Well said they categorize you in :Alpha, beta and omega
In the mind of a woman she categorize men in three categories: Alpha, beta and omega.These categories are allusive to teh genetic quality of the male according to sexual selection, the law of the fittest,etc.Alpha, beta and omega goes from the highest genetic quality from the least in that order. From years of sexual selection, women evolved to know who male is the fittest in her enviorement and to feel attracted to them. Betas,instead, are low genetic quality males who are viewed as providers and women doesnt feel attracted to them. Omegas,are invisible to women, like betas,they are not viewed as sexual beigns but they are not even considered as providers because are too ugly to women that they cant tolerate their uglyness no matter how much good provider he is.
Women evolved to have a dual mating strategy, a mix between monogamy and polygamy: Monogamy for the betas and polygamy for the Alphas. Subconcsiously they want to get pregnant by an alpha male who has the fittest genes along with higher sexual dimorphism,this is what attract them, like bigger penises,taller height,a bigger jaw, etc. One can argue that in moderns society this isnt needeed, but the bad news are that our brain hasnt evolved since we were hunter-gatherers,we build up societies too quick that we didnt have time to adapt.Women want and can fuck with many alphas as possible to get pregnant with their superior genes,these “superior” men as they have too many options to fuck and be with they dont want to settle with one of many women they have fucked just because he Will have a chilkd with her,and this is how single mothers are made. Is in this moment when the monogamy is “activated” in womens brain and they lower their standards to have more chances of having a beta provider,althought some women not even with childs start to get monogamous and continue to have sex with many alphas as possible without caring about an stable provider for her childs.These beta providers are selected with certain features like: low dimorphism,low attractivness,high empathy and submissive,these traits makes them good providers,having safe and stable relationships for the woman.
Althought females crave sex with alphas and do wathever it takes to be with them, with betas is different,they only have sex with them to keep the bond and relationship with the man,well, to manipulate him into investing more in the relationship,they do it not as pleasant but as a work, they view it as they are doing a favor or a trade with the man, quite the opposite of how they crave sex with bigger penises.That is why after the first child, marriages tend to experience a big descent in sex, because the woman has made the man attatched to the relationship by having a child, and now her job is over,she won and dont need to fake no more wanting sex with the beta. With these last words I wrote one can argue that im contradicting myself by saying that beta after all is having his own child and is not beign cucked with a “superior” male, but this is because now anticonceptive methods are more available and used,so now women can taste the “superior” cock without the danger of getting pregnant, althought some women dont care about that and continue to get pregnant by the “supeior” cock and end beign single mothers.As a beta is better to not have kids,they Will end beign as betas as their fathers,marriage is cucked,we are doomed.