The only real way for men to overcome women is for the fulfillment of the "sexy son hypothesis" without cucking ourselves. Read about it here:
Basically the stipulation in this context is that with women becoming increasingly more choosy and having the freedom to select the most sexually attractive males, society will eventually experience a downturn because choosing a man based solely on physical attractiveness is not a sustainable model for social advancement and development. There will hypothetically be a time when attractive men will decrease in value because what will start to become valuable is the ability to provide for one's offspring, which is increasingly becoming based on intelligence rather than appearance. Consider automation as one of the near future steps in this process - as more men who do not have a background in advanced fields or trades become unemployed and thus incapable of providing for their family, it will be the people who can generate wealth due to their intelligence and education that will become more sought-after, at least in terms of marriage and long-term child rearing.
However, this will only happen if we stop cucking ourselves. In other words, beta providers are the major component which prevents this hypothesis from reaching realistic fruition. If women can bang Chad and then when they are post-prime and tired of rearing her kids in a shitty, poor environment because Chad can't make adequate money, move on to a beta provider cuck who is happy to marry a woman he would have 10 years ago considered "out of his league" and support Chad's offspring, then he is effectively a direct counter to the sexy son hypothesis.
On the other hand, it may actually be impossible to provoke these changes because of the liberalization of economic and political policy. First of all, women can no longer be shamed for being sluts, so if you were to deny a woman because of her sexual background then not only are you going to be seen as a bigot, but you are also denying yourself of your opportunity to proliferate your genes. Secondly, social security programs like NEETbux and child support have laid the foundation for more broad spectrum social programs such as UBI, which in turn would provide uneducated Chads with enough money and time to live off of and continue to procreate. Thirdly, as more unattractive men are forced to accept their lot in life because of bluepilled ideology becoming the universal paradigm in our education systems, even well-educated unattractive men will continue to cuck themselves because feminism has seeped deep into Western higher education facilities. Fourthly, feminism is now actively securing its position as unstoppable -
see my recent thread on how feminists can prevent certain papers from being published in mathematical journals, and presumably others. If scientific papers are not being published because they go against their agenda, then how can anyone support any scientific claim on the damage that feminism is doing? In other words, I will paraphrase
@knajjd here: when a Reddit feminist tells you to cite a peer-reviewed article for why they are wrong and you are right, how can you do that if feminists have already ensured that those papers are not published?
To summarize, I believe that nothing short of a massive social collapse will bring about the appropriate conditions for men to retake some measure of social power, because that is the only thing which can stop the existing pattern of feminism, cuckoldry, liberalization, and scientific sabotage from continuing.