You can get girls but you just have to keep in mind that they will never actually love you or be attracted to you. You basically have three options:
Escorts: Prostitutes at the basic level. Pay by the hour. Most expensive option if you want a hot girl and regular sex, but it ensures that you always have a rotating supply of young and cute girls. However, they are also literally a default fucking prostitute who has likely been fucking a guy an hour before you showed up and will be fucking a guy an hour after you leave. If you can square that away and just want the stimulation of real sex, fair enough.
Betabuxx gf/wife: This is the classic betabuxx. You get a partner, lets just say wife, that is only into you because of your money. Maybe she already has kids, maybe you have kids with her. In a sense, this is a route to getting a family, but your wife will never love you. She is there for her financial security and gain. She is very likely to cheat on you and maybe even get knocked up doing it. She will leave you instantly if you ever run out of money and she will take the kids. She will jump ship if she can wrangle a rich chad, but this is probably unlikely because you are probably not going to have the hottest bitch going this route. And of course, you are saddled with this bitch. She will probably get fat and ugly if she isn't already. Basically, this is the most "legit" thing to a relationship but it's actually all surface and leaves you with the most problems.
Sugar bunny: This is the happy medium between the two former options. You can get a girl who is not necessarily an actual sex worker, and instead of pay-by-the-hour sex, it's more like you give her money every now and then and holidays and stuff, and she gives you sex and closeness. This is probably less expensive than an escort if you are after regular sex, and it would feel more sincere (even tho it isn't of course). But also, you aren't saddled with some hoe that will take over your life like with true betabuxxing. And when you want a younger model, it is easier to trade in. I'm sure there are tons of potential issues. But definitely if I was rich I would have a sugar baby all day over seeing prostitutes or having a betabuxx wife.