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Hypocrisy How Did Women Manage to Deceive Men for Thousands of Years into Believing the Lie That....

  • Thread starter Deleted member 14382
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Deleted member 14382

Deleted member 14382

Sep 24, 2018
....they don't care about a man's looks????????

It's incredibly ironic, because looks is literally the ONLY thing that women care about!!!!!!! Yet, somehow, countless generations of men have lived and died believing that "women are not visual" :bluepill::bluepill::bluepill: and that they care more about what's "on the inside". :rolleyes:

Just LOL at this extraordinary feat of mass deception on a biblical scale! This is a prime example of the old saying "If you tell a big enough lie, people will believe it".
They didn't.
That bluepilled shit started when that philmor guy invented the television
Technically, “what’s on the inside” is true.

Bones are on the inside, and bone structure determines just about everything in terms of looks.
((((They)))) did it to make us go ER
They didn't.
That bluepilled shit started when that philmor guy invented the television
Not true. I remember when I was a kid, old, blue-pilled men in their 90's (who were born in the late-1800's) used to tell me and my friends that girls are different than boys, and that looks aren't very important to them. I think the vast majority of men through the ages have really believed this nonsense.
It was very easy considering it's a lie men want to believe in.
They know they can get away with it because of their privilege card and understand that there are more easily manipulated white knights out there that would allow them to do such a thing.
Because men are biologically cucked by default. Men are genetically hard-wired to “protect and provide” for foids.

It’s an impossible state of affairs. The human race is fucked.
it's because height, good frame, high T and ruggedness aren't considered "looks" in the same way that women's carefully manicured beauty is, so they get away with claiming that it's not all about looks, even though it pretty much is.
Technically, “what’s on the inside” is true.

Bones are on the inside, and bone structure determines just about everything in terms of looks.
Right, except that women have been peddling this idea that they're somehow more sensitive and virtuous than men, because they care about "personality" and other intangible traits, while men don't-- men only care about "looks".
LMAO. It's exactly the OPPOSITE. Most men will eagerly fuck virtually any woman, regardless of how she looks, while women won't even make eye contact with a man (let alone do anything else) unless he looks like a model.
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90% of people were illiterate paesants living in small villages with less than 100 people with no technology untill a couple of generations ago.

Women couldn't find and fuck Chad easily and had to find a husband before they turned 20 years old.

Blue pills were easy to believe back then.
90% of people were illiterate paesants living in small villages with less than 100 people with no technology untill a couple of generations ago.

Women couldn't find and fuck Chad easily and had to find a husband before they turned 20 years old.

Blue pills were easy to believe back then.
But, didn't men notice that women constantly avoided eye contact with them (because they were ugly), while they practically handed good-looking men the keys to their pussies (shocker)? Why didn't they put 2+2 together?
Everyone deep down know blackpill is the truth,but only cucks deny it,foids know but they're virtue signaling
Not true. I remember when I was a kid, old, blue-pilled men in their 90's (who were born in the late-1800's) used to tell me and my friends that girls are different than boys, and that looks aren't very important to them. I think the vast majority of men through the ages have really believed this nonsense.
They just buxxed them

That the overwehlming majority of them are cheating sluts wasnt mainstream too
because women used to be dependend on a mans resources. That is no longer the case.

Women have zero use for men anymore except for chads.
Another lie peddled by women for centuries has been this idea that they "like older men".
NO, they don't. Foids like men around their own age. Young women under the age of 25 are especially age-sensitive. They're actually repulsed by "older" men. It's so bad that a young woman would rather hook up with an average guy her own age, than with a 50 year-old Chad. Now, just imagine how infinitesimal the chances of an average, or ugly old guy hooking up with a young woman. Let that sink in for a moment.
Males have bought the lie that women like older men hook, line and sinker. I guess it was a convenient belief because it gave them hope that they too could get laid with young women.
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But, didn't men notice that women constantly avoided eye contact with them (because they were ugly), while they practically handed good-looking men the keys to their pussies (shocker)? Why didn't they put 2+2 together?

