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Discussion How do you Want Society to Collapse?

How do you want Society to Collapse?

  • 3 Mile Wide Asteroid

    Votes: 4 6.7%
  • Yellowstone Supervolcano

    Votes: 2 3.3%
  • AI creation

    Votes: 10 16.7%
  • Bubonic Plague

    Votes: 5 8.3%
  • Nuclear War

    Votes: 17 28.3%
  • Alien Invasion

    Votes: 11 18.3%
  • Gray Goo

    Votes: 2 3.3%
  • Solar Storm

    Votes: 3 5.0%
  • Honey Bee Extinction

    Votes: 5 8.3%
  • Nibiru cataclysm

    Votes: 1 1.7%

  • Total voters


I have no place in the world
Apr 18, 2019
Every day is pain.
I wouldn't mind a plague.
with women enslaved
So no Zombie Apocalypse
AI of course. The next chapter of evolution. Skynet is best waifu.
nuclear war,and motorcycles gangs like in mad max
airborne Ebola
Zombie apocalypse but ill just say plague
Low IQ. Society doesnt exist.

But anyway, I vote Yellowstone because it will only hurth americunts the most.
I'll stick with Solar Storm.
Financial collapse.
Honey Bee extinction is the best one, it would be long and drawn out, people would die of starvation, there'd be mass rioting and looting for food, anarchy would ensue, it would be dragged out over years, I would be able to take in all of the carnage for as long as I could survive and better yet take part in it
All the jews vanished at one time!
Nibiru would be the best!
All the jews vanished at one time!

If that causes a collapse.......... doesn't that mean jews are a good thing that stabilizes society?.......
Gradual global economic collapse, followed by mass panics and governments scrambling to control the increasingly angry world populace, which will lead to civil wars sprouting like weeds.

The governments of the world will then formulate an omega protocol plan which will involve the dispersion of an engineered pathogen (in the food supply) that is communicable, with a slow, but 100% fatality rate. This pathogen will then mutate and become airborne. In order to prevent the unpredictably chaotic transmission vectors, tactical nukes will be utilized in a scorched earth policy.

They'll play it off as an unfortunate natural virus that mutated rapidly out of control, and the "international community" will conclude that the nuclear option was a necessary evil. In the aftermath the UN general assembly will convene and formulate plans to formalize global government, with each "nation" acting as a vassal state that will answer only to this global administration and concede their own sovereignty.

The globalists will have struck two birds with one stone: population reduction and global government.
Gradual global economic collapse, followed by mass panics and governments scrambling to control the increasingly angry world populace, which will lead to civil wars sprouting like weeds.

The governments of the world will then formulate an omega protocol plan which will involve the dispersion of an engineered pathogen (in the food supply) that is communicable, with a slow, but 100% fatality rate. This pathogen will then mutate and become airborne. In order to prevent the unpredictably chaotic transmission vectors, tactical nukes will be utilized in a scorched earth policy.

They'll play it off as an unfortunate natural virus that mutated rapidly out of control, and the "international community" will conclude that the nuclear option was a necessary evil. In the aftermath the UN general assembly will convene and formulate plans to formalize global government, with each "nation" acting as a vassal state that will answer only to this global administration and concede their own sovereignty.

The globalists will have struck two birds with one stone: population reduction and global government.

Unless you yourself are a globalist elite, I don't see how this fits the topic of how you would want society to collapse, you literally get nothing out of your own scenario, unless you just blow your own brains out before the shit storm hits, you're going to get really fucked up like everyone else, where is the "revenge" in that?
Unless you yourself are a globalist elite, I don't see how this fits the topic of how you would want society to collapse, you literally get nothing out of your own scenario, unless you just blow your own brains out before the shit storm hits, you're going to get really fucked up like everyone else, where is the "revenge" in that?

There is no revenge. There is no justice. The bad guys always win in the end.

This isn't how I want the collapse. It's merely how it's likely to happen suddenly and abruptly on a global scale. Other options are too slow to be effective, since non-globalist institutions will see it coming and bring public awareness to it.

At the end of the day, a collapse will happen only if it's what the globalists want, and only happen the way where the outcome is favorable and allows them control.
social security payments stop, gov pensions ended, welfare ended

2/3rds of the country are suddenly without food and money.


boomers die
I want people to riot until they kill each other. Even I might partake in the chaos if I gain the courage.
There is no revenge. There is no justice. The bad guys always win in the end.

This isn't how I want the collapse. It's merely how it's likely to happen suddenly and abruptly on a global scale. Other options are too slow to be effective, since non-globalist institutions will see it coming and bring public awareness to it.

At the end of the day, a collapse will happen only if it's what the globalists want, and only happen the way where the outcome is favorable and allows them control.

