There's a prime stacey who lives opposite me, so less than 50 feet. She lives with a bunch of guys, not sure if they're brothers or ploughers. A bangable Becky who lives next door. There's a chav Stacey who lives opposite me on the other side, over a busy road. A JB Stacey who lives next door. And a milf Stacey who lives next door, with her partner and litter of kids. And a slightly overweight Stacey who lives opposite.
I'm surrounded by femoids I'd bang in an instant (literally), All but two know for a fact are having sex. Three have kids. The other I've seen with her boyfriend. You can't escape this shit. This is what people who say "just focus on your hobbies" don't understand. I don't even leave the house, ever, and it's still inescapable.