Almost all women were arrange married by the age of 20. None could have noticed it.
But it isn't a lie. There are millions of examples of women dating incredibly ugly men just because they have money and power. You think all the gorgeous women that Weinstein fucked thought he was Chad? meanwhile you will rarely find an example of a young handsome man dating an ugly, old or obese woman. It's not about "whats on the inside" to women, its about what a man HAS. Men are the ones that care about looks.
It was very easy considering it's a lie men want to believe in.
But, wouldn't men at some point have become self aware and blackpilled? I mean, it should've been a natural process.
They say your "bullshit meter" gets sharper with age. Why, then, didn't men eventually catch on to the fact that women were flat out LYING about not caring about looks??
C'mon, now. We're 10,000 years into human civilization, yet mainstream men still believe this shit. What we talk about in this forum should be STANDARD KNOWLEDGE throughout the world by now, in the same way it's standard knowledge that the sky is blue, the grass is green, and that people take shits.
Because men are biologically cucked by default. Men are genetically hard-wired to “protect and provide” for foids.

It’s an impossible state of affairs. The human race is fucked.
This may actually be the closest answer to the truth on this thread. How else would you explain the fact that the Blue Pill has been the prevalent belief among men throughout the world since time immemorial? The only way you get this kind of uniformity of thinking throughout time and cultures is when your beliefs are inborn. No way can you condition men everywhere throughout history to think alike.
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But, you would think that, at some point, men would've become self aware and blackpilled. I mean, it should've been a natural process.
They say your "bullshit meter" gets sharper with age. Why, then, didn't men eventually catch on to the fact that women were flat out LYING about not caring about looks??
C'mon, now. We're about 10,000 years into human civilization, yet mainstream men still believe this shit. What we talk about in this forum should be STANDARD KNOWLEDGE throughout the world by now, in the same way everyone that knows the sky is blue, the grass is green, and that everyone takes shits.
The fact that sky is blue has no impact on lifes of normies, on their dreams and aspirations. Typical human being is just walking delusion. Typical normie thinks that if he will do only good things, then good things will happen to him, and after he will die he will travel with bunch of angels so they can direct him straight to pearly gates. Parents delude their children that grades have any significance AT ALL while we all know that skills are much more important. Instead of training electricians or plumbers we are requiring from kids to remember what are the 8 tallest mountains in fucking Zimbabwe. It will never be useful information for them, not to mention they will forget about it in ten seconds after passing exam. Sure, we should teach general knowledge to smartest kids, 10 maybe 20% instead of 90%. And yet every parent is deluded that his kid is so special and will cure cancer. We go voting, knowing this will change nothing, nothing at all but deluding ourselfs that it's important.

People don't take any safe measurements because they think that accidents and illnesses happens to others, they will never happen to them, oh no sir!

Humans are just one stepped above monkeys, controled by their basic desires and instincs. Some of them will get this dreadfull self-awareness from time to time, trying to sleep unable by some persistent thoughts or starring in mirror and realizing they are 50 years old, they spent last 30 years in factory for minimum wage, and he still has another few years of child support, because his wife divorced him. You think they go deeper into those thougts? No, they replace it, with something, hey nobody wants to be a downer, right? I'm maybe 50 and penniless but I'm more experienced, chicks digs that AND dad body right? Right?
Typical normie thinks that if he will do only good things, then good things will happen to him, and after he will die he will travel with bunch of angels so they can direct him straight to pearly gates.
Belief in "God" is the ultimate Blue Pill. No one on this forum should buy the lie of a the existence of a deity. The concept of "God" (and an "afterlife") was created to keep the downtrodden masses docile and hard-working, by offering them [false] hope of a "better life" after they die. You haven't become fully black-pilled until you shed the belief in "a higher power".
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Because that's not true. Women care about LMS not just looks
Because that's not true. Women care about LMS not just looks
Money is bullshit. I addressed this in an earlier thread. Guaranteed that, when I become a multimillionaire in just a few years, women will avoid me even more than they do now, because I'll be older and uglier.
"Status" is questionable too. I could become the president of the United States, and women's pussies aren't going to magically start dripping with desire. How could they, unless I somehow changed how I look? That just flies in the face of common sense.
Just look at Trump (or Nixon, Reagan, Bush, and other old, ugly presidents). You don't see young girls fawning over him because he's the president.
The only legit element than women care about besides looks is perhaps social circle. That explains why most girls are with average guys.
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Technically, “what’s on the inside” is true.

