Jfl, I dont associate myself with certain "White" groups anyhow such as Analbanians or Turkniggs who are just Turkified Greeks and even some other groups nowadays.
Race has more to do with "muh skin tone" and more to do with genotype and also facial features
Jfl, he didnt found it Serge did, and he was Slavic or mixed Latino-Slavic
I was referring to the internet in general being made by a White guy and also the fact "dissident" our outcast spaces were started by White guys.
And jfl, ofc a Curroid would shill for Nigs.

Most estrogenic race I've ever encountered
Rest assured Pajeetbro, Nigs for sure treat Pajeets well here in Shitmerica. In between when both groups aren't exploiting food banks and being generally insufferable pricks for everyone, Nigs commit more crimes against Pajeets and look down on them with scorn. Thing is, due to woke SJW cucks and Jews, Nigs get protection whilst we don't.
Anyhow, I cannot understand why Pajeets and other "ethnics" however the fuck it is defined here feel the need to stoop and defend any non-Whites against Whites.