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How do other ugly people get into relationships?



Nov 22, 2017
How does anyone, especially other average and below average looking people, fall in and out of relationships? I see couples of varying looks outside ALL the time. 

Besides a lot of us being unattractive, could the way we see the world and handle our problems be the real cause of us not being able to find a girl? I actually think I might be bipolar. Like I feel one way in the morning and throughout the day feel progressively worse/different.
Social circle, propinquity, You need to at least have a decent paying job or be studying at uni (towards a great degree) for it to work.
mental_out said:
they dont generally. most ugly couples i see are middle aged, so it's usually either that they became ugly as they got old, or fell into the provider role.

This. I don't not see young ugly men in my age range with womem
CopingGymcel said:
Social circle, propinquity, You need to at least have a job or be studying at uni for it to work.

I have a job and have had jobs and have never met a woman. Nothing I do matters. I'm so lost, it's such a foreign thing to me.
mental_out said:
 fell into the provider role.

take in mind that wominz are very clever in their art of cucking males, I swear they know your weakness and exploit it

they are cold calculators, scientific proved
QuantumDummy said:
I have a job and have had jobs and have never met a woman. Nothing I do matters. I'm so lost, it's such a foreign thing to me.

You need to be talking to a lot of them, hence the social circle. It's all a matter of luck.
mental_out said:
they dont generally. most ugly couples i see are middle aged, so it's usually either that they became ugly as they got old, or fell into the provider role.

Provider role it's for the most part I think.
After the girl had her fun fucking everthing 8+ that she could get she needed someone to take care of her past 30-40 and took the best orbiter she could find to settle with.
Betabux, mostly.

I wish incels would realize that just because a male and female are together in public, that does not mean he's fucking her.
It doesn't really happen anymore. Boomers mostly looks-matched, the internet generations don't.
Wearacombl said:
Provider role it's for the most part I think.
After the girl had her fun fucking everthing 8+ that she could get she needed someone to take care of her past 30-40 and took the best orbiter she could find to settle with.

and I swear we do not want to be that guy right?
Wearacombl said:
Provider role it's for the most part I think.
After the girl had her fun fucking everthing 8+ that she could get she needed someone to take care of her past 30-40 and took the best orbiter she could find to settle with.

A 7 from my high school who dated other guys around her looks range is now dating a 4. She is 26, so she probably started to feel the age pill. 26 is probably when most women start feeling the age pill and want to settle with a beta provider.
CopingGymcel said:
You need to be talking to a lot of them, hence the social circle. It's all a matter of luck.

I'm pretty sure I have some form of high-functioning autism. I was always a weird kid and was outed by others and did things out of the ordinary. I never really knew what to say or why people did what they did. 

Until this day I still have to feign being normal which I'm pretty good at it, but every now and then my autisticness (word?) comes out. I'm not a real person.
QuantumDummy said:
I'm pretty sure I have some form of high-functioning autism. I was always a weird kid and was outed by others and did things out of the ordinary. I never really knew what to say or why people did what they did. 

Until this day I still have to feign being normal which I'm pretty good at, but every now and than my autisticness (word?) comes out. I'm not a real person.

If you can looksmax to a 6.5, that shouldn't be too much of an issue.
CopingGymcel said:
If you can looksmax to a 6.5, that shouldn't be too much of an issue.

Only way I could possibly do that is if I got surgery on my nose. Of course I still have big beta eyes, a weak jaw that's also uneven, big melon head, and a small dick. 

The only things I can say that are not bad are I'm not short and have greenish/blue eyes, but that does nothing for me. I wish I could show you guys how I looked but I'm concerned with privacy and I know yall would destroy any sense of ego or confidence I barely have left.
QuantumDummy said:
How does anyone, especially other average and below average looking people, fall in and out of relationships? I see couples of varying looks outside ALL the time.
Besides a lot of us being unattractive, could the way we see the world and handle our problems be the real cause of us not being able to find a girl? I actually think I might be bipolar. Like I feel one way in the morning and throughout the day feel progressively worse/different.