Bones are on the inside, and bone structure determines just about everything in terms of looks.
Because society used to restrict female sexuality and women who would not marry were ridiculed. This force women to looksmatch and the society kept running for hundrends/thousands of years.

Now that we are trying to "fix" something that was already working, we have created so many problems
But it isn't a lie. There are millions of examples of women dating incredibly ugly men just because they have money and power. You think all the gorgeous women that Weinstein fucked thought he was Chad? meanwhile you will rarely find an example of a young handsome man dating an ugly, old or obese woman. It's not about "whats on the inside" to women, its about what a man HAS. Men are the ones that care about looks.
But they're not genuinely attracted to those men. That's the operative word. These men are basically glorified betabuxx.
The fact that sky is blue has no impact on lifes of normies, on their dreams and aspirations. Typical human being is just walking delusion. Typical normie thinks that if he will do only good things, then good things will happen to him, and after he will die he will travel with bunch of angels so they can direct him straight to pearly gates. Parents delude their children that grades have any significance AT ALL while we all know that skills are much more important. Instead of training electricians or plumbers we are requiring from kids to remember what are the 8 tallest mountains in fucking Zimbabwe. It will never be useful information for them, not to mention they will forget about it in ten seconds after passing exam. Sure, we should teach general knowledge to smartest kids, 10 maybe 20% instead of 90%. And yet every parent is deluded that his kid is so special and will cure cancer. We go voting, knowing this will change nothing, nothing at all but deluding ourselfs that it's important.

People don't take any safe measurements because they think that accidents and illnesses happens to others, they will never happen to them, oh no sir!

Humans are just one stepped above monkeys, controled by their basic desires and instincs. Some of them will get this dreadfull self-awareness from time to time, trying to sleep unable by some persistent thoughts or starring in mirror and realizing they are 50 years old, they spent last 30 years in factory for minimum wage, and he still has another few years of child support, because his wife divorced him. You think they go deeper into those thougts? No, they replace it, with something, hey nobody wants to be a downer, right? I'm maybe 50 and penniless but I'm more experienced, chicks digs that AND dad body right? Right?
High IQ
Because society used to restrict female sexuality and women who would not marry were ridiculed. This force women to looksmatch and the society kept running for hundrends/thousands of years.

Now that we are trying to "fix" something that was already working, we have created so many problems
For countless generations women relied on getting married to a man, at a young age, in order to live a reasonable life and not occupy some weird gutter-position in society. If they weren't married by 19-20 they would probably end up as prostitutes with no other way to sustain themselves. A man's looks were merely a bonus ontop of his ability to keep a woman out of the gutter.

Nowadays what are men good for?

a) Sexually satisfying women? Lol, not if she has an industrial strength vibrator or a horse-tier dildo.
b) Entertaining her? She can get her dopamine fixes from facebook / instragram / etc.
c) Paying for her? Women are now earning more than men in the mid 30s and below age brackets, despite muh-wage-gap cries to the contrary. Women are more likely to be hired for certain positions (e.g. HR) or hired simply to bolster a companies diversity.

Beta male labour is still required to keep society ticking along, and their taxation is required to keep an ever expanding government deficit above water, but in every other way beta males have become obsolete.

2019 is going to see a MASSIVE push towards the normalization of swinging / wife-sharing / polyamory and so on. Mark my words. Beta males will gradually be evicted from the monogamous sexual marketplace all together.
If you tell men looks are all that matters then all of the men will kill all of the guys who are 9 and 10s because they're a tiny minority who hog all the pussy.

You need to keep the illusion, or force chastity and monogamy. We ditched the latter, and the illusion is shattering, so Incels as a topic and group are burgeoning faster than any group in modern history.
C'mon, now. We're 10,000 years into human civilization, yet mainstream men still believe this shit. What we talk about in this forum should be STANDARD KNOWLEDGE throughout the world by now

....they don't care about a man's looks????????

