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How many men do you think the average 25 year old woman has had sex with?

Pick one

  • 1-5

    Votes: 4 4.7%
  • 5-10

    Votes: 12 14.1%
  • 10-15

    Votes: 12 14.1%
  • 15-20

    Votes: 9 10.6%
  • 20-30

    Votes: 21 24.7%
  • 50+

    Votes: 10 11.8%
  • 75+

    Votes: 2 2.4%
  • 100+

    Votes: 15 17.6%

  • Total voters


Jan 4, 2018
Assuming she is not sheltered by her parents, has a normal social circle and lifestyle.

Studies online say the average lifetime partners for women averages at 5-7 jfl those hoes are frauding.

Only they know their real number, and we can safely assume it's a big one.
20-30 because of conservative women lowering the count.
The average 25 year old woman?

I gotta say 8-15.

I'm sure a lot of dudes here will completely exaggerate.
I had an ONS with a 3/10 clubslut and she was complaining about her dry spell. I asked her when was the last time she had sex and she said two weeks ago.
QuantumDummy said:
The average 25 year old woman?

I gotta say 8-15.

I'm sure a lot of dudes here will completely exaggerate.

Girls give it away like candy between 18-21 because now they can fuck 30+ year old guys.

They easily hit the 50 mark by 21 imo.
Getlooksordie said:
I had an ONS with a 3/10 clubslut and she was complaining about her dry spell. I asked her when was the last time she had sex and she said two weeks ago.

What are you doing on this site?
Getlooksordie said:
I had an ONS with a 3/10 clubslut and she was complaining about her dry spell. I asked her when was the last time she had sex and she said two weeks ago.

youre a fakecel motherfucker, fuck off you sick cunt
I'd say about 20-30
Grain_of_sin said:
Girls give it away like candy between 18-21 because now they can fuck 30+ year old guys.

They easily hit the 50 mark by 21 imo.

Lol, it certainly is your opinion.

I really don't think the average cunt has fucked 50 dudes by 25, but hey, what the fuck do I know.
Average Western femoids sleep with 500 men before their 30s.
If a girl is 16 : At least 2 or 3

If a girl is 18: More than 10

Girl is 20: more than 20

Every year after age 20, the number of guys she has had increases by 10
42cel said:
What are you doing on this site?
I´m old, ugly and have to approach 1000s of women just to get one lay with a below average girl who will pump and dump me. I´d say that makes me an incel as fuck.
Women sure as shit underreport their sexual partners but I think the average is around 10 for a woman in her mid 20s.
Getlooksordie said:
I´m old, ugly and have to approach 1000s of women just to get one lay with a below average girl who will pump and dump me. I´d say that makes me an incel as fuck.

You're not an incel. You're a low tier normie. How old is "old"? Incels never get laid, and are repulsed by women.
I would guess 15-20 tbh.
Good to see people are being serious and not saying stupid shit like 900+ a day. In reality it's probably around 10-15. Oh and I am talking about the average woman.
probably 10-20 but there will be many outliers with high count probably...

tbh i know some women who are just too oblivious to the fact they can get laid off tinder any day though, so the average might not be THAT high because of boring normie girls
Yoyo said:
If a girl is 16 : At least 2 or 3

If a girl is 18: More than 10

Girl is 20: more than 20

Every year after age 20, the number of guys she has had increases by 10

Quick maths.
Just lol at you guys. He is asking number of sexual partners and not relationships.

Do you not realize tinder and hookups are a thing? It’s easiky 50 plus
Same as their guy counterpart +30-50% of their average slay count.
Reddit_is_for_cucks said:
Just lol at you guys. He is asking number of sexual partners and not relationships.

Do you not realize tinder and hookups are a thing? It’s easiky 50 plus

Thank you. These results are bluepilled af. I was expecting 50-100+ across the board.
Started having sex at 16, 2 partners per year.

(25-16)*2 = 18
The girl who i lost my virginity was 18 and i was the 21st man she fucked, so at 25 i think she will have fucked approximately 50 guys.
50+ but only because its hard to find that many Chads, they are limited in supply

If every guy was a Chad itd easily be 365 guys/year for every year past 18 yold
Weirdcel said:
Started having sex at 16, 2 partners per year.

(25-16)*2 = 18

2 partners per year loooooollll

Even a low tier normie male gets more action then that.

When I was in first year living on residence. All the girls would go out on a weekend and bring home a different guy every week. Sometimes they went out on Friday and Saturday. That alone means 2 partners/week.

Let’s be conservative and say 1 partner/week and there are 52 weeks in a year.

Roastie are in college for 4 years. So that’s 52*4 = 204 partners in 4 years span.

That’s not even counting her middle schoo past, high school past, her Halloween/ spring orgies.

Its easily 100 plus at 25.

You guys call yourself blackpill! Shame on you
over 1,000 and i'm not even remotely joking. bitches these days literally build an entire identity around being sluts.
Getlooksordie said:
I had an ONS with a 3/10 clubslut and she was complaining about her dry spell. I asked her when was the last time she had sex and she said two weeks ago.
WTF, fuck outta here you faggot fakecel
No girl can have a 30-50 bodycount apparently.

Reddit_is_for_cucks said:
Weirdcel said:
Started having sex at 16, 2 partners per year.
(25-16)*2 = 18
2 partners per year loooooollll

In a lifetime I'd say 50-75
For Europe (not UK) it should be 1-5 most of the time, 5-10 in some ocasions, and very rarely above that.
They are going to be all over the map from 0-1000s. I know they average girl that is sexually active that age and single is fucking 3-4 dudes regularly. I have seen it too many times to think otherwise. Once they trust you they will open up about what they are up to..
Easily 50+. So many bluepilled subhumans on here, wtf?
anincelforlifelol said:
Easily 50+. So many bluepilled subhumans on here, wtf?
100 at the very minimum

i would bet 90% hit 100 guys easy at that age
Who else voted 1-5* ? Like its the most safest choice here.

Remember kiddos, AVERAGE. Thats why there is no zERo
3/10 - 7/10 women: 50-100
Sub 3/10 women: 25-50
7+ women: 10-25 who are insta-famous masc models / local celebrities / professional athletes
Mare pussy is way cleaner. I'm serious boyos.
They rarely meet a stallion and it's only for breeding.
Almost every horse with a dick you see is a gelding, not a stallion.
Mare pussy is way cleaner. I'm serious boyos.
They rarely meet a stallion and it's only for breeding.
Almost every horse with a dick you see is a gelding, not a stallion.

Please no...
Please no...
Why other than knee-jerk precondtioned normie judgement?
I'm asking to take an objective standpoint and the truth is that the average femoid's pussy has 20+ different seeds in them plus potentially all the possible STDs and you're gonna say mare pussy is disgusting? It's highly irrational. Equine diseases don't contaminate humans at least.

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