Dude that level of self defeatist BS is complete nonsense, people like you deify the elites like they can see and hear everything, there's so much shit that has happened in history that they didn't want to, a small group of people with the right knowledge and resources could completely destroy the plans of the elites

This mindset right here is the perfect example of a self fulfilling prophecy, ever think the ultimate power of the elites, is keeping people "in line", and its the illusion of inevitability itself that makes them powerful rather than the power they hold?
An extremely highly contagious (30cm proximity) STD which causes no symptoms other than advanced generalized necrosis suddenly after say, 5 months post infection, would be pretty funny.
Dude that level of self defeatist BS is complete nonsense, people like you deify the elites like they can see and hear everything, there's so much shit that has happened in history that they didn't want to, a small group of people with the right knowledge and resources could completely destroy the plans of the elites

This mindset right here is the perfect example of a self fulfilling prophecy, ever think the ultimate power of the elites, is keeping people "in line", and its the illusion of inevitability itself that makes them powerful rather than the power they hold?

Oh? Go on, tell us what else you know about "people like me".

I deify no thing and no man. Check your assumptions.
If that causes a collapse.......... doesn't that mean jews are a good thing that stabilizes society?.......
Take a look around.
Does society look good to you?

It would cause a collapse only in that all the shit that's in the way of real honest progress would be gone.

Everything "bad" in this world originated in the minds of jews.
Oh? Go on, tell us what else you know about "people like me".

I deify no thing and no man. Check your assumptions.

Ascribing inevitability (prophecy) to an outcome is to deify the cause of said outcome, saying there's nothing that can be done no matter what they are going to win is speaking of prophecy, in the same way that people speak about revelations in the bible and how the end times as written in the bible are definitely going to happen no matter what because God wills it to be so

You are likening these people to God's whether you realize it or not, I don't need to make assumptions, we can read your own words

The bad guys always win in the end.

At the end of the day, a collapse will happen only if it's what the globalists want, and only happen the way where the outcome is favorable and allows them control.
Dude that level of self defeatist BS is complete nonsense, people like you deify the elites like they can see and hear everything, there's so much shit that has happened in history that they didn't want to, a small group of people with the right knowledge and resources could completely destroy the plans of the elites

This mindset right here is the perfect example of a self fulfilling prophecy, ever think the ultimate power of the elites, is keeping people "in line", and its the illusion of inevitability itself that makes them powerful rather than the power they hold?
Without (((elites))) jacking everyone around like insane puppeteers, we would have no need to kill each other.

We would cooperate and improve things instead.
Without (((elites))) jacking everyone around like insane puppeteers, we would have no need to kill each other.

We would cooperate and improve things instead.

Elite is just a title, we kill all the elites and someone else will just take their place, its the system that's flawed not the people, a system that only functions when people are enslaving and manipulating others will always result in elitism

This is why I think a form of communist government is the only one that could actually work, its pretty much inevitable actually

At some point most all jobs will be automated and/or replaced with AI, the economic elites will have to reason to hire workers, so where will the average joe get money for food, to pay bills, etc?

Society will have to be structured in a way where people just get paid to exist and spend money, else you'll have a large starving and criminal population
ayylmao invasion. I'd team up with them and have sex with female aliens memmw2m2MN3W YES
Elite is just a title, we kill all the elites and someone else will just take their place, its the system that's flawed not the people, a system that only functions when people are enslaving and manipulating others will always result in elitism

This is why I think a form of communist government is the only one that could actually work, its pretty much inevitable actually

At some point most all jobs will be automated and/or replaced with AI, the economic elites will have to reason to hire workers, so where will the average joe get money for food, to pay bills, etc?

Society will have to be structured in a way where people just get paid to exist and spend money, else you'll have a large starving and criminal population
Where do you think the (((system))) came from?

Sure.. Remove a (((parasite))) from leadership and a new (((parasite))) will take it's place...

(((Communism))) has never worked. National Socialism did work very well - until the jews declared war in it! Long before any kind of shooting war.

There is no need for ai or robotics, it's unsustainable! How many people can fix that robo-shit? Especially stupid people? I can't do it! Can you?

Besides that... Look at mining projections... We are running out of everything!

This isn't "wal-e" where we are a bunch of fat fucks just eat and be (((entertained))) our whole lives.

What good is free money if it doesn't have value?

If the population OWNS EVERYTHING via national socialism, then who will need to pay for anything? Just go to work doing whatever it is you can do best...

Wouldn't you like to be a useful contributor to society?

I think yes.

After all, wtf are you doing, here?

Hint. You are being useful and contributing!

A national socialist society is basically just a large scale tribal society.

Nothing would need to collapse.
Super massive blackhole would end us rather instantly
Definitely alien invasion.
I want a race of superior beings to make clear to cucks that their society is fucked up, and that they deserve to die.
I want everyone to get one hit by TzTok-Jad.
Ascribing inevitability (prophecy) to an outcome is to deify the cause of said outcome, saying there's nothing that can be done no matter what they are going to win is speaking of prophecy, in the same way that people speak about revelations in the bible and how the end times as written in the bible are definitely going to happen no matter what because God wills it to be so

You are likening these people to God's whether you realize it or not, I don't need to make assumptions, we can read your own words

You truly have it backwards, fren. I'm likening them to devils and demons, not gods, if you want to use the religious metaphor. In religions devils are always prophesized to be the harbingers of chaos, corruption, and destruction, at which point the divine power will step in and intervene.

