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Serious How do you imagine society will look like in the future ?

  • Thread starter Deleted member 33688
  • Start date
Deleted member 33688

Deleted member 33688

Mar 15, 2021
I want to hear your thoughts, I always ask myself that question since I am young and don't want to live in a literal dystopia.
Depressed normies while foids and Chads live on cloud nine
The percentage of straight men who are incel will increase, along with the number of faggots. Eventually it will be considered normal for men to live their lives without ever having a gf. Also, every nation will be an orwellian communist surveillance state. Basically the way the world is now, except more extreme.
The percentage of straight men who are incel will increase, along with the number of faggots. Eventually it will be considered normal for men to live their lives without ever having a gf.
Don't think this is ever going to happen in the forseeable future tbh
Media and governments are obsessed with pushing the narrative that it's normal for men to be able to attract a woman.
Also, every nation will be an orwellian communist surveillance state. Basically the way the world is now, except more extreme.
Inverted totalitarianism.
I want to hear your thoughts, I always ask myself that question since I am young and don't want to live in a literal dystopia.
Eventually, after everything explodes, the world will simplify itself along those lines:
- Sex forbidden. No contact btw men and women at all.
- Artificial insemination/surrogate motherhood to produce kids.
- All children considered "orphans", educated by professionals (no parents).
- Strict rules against sexy clothes, makeup, etc. Everyone dressed in baggy overalls.
- Chad/stacy behavior punished by hard labor. Death in extreme cases
- Fap, Fap, Fap.
- No inheritance, no divorce, no subsidies for foids of any kind.
- Everyone invest his/her energy in work and get their reward accordingly.
I want to hear your thoughts, I always ask myself that question since I am young and don't want to live in a literal dystopia.
i want to fuck your profile pic.

your a woman in disguise.
Like this but worse
Hopefully its happens in my lifetime, but I think our consciousness's will be transferred into robots so we can explore the galaxy and shit> robopilled
Nah. I do think soyciety will eventually collapse. There will be too many incels. We’re already seeing early signs of it
2024- US loses white majority, some insane retard President (gay tranny black etc.) gets elected making joe Biden and Kamala Harris look like Nazis in comparison. If you follow what nonwhites vote for, then you see that what we will get with nonwhite power is a destructive nation

as it goes into 2030 hyper accelerationism as the snowball of immigration and multiculturalism starts rolling, technology advances in the forms of security and VR so the govt is watching you all the time and whatever white or conservative people left can “cope” with VR or consumer shit while their nation goes to shit. Overpopulation means everyone lives in hell cities and 1x1 apartments by 2035 like cows in a pen. Eventually the last of the actual working class die and gen Z take over (who know nothing about life, morals, or adulting as 2 years of education have been robbed and they’ve been 24/7 brainwashed) and when that happens everything will finally break itself into a complete primitive anarchic shithole.

2021-4, joe Biden dies. Kamala takes over. Kamala over stretches herself in liberal policy, people wake up. By 2024 the last 50% of whites surprisingly get republicans in office (who are now heavily influenced by right wing populists like America first) and it moves the Overton window right and we can reverse the course. Or a civil war.
3rd world war is going to happen within 20 years.
2024- US loses white majority, some insane retard President (gay tranny black etc.) gets elected making joe Biden and Kamala Harris look like Nazis in comparison. If you follow what nonwhites vote for, then you see that what we will get with nonwhite power is a destructive nation