It's incredibly ironic, because looks is literally the ONLY thing that women care about!!!!!!! Yet, somehow, countless generations of men have lived and died believing that "women are not visual" :bluepill::bluepill::bluepill: and that they care more about what's "on the inside". :rolleyes:

Just LOL at this extraordinary feat of mass deception on a biblical scale! This is a prime example of the old saying "If you tell a big enough lie, people will believe it".
Childhood indoctrination.
It was very easy considering it's a lie men want to believe in.
But it isn't a lie. There are millions of examples of women dating incredibly ugly men just because they have money and power. You think all the gorgeous women that Weinstein fucked thought he was Chad? meanwhile you will rarely find an example of a young handsome man dating an ugly, old or obese woman. It's not about "whats on the inside" to women, its about what a man HAS. Men are the ones that care about looks.
For countless generations women relied on getting married to a man, at a young age, in order to live a reasonable life and not occupy some weird gutter-position in society. If they weren't married by 19-20 they would probably end up as prostitutes with no other way to sustain themselves. A man's looks were merely a bonus ontop of his ability to keep a woman out of the gutter.

Nowadays what are men good for?

a) Sexually satisfying women? Lol, not if she has an industrial strength vibrator or a horse-tier dildo.
b) Entertaining her? She can get her dopamine fixes from facebook / instragram / etc.
c) Paying for her? Women are now earning more than men in the mid 30s and below age brackets, despite muh-wage-gap cries to the contrary. Women are more likely to be hired for certain positions (e.g. HR) or hired simply to bolster a companies diversity.

Beta male labour is still required to keep society ticking along, and their taxation is required to keep an ever expanding government deficit above water, but in every other way beta males have become obsolete.

2019 is going to see a MASSIVE push towards the normalization of swinging / wife-sharing / polyamory and so on. Mark my words. Beta males will gradually be evicted from the monogamous sexual marketplace all together.
Plato iq.
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They didn't decieve us. Men came up with this belief before women had any sexual autonomy of their own because it fit their egos and now it's backfiring aganist us. Remember that they used to think small dicks were superior to bigger ones as well.
it's because height, good frame, high T and ruggedness aren't considered "looks" in the same way that women's carefully manicured beauty is, so they get away with claiming that it's not all about looks, even though it pretty much is.
OP is a faggot, won't answer to the one reply he got BTFO
Not true. I remember when I was a kid, old, blue-pilled men in their 90's (who were born in the late-1800's) used to tell me and my friends that girls are different than boys, and that looks aren't very important to them. I think the vast majority of men through the ages have really believed this nonsense.
Back then, they took the women by force. They got sex and companionship regardless of women's actual desires. It's like the whole "hard work" meme. Back then, working hard actually got you something, whereas today it may not.
Wishful thinking.
They do not care about looks nor they ever did. They just submit to those who are strongest.Women were mostly raped and used as sex slaves thoughout history. They never picked men who are gonna rape them they just got raped.
OP is a faggot, won't answer to the one reply he got BTFO
Maybe it's because I realize that women don't give a flying fuck about your "height" or your "frame", dipshit. They only care about what your FACE looks like. Put Brad Pitt's face on a midget, and I bet you my left testicle that even he would get laid. It's all about your face.
They do not care about looks nor they ever did. They just submit to those who are strongest.Women were mostly raped and used as sex slaves thoughout history. They never picked men who are gonna rape them they just got raped.
But, what attracts a woman physically? What gets her wet? Sure, a woman might "submit", but is she genuinely (physically) attracted to the man she's submitting to? My suspicion is that she isn't.
Back then, they took the women by force. They got sex and companionship regardless of women's actual desires. It's like the whole "hard work" meme. Back then, working hard actually got you something, whereas today it may not.
True, but those women surely were not attracted to the men that took them by force. If they were, they wouldn't have to force them.
They didn't decieve us. Men came up with this belief before women had any sexual autonomy of their own because it fit their egos and now it's backfiring aganist us. Remember that they used to think small dicks were superior to bigger ones as well.
And women contributed heavily to the misconception that they don't care about looks by not speaking up. As a woman, I would have screamed at the top of my lungs, making it clear to every guy listening, that I'm ONLY attracted to men with good-looking faces, and everyone else is repulsive to me. Instead, they sent men on a wild goose chase, misleading them for centuries (and STILL to this day) with false hope that you can get a woman wet with your "career", "personality", "charisma", "status", "wealth", etc. Bitches even caused me to waste DECADES of my life because of this deceptive notion. I will always resent them for that.
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Looks don't matter. It's explained why and how because amen didn't matter. What is rage fuel is you inability to accept it!
They know they can get away with it because of their privilege card and understand that there are more easily manipulated white knights out there that would allow them to do such a thing.

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