When I went to college for two years in 2002-05, the Black Pill wasn't a thing yet. Although I never got laid in college I still thought I had a chance of escaping, but the classes I was in were so 'diverse' so there were no viable GFs, or much interest from FHOs. Although one FHO kept staring at me in my second year, but that never went anywhere despite my breaking the ice with her one time. She never carried it on and kept staring. There wasn't much more I could do with that. It was just my luck I got the ones who stare but don't talk.
Ultimately, I became a NEETcel failure, having only had paid work for 56 weeks in my life between college and today. I effectively stopped school at 14 so I felt I had to go to college to make up for that, but I ended up wasting my 20s entirely. I started baldceling at 23 and I was officially done. I kept up vague hopes of becoming a father for a few more years, but gave that up as well as I knew I wouldn't see 60 and I was LDARing when I should be having kids. I was a very promising student in my youth, but I became a hideous failure. Losing both my folks in ten years destroyed me. I tried to rally in the past few years and briefly got paid work, but I am just too asocial for most jobs today (I cannot bear phones/customers/commuting, etc) and I am somewhat content to hermitcel on NEETbux as that seems to be the best cope for asocial misanthropes like me.
Ultimately, it is somewhat pointless and I do feel for youngcels who have to put up with the debauchery of modern colleges and universities today where every Chad and Stacy is getting laid, plus student debt is a racket, that said you should pass your courses for yourself. Having briefly workceled I can tell you that it is satisfying to be able to easily frugalcel thousands per year for yourself. All you can do is enjoy your money and the knowledge you are financially secure which is more than most people can do now, with materialism and expensive social lives forcing normies, Stacyies and Chads to live hand to mouth like morons. Workcels have a good shot at getting a retirement, they cannot. It's always better to be a richcel than a poorcel. I just wish I could find a well paid local job that I could tolerate.