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Discussion How do you feel about transgender incels?



Feb 20, 2021
Do you accept them the same? Do you have sympathy for them? Does it matter if they are transgender males or transgender females or intersex?

My opinion is If they are suffering inceldom just as much as us, I still have sympathy for them. But if I met a transgender man who's an incel, I think he's better off just being a tom boy lesbian than trying to be a man. Also depending on how far they are on transition could impact my view. If the transgender man has been on testosterone for a long time, has beard, and male voice, it would be easy to see him as another dude. But if he didn't even start hormones, and basically just looks like a foid whos a tom boy, I would till see them as a foid, which might make me feel less sympathy.
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no sry
I guess I can have sympathy for them that they are fucked up, but they are basically our enemies and they are very easy to hate
How do YOU feel about them GrAYwad?
How do YOU feel about them GrAYwad?
If they are suffering inceldom just as much as us, I still have sympathy for them. But if I met a transgender man who's an incel, I think he's better off just being a tom boy lesbian than trying to be a man. Also depending on how far they are on transition could impact my view. If the transgender man has been on hormies for a long time, has beard, and male voice, it would be easy to see him as another dude. But if he didn't even start hormones, and basically just looks like a foid whos a tom boy, maybe I might still see him as a foid.
no sry
I guess I can have sympathy for them that they are fucked up, but they are basically our enemies and they are very easy to hate
Why would you see them as your enemy? I mean if they are the SJW men haters sure, but if it's a transgender person who has legit suffer from mental illness and gender disphoria, and they are suffering from loneliness and are incel themselves, I don't see them as an enemy at that point.
If they are suffering inceldom just as much as us, I still have sympathy for them. But if I met a transgender man who's an incel, I think he's better off just being a tom boy lesbian than trying to be a man. Also depending on how far they are on transition could impact my view. If the transgender man has been on hormies for a long time, has beard, and male voice, it would be easy to see him as another dude. But if he didn't even start hormones, and basically just looks like a foid whos a tom boy, maybe I might still see him as a foid.
Kill all men
7969230D 7B7D 4A19 84E5 6A3F143CA190
@Diocel @Idotms @Broly @mental_out all support trannycels since they are trannies themselves
Inceldom is a straight male thing. Straight males are held to significantly higher standards than everyone else because they pose a risk of impregenating foids with subpar genes.

LGBT incels don't exist, at most they're locationcels or culturecels; they aren't alone simply because nobody is willing to fuck them. Any one of them could at least get matches on gay dating apps.
I wouldn't care about trans people if they weren't allying with our enemies and trying to fuck us over at every chance.

Any normal person finds trannies disgusting. Their existence acts as a redpill :redpill:
Good point, LGBT people are mostly incredibly unempathetic towards incels. Even if we were tolerant they would still hate us.

You'd think they'd understand how annoying it is to not get to fuck the people you want, but nope.
I have no respect for them, they're a bunch of mentally ill retards who force their retarded ideology and call you a "bigot" just for believing in biology. If they can sexually identify as the opposite gender, why can't I sexually identify as an attractive man? There's a difference between wanting something and being something.
im not sure but its some insane shit
A transgender incel? In what way? How?
Do you accept them the same? Do you have sympathy for them? Does it matter if they are transgender males or transgender females or intersex?

No. I start to feel sorry for them because of how mentally fucked they are and then I remember that they want to push their fucking delusions on rest of society and get people fired from their jobs if they don't play along with their weird fetish and I stop caring.
Trannies are disgusting.
Why would i have sympathy for fucking trannies when normal men who like 15 year old girls are demonised and criminalised but these fucking freaks get government funding in the tens of thousands (often when they are also children) to get dick cutting off surgery?

Where the fuck is my hormones from the government? Where is my testosterone so i could experience being a real man? I hate trannies and the system that enables them.
I'm a fundamentalist reactionary, I can't support any kind of genre disease
I feel bad for mtfs tbh
Being emasculated has done weird things to my mind so I can understand where they come from
Intersex people are rare category so it's hard for me too say, but I suppose I can relate to not having properly formed genitals
Do you accept them the same? Do you have sympathy for them? Does it matter if they are transgender males or transgender females or intersex?

