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Story How I failed as an older brother; and my very integral and vivid cope.

  • Thread starter TheScarletPrince
  • Start date


I Love Chainsaw Man
May 22, 2024
I've noticed, as a 5'3 male, that a lot of people in your life will try and gaslight you and say that they don't think less of you because you're short. I still live with my family, so I get this a lot from my mother and my sister. My sister is younger than me by a significant margin. She's sixteen currently -- while I'm nineteen.

I often like to tease and annoy my sister a lot. I'll just be generally annoying just because I find it humorous, but I don't do anything crazy. However, whenever she feels offended or annoyed enough with me, she'll always just resort to making fun of my height and my ugly face. Mind you, she's barely taller than me, which is super emasculating and makes me feel more subhuman than I already am.

She loves to tell me about all the other guys in her high school that are tall and just look how a guy should look -- as she mocks me further telling me how sad and ridiculous I look because of my height. This happened a few minutes ago, and she and my mother just left to go do something with real estate.

Honestly, her always doing this has made me reflect a lot on what my life has been like in the past. I know some guys on this forum will think I'm pathetic for this, but I -- until recently -- have always cared for my little sister. I felt that it was my duty as a bigger brother.

I recall a few years ago, while I was still in high school, I worried for my sister walking to her bus, since the area wasn't the safest and there were random crackheads (California). So I would always walk her to her bus and drop her off safely. Same with picking her up. She was in middle school during this time, and I remember how she would always tell me about all the kids on the bus making fun of me because of how short I was.

I guess eventually she didn't even want to be seen with me, so she asked me to hide behind a tree in the distance so that I could pick her up as the bus left. I remember how shameful I felt every time I hid behind that tree and heard the bus dropping off kids and driving away, but I did it because I didn't want to embarrass my sister. If there is one thing I hate about my height, it would be how I could never be that cooler bigger brother. I hate how I couldn't give my sister the experience of having that cool older brother that picks her up. All because of this damned height of mine.

And now here we are. 3 years later and she still makes fun of me for my height constantly.

Guys, at this point, I don't really care much anymore. I feel like such a useless bigger brother to her that I've practically disowned her in my own mind, just because I can't handle the embarrassment of being her older brother. Instead, I ended up just doing some really strange cope, where I imagined Nayuta from Chainsaw Man being my little sister instead.

This cope has become such a massive part of my life, that I genuinely just consider Nayuta to be my little sister now.


I often go to malls and imagine walking side by side with Nayuta as I buy her stuff like ice cream and candy, to which I often throw away in the end since I'm on a calorie deficit anyway. But buying those things still makes me happy, because I finally feel like that cool older brother that I've always wanted to be.

I often give her piggyback rides, as we go to the park and she gets to play around as I sit on the bench. Of course, none of this is real, I'm just imagining it all; but I've been doing it for so long that I genuinely and truly believe my brain believes it is real. I feel incredible happiness, and recently, I feel like I can actually start to see Nayuta doing these things.


TLDR ; My little sister makes fun of me for my height all the time, and therefore I've practically disowned her in my own mind, and began to cope by imagining a fictional little girl as my sister instead.
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actual mental illness at work. anyway if it makes u feel any better your sister will catch a bodycount of 10 before u will lose ur virginity. so there's no need to be protective over her. plenty of men will be "protecting" her.
who cares most people's little sisters will grow up to be whores

you have no duties towards your little sister, you should not feel responsible for her

men are superior and have no duty towards foids
Fuck her. She's probably a used up whore already.

I don't know if I could ever delude myself enough to believe a fictional character is real, but if it helps you cope with being a turbomanlet and having a stupid whore as a sister I'd say keep at it.
Very brutal story. Sorry you go through that mang.

As for your cope, as long as it males you happy then honestly keep doing it mang
your sister failed you
actual mental illness at work. anyway if it makes u feel any better your sister will catch a bodycount of 10 before u will lose ur virginity. so there's no need to be protective over her. plenty of men will be "protecting" her.
Massive cope, I will never lose my virginity and she'll be hitting triple digits in no time.
also uh...did u read chapter 170?
Massive cope, I will never lose my virginity and she'll be hitting triple digits in no time.
that was the point. her height comments shouldn't have been what it took for u to mentally disown her. it should've been any display of thot tendencies.
who cares most people's little sisters will grow up to be whores

you have no duties towards your little sister, you should not feel responsible for her

men are superior and have no duty towards foids
That's true. Men are absolutely superior. I guess I always felt like I needed to protect her because I value family, and I've always wanted to be that bigger brother that's super cool and is looked up to. However, I certainly don't feel the need anymore. That disgusting foid that's biologically related to me is not my sister, and I plan to never contact her when I part ways.
> significant margin
> 3 year gap

My bad. I thought that would classify as a pretty significant amount; it's enough to go through different phases of school and life in general.
Fuck her. She's probably a used up whore already.

