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How many larpers do we have?



Ed junior
May 28, 2019
After this business with neet it makes me wonder how many larpers are truly here.
60% at least. Though I guess not all of them are aware that they're just fucking larpers.
There is a lot I'm sure.
I don't know anymore, i used to think that people with small post counts might be larpers, but i never thought that someone with as much posts as neetandtidy could ever be one.
60% at least. Though I guess not all of them are aware that they're just fucking larpers.
Are they legitimate Larpcels?
I mean they hang out in this massive Forum...
I used to think the paranoid users were overreacting. I USED to. I can't understand why someone who isn't one of us would dedicate themselves to trolling here, but I guess we attract the mentally ill of more than just the incel community.
@Eskimocel is one 6'3 chadlite i know tbh
@Eskimocel is one 6'3 chadlite i know tbh
:worryfeels: how can I mog 8.1/10 @Cuyen ?

Or 8.15/10 @Insomniac

Its over for sub 8.1cels.

joke tbh
it cant be fixed cause some parts are rly old i plan to buy new one tbh but not sure
time to wageslave for you tbh, no more neet nights.
Your guess is as good as the rest of us. There's no telling who's legit or not.
tbh I think a good percentage (like 50% to 65%) of edge posters are LARPers, or at the very least acting more extreme than they do irl.
Your guess is as good as the rest of us. There's no telling who's legit or not.
I think theres also subconscious LARPs who dont realize they are
trust no one. not even yourself
I know for fact that anyone with an anime avatar here si actually a 6'2 chadlite
Anyone else remember whogivesafucc? That one hit me hard.
Everybody who's head isn't small is a larper
I wonder if these longterm larps understand the blackpill or are genuinely just here to mess with incels, seems pretty stupid to hang in a forum filled with "losers" if you are already ascended. I don't understand what joy they get out of it, could they be lonely?
I'm entirely convinced this forum is just a bunch of glownigger assets and I'm the only legitimately fucked up person here.
I wonder if these longterm larps understand the blackpill or are genuinely just here to mess with incels, seems pretty stupid to hang in a forum filled with "losers" if you are already ascended. I don't understand what joy they get out of it, could they be lonely?
my theory is that they are losers, but because they had sex they are still superior to your average incel, so they get into incel circles as an "in the country of the blind, the one-eyed man is king" kind of deal.
Still I genuinely don't think that guys like neetandtidy meant any actual harm to this forum, he probably just wanted to hang out with likeminded people.
but larping should not be tolerated, if you had sex gtfo from here.
I actually feel pretty sad.This is the type of thing you expect but when it comes it hits like a truck.It feels like we are brothers against brothers.
Yeah I'd peg in in the the 60% range. As a rule of thumb I automatically assume people who say they are white are fakecels.

Yep thats the same rule of thumb I have, if you are white there is a high chance that you are a volcel.
This is a very huge shakeup in this community, because Neetandtidy had such a well developed persona.
never heard of him.did he do anything special?
He was an original member and a very popular poster. Turned out to be a Chadlite LARPing the entire time. It was a very big deal when he got exposed.
At this point, I just assume everyone here is larping tbh...
If @NEETAndTidy is a larper, anyone can be.
Trust no one but yourself.
To be fair, NEET was not exactly a larper. Just by looking at him you can tell he’s incel. And his tranny is fugly as hell. Looks like a dude with long hair, don’t even think he’s on female hormones kek.
To be fair, NEET was not exactly a larper. Just by looking at him you can tell he’s incel. And his tranny is fugly as hell. Looks like a dude with long hair, don’t even think he’s on female hormones kek.
By definition, he was larping. He was making up stories and pretending to be someone he's not (role playing).
But yeah, he does have incel looks.
Too much unfortunately.

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