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It's Over How I used to think about femoids Vs. How I now see Femasites.

Sparrow's Song

Sparrow's Song

Violent Convicted Chomo
Dec 14, 2017
I've pretty much known that I was too ugly for human interaction for a long time. However, I used to think foids simply hated me just because I was REALLY FUCKING UGLY, and average looking guys could run "muh personality" game and score foids who were breedworthy. So I've always hated myself but I used to not hate all foids because I thought my inceldom was a rare case. Obviously now I know they are genocidal animals who's ideal society is built with bones instead of bricks.

Me seeing a creampie-able femoid before being blackpilled:

"Wow, she's hot as fuck. If I wasn't so ugly, I'm sure she would be fun to talk to. Someday, I'll be cured and I'll be able to talk to girls like her and my life won't suck anymore."

Me seeing a femasite of genetic quality fit for reproduction after being blackpill:

"What I used to see as a sign of life and fertility, I now see as a reminder of death, the sight of a female humanoid makes me feel ice in my bone marrow. No longer do I see a beautiful face with a youthful glow and a smile that beckons my approach... Now, all I see is a mountain of bones. Bones of the men she has rejected due to their bones not being the right size and shape, bones that have been stripped of their flesh due to the decay that followed their forgotten suicides as well as the bones of the future suicidal men... Bones of the men she fornicated with but were replaced by chaddier chads, their bones only being a fuzzy memory in her Body Count Ossuary... Bones of the apex predator chad who mogged all other men she laid with, his bones still attached to his living flesh as he bangs his fists against his chest in a violent display of dominance and genetic superiority... and the bones of her future betabux cuck who will raise the bastards to his own disgrace as she and every man she fucked before him stomp and dance upon the bones of the betabux cuck's ancestors as his genetic legacy dies... being just as dead as the countless suicides he believes he is better than... A female to me is nothing but a smoldering pile of bones and dying flesh with a few living alpha males battling on top of the death pile.

Her perfume no longer smells lovely to me, it cannot mask the stench of the decomposing fallen men crushed beneath the blood soaked hooves of the wild boar of gynocentrism. The smell is nauseating and I avoid it swiftly. I do not make eye contact because her eyes are not only dead due to the stare of a thousand cocks, but a grin reminder of the death of all non chad men. When she speaks, there is no soft and gentle voice, nor is there a sense of sensuality... I hear only the growls and barks of a rabid, wild wolves as they pick apart the flesh of the weak and defenseless.

There is nothing pleasant about the sight of her for me, her being near me is simply a manifestation of death and decay taunting and mocking me as try to avoid even looking in her direction. Her very presence causes my heart to feel as if it's falling into a cold, dark bottomless pit... followed closely behind by my mangled body. As I fall, my heart is drowned in a pitch black goo that suffocates it and consumes it. My body feels as if it is being showered in an ice cold black rain of death. Everything about my existence is shrouded in death and pain, every thought in my mind is a reminder of death. Death itself eventually looks more pleasant that whatever this is, perhaps finally dying is how one can finally live."

If anyone else experiences actual visions of dying and decayed male corpses and bones when they see fenasites in person, please comment below.
are you referencing cho or am i just over analyzing?

great thread either way
It's actually a reference to St. Cho and the barbarity of femasite nature itself...
Keen eye.
Nice wall of text bro, I read every word.

No, I don't really see mountains of corpses when I look at foids. They do seem disgusting to me, the average woman has sucked and fucked a long queue of dicks by the age of 20; Anytime that I start to develop a oneitis I just need to remind myself of this and any feelings of attraction that I have go away immediately.
Nice wall of text bro, I read every word.

No, I don't really see mountains of corpses when I look at foids. They do seem disgusting to me, the average woman has sucked and fucked a long queue of dicks by the age of 20; Anytime that I start to develop a oneitis I just need to remind myself of this and any feelings of attraction that I have go away immediately.
We should start calling high body count roasties "10 Mile Girls" in reference to the famous "10 Miles of Cock" post.
To think that right now women are getting gangbanged, but then they bring the "where are the good men" bs

pd: very jetblackpill post
If it weren't for their wombs women would be absolutely useless
Women only think about 30 seconds into the future
Take solace in that you are at least a man, because a woman would whine about her feels instead of embracing criticism.
The only thing I want to whine about is not being able to edit the thread and correct the mistake because it's been up for too long.
The only thing I want to whine about is not being able to edit the thread and correct the mistake because it's been up for too long.
It's quoted: It's over: if you do that, at least acknowledge the flub with a strikethrough.
It's quoted: It's over: if you do that, at least acknowledge the flub with a strikethrough.
I'd acknowledge the mistake, I acknowledge that every day a truecel doesn't rope is also a mistake.
I acknowledge that every day a truecel doesn't rope is also a mistake.
I don't like to encourage suicide, 2D is more truly fulfilling to the sole than 3D ever could be anyway.

When we fixate on lack of 3D it is just our reptile brains whining.
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch?

I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills.

I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces.

You are nothing to me but just another target.

I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words.

You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet?

Think again, fucker.

As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot.

The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life.

You're fucking dead, kid.

I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands.

Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit.

If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue.

But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot.

I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it.

You're fucking dead, kiddo.


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