as it goes into 2030 hyper accelerationism as the snowball of immigration and multiculturalism starts rolling, technology advances in the forms of security and VR so the govt is watching you all the time and whatever white or conservative people left can “cope” with VR or consumer shit while their nation goes to shit. Overpopulation means everyone lives in hell cities and 1x1 apartments by 2035 like cows in a pen.
They are saying on conservative sites now that illegal immigration is just the insurance policy and now that Dominion can decide elections it's just a backup. Nevertheless the illegal immigrants that are coming no not (or care not) for what America used to stand for but are just happy enough to be allowed in. It's like replacing (slowly) redpilled natives with bluepilled immigrants.
Eventually the last of the actual working class die and gen Z take over (who know nothing about life, morals, or adulting as 2 years of education have been robbed and they’ve been 24/7 brainwashed) and when that happens everything will finally break itself into a complete primitive anarchic shithole.
The idea of "based and redpilled" conservative gen Z was always a media myth meant to stir up generaitonal conflict between struggling people belonging to both Millennials and Gen Z tbh
2021-4, joe Biden dies. Kamala takes over. Kamala over stretches herself in liberal policy, people wake up. By 2024 the last 50% of whites surprisingly get republicans in office (who are now heavily influenced by right wing populists like America first) and it moves the Overton window right and we can reverse the course. Or a civil war.
Didn't white wine moms also help propel democrats to win in 2018 and 2020?
They are saying on conservative sites now that illegal immigration is just the insurance policy and now that Dominion can decide elections it's just a backup. Nevertheless the illegal immigrants that are coming no not (or care not) for what America used to stand for but are just happy enough to be allowed in. It's like replacing (slowly) redpilled natives with bluepilled immigrants.
yeah immigrants come in and vote straight blue it’s really over

The idea of "based and redpilled" conservative gen Z was always a media myth meant to stir up generaitonal conflict between struggling people belonging to both Millennials and Gen Z tbh
Dude gen Z lost a whole year of education. That doesn’t sound bad on paper, but it’s super srs bad. EVERYONE. People are possibly missing the most basic info. Gen Z will be the most god awful generation imaginable. Not to mention all the time online in their echo chamber.
Didn't white wine moms also help propel democrats to win in 2018 and 2020?
Yes, everyone except white straight men voted majority left. Except for maybe white women who were 45% for trump.
Don't know don't care, I'll be dead
yeah immigrants come in and vote straight blue it’s really over
Yeah they will forever feel indebted to the politicians that made it possible. Which is one of the reason some RINOs try to appeal to them to with "comprehensive amnesty" (but that's a losing game because in doing so you screw over your existing voter base)
Dude gen Z lost a whole year of education. That doesn’t sound bad on paper, but it’s super srs bad. EVERYONE. People are possibly missing the most basic info. Gen Z will be the most god awful generation imaginable. Not to mention all the time online in their echo chamber.
Social media is now heavily curated too to push one-sided partisan politics. Look at the trending page on reddit and twitter for evidence of this.
Yes, everyone except white straight men voted majority left. Except for maybe white women who were 45% for trump.
Believe it or not minority males that have lived in the US and grown up in the midst of the culture wars voted at higher percentages for Trump this time around. It was white Americans that were college educated that either didn't vote or voted against Trump in larger numbers than before
Yeah they will forever feel indebted to the politicians that made it possible. Which is one of the reason some RINOs try to appeal to them to with "comprehensive amnesty" (but that's a losing game because in doing so you screw over your existing voter base)
Immigrants will always fuck you over. They don’t feel connected to the soil. They are travelers, they travel. They’re not from some middle of nowhere Nebraska, they’re from a whole other country.
Social media is now heavily curated too to push one-sided partisan politics. Look at the trending page on reddit and twitter for evidence of this.
Yeah and imagine being a 12 yr old and be stuck in and see that fuck it’s over
Believe it or not minority males that have lived in the US and grown up in the midst of the culture wars voted at higher percentages for Trump this time around. It was white Americans that were college educated that either didn't vote or voted against Trump in larger numbers than before
It’s still 80/20. Blacks are what? 86% likely to go democrat? I mean I’m not saying there’s no conservative black people OBVIOUSLY this forum’s background stuff is run by one, and those are cool guys, but the biggest voting base that’s pro trump is straight white males.
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Immigrants will always fuck you over. They don’t feel connected to the soil. They are travelers, they travel. They’re not from some middle of nowhere Nebraska, they’re from a whole other country.
They are opportunists and even a lot of people from the countries they are moving from look down on them.
Yeah and imagine being a 12 yr old and be stuck in and see that fuck it’s over
Social media brainwashing and selective sharing of information was already in process but it accelerated after about 2018 or so tbh
It’s still 80/20. Blacks are what? 86% likely to go democrat? I mean I’m not saying there’s no conservative black people OBVIOUSLY this forum’s background stuff is run by one, and those are cool guys, but the biggest voting base that’s pro trump is straight white males.
View attachment 426313
One thing that does cause a lot of males (irrespective of race) to become more conservative (as in not wanting free contraception, abortion, affirmative action for women, programs for immigrants, taxes to go to single mothers) is when they get more redpilled/blackpilled on gender issues believe it or not. It's like a side effect on once previously more "progressive" individuals that perceive how such policies were never as neutral as they were portrayed but were benefiting others at their expense. Now imagine the effect on white males that already have familiarity or are more likely to have familiarity with such views in their family and seeing it validated.

