation. You cant change genetics, the only incels who can ascend are mentalcels.
Virginp0wers said:
the only incels who can ascend are mentalcels.

truer words have never been spoken
Virginp0wers said:
are you implying most males pay escorts? Or do you mean beta buxxing. Also most incels dont have the financial means / ability to improve their situation. You cant change genetics, the only incels who can ascend are mentalcels.
Not escorts. They are spending big money on dates, gifts and taking these girls on vacations.
Everyone here is bad looking tbh. As a man, you are your flaws
even if u arent bad looking now, u must have been at some point in ur life that was formative to ur mental state

otherwise there is almost no way to be incel or even aware this forum exists
I look alright.
well i was just told my face is far from incel tier so thats nice
ghostcell said:
even if u arent bad looking now, u must have been at some point in ur life that was formative to ur mental state

otherwise there is almost no way to be incel or even aware this forum exists

Yes I had terrible acne the likes of which have never been seen before which caused me to dropout of highschool and get homeschooled
Virginp0wers said:
Please dont tell me you buy into the 80/20 meme bullshit. Most guys have sex and relationships. We are most definitely the minority and lost the genetic lottery. Sorry if that blackpill is too potent.

80/20 is true if you want to have lots of casual sex. Doesn't really apply if you want to get into a relationship. You'll never be truly desired if you're not apart of the top 20%, though. You'll never be close to her first choice.

What it's like to be the top 20%:
Lol at 80/20

More like 90/10 boyos. Girls aint getting wet for every 5th guy that walks past them on the street.
itsOVER said:
Lol at 80/20

More like 90/10 boyos. Girls aint getting wet for every 5th guy that walks past them on the street.

Girls are impossible to please
Im one of the most aesthetically pleasing humans alive, top .001%. Its lack of dom factors and mental illness which stop me
Im probably a 6-7/10 but i have many crippling mental illneses. So its over
i got a pretty chad face but im a dickcel and aspie, feelsconflictedman
"your a 4 hehe, just go to the gym hehe you will be a 7 hehe"

b4 I had jaw surgery.
Well girls have only told me that i'm ugly, my bro's say that i look alright. My lower third is fucking shit and i can't get surgery because i don't have any money. My hair on the sides is receding so that's also great.
I am below average. Probably not repulsive and not fat either which helps. Still, 4/10s are nothing.
MarriedAndLookin4Fun said:
Im probably a 6-7/10 but i have many crippling mental illneses. So its over

I’m not bad looking. Just my shitty small frame and boyish face at 24 doesn’t make pussy wet
ovrload said:
I’m not bad looking. Just my shitty small frame and boyish face at 24 doesn’t make pussy wet

I don't like the notion that just because we don't look like Chad we're not people, that disqualifies 80% of the population.
Im a 27 year old friendless incel. My looks are about average or a bit below that, my bigger problem is that im a complete mentalcel. I never could relate and connect to any people. Most of their normie mainstream shit doesn't interests me which makes it hard for me to find something to talk about. Even when i get a conversation going people make it clear they don't like me and end the conversation quickly.
I won't be that bad after I'm done with Accutane.

itsOVER said:
Lol at 80/20
More like 90/10 boyos. Girls aint getting wet for every 5th guy that walks past them on the street.

/r/Askwomen confirmed that it's actually more like 99/1.
I'm not very ugly. Very high inhib and don't have a big enough social circle to meet women.
Im confident im a 3.5/10
grayjedi90 said:
Im a 27 year old friendless incel. My looks are about average or a bit below that, my bigger problem is that im a complete mentalcel. I never could relate and connect to any people. Most of their normie mainstream shit doesn't interests me which makes it hard for me to find something to talk about. Even when i get a conversation going people make it clear they don't like me and end the conversation quickly.

That's pretty relateable. Looks like you're well on your way to wizardry then.

Prince Of Dankness said:
Im confident im a 3.5/10

It's over

spergcel said:
I'm not very ugly. Very high inhib and don't have a big enough social circle to meet women.

Yeah social circles are pretty much the gateway to female companionship

Framecel222 said:
I won't be that bad after I'm done with Accutane.

/r/Askwomen confirmed that it's actually more like 99/1.

Accutane works bro, hang in there with the side effects

AlexanderR97 said:
ill admit that ppl think im gl but height holds me back more than anything. 5'4 is shit no matter if you look like Barrett


lanturn said:
I am below average. Probably not repulsive and not fat either which helps. Still, 4/10s are nothing.

If you don't repulse yourself you're good imo
Framecel222 said:
I won't be that bad after I'm done with Accutane.

/r/Askwomen confirmed that it's actually more like 99/1.

I think its like, 2% of guys get laid a LOT, a further 3% get laid a reasonable amount (like, can bang a new girl each month), another 5% can lock down decent Stacy's for LTR's.

Then 90% either get sub 5 roasties or are incel.

So the actual Chad life that is portrayed here probably only applies to 2% of guys. It's certainly not 20% as the '80/20' rule implies.
eurocel said:
Well girls have only told me that i'm ugly, my bro's say that i look alright. My lower third is fucking shit and i can't get surgery because i don't have any money. My hair on the sides is receding so that's also great.

You're ugly in comparison to the competition (and their options) unfortunately

lostcel said:
i got a pretty chad face but im a dickcel and aspie, feelsconflictedman

Just be NT bro

NeverSubmit said:
I'm not a bad looking guy I realized that recently I always thought I was a good looking guy before last few years


incellooksmaxer said:
"your a 4 hehe, just go to the gym hehe you will be a 7 hehe"

b4 I had jaw surgery.

Just get a haircut bro

Solitarian_Walker said:

You are the supreme Overlord

DyingHope said:
Femoids love saying bullshit like this.

Could be true in some cases

NeverSubmit said:
Average looks aint nothing in 2018 you will be invisible to women


saddupbro said:
If you can escape this incel hellhole to normiedom, do it. you'll be lucky one

I can't. Hand me the rope

Oodar said:
Im one of the most aesthetically pleasing humans alive, top .001%. Its lack of dom factors and mental illness which stop me

Quit mocking me

CopingGymcel said:
I look alright.

Oodar said:
Im one of the most aesthetically pleasing humans alive, top .001%. Its lack of dom factors and mental illness which stop me

Pffftt. The fact that you are aware of it puts you in a good state. Most mentalcels aren't self-aware.

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