Don't delude yourself. Everytime I see an ugly guy with a girlfriend its so.painfully obvious that the guy is just being exploited as a betabux provider.
QuantumDummy said:
I'm pretty sure I have some form of high-functioning autism. I was always a weird kid and was outed by others and did things out of the ordinary. I never really knew what to say or why people did what they did. 

Until this day I still have to feign being normal which I'm pretty good at, but every now and than my autisticness (word?) comes out. I'm not a real person.

I feel similar. I cannot deal with workplace stress, phones or bullshitting customers/colleagues. I can fake normalcy for a while, but outside my wafer-thin comfort zone I start to lose it. I wish I could get disability so I could NEET in peace instead of being forced to look for work that I cannot do. For me, hermitceling is the only way to live.
Simple. They're ugly. But you're uglier than them.
KyloRen said:
Simple. They're ugly. But you're uglier than them.

But how is that possible? There have probably been hundreds of millions of different men that have gotten with women, what really makes me and most of these guys here so different? Besides my nose being terrible from any angle, I'm not deformed in any other way. 
Not short or balding and have a decent beard. I've had a girl start up a convo with me a couple of months ago, an ugly girl at a check cashing place show pretty obvious signs of interest, and the random eye lock with women. I just hate myself so much that I tell myself there's no way any of these things meant anything and no way women could be interested in me. I don't know how I haven't killed myself at this point, I know a lot of people would. I even remember this black dude asking if I was a virgin, I asked him if it was because I was ugly and he said no, he knew plenty of ugly dudes in relationships. I have no confidence in ANYTHING I do.
Emotional tampon, they get cucked, 1 kiss every 2 weeks, betabux, sexless relationship, unstable mental health for months after their gf sent them a video sucking tyrones dick, most ugly people can't simply win at life
QuantumDummy said:
But how is that possible? There have probably been hundreds of millions of different men that have gotten with women, what really makes me and most of these guys here so different? Besides my nose being terrible from any angle, I'm not deformed in any other way. 
Not short or balding and have a decent beard. I've had a girl start up a convo with me a couple of months ago, an ugly girl at a check cashing place show pretty obvious signs of interest, and the random eye lock with women. I just hate myself so much that I tell myself there's no way any of these things meant anything and no way women could be interested in me. I don't know how I haven't killed myself at this point, I know a lot of people would. I even remember this black dude asking if I was a virgin, I asked him if it was because I was ugly and he said no, he knew plenty of ugly dudes in relationships. I have no confidence in ANYTHING I do.

I understand your pain. 

Here's my answer to your rebuttal: If I knew, if any of us knew, we wouldn't be here. It seems to be like a huge conspiracy of which everyone is a part of, and we're not. If an ugly girl is the only girl who has shown interest in you, then your looks are clearly below-average (whatever "number" it may be). I, like others here, are in that same situation.

If you're wanting to commit suicide, I understand. I've been in that situation myself, and occasionally fall into it now and then. But, I see no use in it. If I can channel my anger of normies, of women, of guys in relationships, to looksmaxing, and even have a small percentage chance of getting a girl interested in me, I'll take it. I hope you'll be on the same boat.
"She's not your girl, its just your turn."
KyloRen said:
I understand your pain. 

Here's my answer to your rebuttal: If I knew, if any of us knew, we wouldn't be here. It seems to be like a huge conspiracy of which everyone is a part of, and we're not. If an ugly girl is the only girl who has shown interest in you, then your looks are clearly below-average (whatever "number" it may be). I, like others here, are in that same situation.

If you're wanting to commit suicide, I understand. I've been in that situation myself, and occasionally fall into it now and then. But, I see no use in it. If I can channel my anger of normies, of women, of guys in relationships, to looksmaxing, and even have a small percentage chance of getting a girl interested in me, I'll take it. I hope you'll be on the same boat.

Yea I hear you, I can't tell if it's this thing everyone's in on or just me.. I'd never kill myself nor have ever seriously thought about it, only that that's a surprise in and of itself with the way my life is. I'm definitely below average looking, no doubt. I can't muster up the energy or care to put in the amount of effort it would take to possibly have the small chance of getting a girl. Millions of other people don't need to put much thought into it and they naturally get into relationships, I guess we're just bad apples.
Another reason is that girls are simply settling while waiting for a more attractive guy. These girls seem to want constant validation, they NEED a guy to want them. So they choose to get out with a guy and then wait until they can snatch up some better looking sap.