The metaphor applied to the globalist situation means that they will turn everything to shit, before there is going to be any kind of resistance and change for the better. A sheep will only resist when it sees its doom in front it with no way out. This is why "the elites" employ deception and subterfuge. There's a tiny number of them compared to the rest of the world. If their existence and meddling was made irrefutably evident, then it's gg NWO, gg Illuminati.
Best case scenario?

General strike in all 50 states until ALL politicians, Jewish mass media figures and shabbos goyim relinquish their power and positions.

In exchange for relinquishing power peacefully they will be granted immunity from criminal charges being brought against them for their practically uncountable monsterous crimes against the people of the world and they will also be required to permaneantly leave the US and Europe.

Following this we would then have a genuine "Truth and Reconciliation" mass conference that would last for many months or even years where we would finally be able to have honest and open conversations on race, religion, freedom from religion, crime and punishment and a thousand other subjects the kikes work tirelessly to censor and prevent people from having legitimate discussions about now.

In other words it'd be the opposite of (((CNN's))) bullshit "join the conversation" garbage where only kosher voices of communist political correctness are ever really heard.

Worst case scenario? ie what actually probably will happen.

The Jews will likely succeed at some point in lighting the political match that ignites the second bloody American civil war which has already long been predicted by Russian and US military analysts.

As Thomas Chittum author of "Civil War II" points out the "powers that be" or whatever he refers to the Jews as since he's another one of those people who probably knows but doesn't name (((them))) are so crazy they want a nuclear war with Russia and China and are actually insane enough to think they can "win" such a conflict. So if all goes according to their evil plan the Jews will then get their NWO out of the ashes of this global conflict which will likely be WWIII that ignites as the second US civil war gets ever more hotter and violent ie other groups/nations joining the fight, etc, etc and thats "all she wrote" as they say for the experiment in freedom and self governance that was the United States of America. Just another in a long line of white nations destroyed by the Jewish parasite/sociopath/psychopathic race from the Levant.
Best case scenario?

General strike in all 50 states until ALL politicians, Jewish mass media figures and shabbos goyim relinquish their power and positions.

In exchange for relinquishing power peacefully they will be granted immunity from criminal charges being brought against them for their practically uncountable monsterous crimes against the people of the world and they will also be required to permaneantly leave the US and Europe.

Following this we would then have a genuine "Truth and Reconciliation" mass conference that would last for many months or even years where we would finally be able to have honest and open conversations on race, religion, freedom from religion, crime and punishment and a thousand other subjects the kikes work tirelessly to censor and prevent people from having legitimate discussions about now.

In other words it'd be the opposite of (((CNN's))) bullshit "join the conversation" garbage where only kosher voices of communist political correctness are ever really heard.

Worst case scenario? ie what actually probably will happen.

The Jews will likely succeed at some point in lighting the political match that ignites the second bloody American civil war which has already long been predicted by Russian and US military analysts.

As Thomas Chittum author of "Civil War II" points out the "powers that be" or whatever he refers to the Jews as since he's another one of those people who probably knows but doesn't name (((them))) are so crazy they want a nuclear war with Russia and China and are actually insane enough to think they can "win" such a conflict. So if all goes according to their evil plan the Jews will then get their NWO out of the ashes of this global conflict which will likely be WWIII that ignites as the second US civil war gets ever more hotter and violent ie other groups/nations joining the fight, etc, etc and thats "all she wrote" as they say for the experiment in freedom and self governance that was the United States of America. Just another in a long line of white nations destroyed by the Jewish parasite/sociopath/psychopathic race from the Levant.

Extremely based and high IQ.
Nuclear war, civil war or alien invasion.
I'd join the alien side, if they accepted me
No collapse, nothing overly destructive or violent. Just social/financial/environmental pressures leading to a gradual shift to a different world.
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I don't really want society to collapse, I'd rather prosper
Yellowstone Eruption. I won't feel the effects from where I'm at, Commiefornia will be hit REALLY hard, the economic system around the globe would suffer, food and fresh water will be scarce and they'll be looting and violence, let's see foids say "I'm a strong and independant wamen who needs no man" They'll be crying and give themselves up to many men, primarily ogrecels and tallcels(people like myself )for safety. :feelskek: Sorry manlets and smallframecels, you'll likely going to be ignored by foids even during an apocalypse or worse, mugged then killed off. :feelsbadman:
I don't care I wanna be good looking. Looks are everything
I want an economic collapse, and the resulting unemployment and hyper inflation to bring about a social and government collapse.
Super STD. Kill all sex havers.
whatever it is, something that stops """""""""""progress"""""""""""""

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