My opinion is If they are suffering inceldom just as much as us, I still have sympathy for them. But if I met a transgender man who's an incel, I think he's better off just being a tom boy lesbian than trying to be a man. Also depending on how far they are on transition could impact my view. If the transgender man has been on testosterone for a long time, has beard, and male voice, it would be easy to see him as another dude. But if he didn't even start hormones, and basically just looks like a foid whos a tom boy, I would till see them as a foid, which might make me feel less sympathy.
Inceldom is inceldom

I probably have a soft spot for the LGBT-whateverthefuck now because my best friend was a closet gay in high school, he got pretty blackpilled by his experiences with having girl friends. He began to hate them more and more and encouraged me to do so as well. Today he's mostly the typical woke gay New Yorker but I heard from his husband that he has lost some friends because of some of his views, and he chose to tell them to fuck off rather than apologize for not holding the line on every woke issue

EDIT: Oh and just like actual women, I do not believe transgender women can be incel
@Idotms has the utmost respect for them and supports them in their struggle to fight the cis oppression and express themselves as they want.

I want a threesome with two lesbian tomboys so bad.
We have a few here like @shii410, @HidekiTojota and @FamilyGuy1999
We have a few here like @shii410, @HidekiTojota and @FamilyGuy1999
@BummerDrummer thinks its the 1800s , he thinks theres a gold rush in Texas hes shoveling dirt 24/7 t o find gold
Were they incels before transition?
If they weren't and tgey willingly chose this way, then they aren't incels
Oh I do feel sorry for them. That's why, as an act of empathy, they should be put out of their misery by a firing squad.
GrAYcel thread:feelsUgh::feelsUgh::feelsUgh:
Oh I do feel sorry for them. That's why, as an act of empathy, they should be put out of their misery by a firing squad.
This is a comment I would get banned for on reddit. But they are mentally ill. And society is trying to make it normal. They want to make gay being normal too with all the they just want to love someone!! Is that so wrong! I'm comfortable saying if a guy is a good looking guy,but I could never be sexually attracted to another guy it makes me sick to think about. When I see a gay guy it actually makes me sick knowing what they like,a dick up their ass and male cum,which homosexuality will give you aids because you're not supposed to do it.

Anyways here's another story. I tried being friends with a trans. Because they were nice to me at first I thought that is the ugliest woman I have ever seen. But then found out she was really a guy. This person was so degenerate it wasn't funny. He/she would sit outside a bar on a bench and fool guys and they'd fuck him anyway. He/she was very shallow too and loved big dick and getting fucked in the ass. Tranny would also get on dating sites, and he she told me that a x military man came over their house and fucked his ass all night long just for one night. I stopped hanging out with this degenerate tranny and I guess he she turned to heroin and they over dosed and died. I also remember them sharing a old photo of himself and he was a very ugly male. So he tried to change his whole identity and didn't work out too well. Probably never had interest from girls,and turned to men. I would ask if he was attracted to women at all and he she would say no,but said he had sex with one once as a tranny.
Do you accept them the same?
I don't have a universal level of acceptance for incels of any group, the acceptance varies as I grow to understand more about them as an individual.

Do you have sympathy for them?
I try to sympathize with everyone to some degree and I'm usually at least partly successful.

Does it matter if they are transgender males or transgender females or intersex?
Matter in respect to what? Every single factor about someone matters in certain contexts but not other contexts.

My opinion is If they are suffering inceldom just as much as us, I still have sympathy for them.
We can have suffering for many common things we know like lonelyness and also for things we haven't personally experienced such as blindness or being born without fingers.

But if I met a transgender man who's an incel, I think he's better off just being a tom boy lesbian than trying to be a man.
I guess it depends on what respect you mean 'better off' though.
Some people are attached to a certain gender identity for whatever reason and it would bother them go go by a different one.
TBH this isn't something I understand, I basically dress male because it's cheap/convenient/low-effort/low-danger and I hope I'd be just as utilitarian if I'd been born in a female body.
Going beyond clothing to whatever other mannerisms get associated with gender is muddy waters because this tends to be stereotyped virtues which when I look deeply don't seem gender-exclusive as much as they just seem gender-trended.

Also depending on how far they are on transition could impact my view. If the transgender man has been on testosterone for a long time, has beard, and male voice, it would be easy to see him as another dude. But if he didn't even start hormones, and basically just looks like a foid whos a tom boy, I would till see them as a foid, which might make me feel less sympathy.
We could sympathize to the extent of them being trapped in a non-ideal form they want to alter. I think that's something most of us understand, the main difference being we want to (subjectively) upgrade looks and they want to (subjectively) upgrade gender.
I guess I can have sympathy for them that they are fucked up, but they are basically our enemies and they are very easy to hate
Why are they our enemies? They seem like a distraction the (((real enemy))) would have us waste energies on by milking baseline homophobic insecurity.
Inceldom is a straight male thing. Straight males are held to significantly higher standards than everyone else because they pose a risk of impregenating foids with subpar genes.
I think this would also apply to bisexual males with heterosexual preferences (termed heteroflexible) since they still mainly go for women but would maybe prison-cope with a trap but view it as disgusting on par with a landwhale.

