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Serious How do incels feel about getting a surrogate and becoming a single father?

Blackpill Rage

Blackpill Rage

Ethnic sfcel
Feb 10, 2019
Since society does not want ugly men to reproduce I suggest incels find some hot stacy egg donor and just become single fathers. It's the best way to say FUCK YOU to the system. I'm moneymaxxed so I might actually consider doing things and have like 8 kids. I'll make sure to get the best eggs and give them growth hormones to make sure they all grow up and become Chads.
if you're of the belief that having a daughter is cucked then stacy genes are no good. good female genetics /=/ good male genetics

a girl I knew irl was like 6' with a Chad jawline, literally looked like female GigaChad, if she was born with XY chromosomes she would be a giga slayer and take every girl at the school's virginity, her genes would be too OP as a man so god had to nerf her by giving XX chromosomes
if you're of the belief that having a daughter is cucked then stacy genes are no good. good female genetics /=/ good male genetics

a girl I knew irl was like 6' with a Chad jawline, literally looked like female GigaChad, if she was born with XY chromosomes she would be a giga slayer and take every girl at the school's virginity, her genes would be too OP as a man so god had to nerf her by giving XX chromosomes
If that's the case then just get a high T manly looking egg donor.
can the surrogate or egg donor veto the man if he's ugly/short?
So no one plans on doing this?
So no one plans on doing this?
I would tbh. problem howeer is feel like I wouldn't have the confidence to be a father plus mines was narcissistic and emotionally abusive, who knows how i would be if I had a kid. would probably not feel emotionally supported at all, wouldnt feel worthy of having children (was told i was lucky to have my dad around at all due to my race)
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I would tbh. feel like I wouldn't have the confidence to be a father plus mines was narcissistic and emotionally abusive, who knows how i would be if I had children. (was told i was lucky to have my dad around at all due to my race)
You can have your parents help you raise the kid.
You can have your parents help you raise the kid.
they would turn him against me. plus they would be old at this point. im glad my half siblings are around
Single dads probably get laughed outta the WIC/Welfare offices.
I know someone is gonna say thats cucked but if im being honest ive thought about becoming a single father via surrogacy later in life when i am financially established. Obviously i can never get a foid to have a child with me because i am subhuman so its my only option. Why? Honestly, i like kids. Theyre fun to joke with and play with. And i just kinda want to be a dad its kinda hard to explain. Isn’t it just cruel that someone like me who would probably make a decent dad is stuck in the body of an incel where im doomed to never have kids because of my face?
Who gives a fuck. Incels already get laughed at just for existing.
I know someone is gonna say thats cucked but if im being honest ive thought about becoming a single father via surrogacy later in life when i am financially established. Obviously i can never get a foid to have a child with me because i am subhuman so its my only option. Why? Honestly, i like kids. Theyre fun to joke with and play with. And i just kinda want to be a dad its kinda hard to explain. Isn’t it just cruel that someone like me who would probably make a decent dad is stuck in the body of an incel where im doomed to never have kids because of my face?
This, i'd want to make up for the loss of my own chance for ascension+a normal highschool life
Seems like a rough life for both of you. And considering our shit genes even combined with a willing stacy it dooms the kid if they're born male.
I'm probably well known for this, but absolutely yes. Fuck feminist eugenics. I'll also get gene therapy done so he'll cuck chad's kids too.
Seems like a rough life for both of you. And considering our shit genes even combined with a willing stacy it dooms the kid if they're born male.
If you engineer your kid to be gigachad, his life will be easy.
I'm probably well known for this, but absolutely yes. Fuck feminist eugenics. I'll also get gene therapy done so he'll cuck chad's kids too.

If you engineer your kid to be gigachad, his life will be easy.
Seems like a rough life for both of you. And considering our shit genes even combined with a willing stacy it dooms the kid if they're born male.
That's why you give them growth hormone treatment so they don't end up subhuman.
Eight kids sounds like a pain in the ass, you should stick to one or two
I'd consider it. I want to have kids tbh and I think I have the capacity to raise one by myself. (I'd prefer a son over a daughter for obvious reasons though.)
a girl I knew irl was like 6' with a Chad jawline, literally looked like female GigaChad, if she was born with XY chromosomes she would be a giga slayer and take every girl at the school's virginity, her genes would be too OP as a man so god had to nerf her by giving XX chromosomes

Was she your oneitis?
i want my lineage to end with me :incel:
I wouldn't want to have kids without actually impregnating their mother first
I have thought about this as I want to be a father as mine was never around and I see kids out with their dads and it hurts knowing I won't have that situation where I can teach my son things or watch my daughter grow up,I just need to get a job first so I can save up for the eggs
Honestly I'm surprised it's even doable with how much society hates ugly men.
Get a dog. Seriously.

Don't curse a child with truecel genetics, don't deprive a child of a healthy normie youth in a two-parent household.
Get a dog. Seriously.

Don't curse a child with truecel genetics, don't deprive a child of a healthy normie youth in a two-parent household.
Sounds like something a 50+ year old roastie would do.
10/10 Stacy can't even compensate for my subhuman genes, so I won't be pursuing that option.
will do if no other way
Get a dog. Seriously.

Don't curse a child with truecel genetics, don't deprive a child of a healthy normie youth in a two-parent household.
yeah being a child of a normie is super healthy :forcedsmile:
I don't see why I would get any satisfaction over this.

I want chad experience, I can already watch chad be chad online if I need too.
Was she your oneitis?
indeed, surprised you remembered those details about her tbh. I suppose it goes to show that I talk about her too much
I don't see why I would get any satisfaction over this.

I want chad experience, I can already watch chad be chad online if I need too.
Well you ain't getting the Chad experience so it's either surrogacy or nothing.
It'll be far better than your looksmatch.
Sure, just like degloving my own hand is better than being whole body deepfried. If you saw me you'd laugh, there's no way I'd make a potential offspring suffer my fate or worse. My parents are ~7-8/10, and I ended up 1.5/2. I'm cursed, and as I understand it I will feel a love for my progeny unlike anything else, that sounds like a recipe for disaster. Not a risk worth taking, tbh.
Sounds much more reliable than marriage honestly. Especially If you want to raise your kids.

I am late to the party, most of the stuff I was going to say has been said already. :feelsbadman:

I ended up 1.5/2.
1.5/2 = 7.5/10 Goddamnit Chad. :feelskek:
They must change the diapers themselves and so on.

I will never reproduce.
I will never support any one elses baby.
I will never change diapers.
Sounds like a waste of money, I notice a lot of incels don't want to accept "the path of the recluse" that their genes has put them on

Its like choosing the mage class in the game but still putting all of your points into strength, dexterity and agility, all you end up with is a shitty under-performing "class"
I personally wouldn't do it. my genes are too subhuman to pass on.

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