Invest into BCI (Brain Computer Interface) tech.
Virtual reality is the future. Big dollas can be made if you can link up an AI system that can decode brain patterns, interpret them, then feed back electrical signals to the brain that simulate touch, taste, smell... etc. Theoretically it's possible and I don't think it's too far away.
Imagine if you could touch a virtual wife, feel her warmth... Imagine if you could eat an entire cake in virtual reality, taste it, feel it enter your stomach, feel the sugar, and yet not gain any weight at all. Ultimately once BCI tech skyrockets It's also a great thing for sustainability. The real world can be sculpted for functionality and the bare minimum, we will eat nutrient paste and be hyper-efficient. Virtual reality will be where emotion, artistic expression and indulgence are expressed.
To be honest this is where I see humanity in a matter of decades. Once we are all made redundant by AI the optimal, most humane response from AI would be to place us in our own simulations where we can express ourselves in any situation we wish - a pure godlike fantasy.