LGBT incels don't exist, at most they're locationcels or culturecels; they aren't alone simply because nobody is willing to fuck them. Any one of them could at least get matches on gay dating apps.

I think it's plausible there is a miniscule amount of same-sex interests willing to fuck certain homosexuals, but I agree there aren't the same female>male choosiness dilemmas we deal with.
they are mentally ill, they're coping hard trying to delude themselves into thinking they can cheat biology
This is where we all were when we were bluepilled
PS: there's still a fragment of blue in us all we can't expel
I wouldn't care about trans people if they weren't allying with our enemies and trying to fuck us over at every chance.
I always figure that's only something like 99% of them so in case I meet a rare 1% who isn't I should be willing to give them benefit of the doubt.
Like with niggers I'm still gonna be cautious and watch for knives though.

Any normal person finds trannies disgusting. Their existence acts as a redpill :redpill:
Normalcy inspires no awe in me.
LGBT people are mostly incredibly unempathetic towards incels. Even if we were tolerant they would still hate us.
This doesn't sound different from non-LGBT people.

You'd think they'd understand how annoying it is to not get to fuck the people you want, but nope.
That's because it's been acceptable for so long.

I bet we'd be way better friends with closeted gays/trannies from the 1800s or something since they'd better understand our sense of persecution and ostracizing.
They don't feel entitled like the modern LGBT with literal machines out to serve them.
I have no respect for them, they're a bunch of mentally ill retards who force their retarded ideology and call you a "bigot" just for believing in biology.
I think that's only some of them. I'm pretty sure the smart ones are just playing a semantic game where they diverge "sex" and "gender" into different ideas (I believe a Jew started that) ignoring/overriding past usage as synonyms.

If they can sexually identify as the opposite gender, why can't I sexually identify as an attractive man? There's a difference between wanting something and being something.
This is basically a logical next step of the deconstruction of gender norms and identities.

If either sex can be a nurturer and either sex can be a warrior then your 'gender identity' is I guess you identifying with roles that traditionalism perscribed to a certain sex?

I just don't know how genderism manages to ally/coexist with gender deconstructionism though, seems contradictory.

Those who ID as genderqueer (abandoning a blanket label for a collection of traits now allowed for anyone to ascribe to) are basically a fuck-you to cisgender/transgender alike.
Why would i have sympathy for fucking trannies when normal men who like 15 year old girls are demonised and criminalised but these fucking freaks get government funding in the tens of thousands (often when they are also children) to get dick cutting off surgery?
I thought they for the most part invert the dick (shaft becomes pseudovagina?) and only temporarily amputate the glans before reattaching it to make it a clitesque thing.
Where the fuck is my hormones from the government? Where is my testosterone so i could experience being a real man? I hate trannies and the system that enables them.
It's hard for me to fault trannies for taking the free handouts, your beef is moreso with the system not treating you fairly and giving you free roids to also look as you please.
you think bio foids want trannys?
on occasion I think they do, but they tend to be lesbian-adjacent
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Fuck no. They need to be sent to death camps. They are freaks of nature and deserve to die a painful death.
Were they incels before transition?
If they weren't and tgey willingly chose this way, then they aren't incels

FC imagine if you suddenly died and were reborn in a foid body and wanted an artificial penis and then couldn't get laid with your artificial penis and then someone said you should've stayed a foid and just got fucked.
Fuck no. They need to be sent to death camps. They are freaks of nature and deserve to die a painful death.
In theory all us sub-chad males are freaks of nature and we have normies thinking we deserve to die painfully.
So it seems like we might share in common the pain of being target of such hatred.
I would ask if he was attracted to women at all and he she would say no,but said he had sex with one once as a tranny.
just trannymax!

I always wondered if you seemed really into the MTF path and flirted with a lesbian and you were making out with her and she asks you to fuck her with a dildo and you pull out a cock instead if she'd be so horny she'd just go along with it at that point.
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on occasion I think they do, but they tend to be lesbian-adjacent
if you go on any femshit forum you'll find that they know that mtfs are incels and resent them
Why would i have sympathy for fucking trannies when normal men who like 15 year old girls are demonised and criminalised but these fucking freaks get government funding in the tens of thousands (often when they are also children) to get dick cutting off surgery?

Where the fuck is my hormones from the government? Where is my testosterone so i could experience being a real man? I hate trannies and the system that enables them.
I mean that's not fair either. I think if the goverment is going to let transgender people get hormoems for free, I think the goverment should also provide hormones or free surgeries for those suffering from inceldome as well.
Zero respect for any of those scum, I hope all of them get tortured to death.
I don't feel sympathy for them. Transgender is code word for narcissism

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