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How do you enjoy alcohol?



Mar 9, 2018
Am I the only one here who can't stand alcohol?

Srs, if I drink 3 beers I'll feel a bit buzzed for an hour, then I'll feel like shit for the next 30 hours.

Am I just intolerant to alcohol? I've never had an experience where the good feeling of drinking outweighed the shitty feeling I'll get after.

Also, I can't fall asleep when I drink. Usually people make it seem like drinking makes them pass out and sleep like a log, but I can't fall asleep due to the stomach pain and nausea.

Do people actually enjoy alcohol, or are they just LARPing to impress their friends?
I'm too young to drink alcohol in my country (USA). Drinking age is 21.
Yeah same here, also waking up after drinking is pure hell.
Idk how people can enjoy that.
I feel confident, zero inhib, and happy, alcohol kills my social anxiety and relieves inceldom for a little while. I don't feel sick unless I drink like 7 or more beers.
Alcohol tastes so sour lol i don’t get it are you suooosed to drink it without any additives like juice? Cuz if so then that shit tastes ass
I feel confident, zero inhib, and happy. I don't feel sick unless I drink like 7 or more beers.
Were you always like this or did you build up a tolerance?

I feel lower inhib, but that usually doesn't last for very long.
I've always said it, it's only worth it if you are good looking and go out and get hit on by foids and be low inhib and have sex easier and a good time because of your good looks, then the after effects hangover would be worth it, but as an ugly male it's not
Were you always like this or did you build up a tolerance?

I feel lower inhib, but that usually doesn't last for very long.
I think always tbh.
I don't drink alcohol, tbh.
I stopped drinking because I don't like the taste of any alcoholic beverage and drank only to lower inhib and approach. I didn't only stop approaching but also started to be unable to get drunk. If I drink a lot, I start feeling nauseous way before I'm really drunk.
It used to be "okay" for me, never liked it much, but since passing the 30yo mark it's over for my liver I think, I can't handle it. I also feel like absolute trash for like 2 complete days after, dehydration eliminated.
I used to enjoy it because it made me feel relaxed but now it just makes me sleepy so I stopped.
Taste like shit honestly but when I used to drink, it was because made me low inhib af
I don't, there isn't a single thing I enjoy about it.
has to be mixed well tbh but im not much of a drinker.
I feel great after drinking. I think it lowers my iq to a functional level
Alcohol tastes awful i can only stand drinking beers from time to time. I like radlers and ciders too but those are barely alcoholic beverages.
Maybe you’re drinking on an empty stomach. I get harsher sides from doing that.
are you ricecel? i also don't feel much from alcohol then I get the hangover like 2 hrs after
No OP you're not the only one. alcohol makes me feel all around horrible. I'd recommend not even trying to find a way to enjoy it and count yourself lucky you're not a drunk like a lot of people.
You don't. No one does. It's a meme, a meme that has been culturally enforced for 8000+ years.
had my first beer at 22. didnt dtink at 21 like most americans because im a loser with no friends so when i reached 22 i figured i wanted to try this "alcohol" everybody seems to enjoy. didnt know what is good so spent like $100 and bought random bottles. tried a while bunch of becerages. they all tasted gross and gave me a headache.

tried some more at 23. just a few sips and im already getting headaches. plus its disgusting. have no clue how people chug this shit and drink a whole 6pack by themselves.
wine is gross. soju is gross. eggnog. rum. whiskey. moonshine. everything alcoholic is shit tbh
From an early age I'd get wasted from vast amounts of alcohol. Bottles of wine within hours. If you're not getting trashed, you're wasting your time. That's the only appeal. To get so trashed you forget all your problems, black out, and pass out and avoid this hell on earth for just a little while. Then the hangover.
I'm too young to drink alcohol in my country (USA). Drinking age is 21.
Also too young, I've never drank alcohol before and I'm also in college. I'm alcoholmogged by everyone in my college since they get invited to parties and gatherings where drinks are provided, meanwhile I rot feeling shitty and can't drink my sadness away.
Also too young, I've never drank alcohol before and I'm also in college. I'm alcoholmogged by everyone in my college since they get invited to parties and gatherings where drinks are provided, meanwhile I rot feeling shitty and can't drink my sadness away.
I wouldn't drink it anyway. It inhibits your brain & physical development.
I kind of don't.
I don’t drink beer, either cheap wine of vodka. It makes me feel happy and relaxed.
l only get sick when I go really hard. My wallet hurts too
As I get older, my body is becoming less able to cope with alcohol.

Fucking hell. My life is going to shit and I can't even drown my sorrows away
I wouldn't drink it anyway. It inhibits your brain & physical development.
I had the same stance earlier this year, but drinking might make me low inhib, would be a cool experience tbh.
I drink most alchool beverages
I despise the taste of it but it used to make me low inhib so i drank it despite the repulsive taste. Nowadays even booze doesnt remove my inhibition so i dont drink anymore, just a little wine when social occasion dictates it
Am I the only one here who can't stand alcohol?

Srs, if I drink 3 beers I'll feel a bit buzzed for an hour, then I'll feel like shit for the next 30 hours.

Am I just intolerant to alcohol? I've never had an experience where the good feeling of drinking outweighed the shitty feeling I'll get after.

Also, I can't fall asleep when I drink. Usually people make it seem like drinking makes them pass out and sleep like a log, but I can't fall asleep due to the stomach pain and nausea.

Do people actually enjoy alcohol, or are they just LARPing to impress their friends?
Same, I only got drunk 2 or 3 times. And get you lower inhib. But I puke after, and next day my stomach feels bad, I don't want to eat anything. It's not worth, unless you got a chance to fuck with a foid it's stupid.
alcohol makes everything better ....for a little while..
Can't stop laughing at my pathetic self when I got drunk
Am I the only one here who can't stand alcohol?

Srs, if I drink 3 beers I'll feel a bit buzzed for an hour, then I'll feel like shit for the next 30 hours.

Am I just intolerant to alcohol? I've never had an experience where the good feeling of drinking outweighed the shitty feeling I'll get after.

Also, I can't fall asleep when I drink. Usually people make it seem like drinking makes them pass out and sleep like a log, but I can't fall asleep due to the stomach pain and nausea.

Do people actually enjoy alcohol, or are they just LARPing to impress their friends?
beer is dogshit. drink champagne or cherry wine. and you don't have to drink a lot :feelsokman:
I don't, it taste bad and the effect isn't worth it. Probably only worth it if you are socially sucessfull.

I do like mdma,but i take it with lots of time between to avoid damage.
I used to get hangovers but rarely do these days anymore.
Just keep drinking OP, you will feel better the more you drink
I'm too young to drink alcohol in my country (USA). Drinking age is 21.
Aye but can you no get somebody to jump in for you? We use to get my mates auntie to get our swally for us when we were 14. A bottle of buckie or merrydown. Good times.
I get really fucked up. I drink like 1 liter of vodka when I drink. Because I am quite small, it overwhelms my body quickly.
By not drinking it.

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