I don't know if I could ever delude myself enough to believe a fictional character is real, but if it helps you cope with being a turbomanlet and having a stupid whore as a sister I'd say keep at it.
Absolutely. I wouldn't be surprised if she already lost her virginity; I keep seeing stories of 15 year old girls asking for advice with birth control, and I can't help but feel absolutely shocked. Being short is absolutely brutal, but I am at least happy that I can imagine my (fictional) little sister caring for me.

Plus, she'll never grow up, so she'll be my adorable little sister forever until I die. Not to mention how slutty foids get once they hit fourteen and older.
Very brutal story. Sorry you go through that mang.

As for your cope, as long as it males you happy then honestly keep doing it mang
Thank you brocel, I have all of you, and that's very dear to me. I love you all.
also uh...did u read chapter 170?

I mean, even if it is her, it doesn't change my cope, because I can just imagine that it never happened. Still, don't remind me of that damned chapter.
That disgusting foid that's biologically related to me is not my sister, and I plan to never contact her when I part ways.

best of luck, you deserve better than that

it's unfortunate that your sister is the average state of foids today. she has let you down despite your attempts to reach out and perform a brotherly role, and has not learned from you. foids like this are common as dirt nowadays

absolute state of the world
incestmaxx on hER (in ck3)
I often like to tease and annoy my sister a lot. I'll just be generally annoying just because I find it humorous, but I don't do anything crazy. However, whenever she feels offended or annoyed enough with me, she'll always just resort to making fun of my height and my ugly face.
kinda deserved at that point
I often go to malls and imagine walking side by side with Nayuta as I buy her stuff like ice cream and candy, to which I often throw away in the end since I'm on a calorie deficit anyway.
as much as I wanna say "whatever helps you cope" throwing away perfectly good untouched food on the regular is really wasteful

best of luck, you deserve better than that

it's unfortunate that your sister is the average state of foids today. she has let you down despite your attempts to reach out and perform a brotherly role, and has not learned from you. foids like this are common as dirt nowadays

absolute state of the world
Agreed, foids in general are just retarded more so than they were a few decades ago.

However, I also want to emphasize that if I was good looking and tall, I have no doubt that I would have been that cool older brother I strived to be. In fact, I wouldn't even have to try. My sister would look up to me and probably brag about me to her friends, and she probably would feel super cool to be picked up by me.
Agreed, foids in general are just retarded more so than they were a few decades ago.

However, I also want to emphasize that if I was good looking and tall, I have no doubt that I would have been that cool older brother I strived to be. In fact, I wouldn't even have to try. My sister would look up to me and probably brag about me to her friends, and she probably would feel super cool to be picked up by me.
possibly, although I think that a chad would typically not care that much abt playing the role of a cool older brother

his sister would still like him, but since he probably won't fuck her she might not be as close to him as other foids
kinda deserved at that point
No, you've never seen the type of teasing I do. It practically consists of asking her what she's doing to annoy her, or just making random sounds. Literally nothing about her appearance or anything else.

as much as I wanna say "whatever helps you cope" throwing away perfectly good untouched food on the regular is really wasteful
Agreed honestly. However, I pretty much need to do it in order to feel happy with myself. I typically never waste food like that at all, and will force myself to eat something that I don't even like if it means that nothing goes to waste. I'm a quite religious person.

I mean, even if it is her, it doesn't change my cope, because I can just imagine that it never happened. Still, don't remind me of that damned chapter.
only way makima could be killed was to be consumed. so im sure nayuta can be restored again and that the devil hunter has the rest of her body. fujimoto just needed a reason to show us super saiyain denji again. man part 1 was so much better
Strongest Marvel character that Pochita (Chainsaw Man) can beat? SPOILERS!  | SpaceBattles
Art] Kobeni you must absolutely not trip (Chainsaw Man) : r/manga
possibly, although I think that a chad would typically not care that much abt playing the role of a cool older brother

his sister would still like him, but since he probably won't fuck her she might not be as close to him as other foids
Exactly, Chad wouldn't even have to try to be the cooler older brother. He just is, whether he cares or not. Just goes to show everyone here that being Chad helps in so many ways that even Chad doesn't realize. I hate Chad. Kill Chad.
actual mental illness at work. anyway if it makes u feel any better your sister will catch a bodycount of 10 before u will lose ur virginity. so there's no need to be protective over her. plenty of men will be "protecting" her.
That's true. Men are absolutely superior. I guess I always felt like I needed to protect her because I value family, and I've always wanted to be that bigger brother that's super cool and is looked up to. However, I certainly don't feel the need anymore. That disgusting foid that's biologically related to me is not my sister, and I plan to never contact her when I part ways.