My friend, someone I consider extremely below-average (although, his face might be more above-average if he lost weight since he's obese), obtained an extremely-below average girlfriend. They're both short and fat, a match. This girl ended up cheating on him with another guy who happens to be slimmer and taller.
kodoku said:
Emotional tampon, they get cucked, 1 kiss every 2 weeks, betabux, sexless relationship, unstable mental health for months after their gf sent them a video sucking tyrones dick, most ugly people can't  simply win at life

If that truly is the case then I'd obviously rather be alone. I can't actually understand why a man would let himself be treated that way by a woman.. There's no fucking way I'm having a girl that deprives me of sex or that I need to shower with money or material objects.. Good thing I'm a cheap bastard.
QuantumDummy said:
Yea I hear you, I can't tell if it's this thing everyone's in on or just me.. I'd never kill myself nor have ever seriously thought about it, only that that's a surprise in and of itself with the way my life is. I'm definitely below average looking, no doubt. I can't muster up the energy or care to put in the amount of effort it would take to possibly have the small chance of getting a girl. Millions of other people don't need to put much thought into it and they naturally get into relationships, I guess we're just bad apples.

Think of it this way: Would normies be able to live the way we do?

They wouldn't. Us being able to survive, adapt, fight, proves our worthiness and our strength.
I've literally never even had signs of interest from a girl. All those normies are living life on another level of consciousness
Chances are you're uglier than them. I used to think I was better than the "losers" I saw around but before long you get it. You're single because you're ugly. You're a KHHV who's never experienced romance with a girl because you're ugly. You're literally bottom of the barrel and your only option is suicide.
The ones I see are older people who I guess got uglier as they aged but still remained together.

I've yet to see a young couple where the guy is less attractive than me.
Ugly femoids have no problem getting relationships. It’s like breathing for them.

Ugly men generally don’t have relationships, or if they do, they’re not too ugly and try very very very hard.
QuantumDummy said:
But how is that possible? There have probably been hundreds of millions of different men that have gotten with women, what really makes me and most of these guys here so different? Besides my nose being terrible from any angle, I'm not deformed in any other way. 
Not short or balding and have a decent beard. I've had a girl start up a convo with me a couple of months ago, an ugly girl at a check cashing place show pretty obvious signs of interest, and the random eye lock with women. I just hate myself so much that I tell myself there's no way any of these things meant anything and no way women could be interested in me. I don't know how I haven't killed myself at this point, I know a lot of people would. I even remember this black dude asking if I was a virgin, I asked him if it was because I was ugly and he said no, he knew plenty of ugly dudes in relationships. I have no confidence in ANYTHING I do.
I'm going to give you real advice here as you seem to be one of the few people here who can escape inceldom.

There have probably been hundreds of millions of different men that have gotten with women, what really makes me and most of these guys here so different?
You're right, it's not your looks that stop you, it's your mentality.

I've had a girl start up a convo with me a couple of months ago, an ugly girl at a check cashing place show pretty obvious signs of interest, and the random eye lock with women.
And there you have it, if you were a deformed looking golum thing you wouldn't get this.

I just hate myself so much that I tell myself there's no way any of these things meant anything and no way women could be interested in me.
Except that you have contradicting evidence from the real world that says otherwise. You might think water is not wet but every time you dip your hand it it will be wet. Eventually you will accept the fact that it is wet even if you didn't believe it at first.

I have no confidence in ANYTHING I do.
And there it is. See a therapist and take a break from any incel related place for a while. Confidence is a skill that can be developed through hard work - I'd know as I went from a shy person to straight up hitting on chicks in public. It did take me 3 long years of hard work though.

Best of luck dude, your fate lies in your hands ultimately.

KyloRen said:
If an ugly girl is the only girl who has shown interest in you, then your looks are clearly below-average (whatever "number" it may be).
Nah, girls are used to guys around their looks and below hitting on them so if they show interest it's because they want to get the attention of someone who's above their looks. It's rare to see a girl of similar, and especially better looks, displaying clear interest unless she has underlying issues or the dude has status.

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