Now you begin to see why and where the social media targeting of incel and manosphere spaces in addition to conservatives is coming from. Nowadays a lot of rightwing traditionalists and social conservatives might mock incels but they mostly leave them alone unless trying to institute socially conservative policies to create families or try to stir up patriotic sentiment for pro war causes. But lately liberals have been after getting rid of the ability of such groups like incels and the manosphere to express themselves and are pandering to single women that vote for liberal parties.
Immigrants will always fuck you over. They don’t feel connected to the soil. They are travelers, they travel. They’re not from some middle of nowhere Nebraska, they’re from a whole other country.

Yeah and imagine being a 12 yr old and be stuck in and see that fuck it’s over

It’s still 80/20. Blacks are what? 86% likely to go democrat? I mean I’m not saying there’s no conservative black people OBVIOUSLY this forum’s background stuff is run by one, and those are cool guys, but the biggest voting base that’s pro trump is straight white males.
View attachment 426313
Most non-white immigrants are cancer. They go into Western countries and cause crime, are too stubborn to assimilate, and always end up voting blue in federal elections. I’m half hispanic myself (other half is white), but i’ll admit that Mexican immigrants are the worst, as they are demographically replacing white people in America and are voting blue. The Jews ,white-brainwashed leftist, and savage/barbaric immigrants destroyed the West. God hates us all. I might read a book called “ Revolt against the Modern world” by Evola which talks about this societal decay. Also, a black guy is affiliated with the staff team of .co?
Most non-white immigrants are cancer. They go into Western countries and cause crime, are too stubborn to assimilate, and always end up voting blue in federal elections.
That’s arguably the biggest problem face value. Ofc there’s also cultural problems (as in someone from Nigeria is not relative to America or who founded America or americas core demographic which is white anglo saxon Protestant males.
I’m half hispanic myself (other half is white), but i’ll admit that Mexican immigrants are the worst, as they are demographically replacing white people in America and are voting blue.
Yes, especially now with the 10 mil illegals coming in under Biden. I wouldn’t even want more immigrants as an immigrant, because too many immigrants and we will turn into Mexico and a shithole.
Also, a black guy is affiliated with the staff team of .co?
Yes, he also runs the Twitter account
That’s arguably the biggest problem face value. Ofc there’s also cultural problems (as in someone from Nigeria is not relative to America or who founded America or americas core demographic which is white anglo saxon Protestant males.

Yes, especially now with the 10 mil illegals coming in under Biden. I wouldn’t even want more immigrants as an immigrant, because too many immigrants and we will turn into Mexico and a shithole.

Yes, he also runs the Twitter account
Look at my Canadian city for example; when it was a majority European city ( full of Polish, Portugeuse, Anglo-Saxon, and Italian), it was a mostly peacful city that flourished with clean streets and a low crime rate. But as of now, many African and Middle Eastern immigrants are coming in. And guess what? There is a shooting in every corner, crime rates have skyrocketed, and nigger culture has taken over the city. It’s gone to the unfortunate point where certain parts of the city aren’t even safe to walk through anymore. Immigration needs to be heavily restricted from shithole countries in my opinon. And another problem is rampant race-mixing as well, which in turn creates more incels such as myself.
Eventually, after everything explodes, the world will simplify itself along those lines:
- Sex forbidden. No contact btw men and women at all.
- Artificial insemination/surrogate motherhood to produce kids.
- All children considered "orphans", educated by professionals (no parents).
- Strict rules against sexy clothes, makeup, etc. Everyone dressed in baggy overalls.
- Chad/stacy behavior punished by hard labor. Death in extreme cases
- Fap, Fap, Fap.
- No inheritance, no divorce, no subsidies for foids of any kind.
- Everyone invest his/her energy in work and get their reward accordingly.
sounds like a mix of Abrahmic religion, 1984, and Brave New World, truly dystopic

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