I'm so sorry, brocel. We'll never be admired. Forget about partners, or spreading your progeny...even your siblings don't want to end up like you, or are grateful for having the genetics.

I often give her piggyback rides, as we go to the park and she gets to play around as I sit on the bench. Of course, none of this is real, I'm just imagining it all; but I've been doing it for so long that I genuinely and truly believe my brain believes it is real. I feel incredible happiness, and recently, I feel like I can actually start to see Nayuta doing these things.
I want to be this delusional. I want to reach this level of cope. But my brain can't fake it or pretend.
only way makima could be killed was to be consumed. so im sure nayuta can be restored again and that the devil hunter has the rest of her body. fujimoto just needed a reason to show us super saiyain denji again. man part 1 was so much better
Strongest Marvel character that Pochita (Chainsaw Man) can beat? SPOILERS!  | SpaceBattles
Art] Kobeni you must absolutely not trip (Chainsaw Man) : r/manga
CSW is so dog-shit, JFL. Not trying to derail the thread.
CSW is so dog-shit, JFL. Not trying to derail the thread.
CSW as in Chainsaw Woman as in part 2 where asa is the main character? if that's what u meant, agreed. i genuinely liked part 1 tho.
only way makima could be killed was to be consumed. so im sure nayuta can be restored again and that the devil hunter has the rest of her body. fujimoto just needed a reason to show us super saiyain denji again. man part 1 was so much better
Strongest Marvel character that Pochita (Chainsaw Man) can beat? SPOILERS!  | SpaceBattles
Art] Kobeni you must absolutely not trip (Chainsaw Man) : r/manga
That's what I'm hoping. Honestly, though, I also wouldn't be surprised if he keeps her dead. I also agree that part 2 has been unbelievably lack-luster, I was hoping for some characters to be built up in terms of their story and who they are, only to get killed off just to re-enforce that idea of hopelessness and how fleeting life is.

Guess that came to bite me in the ass, huh? I wanted practically ANYONE else.

I literally thought that the entire Chainsaw Man Church arc was so trash that I ended up just rewriting that part of the story on my own (also a weird cope I do. I write literature a lot and tend to rewrite the plots of certain series that I like). I trust Fujimoto though to end up making Part 2 a lot better soon. I feel like even he has realized that the story is going practically no where, and he's been trying to do a U-turn towards better writing again.

Although, I don't know if Pocchita is going to actually return now or not. Denji's wish was to now be Chainsaw Man. His contract is not based on his happiness anymore, so they can't actually break it by making him sad. Honestly, as much as I really despise how Chapter 170 went, it was pretty good writing as Denji's reaction is now up in the air to be determined. I think that we're going to see some major change in Denji's beliefs and motivations in the next few chapters.

God, I could go on and on about this series, I love it so much.
No, you've never seen the type of teasing I do. It practically consists of asking her what she's doing to annoy her, or just making random sounds. Literally nothing about her appearance or anything else.
if I wanted to stop someone from pestering me, I wouldn't pester them back in kind; I'd hit 'em where it hurts
Agreed honestly. However, I pretty much need to do it in order to feel happy with myself. I typically never waste food like that at all, and will force myself to eat something that I don't even like if it means that nothing goes to waste. I'm a quite religious person.
there are worse things in the world, so you do you
That's what I'm hoping. Honestly, though, I also wouldn't be surprised if he keeps her dead. I also agree that part 2 has been unbelievably lack-luster, I was hoping for some characters to be built up in terms of their story and who they are, only to get killed off just to re-enforce that idea of hopelessness and how fleeting life is.

Guess that came to bite me in the ass, huh? I wanted practically ANYONE else.

I literally thought that the entire Chainsaw Man Church arc was so trash that I ended up just rewriting that part of the story on my own (also a weird cope I do. I write literature a lot and tend to rewrite the plots of certain series that I like). I trust Fujimoto though to end up making Part 2 a lot better soon. I feel like even he has realized that the story is going practically no where, and he's been trying to do a U-turn towards better writing again.

Although, I don't know if Pocchita is going to actually return now or not. Denji's wish was to now be Chainsaw Man. His contract is not based on his happiness anymore, so they can't actually break it by making him sad. Honestly, as much as I really despise how Chapter 170 went, it was pretty good writing as Denji's reaction is now up in the air to be determined. I think that we're going to see some major change in Denji's beliefs and motivations in the next few chapters.

God, I could go on and on about this series, I love it so much.
if kobeni and power make a return and make a return very soon part 2 might actually become decent. too many unimpactful characters, too much inconsequential villain of the week garbage, and too many appeals to shock value.
Brutal read man. People are fucking cruel, but you have us brocel
Are you a ricecel
Don't make excuses for her nigga
It depends how much free agency you want to apply to her. I do think that a lot like sons, a daughters fate is greatly determined by the involvement of her parents.
It depends how much free agency you want to apply to her. I do think that a lot like sons, a daughters fate is greatly determined by the involvement of her parents.
awalt nigga
I've noticed, as a 5'3 male, that a lot of people in your life will try and gaslight you and say that they don't think less of you because you're short. I still live with my family, so I get this a lot from my mother and my sister. My sister is younger than me by a significant margin. She's sixteen currently -- while I'm nineteen.

I often like to tease and annoy my sister a lot. I'll just be generally annoying just because I find it humorous, but I don't do anything crazy. However, whenever she feels offended or annoyed enough with me, she'll always just resort to making fun of my height and my ugly face. Mind you, she's barely taller than me, which is super emasculating and makes me feel more subhuman than I already am.

She loves to tell me about all the other guys in her high school that are tall and just look how a guy should look -- as she mocks me further telling me how sad and ridiculous I look because of my height. This happened a few minutes ago, and she and my mother just left to go do something with real estate.

Honestly, her always doing this has made me reflect a lot on what my life has been like in the past. I know some guys on this forum will think I'm pathetic for this, but I -- until recently -- have always cared for my little sister. I felt that it was my duty as a bigger brother.

I recall a few years ago, while I was still in high school, I worried for my sister walking to her bus, since the area wasn't the safest and there were random crackheads (California). So I would always walk her to her bus and drop her off safely. Same with picking her up. She was in middle school during this time, and I remember how she would always tell me about all the kids on the bus making fun of me because of how short I was.

I guess eventually she didn't even want to be seen with me, so she asked me to hide behind a tree in the distance so that I could pick her up as the bus left. I remember how shameful I felt every time I hid behind that tree and heard the bus dropping off kids and driving away, but I did it because I didn't want to embarrass my sister. If there is one thing I hate about my height, it would be how I could never be that cooler bigger brother. I hate how I couldn't give my sister the experience of having that cool older brother that picks her up. All because of this damned height of mine.

And now here we are. 3 years later and she still makes fun of me for my height constantly.

Guys, at this point, I don't really care much anymore. I feel like such a useless bigger brother to her that I've practically disowned her in my own mind, just because I can't handle the embarrassment of being her older brother. Instead, I ended up just doing some really strange cope, where I imagined Nayuta from Chainsaw Man being my little sister instead.

This cope has become such a massive part of my life, that I genuinely just consider Nayuta to be my little sister now.


I often go to malls and imagine walking side by side with Nayuta as I buy her stuff like ice cream and candy, to which I often throw away in the end since I'm on a calorie deficit anyway. But buying those things still makes me happy, because I finally feel like that cool older brother that I've always wanted to be.

I often give her piggyback rides, as we go to the park and she gets to play around as I sit on the bench. Of course, none of this is real, I'm just imagining it all; but I've been doing it for so long that I genuinely and truly believe my brain believes it is real. I feel incredible happiness, and recently, I feel like I can actually start to see Nayuta doing these things.


TLDR ; My little sister makes fun of me for my height all the time, and therefore I've practically disowned her in my own mind, and began to cope by imagining a fictional little girl as my sister instead.
Your sisters a fucking bitch you tried to treat her right but none of it matters because of your appearance

One of my sisters has made comments about my height before but shes never out right mocked me for it

Even her making those comments annoyed me so idk how it would feel to be mocked to your face by your sister telling you about how the boys at her school mog you

What a piece of shit
Why do women have to be so needlessly callous??
Even to their own fucking family and family that tried to treat them right too
Guys, at this point, I don't really care much anymore. I feel like such a useless bigger brother to her that I've practically disowned her in my own mind, just because I can't handle the embarrassment of being her older brother. Instead, I ended up just doing some really strange cope, where I imagined Nayuta from Chainsaw Man being my little sister instead.

This cope has become such a massive part of my life, that I genuinely just consider Nayuta to be my little sister now.


I often go to malls and imagine walking side by side with Nayuta as I buy her stuff like ice cream and candy, to which I often throw away in the end since I'm on a calorie deficit anyway. But buying those things still makes me happy, because I finally feel like that cool older brother that I've always wanted to be.

I often give her piggyback rides, as we go to the park and she gets to play around as I sit on the bench. Of course, none of this is real, I'm just imagining it all; but I've been doing it for so long that I genuinely and truly believe my brain believes it is real. I feel incredible happiness, and recently, I feel like I can actually start to see Nayuta doing these things.
this is genuinely brutal
Her bitchy treatment towards you and your wanting to be a good brother to a cunt who doesnt care about you has literally driven you insane
Its only natural that you should want to be a good brother and do sacrifice for your family but you must realize you don't actually owe her anything. The longer you indulge her the more likely it is she will never respect you. It would probably be for the best to just cut her off and maybe she'll realize her faults.
If it makes you feel any better, I can break her hymen for you

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